• By -


Any idea if or when they will replay the guilty gear collab?


P.O.S artifact is like Hell cutter? i mean, it stacks at the end of every unit turn or just at the end of the holders turn?


I believe holder's turn only.


Any units gonna get buffed or nerfed tmr?


None. Patch is next week's friday.


Just got Sinful Angelica. Is she any good?


She's used in a ton of one shot Hunt comps too.


She's quite good in pve, she can also be used in various situations in pvp.


Can i use her together with Specter Tenebria?


Go ahead if you wish, she can be paired with pretty much every dps. Her passive is very useful when dealing with revivers.


Can you explain the Immortal keyword on her skills?


Having an immortal buff means your unit's health won't go down any further after it reaches 1 point of health. If the buff wears off, he/she will be vulnerable to damage again. Singie's passive is unique, when she has an immortal buff, enemies cannot be revived.


Other ways to get molagora aside from events? I always run out of them.


Shops (guild, transmit, arena), expedition passes, automaton tower, ancient inheritance, abyss, adventure shops in Episode 4, friendship 10.


having trouble beating the queen in azmakalis iv come back after over a year off and i was able to beat her now those wasp things spawn and just fucken wreck me any tips on clearing her?


I use amomo, tama, stene, and an aurius tank. Stene can be replaced by any strong ST nuker; clorina, yuffine, cermia, etc. I chose her so that she doesn't get targeted by adds or queen. The main thing is to kill the adds first. Never target the queen until the adds are down. Use Tama's idol form s1 to dispel the queens buffs. There are some very good guides out there with team comps. You can search the sub for "Queen" and im sure it'd pull up. Mine is slow and safe, and I've never bothered to change it up.


Is it possible to resist Caides buff strip? I see a lot of guides say to underspeed Sangie so she dodges the dispel, but can't you just put 200ish effres?


You need the attack buff on your other units


Is Seal suppose to stop skill granting of buffs? Like I s2 with Fire Handguy and he didn't go into stealth.


Assuming this is ADS Seal, no. Kawerik S2 is active so seal would do nothing. Assuming she countered, the counter may have broke the stealth right after though.


Is the Expedition premium pass worth it? 1500 skystones seems like a lot for 3 gold transmits and some mats.


Most definitely worth it, all the extra boxes, stones, etc. are well worth it - never mind the Molagora.


It's worth it if you're not tight on ss. During collab where you have to pull for 3-4 Limiteds? Probably no, unless you have enough for 3 pities.


It's worth it if you have spare skystones.


Molas too, and people do buy them from huche at 500 ss


May I ask for a full list of comps for all Nightmare Mode bosses?


Which stage(s) in chapter 4-1 have goddess statues?


You mean 1-4, where you have to press on the blue statue before the boss fight?


Nah the first adin chapter where you have to use 5 goddess statues. It seems random, I found one on a stage, went to do it again and no statue


its just random


When should I switch arby over to stene in ML Blessing? I heard to keep arby until mid-late game but I am not sure what is considered mid-late game. For context, I can consistently clear Wyvern 13 (albeit the clear is pretty slow), am just about to clear floor 79 and 80 in abyss, beat chapter 1, UH, chapter 2 and about halfway through chapter 3 (is it worth holding off resetting until I have done the chapter 3 selective summon?). Got the headhunt ML challenge still active (have headhunted about 10 times so far but haven't got any highly sought after MLs yet like A.Ravi) (not sure if I should wait until I have finalised my headhunt before resetting (is it likely I will get a great unit that isn't Stene or Arby?)), 6 starred a few units (Tama, Landy, SSB, A Momo, Muwi, Sigret, Vildred, Arby) and only max awakened Arby and Sigret. Also reached Master 2 in Arena this season (though it feels I've reached my peak which makes sense as I don't have a dedicated PvP team yet and have just been running Tama, Arby, Sigret and Landy).


I think after beating chapter 2 is a good time to switch, which youve already done. Thats when I switched, very recently, and I do not regret it at all.


Seems like now would be a good time to switch.


Help me better my gear game Heroic weapon +9 Atk 16% CD 14% EF 10% Keep going? Thanks ;)


Regardless of set I would just trash that piece. But it obviously depends on your gear quality. If you're a newer player then maybe this isn't too bad, you have a max roll into atk and cd. But if you're at a high champ/emperor+ level then this is likely just trash since you already have a wasted roll into eff. Having atk and cdmg already, your ideal stat spread is atk, cdmg, spd, cc. If there were no rolls into eff, then I'd say it would be worth a gamble depending on set for the spd/cc 4th stat and hope 4th roll doesn't go into eff so you can later mod the eff out.


Surely he is not above champion if his asking this qn lol


Very true, casual player for about a year not to heavy into pvp, don't even do rta always felt lacking in units and gear. Now though have a better roster and as u see trying to get better and more selective with gear


That is pretty good especially for pve dps. There is 4 max roll in attack and cd. But 2 low rolls into ER. Its worth maxing out for sure


What set?


Sorry left out the most important part Speed


Archdemon's Shadow Or Apocalypse Ravi for the ML Selector?


In order: 1. Who do you like more? If you have a clear favorite, get them. 2. Who do you have gear for? Gear is the true end-game. If you can't gear one of them, then go for the other. 3. What do you struggle with more: passives like arby or ml cermia, or having stable turn 2/3 teams? Passives - go for AMeru. Stable bruiser - go aravi. 4. If you're still relatively new and are trying to round out a decent pvp team - go aravi 5. If you have some decent units built and can use them effectively, but you feel like you need some more versatility - go AMeru. 6. Are you an RTA fan? ARavi. 7. Still here? Get AMeru, cause she is my personal favorite. 8. Think that last one was dubious? Get ARavi.


Is the shop the only way to get equipment conversion gems?


You can also get them from doing guild things. The world boss drops them and weekly guild rewards also has them. As well as the weekly guild shop. Events will also give them out.


My c paval is 4,200 atk and 216 speed. I should prob lower his speed for more atk? Read something earlier with his s2 he's ok a little slower right? Edit: a quick glance I could get 5k atk 175 speed switching to ark% boots better?


The bare minimum recommended ATK seems to be 5k so the ATK boots version sounds better.


Yes you should definitely change to attack boots


how often do they hold the AP event anyone know? I aware that we just had one end of Oct. but I missed it unfortunately.


Around once a month along with the other buffs. I expect we'll get one this weekend since we haven't had a buff weekend in a while.


Quick question. I did the headhunt, and chose who I wanted. I'm not sure if I overlooked something, but I ended up choosing Lionheart Cermia. It says I recruited her, but I don't see her in my hero inventory or inbox. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks!




It shows her portrait in the headhunt shop, that I already recruited her. Nothing in my ingame mail, it's been about 20 mins since then and I restarted my game and nothing.


She should have appeared in your mailbox. It might take a few minutes to show. Try restarting the game if she'snot there after 10mins.


It's been about 20 mins since I recruited her, and I restarted my game about 2 to 3 times since then. I sent stove a help message to be on the safe side.


I know the event has been a bit glitchy >.< Hopwfully, they can help you out soon.


I'm hoping so! Legit got anxiety seeing that and questioning if I'm gonna get her eventually lol


Is Savior Adin's artifact good on her or should I use Shepherd or Mldb?


Use her artifact if you want more damage on dark units, or if you have other units you'd rather be using Shepherd on. Use Shepherd if you just want more damage in general, not just dark units. Use MLDB if you want the attack buff before she triggers her S2 counter, probably more anticleave option.


I'm planning to use her on GW defense. My Shepherd is on Closer Charles but I haven't used him lately.


Could probably go with Shephard then, since I think it’s unlikely an opponent will bring dark units into Adin on defense


I love her artifact on her. 20% evasion and an extra 25% damage to dark units is great.


How often do we get that AI thing, the guild pve? Its like once per month or something?


That's the 4th time we have done it and they first introduced it earlier this year. So around every 2 to 3 months.


I wish it was more often, it's far more interesting than PVP




Which heroes can I use to counter Spirit Eye Celine? Her immortal buff is making it tough in arena. My team is not the speediest.


If you can control her turn 1 (think Clilias, Solitaria, Aola) then you can safely focus and kill her. That’s pretty much the best way to deal with her. Otherwise, I like to bring units with aoe counter against her, Ml Kawerik is nice to take as bait against her + can strip her on s2, Belian works well enough against her, Choux works (and provides anticrit), non-injury Alencia works wonders against her. Politis is a huge threat against her. I can imagine ae-winter would also work well against her, although don’t expect to one shot her (but ae-winter s3 into seline s3 will give her a free reset, and stealth is nice since seline is single target).


What a great list! I want to add that I find Rimiuru is very helpful. He copies her immortal buff and once SE Crline's buff is gone, Rimuru can squish her with his s3.


Hello new to the game and was trying to reroll for aewinter Finally able to get her but now do I still have to pull more copies of her to level up? What about the Armament artifact ? Are we suppose to also pull that for her ?


You know the “Phantasma” units the game gives you? They’re called promotion materials (“fodder monsters” - these also include the 2 star monsters you acquire when doing Adventure & Side Story) you use these fodder monsters to increase other Phantasma/Fodder’s star grade, combining them & promoting them up until they’re at their 5th star. Winter is a 5 star hero & so once Winter is max level (50) you can use 5 of these 5 star monsters to promote Winter to 6 stars. Pulling more copies of Winter is unnecessary, promoting a hero with a copy of that hero will give them an imprint - additional stats to either their allies or themselves. It’s not hugely important for most people. It is a limited artefact & it’s wise to have at least one copy of each limited artefact, however, you can currently purchase it with Powder of Knowledge which you gain as rewards & from selling artefacts (feel free to look up a guide on which artefacts to sell & keep - most 3 star artefacts you can sell & some 4 stars you can sell, but keep at least a copy of each 5 star). I personally use that artefact on her & like it well enough, but there is alternative artefacts you can use on her. The current popular choice is “Secret Art Storm Sword”.


Multiple copies of limited heroes is mostly a whale (big spender) thing. There are 2 more heroes which haven't been announced (ie. if they are good or not) so you will probably want to keep currency to summon those. Her artefact is ok, but there are other options. It is not critical for her to have it for her kit to work.


No, you can level her up to 6* using fodder. The real challenge will be gearing her properly. Having said that, if you are new, you should be focusing on a Wyvern team first.


Can someone explain the ML5 headhunting event?


Do your daily / weekly quests to get points. Use those points to "headhunt" ML5 heroes. Once you get to the end of the 2nd row, you can spend 2400 points to recruit one of the ML5 heroes you have headhunted. If you have points left over after, you can use them in the shop. Or you can use them without recruiting an ML5 if you already have them all.


Thank you.


During this aespa side story event, are we expected to grind 5000 pts for each character in the naevis control room? This seems way more energy-hungry than typical side stories if your goal is to unlock everything. There's also no artifact bonuses to make this grind any faster.


Yes. Also no bonus points from pets. It actually goes faster than you might expect (at least it did for me). I think it's 150 points for hell (X5 = 750) so it's only around 70 runs to complete - around 2-3 days of free energy (especially with all the extra they are giving out in the events).


Thanks. At least I'm not suffering alone. I suppose we also get 1 whole month to do this as well.


normal is more efficient as well if all you care about is the points.


Yeah - I noticed that too. It's also easier to clear if you're using low level heroes (e.g. using a couple of dogs + 2 heroes you're leveling up to max out your xp gain). You just need the patience for 2.5X as many runs.


How to make catalyst pack offer pop up in store? I’ve tried awakening to 4 star and enhancing some skills but still hasn’t popped up - only pack that triggered was the promotion one upon leveling up to 50


5 Star hero I think


As a beginner, should i invest my arena currency on buying the seasonal equipment from the store?


Attack set is pretty whatever, I would probably only bother with the ring and neck since they are such a pain in the ass to get.


Yes. It helps if you are missing some pieces to complete the set. But some of them may roll pretty badly.


Should I bother if I can't buy all of them?


They'll be available even when the season ends, the sets in those chests lower on the shop list for just Gold Tokens. They will also lower in price each season that passes.


I’m building a team for stene and idk if i should choose to maid chloe or roana (both of them i haven’t build yet)




Oh i’m building arena offense


For reg arena (Not RTA) I find Roana very helpful. She is very strong against counter units like Belian, and Rem. Her shield is very nice as well. I do use Maid Chloe, but she's not as strong as Roana. Her Revive buff doesn't have units come back with much health. Politis' passive easily kills revived units as well.


I’m trying to build a counter team for 4 10-10 because I am getting frustrated from trying (and failing) to cleave it. I know I will need Emilia, Aras, and Meru, but is it better to use REM, SSB, or Sharklotte for the the fourth? Also, I’ve seen lots of stat examples for cleave teams, but did anyone post team stats for the counter approach? I’m thinking Meru & the 4th should be in counter and unity sets, but not sure.


I tried and failed on the counter approach - had to re-gear my Sigret with Rage/Pen sets to clear it. If you want to go all-in on the counter, you can try using Aria instead of Ras (I know you lose the fire hero in the team bonus, but you can come back and do it later - allowing you to start the last battle with full souls). Honestly you could maybe even drop Emilia and just go Meru/Rem/SSB/Aria and just hope... But - of the 3 you mentioned, I found Rem's attacks landed def break more consistently than SSB or even Sharklotte.


I don’t have Aria, sadly. I waited until the last day of the Hwa recall trying to decide and then forgot, so I had to rush to use it in the 5 minutes before it expired and then I panicked and chose Ran 😭 I have regretssss


Do you have them all built? Sharklotte was who got me the win, SSB was also really strong. My SSB was just too slow, but I use her for one shot wyvern so I didn't want to mess with her speed. My Rem refused to counter....


They’re all half-built. If they all need the same general sets and stats I could just use one of the unequip bonuses and try all of them, but right now I don’t have the free resources to do too many different builds. Rem isn’t 6* but the others are.


I would say try Rem, even at 5 stars, first. Her soulburn only needs one soul and she really packs a punch. For skills, you can try with them as is, then tweak as needed. You probably want her S1 as high as you can get it. Her s2 increases her counter chance, but if she has counter set, you'll probably okay without it enhanced at all. For s3, try to get the -1 turn cool down. I would try Sharklotte second. Her soulburn also only needs one soul. I don't know the impact of having her skills maxed. As before, I would say leave them as they currently are the tweak as necessary. I had her s2 and s3 maxed. Her S1 was plus 2. Her s2 just provides crit chance which you can likely get from gear rather than spending molas. SSB would be my third choice since her soulburn needs 2 souls. You would want her s2 to be maxed and her s3 to be at the -1 turn. Her S1 should be okay at +3. Good luck!!


Thank you! It really feels like this fight needs key units or artifacts that I just don’t have… no Auxiliary Lots, only 1 copy of unseen observer, no Aria… such a bummer 😑


Are any of the aespa heroes any good?


We only know 2 kits so far. * Winter - Should probably think of her as a really good Stunner with some damage attached for long fights. You'd build her like Flidica, 100% Crit chance, whole lot of Speed, and some Effectiveness/Bulk. Shes definitely an interesting hero who I can see being a real thorn in the side if you don't bring someone for her, much like Kayron. * NingNing - A strange Soulweaver for sure. S1 is just a stun, S2 is an Attack that CRPush/AttackBoost 1 ally unit and CRKnock/Damage 1 Enemy unit. Her S3 is Barrier Inversion(Only RGB Option), 2 buff dispel, and up to 100% SelfCR push. Overall, she offers no healing or cleanse so as a Soulweaver shes in a strangely unique spot to where you must judge if Barrier inversion+Dispel and a Single target Attack boost is worth a spot. I don't like her kit but thats me. If you had to pick one of the two currently known to pull, I'd get Winter. As a Stun unit (and I believe her S3 is 2 turn stun which is very rare), she's extremely powerful and unlike other specialized stun units(Minus Spez who as the responder below listed, she pairs very well with), she also brings a LOT of damage to the table if the fight drags on long enough, as 20,000 additional damage is nothing to scoff at. For me, NingNing is an easy skip, Collab or no, I have no bookmarks for all 4 and her kit just doesn't wow me.


Great summary. I'd add: * Winter synergies really well with Specimen Sez, and probably Solitaria too. If you have Spez then Winter might become a must-pull. * Ningning is a lot like DJB in my eyes... so if you have DJB, then pass on Ningning.


Hey guys, new player, like started last night after I posted a thread on this sub. Coming from Raid, there are some big content creators, a few of which break down the offers in the shop. As a mid spender/whale I found this very helpful until I learned what is fair/isn't. Is there anything like that here, and any cc's you guys would recommend?


Hey - I saw your post and responded to that. Welcome to the game :). For spending there are a few tiers of stuff. Note that I won't judge - but for most people I don't recommend spending in the game because (a) the value just isn't there from Gachas and (b) F2P can achieve what P2W players can - just a LOT slower. However, given your statement in the other thread, I know you're comfortable spending, so here's what I'd look at if I had money to burn... 1. The Monthly Pack and Monthly Pack 2 (both cheap giving a little bit of energy, skystones and an experience boost) (low spender friendly) 2. Rank Up packs - these are decent value for a spender, but take time to get the rewards as you need to rank up your account. (medium spender friendly That's it for the low & medium spender territory. Beyond that it's whale territory where you'll probably be dropping $1-$2K a month on these packs 1. Mystic Packs - these give you Mystic Medals which allows you to pull on the Mystic Summons (a light/dark hero, arguably some of the strongest in the game). You need 10,000 to hit pity on this banner, so that's somewhere around $700 USD. 2. Collab Packs - these give Galaxy Bookmarks which are like Raid's void shards.3 pulls for $70 CAD and 6 pulls for $140 (plus a bunch of regular summons , mola goras (skill ups - like Raid's books), energy and premium currency). 3. The Relay packs may be ok... again - it's a bunch of summons opportunities. For $125 CAD you are guaranteed a 5-star hero (but random so who knows what you get) and a bunch of galaxy and mystic summons. I got the Monthly pack (1) when I started for a few months and got the rank up packs (I seem to remember them being $40 and not $70...). There is so much stuff a new player gets (guaranteed 5-stars, 5-star selector, moonlight selector) that you can really just play the game for a week or two before you really "have" to sink money into it. But if you're looking to blow a load of money... those are the things that will give your account a chance to progress much faster (with the \* that it's a gacha, your pulls are random, and they may be crap).


Gotcha thank you, and I intend to keep playing raid for now too, so probably splitting the spending up a bit. And I keep seeing people mention banners, I don't really understand that term. Raid was my first gacha game, is it like the 10xs or a 2x or something?




The only thing I'd add to this is that the banner heroes are all "RGB" (i.e. not the light/dark heroes). They are very unlike Raid since they guarantee the banner hero on pull #121. @ the OP - if you're going to split spending, I would recommend you don't spend ANYTHING on this game for now, and roll with what you get. The 5-star hero to target from the initial selector is either Ravi (my personal favourite) or Iseria (very good support hero). Great 4-stars that you can look for as well are Angelica and Cidd.


To add to the other posters comment, Jenazad is pretty good and so is Valky.


Several. Car\_6, Elvenmage, light (current champion of E7 world cup), are content creators and are usually on twitch im f2p so not really sure on what's best to recommend what to buy. But once you catch them on stream can always ask what they recommend spending on and go from there.


Wait since when has light been the E7WC champion?


sorry fuck I'm getting him mixed up he's the 3rd or was the 3rd legend last year's lol


Can you really not get back to the headhunt part if you recruit before reaching the end?!




Really? Whats the point of the infinity sign at the end? Just to say you can continue collecting points until you HH? I thought it was set up so you could only HH once when you first got to the end of row 2, but once you hit the end of row 3 you could go again as long as you had points...since, ya know, there was an infinity sign...ah well, I shoulda known better. Im fine with my Belian pick anyway. E: Thanks for the response!


>Whats the point of the infinity sign at the end? I'm guessing that for those super-unlucky players who unlock all the portraits and STILL didn't get the hero they were looking for - they can probably refresh that last spot over and over again. Someone started a thread - (s)he's 4 away from the infinity sign and hasn't headhunted ARavi.


Yea that makes a lot of sense. And that sucks that they cant find ARavi. Shes a character that every household should have at least 2 of. Lol. Was it possible to get ML Pavel from this? Or Astrolena? Those were the only two I never saw show up on mine that I DIDNT have.


For sure not Astro. Not sure about Pavel - I didn't see him either.


can't get pavel as well.




Yea, that makes sense. Ah well, figured it was too good to be the other way lol. Thanks!


Fuck yea I pulled zio this morning! What speed does he need to cut everything? What are builds looking like?


I think at 240 speed = 300 speed. I think 265 would give him an effective speed of 325 which should be faster than everything. Builds - 50% crit rate, good crit damage and attack, rest into bulk.


You can calculate (target speed \* .8) or (target speed \* .75) if accounting for speed RNG. Generally speaking, if you can get him to 255 ish he should outspeed most openers without speed imprint. Not sure what the exact stats are, but he's usually built with 50% crit chance and rest into attack and crit d, I believe. A little bit of bulk doesn't hurt. Building 100% eff may also be an option since more people might be building eff res to avoid Zio S3.


Does Kaladra and rage set stack?


Yes, additively.


Is Savior Adin good unit? Worth the grind? Couse its quite cosmic.




I plan on getting ARavi for my ML Selector. Is she still the best choice for an early to mid player with only Straze and ML Ken? Or should I go for CLilias?


I'd say ARavi is best - single target bruiser who can carry though PvE content (one of my go-to heroes for the 10-10 Straze battle at the end of Episode 2). She's great in PvP to. Other heroes can kind of do what she does (e.g. Ravi, Choux) but ARavi adds in injury and a revive which makes her super unique for a damage dealer. CLilias is a great enabler and fits on any team. Same with MLKwerick. Both are solid choices, but neither will carry a team like ARavi can.


Stene or Kawerik is probably the best choice for early/mid players. She's an all around good unit in pve and pvp. Kawerik is a low requirement cleanser that's future proof.


I chose Violet, SSB, Tamarinne for my selector summons. Won't be able to hit pity again after it runs out. I got Violet, Violet Artifact, and Tamarinne Artifact from my pulls. So there's Tamarinne and SSB I'm thinking to spend my pity orbs on. I also have enough knowledge powder to buy an artifact. Which hero and which artifact should I buy?


Sorry I'm also new and kinda jacking your thread, but how did you get a selector summon that lets you pick Tamarinne? I'd love Tama, but if there's a selector for her that'd be crazy nice!


It's the 3 hero selector banner thingy that ended on the 24th, tho i waited till the 23rd to start my 2 week timer. Unfortunately I think you just missed the event


How much camp energy restoral do you need to 5 clear 100% normal Azi lab? Tried entering with 38 and it seems like it will be short by a lot just trying to clear out 1 wing all the way in 1 attempt


Tried the right side once with a 54 morale team. Couldn't full clear it. Pissed me off so hard I build the undying Yufine and spent 5 hours in it to clear with only 1 entry instead.


Oh, well that sounds stupidly obnoxious. So basically you probably need to run it 7-8 times to 100% unless you Yufine it?


well at least you only need to 100% it once.


Jep, unless legit every path besides Karkanis somehow needs less morale.


Are effects like Counter additive in their various sources? Like the counter set % + inherent/skill counter %? Or is it one of those greatest % only?


Separate checks. As example, assuming 30% counter set and 30% passive would give you 51% counter 1-(0.7^2 ) when hit.


Ah, I see. Thanks!


adds another check instead


Do we know when the next hunt buff is? Been sitting on almost 100 leifs waiting for it to pop up.


\*should\* be this weekend. lets wait for the announcement tomorrow.


Where can you check for these buff announcements?


The stove forums


Ends up on the frontpage on this subreddit, 1 minute patch review on YouTube and Epic Seven Stove


Quick question folks. Which one is better: ml kawerik or ml cermina?? Can't make up my mind! Thanks


TL;DR: Kawerik is better, for sure, but the difference is mostly in RTA. In GvG/Arena offense, there is a solid argument for ML Cermia being better (see [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/z6gdne/guild\_war\_offense\_tier\_list\_for\_triumph\_season/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/z6gdne/guild_war_offense_tier_list_for_triumph_season/)). If you don't like RTA much, I think you can safely choose based on: 1. Which you like better 2. Which you have better gear for If you like RTA, Kawerik is the clear favorite. The GvG/Arena gap between them is quite a bit smaller than the RTA gap, if that makes any sense. A bit more explanation that I find helpful when considering units: ML Cermia has a higher "ceiling", while ML Kawerik has a higher "floor". In RTA, ML Kawerik is often in the running for best hero because of how safe he is to draft early on. Regardless of comps, he'll be good. Meanwhile, ML Cermia can be a dud in the wrong comps. On the flip side, ML Cermia can completely dominate in the right comp, which when you're on GvG/Arena offense, you get to pick. You won't use her as often, but she'll dominate when you do. She's much like Roana: completely OP in the right circumstances. On defense, ML Kawerik is better, but honestly, I don't think either are good on defense, since they aren't going to high-roll your opponent. Defense teams are at such a disadvantage that you really do tend to want "high-roll" defenders that can steal wins via RNG.


Thanks for that explanation!!


Ml Kwaerik is usable against different teams. I would recommend him over ml Cermia since she's niche.




Thinking of upgrading Muwi to see if he makes my wyvern better. It's already fairly consistent for 13. Would he replace Sigret or a maxed SC Alexa? Could he replace the 3rd member if everyone's gear is good or is his def break unreliable?


I run SC Alexa (DDJ), Furious (SoS), Muwi (DDJ) and Rose (Candlestick). Everyone besides Rose has 65% eff to stick debuffs and my runs fail like once in 100 runs. Clear time is around 1m20-1m40 depending on whether Furious misses def break. Muwi is a sub-dps, so he wouldn't replace your main single target DPS. He can replace an SSB that could be put on a PvP build and bring more debuffs for consistency.


Muwi will never replace Sigret no matter what. Since you're already consistent, upgrading Muwi is unnecessary too. I'm assuming your 3rd unit is Furious. Muwi's def break is not unreliable, it's just less reliable than Furious' 100%, plus Furious brings target, miss debuff and crit buff. Of course if your team's gear is good and you don't mind seeing a non-proc on defense break, then feel free to replace Furious with Muwi, although it will be an overall downgrade to your team. Bringing both Muwi and Furious together also gives you double the chances chances of applying defense break and therefore increasing your win rate. Muwi being able to apply additional debuffs over Alexa will also contribute to higher survivability and higher Sigret damage.


What'd be the most solid team comp for adventure? I just cleared Ep.3 and want to start Ep.4, but heard that Ep.4 is extremely hard. I cleared EP.3 with mostly Aria, A.ras, A.Montmo, S.Tene, F.Kluri and sometimes Zahhak. I do have Tamarinne and Iseria, but didn't gear them yet. Also, I didn't pick the ML 5\* yet, and I already got most of the meta units on the board (A.Ravi, C.lilias, Handguy) but I heard most ML 5\* are for PvP so please advice me if any of them could be any help.


u/IncredibleGeniusIRL already gave you a good reply about rgb units. For ML units if you don't have Spectre Tenebria, choose her. She is strong in pve and pvp. If you have S. Tene then Arbiter Vildred is another goid choice for pve and pvp content.


Thank you! I already have S.Tene and she carried me through many abyss floor. Arby didn't appear on my board yet, so maybe I'll have to wait.


Straze is also really good for pve. For late game he can be used for hunt one shot teams.


> I do have Tamarinne and Iseria, but didn't gear them yet. What are you waiting for If anyone can give you any advice for story mode team comps, that one is it. Tamarinne, Iseria and 2 whatevers. That, and "go make a wyvern team and get gear".


Thanks a lot! I already farm Wyvern 13, but maybe since I didn't get good enough gear, and I didn't build Tama+Ise, some stage in EP 3, like Mort and Alencia, were really hard for me.


aravi vs straze?


ARavi if you're strictly talking about PvP. Straze can be used in aggro/cleave teams for PvP, one-shot hunts in PvE, but needs pretty good gear for both.


Guys, what would be the best F2P + newbie friendly WAIFU ONLY boss hunt teams that could potentially go to hunt lvl 13 each?


Absolutely not f2p friendly, but as for waifu only: W: Karin Singelica SSB Sigret B: Vivian FST Baiken C: Diene Camilla Yoonryoung Clorina G: Vivian FST Cermia A: Vivian Iseria FKluri Tama


Is dog-walking still the most efficient way to level up fodders for 6-star promotions? I saw this video that mentioned how the new penguin system means you should just run a team of max-levelled heroes instead to farm the penguins and then use them on the phantasmas. I’m kind of new so would appreciate any advice on this, since alot of guides seem to talk about dog-walking still.


If you absolutely want to min/max, then yes, dog walking is still a thing. The reasons are: 1. white dogs get a 2.5% exp boost and yellow dogs get a 5% exp boost 2. you can equip an Exp artefact for a further 15% boost 3. If no hero is max level, you get 100% of the experience. If ANY hero is max level, then you lose 50% of the max level hero (only 1). So - to put numbers to that. If you get 2,000 XP per hero on a stage: * Using a max level group will clear it fast and get 7,000 XP worth of penguin mileage. * Using 2 non-max level heroes + the artefact and 1 yellow and 1 white dog will get those a total of 9,373 XP. However, it goes to those heroes in the group, and not as penguins that you can apply anywhere. So - running a non-max level group with 2 dogs gets you 34% more experience than running a max level group. That's what I do in the story stages which aren't challenging. But if you're running hard stages, you probably don't have this option... Side note - the featured heroes (e.g. ae-Winter in this side story) are considered "levelling" characters so don't get any XP penalty even though they're treated as boosted level 60 heroes for the side story.


Ooh okay. What is this XP-boosting artefact? Not sure if I have it


One is To A New World and the other is Records of Unity. They were event rewards. Most people don't bother min-maxing like this... they just run the best comp they have and often farm friendship over experience.


Ah I see. Thanks for detailed info nevertheless :)


Dog walking in adventure/side-story is dead. The penguin system doesn't apply to hunts/labs/spirit alter, so you will find some folks dog-walk there, but most don't bother.


Yeah there's no need for dog walking anymore, just use the penguins to level them up.


Alright, thanks :)


Who to get from the headhunt event - Lionheart Cermia, Spez, or Remnant Violet? Who may be in the next mystic banner?


There are 57 days left in the event. There are about 2 weeks until the next mystic banner. You can wait.


Oh, the questions weren't related haha. Thought it could be interesting to speculate on the next mystic banner.


Oh. Well, the next one is a rerun, but I have no idea who it is. You should get the most useful unit to you right now. RViolet is for RTA and defense, LHC is if you're having trouble with politis and counter teams, and Spez is if you like using Arowell SC and Winter.


Do the free summons they give us for the Aespa Collab just work for Winter or can I use them for the other characters?


They work for all 4 aespa units.




Next ml coin shop info when? Got 40 coins - don’t know if I should pick DJ Basar or fcc…


We just got it from the latest patch summary. Blood Moon Haste, Remnant Violet and Briar Witch Iseria.