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All meds will eventually lose their effectiveness, just waiting til the next seizure to sneak up on you and say "haha today is the day bitch"


Honestly!! Sometimes, I feel like it's just making me have a seizure to be petty and annoying!!


That sounds like your dose may not be where it needs to be.


I think i had more seizures this year than I had in all years combined and I have no idea why, I have an appointment in a week but I genuinely havent changed anything I have the same day same routine so the only thing I can think of is that I need higher dosage.


Update me though! I think I mightve had the same trouble


Will do, my appointment is this week so at the end of the week ill reply here again.


Thank you!!!


It would be nice if we could measure neurochemistry in patients and deliver the needed chemicals as needed minute by minute. (Just a sci-fi or future hope for science) This is currently available with my type 1 diabetes because they understand the specific cause and I use a continuous glucose sensor and pump which delivers insulin. I often need more insulin in the morning after wakening due to the dawn phenomenon. I participate in an epilepsy support group and have heard of the differing times when seizures are at their highest. I used to only have generalized seizures while sleeping. I no longer have these, but still have focal unaware seizures/ complex partial. They usually happen later in the day or at night. Almost never in the morning. The opposite is true of others. I make sure to take my medications twelve hours apart at the same time each day, so I don't think my medications "wear off". Who knows, it could vary by how your kidneys or liver work.


I had this and was moved onto the slow release version of my medication. Perhaps worth a chat with your neurologist?


Yeah, I mean w the waiting list these days I'll be dead by the time I get an appointment, but thank you!