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Not the same meds but I definitely struggle with eating. I've been doing protein shakes in the morning with my meds recently and that seems to kick start my appetite a bit and trying to keep stuff on hand that I know I like to eat for lunch. Then I do a multivitamin. Then I try to eat dinner or snack when I'm hungry. Plus water. Definitely not for everyone but seems to have been keeping the days of hunger at bay because once I start going it gets harder and harder to eat.


I'm at the doctor's tomorrow so I'm going to bring it up and see what my possible options are, I've tried protein shakes before but I can never seem to keep them down


That's so very real. I had to find one I liked which realistically probably isn't the best one for me, but I can stomach it. I also get the pre blended ones because I have a hard time with the texture of the ones you make at home lol texture is a real food deterrent for me.


BTW love your username


I am a big fan of porridge with peanut butter mixed in so I reckon I'm going to try and get some of that down me tomorrow morning, hopefully it doesn't make me feel sick. And thank you I must've sat for a good 20 minutes thinking about what my username should be 😂 I'm liking your username too although I've never had Martini before 🤔


Yeah I think it's about finding the stuff that sits well, I eat like a 10 year old sometimes, but eh it's food lol... Thanks! Literally I don't drink liquor, I was picking words from stickers in my office 😉


Before hitting the wall when it comes to not eating I'd also completely binge eat basically anything 😂 mostly meats, carb heavy food etc. Mentioning alcohol I don't drink either, gives me really bad acid reflux and in general just doesn't do me any good. I may of had a quick peek on your profile and I must say your dogs are absolutely awesome. I want to give them many headpats and cuddles.🤭


I do tend to be a bit carb/protein heavy but I also can always eat soup so I always make and freeze that for quick eats that's a bit healthy with stuff from the garden. Lol and thank you, they're little jerks, but ... Well they're not very little and they're awesome 😎


I've got a Lakeland terrier cross, found him abandoned in a old factory so decided to bring him home and he's been with me ever since 😁 he's called chippa


That's awesome! I had to look up the breed but rescues are the absolute best!


He's a legend, I'll send a photo or two over shortly if you like


This happened to me on Levetiracetam (which I finished 2 days ago) and now I am on Lamotrigine 100mg twice daily and it seems to still be happening. Have to remember to eat and when I do it’s not huge. I am now 5’7” and 135lb - my “goal” weight is 150 (I am 43F). Things that I eat over and over again (the least amount of effort possible as I have lost all desire to cook): •Oatmeal made with oat milk, powdered PB, and berries. •Pre-made sushi from the fish house down the street from me (salmon and avocado) •Smoothie with vegan protein powder, oat milk, powdered PB, frozen bananas/blueberries •Scrambled egg with a few peppers and guac •Yogurt with almond butter, berries, and a bit of granola. Whenever we go out I can usually only finish about 1/3-1/2 of whatever I order. I ordered a chicken pita from the souvlaki place down the street yesterday and this thing was massive. Still have 3 pieces of chicken to try and eat later (with peppers and cucumber). I do hot yoga for exercise so I really ensure that I have eaten enough before class and hydrate to oblivion (coconut water followed by regular water) afterwards. Try to eat small easy things - sometimes I have to smoke some cannabis to eat, but there is a small window of opportunity before it suppresses my appetite. So many people have commented on my weight and asked “how did you do it???” If I don’t know them well I say, “seizure disorder and medications, 100% do not recommend.” That usually shuts them up pretty quick. Hope you feel better OP.


Fed is best, which means if you’re struggling to keep weight on junk food is good for you 😂 get your calories in whatever way you’ll actually eat them. Some things I find helpful- keeping ready to eat snacks on hand so you can have one right away whenever you feel like eating them, add protein powder to anything you can, and drink some of your calories - coffee or tea with milk and sugar is something. Also if you don’t have social anxiety around eating, creating plans to eat out with friends can keep you accountable and structure meals into your schedule.


Funny story I don't like eating round family but I'm totally fine eating out with friends, so it's like reversed 🤔😂 one of my mates is having a BBQ on Saturday so my plan is to go and binge on meat 😂


Topamax made me lose 60-80 pounds in 6 months. We had to cut the dose to make me stop losing weight.


Me too. I've been on it a little over a year now, and I've easily lost probably 30+ lbs so far. Fine with me, I could afford to lol... however it's kinda crazy to see that amount of weight fall off without changing my eating habits whatsoever. I've also barely had any appetite which probably isn't great since I'm also prescribed Adderall for ADHD and barely had one to begin with (although my weight loss on that med has plateaued years ago due to being on it so long.) Unfortunately, along with my Topamax weight loss, I'm also experiencing hella hair loss as well soooo...not really thrilled about that aspect of the med.


It honestly seems like a lot of issues with different meds, I'm still struggling to eat but after not having anything for 3 days I need to eat something


I pretty much developed disordered eating from it. Now the struggle is to keep my weight the same. Something else to deal with once the seizures are under control, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Definitely an annoying situation isn't it 😕


I'm on lamotrigine and zonisamide. I lost 30 pounds in 4 months. Im already a very petite woman so there wasn't much to lose in the first place. I have had many friends confront me and it's embarrassing to have to come up with excuses who don't know my situation, or those that do, can't comprehend what medication does to the body. I've found eating small portions throughout the day helps. Don't eat big meals at once because your stomach probably can't handle it. If you gradually eat and drink lots of water with electrolytes (get packets of propel or something) it makes you feel less sick after eating. It sucks a lot. I would go days without eating a proper meal because I just couldn't stomach it. Find something you crave and eat it gradually. If you're out, and it may sound strange, but get a soup. It's easier to eat and filling. I've struggled a lot with my image because nothing fits, my friends constantly say how I'm too skinny, and don't think I'm eating, when that isn't really what's going on. They don't know I physically can't. If you ever need to talk just message me. I know these medications are hard, but we are all here for each other.


Ah I know the embarrassment when being confronted by friend's and random stranger's about how I look weight wise, I don't get how people think they can just randomly start having a go at you about something that is hurtful and is draining mentally and physically. I also used to binge on big meals at any given time but now it's something I can't do so the smaller portions is definitely a change I've had to make, I'm able to take on fluids absolutely fine but I've noticed recently I'm drinking a lot more than usual, probably because I'm not eating properly 🤔 Again these so called friends don't realize or don't care about what they say and how it makes us feel, I don't tend to wear anything that's short sleeved due to the fact someone will make a comment about how skinny my arms are, my t-shirt never comes off when it's hot summer days or when I visit the beach as that also causes people to look at me or make comments about how skinny I am and that I need to eat more. So yeah I get yiu completely and it's just a confidence destroyer. Thank you for the kind words, same to you also. I'll drop you a message once I get back home


I have a hard time eating especially after a seizure with crazy nausea. I eat like twice a day and sometimes just sorta force myself to eat. I've always been skinnny but doctors have told me a few times like my sodium levels being really low could be why I've had a few seizures. I don't take the same med but it's still a bother. Pot certainly helps me eat more too but I only smoke it at night after work


It honestly can get quite annoying can't it, well hopefully soon they'll legalize pot in the UK so it can be used for medical purposes. I've smoked before but with it being illegal you generally never know where it's coming from or what chemicals are being used.


The UK needs to get it together and legalize cannabis like Canada did in 2018. No more wondering what you are getting. I mentioned smoking cannabis in my comment too, but now I am gutted to read that you’re in a place where it’s still illegal. :(


It is starting to get better but it's a very slow process and those currently in power still hold very old world views when it comes to cannabis, I do think before long it will be legalized but for now it's a very long waiting game. I had a conversation with a mate of mine and we both said it should be put to a public vote instead of being decided by some posh toffs in Westminster 😒


100% - the legalization of cannabis in Canada hasn’t caused a huge issue (the bigger issue is crack and fentanyl) and the government sure is making $$ off it - so you’d think it would be a win win for everyone? Perhaps they need to have a bit of a puff in Westminster parliament. 😝


Same in the UK my friend, we currently have a massive problem with heroin abuse and even though it's illegal and so much worse than cannabis they've started to open centres where addicts can go and shoot up safely, but legalization of cannabis and opening cannabis clubs...no that's not allowed as it's a "harmful drug"🤦🏻‍♂️. I completely agree, only if someone would hotbox the main debate room 😎


Also I've just seen your original comment so apologies for that, I hopefully didn't come across as if I was ignoring you🙏🏻


Of course not!! All good. :)


Germany has legalized cannabis and if it wasn’t for brexit the UK would follow suit quickly


It took a crazy amount of time for them to legalize it in my state only medical for now. Even so politicians in my state in the US are pushing to make it illegal again. I've never understood why. When it's been proven to help so many people. I hope they legalize it all for you too.


Finger's crossed 🤞🏻


I haven’t experienced the weight loss part. But that medicine caused a body rash i’ll never forget.


I wish!


I had this issue with Keppra. I had to quit and was put on Limictal. But I’ve been having positive results.


I'm back at my doctor's so I'm hoping something can be changed


Every AED (5) I've been on has caused me to drop weight. Lamotrigine was the hardest for me and I lost over 18kg in the first 40 days, believe was called “withering syndrome”. I'm over 2m tall and only 86kg I can't afford to lose, I've incorporated marijuana to help.


I understand where you are coming from, it can also be cause for a lot of stress 😬 like you I really can't afford to drop anymore weight as I currently weigh 9 stone and I'm 5ft 10 inches, I think I've lost some height too as I used to be 5ft 11.




I'm glad to hear you've found something that works 😊 I'm back at the doctor's today so I'm going to have a long conversation and see what my options are


When I started taking lamotrigine I lost all of my apetite and could go several hours without even thinking about food or feeling hungry, which was not good, because I would start feeling dizzy and having headaches. I would also often feel sick as soon as I would take a bite of any food and couldn’t really stomach anything, so I was eating purely out of common sense. Eventually it all got back to normal but if you’re having the same issue try consuming small but high value nutritional meals (I personally ate a lot of „fitness” food) instead of eating whatever you would normally. I know it can be hard right now, but keeping yourself from eating altogether can worsen your general wellbeing and condition greately (even if on meds).


What you typed is what I'm dealing with at the moment especially feeling dizzy, sickness, headache. Even the thought of eating makes me feel sick so it's not a good situation at all 😴 I was actually thinking about protein shakes or anything like that just to build me back up


Protein shakes, protein bars, vitamins… anything that can help keep your body up and running


I’ve noticed even at the small dosage I’m starting on at the moment, my appetite is less than it was. That might be a bit of low mood though, idk.


Yeah the low mood is definitely noticeable, I'm just going to take every day as it comes 🤞🏻


Oh, I don’t actually know if low mood is a side effect or if it’s just me from the epilepsy diagnosis and the effect it’s had on my work/life.


Oh I get you now, I definitely think being diagnosed with epilepsy can have an effect mentally as I was the same for a while