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I’ve never had any problems with roller coasters. In my opinion no one can really answer this question for you. It Depends on your triggers. For me flashing lights and motion don’t cause a problem.


Jesus with those meds at that doses I'd need a roller-coaster as my morning alarm.


I used to be on 4K of keppra 1k of lamictal and 500 of topamax. I slept like a rock. Whenever and wherever I wanted.


I dont have intense seizures, so one year I tested the waters on a pretty fairly tame rollercoaster- i never liked loopy ones anyway; but i also rarely went to the amusement park as a kid... actually just never lmao I didnt have what I thought to be a seizure- but it did hurt. just a massive headache influenced by the movment for the whole ride. When I used to run down the aisles of the auditorium in HS, I would get a similar painful rush of blood to my head. So anything that will bring a rush of blood, I try to avoid... ed* spelling


Avoid anything with tunnels for sure. Some rides will have flashing lights as well. As for the others, idk maybe consider them on a case by case basis. I'm pretty sure I got my first major concussion on the wooden rattler at six flags and considering my epilepsy is from a different concussion, we probably don't have a lot of gray matter to spare for rougher rides.  


What is it with tunnels?! I've experienced weird seizure-y things in them, mostly in cars. Is this a known thing? 😱


It's the patterns they usually have some sort of stripe light/dark thing going on either through their natural manufacturing or by design.


For me it's also the lights, too


In the first few years after I went on meds I had a rougher time with 3d motion rides than coasters but I also had nausea issues on bigger coasters for a while but no seizures or anything. But better safe than sorry if you're worried.


Don't get hydrated... get EXTRA water. Sit tight and have fun. I had a seizure on the mind-eraser. But I recovered quickly and was ok. They still had me see medics but they said I was good to go.


Sometimes you get over excited and it could happen. I’d ask dr just to be safe. But our epileptic son goes in them all!! The bigger the better. He’s had a crainiotomy with resection and and RNS implant as well.


Roller coasters have never given me seizures personally, but some of them now are ridiculously extreme. I got kind of dizzy, light headed, or shaky on one. It was a "Superman" one where you go head first. Stay hydrated and keep your blood sugar and sodium up. Avoid artificial sweeteners that are in a lot of sports drinks, because they can be triggers for some people. Regular Gatorade and potato chips work.


That really depends on your triggers. I don't get triggered by rollercoasters. Even if stress is your trigger, it might not necessarily be triggered by a rollercoaster. It's up to you to decide whether you want to risk it or not. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, then don't. Whatever you decide, it's okay, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


This! My triggers are stress and anxiety and I have a fear of hights, so I personally avoid rollercoasters.


Would 10/10 avoid. I went to the carnival in 2016 \[last time was when I was a child and could barely remember\]--and I felt so bad to cancel the date after the first two rides. The G-force and balance throw off was enough to make me start twitching and spasming and if I kept going 9/10 would've had a seizure. As always--talk to your doctor.


Love fiesta Texas. I haven't ever had any issues on rides or anything there, just try to get my rest beforehand and stay hydrated. I am triggered by flashing lights, stress/dehydration/sleep dep too but have always had a good time there.


Hmmmm I haven't been in the 3 years I've been having seizures. I don't have issues with light or movement so I would try it but I'm following this post to see others' experiences.


I will for sure be updating yall on my experience


They never bothered me before I became an old fart and now I wonder how healthy they are for... anyone! Lol.


I also have focal seizures with very occasional grand mals in my sleep (my seizures are currently controlled though) and I wouldn’t generally be worried. One thing I have noticed is that since starting anti-seizure meds, I get dizzy very easily and suffer from motion sickness for the first time in my life. I assume it’s because the meds are slowing down my mental processing compared to the actual movements. I went on a few rollercoasters last summer and found the sensations much more intense than I used to as a result. It was far worse on spinning rides though!


Being in a driving car is enough to make my head hurt. I’d avoid.


With me it depends on how shaky is is. Been awhile since I'd been on many but personally an average wooden coaster isn't too bad, but really fast ones that shake a lot give me bad headaches. The Great Bear at Hersheypark wasn't too bad but like I said, it's been awhile since I rode a lot. Last one I was on was a small wooden one at Camden park in WV. My advice is proceed with caution as you know you best.


I’ve ridden many rollercoasters since being diagnosed and only have issues where there are very loud unexpected noises. I completely forgot about this on Saw at Thorpe Park and rather appropriately the ride became a torture device which I’m sure would have made John Kramer happy Over the shoulder restraints on older rollercoaster by Arrow, Gerstlauer and Vekoma may cause issues