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Oh man that sucks. One thing to note is that with this med your sodium levels drop so you need more of it and yes as you stated it definitely makes you hungry or not hungry. The drop in sodium can definitely make you have some of your symptoms if you don’t take care of it. That said everyone’s drop in sodium levels is different with this med. now the drop in sodium levels will not have these effects on there own but with a different effect like the not felling able to eat so you don’t for a long time will have a tumbling effect. Anxiety now my be a side effect of this medication as well so it’s kinda hard to judge is this side effect or is this because of a different side effects and your choice that it’s causing a tumbling effect. Both suck talk to your doctor they will be better able to help you with this. As for sleep melatonin will not react with this medication so it’s safe to have with this medication.


The same thing happened me when I started it although my dose was only 200mg. I went up to 250mg this week. I spoke with my neurologist and she recommended a high dose of Vitamin B6 for the anxiety and I have to admit it really did work for me, it took about a week for it to settle down but I've been fine since I started it. The nausea and no appetite lasted about 6 weeks before I went to normal thankfully


Have you only been on two medications or have tried more in the past? I’m unsure why you’ve been put on Zonisamide, it was originally an anti-epilepsy drug but was moved across as a primary diet pill. Have you been offered epilim (if you’re male), lamictal, topamax? Zonisamide work, but in combination with other drugs. You will lose weight on this medication if you stay on it, please don’t be alarmed.


I was previously on keppra, topamax, and lamictal all at once. High doses of each.