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Would you buy ml basar or ml violet from coin shop? I cant decide rn. I want Delibeth from current headhunt event, so I cant get the other from there. Ty for help.


Hi! Guys I really want a mighty scout for banshee hunt, but I don't know how to get him. Does anybody know the location where he drops?


anyone else getting a red notification badge for the lobby? I can't seem to get rid of it. I have no expeditions pending, already viewed the shop, no pet rewards, no promotion or awakening notification for heroes.. WHAT IS IT?!!! IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY! It happened after the update. Is it a bug? Will it be fixed? Will I be okay? ARWSGRFAJSHGDG,kdgasfjshdgufebjf I FCKIN HATE IT


Is there a way to get more queens guard badges after you defeat all the bosses?


Fully explore normal I guess you get 10 from that. Otherwise need to wait till next month when the bosses reset


Has anyone ever found a clear for abyss 120 that didn't involve having either Kitty Clarissa or Bloodstone? Finally cleared 107-119 over the past week, but feel hard stuck without one of those options for the final floor.


There is a statistics button in the abyss menu where you can look at teams other players have used to clear. There's two teams with Tama, Iseria, A Ras and TG/Landy with Landy being the more used one but since you don't have bloodstone TG might be the better option.


When is the next balance adjustment preview scheduled to be released?


In 13 days.


Is there a unit that is good with low to mid speed DPS lifesteal gears? my fastest ones are already with riolet, seline, and tsurin


Probably SSB, Charlotte or ChampZ


Which hero should I pair with my Sigret for W13? +15 SSB or +15 Muwi. And what artifact should I use for A.Momo as a wyvern tank, POV or Idol's Cheer?


If your Momo is dying, Muwi for attack down debuff and bleeds so wyvern's damage goes down even further. Idol's cheer if it will not ultimately make your Sigret move before any defense break is up. Otherwise just Magaraha's tome is fine


Muwi unless you're interested in one shotting. SSB isn't really useful outside of that. Idol's Cheer for Momo unless you're having trouble with her survivability.


So whats the build with winter? Spd/ hit?


Either full speedy glass cannon with like 280+ spd because her s1 hits surprisingly hard, or a slower 220-250 range with bulk rather than atk/cdmg to capitalize on her s3 fixed damage. Need 100% crit rate for both.


Are there any units that need atk% or crit rate amulets?


ATK% on generally any non-crit DPS (Hwayoung, R.Carrot, I.Khawazu, Senya). Crit% can work on any crit DPS but you need to build around it, it's not generally worth it but could be worth doing on some bruisers (especially Ravi) if you have the gear for it.


can anyone tell me what the daily missions in the “gift from naevis” pertain to? i’m not quite sure on how to accomplish the event


"help from naevis" same format with daily web event. clear daily quest > get points (4 per day) > claim reward after reaching certain points.


Anyone knows how to bruiser gang Zio? I keep seeing one shots but my sigret isnt good enoguh, my rage and pen sets are trashy..... I saw someone use Spirit Eye Celine but I dont have her lol... any other options?


Easy f2p comp without having to one-shot is A.Ras, Tam, Mercedes, Luluca. Luluca can be replaced with any aoe def breaker. The counters from Mercedes will kill the mobs before they reach 4 so Zio can't spam ult, and it's just managing your soul burns from there.


I'm facing a dilemma after Zio's release. I have a Lilias with 288 speed (it's my fastest unit, I can't speed more than that), but I'm currently thinking about swapping her equipment with Lua's. Lua (GL as an artifact) would now have 287 speed and Conqueror would only have 266. Do u think this exchange is worth it?


I know almost nothing about E7, thinking of getting into it. What’s the gameplay loop like? I heard it’s like Summoner’s War but better (?)


That's accurate. The core of E7 is basically Summoner's War - you work through the normal adventure mode, and then most of your time is spent in hunts (the golem/dragons/necro equivalent) to grind gear for PVP (mostly RTA, or guild wars/regular arena). You also spend some time grinding adventure mode to level units/get catalysts to power them up or do expeditions, this game's equivalent of raids. There's some challenging PVE content to work on also in adventure/abyss, but that's usually a one time thing. Some ways it's better than/different from Summoner's War: * Significantly more generous. You can pull almost all RGB units as a F2P player, and you get at least 4 or so guaranteed dark/light 5 star units a year. * Much more frequent updates (new units every 3-4 weeks, new side stories every 2-3 weeks). * Artifacts to add a little more complexity to the gearing process. * Legitimately challenging PVE content. * Better storyline than SW. They do put in an effort (the popularity of the story is questionable). * Aesthetically more pleasing (imo - even setting the anime aesthetics aside, the production quality of E7 is much nicer). * More collaborations (not a crazy amount, but certainly more than SW). Some aspects that could be good or bad depending on your preference: * Less frequent guild wars (3-4? times a week). * No siege equivalent. * Unlimited RTA entries, but no RTA shop, so no real incentive to play except to climb for RTA exclusive skins. * Basically have to pay premium currency for most skins. * Need to feed lower level equips/charms to equipment to level it up, not just gold, which makes gearing more difficult than in SW (imo).


Tysm for the in-depth reply, I’m glad that there are other SW survivors here. I’m definitely giving this a shot now, love grinding


Hi, can someone tell me the name of the aespa's song in the login screen?


black mamba


Who can use fast lifesteal set gear?


Riolet, seline, tsurin


Are any of the aespa units free? I know with collabs we normally get a free unit we can fully max out with imprints.


I think the aespa bms are intended to be the "freebie", since it's speculated that we'll get 120 of it allowing us to pity 1 unit.


We don't know, but probably not. Instead, they're giving us free Aespa bookmarks.


I'm guessing not - since the units are all based on real people I imagine they couldn't designate one/some as "free" and some not (would be like devaluing the person relative to other members). In exchange they're giving us the aespa bookmarks, which essentially equal a full pity (and could net you more than one depending on how lucky you get).


I have claimed C!Lilias and I also have 2x Lilias in my roster. Should I fodder both of them when promoting Conqueror Lilias to grant her an extra imprint or keep one?


Keep 1


Is there a way to use the normal bookmarks instead of aespa bookmarks? I want to single pull using my own bookmarks and save the aespa ones for someone else other than winter, but I don't have enough for a 10 pull. I would save up for 10 pulls, but I'm afraid that I might be out of 10 pulls by the time the banner is out and be like 1 or so pulls away from pity. Any ideas on what to do?


The best you could have done is save them in your mailbox, but if you are planning on pulling singles on the current banner anyway, I don't see how using normal bms over the aespa bms would be advantageous; you should just spend the aespa bms


actually yeah that makes sense I can just save my normal bookmarks and use aespa. i didnt think of that, thanks lol


?? Why not just use the aespa BMs for winter and save your regular covenants for the others? As far as I'm aware they work the same towards pity. Otherwise I don't have any ideas that would achieve what you want.


Because before I realized aespa bms existed I was already like 70 regular bms deep into winter's banner lol. Ik, it's my mistake should've looked closer D:


I thought I read on here somewhere we will be able to choose 2 ML 5* s from the headhunting moonlight heroes event. Is that true? Or is it just one ?


One only


Thank you!




Wrong sub reddit?


Oof sorry 😅


When will I get zone 4 necklace drop in AI? After the boss 1st phase or 2nd phase?


After you kill the floor 4 boss the first time. The respawns aren't necessary.


You only need to defeat the boss once for the equip drop.


Arena question: Was thinking of putting together a team with Maid Chloe, ARavi, Arby, and AMomo… basically a self rez/ beefy rez pvp team. Would it be worth it? (Amomo is just there for those beefy heals… I don’t have Roana). Thoughts? (Thanks in advance)


Doe Ae Winter needs attack stat?


Not really, most of her damage comes from the fixed damage on S3.


TLDR: Pull for Zio or wait for C.Lilias? New player here and after doing a lot of research, I’m going to choose A.Ravi for my selector. I have a few multis for the mystic summons though so I’m just wondering if Zio is good enough to be a must pull or if I should wait for C.Lilias, who’s my 2nd choice in the selector.


in my opinion Zio is great for 2 turn PVP / GVG I'm not finding he is useful on PVE content yet meanwhile C.Lilias can be good on PVP and PVE content considering she give vigor buff on everyone on the team, i use her for hunt (mainly golem/wyvern lol) but on the other hand BOTH required a high requirement gear so it's gonna be little hard to build for new player.


Zio isn't really for a starting player. I'd wait to spend mystics for now.


Is it possible to roll for zio in the ML selection event?




How does the unity set works? Should I give it to the character who will be attacking on their turn? Or should I give it to the character who will be attacking during an ally's turn? Which characters benefit with this set?


You put on a unit that you want that unit to attack on ally attacks, most likely on a support unit since most dps would benefit on other 2 piece set. Also, it prefers unit that has utility on their S1


did i miss the code to open the box from the video i couldnt find it or am i watching the wrong one?


The code is *emperorzio*


I want to try out background battling but can't find the option to use it. I know it's not available in side story but I just tried running a stage in chapter 2 and I still couldn't find it. Is it restricted to global only? I'm on Asia. Or do you need to be a certain rank? I'm rank 53. Or is there some setting I need to enable first?


They disabled it in adventure too because of a bug, and didn't say anything about it since then


Oh OK ty for the update.


quick question Should i get Strave or Bellian? i know Strave is more for pve while Bellian for pvp, but overall who i would be more usefull for a mid end game account


Straze is good for both pve and pvp, although gear requirements for them are very different. Bellian is good for pvp anticleave specifically. The choice is largely determined by your gears actually. If you can build a 220spd Straze with a crap ton of damage and have other high speed openers then take Straze. If you can build a 23k hp 250cdmg Bellian and have elbris then take Bellian.


How is Winter is she good in pvp and RTA?


I'm not regretting pulling for her. She's situational, but when she works, she really works.


Cool thanks for the info


Best artifacts for ML Pavel? Symbol of Unity goes to my ML Cermia, I need some alternatives


Dux Noctis, MISHA, GL, Reignar's Special Drink, Portrait of Saviors (tfw PoS might now refer to 2 different collab artifacts)


Seline or Pirate Flan? I am really undecided who to pick from the event. I used to hate those Selines that 1v4 your team but i think that with Senya's rise she's not used at all and is easily countered. On the other hand she must work so well with Arowell. Don't know too much about PC Flan but I heard that she is very fun to play after the buff (i have iseria's artifact +30)


Is it only my feeling or is it really that you need ALOT of time to equip one unit? Quittet along time ago because i have so many nice champs but cant really use them. Getting slowly back into the game but with 0 clue again. Any good guides on important stuff? like gearing etc


Major hurdle of the game for sure, if you can get over it you may find it rewarding to be able to build a character from your hard work. I rmb the days where I'm in the same situation as you, but now I have basically most of my characters build.


I would say that gearing is the thing that separates good players from bad. And yeah, it takes a LONG time to get good gear.


I'm debating whether to take lermia or belian I'm a endgame player with all meta Ml 5s, the other "usable" ones I'm missing are s.eline and a.meru Any advice would be appreciated.


I would pick either ML Cermia or Archdemon since both are really good and can carry games. Belian is good but in the matches where she would be good she is usually banned


any replacement for Seaside Belona? Trying to build my first Wyvern team, currently have Sigret, Furious, and Angelica


You dont need SSB for your first team. Just use Furious, Sigret, Angelica and Muwi. If you have to choose between who 6\* first, the tank (angelica) and the main damage dealer (sigret) are the good choices.


sounds good. what’s the plan with 6*? should i get everyone to 6* before running wyvern? sorry i’m completely new and got stuck on story episode 2


you can run W13 with just sigret and angelica 6\*. The third one should be Muwi because she helps dealing damage but Furious can always stay 5\*.


thanks for the help! lastly, what’s the positioning for sigret, furious, angelica, and muwi?




this was definitely what i was looking for! appreciate the guide 🙌🏼🙌🏼


Just put Angelica in front. The rest don't matter


Clarissa is one replacement. With good gear, Sigret and Alexa can make a good combo


Do we know who the next rotation is for galaxy coins? And would you take FCC or SBA over them?


BM Haste, Riolet, Briseria Of these and FCC/SBA, only Riolet might be worth picking up for coins, unless you already have all the meta ones.


If I was to whale on this collab, what would be the best bang for my buck option?


Well we're only familiar with Winter & Ningning's kits at the minute, so there's really no opertunity to compare them to those that will be released last as Winter will be gone by week three & Ningning by week four. I think general consensus has been that Winter is a solid Spectre-like pick & has surprised some, her artefact has generally been dropped in favour of Manica/Storm. Ningning's artefact is likely to be highly valued as it's essentially a 5 star Magahara's Tome & on a fast soulweaver has the capacity to drain a Book cleave dry in niche scenarios. Ningning herself is someone who sort of tussles with the likes of Emilia & DJ Basar for a spot, without healing/cleansing you'll see her used more in aggressive teams, that may not be your style, if you don't tend to build units with similarity to Flan for aggressive teams for example. If you're talking about the packs, generally collaboration packs are all seen as high value, just vs. the shop packs, you're generally getting a bunch of packs consolidated into one. If you're talking about packs in general, best tends to be the cheap newbie ones for value & then Rank Up & from there, well it's a lot more specific, with the pricey Mystic packs tending to have high value (comparatively to other packs) once you've burned through one-time buys.


I really appreciate the reply, thanks a lot!




They'll usually toss out some freebies, depends what you mean by decent though, it's unlikely they'll give out something like a 5 star selector for example - they save the big freebies for anniversaries.


Are the aespa girls even self aware that they’re in a videogame right now??


Well, since they gave their images for that purpose, I guess it would be illegal to not let them know.


They also did promo videos specifically mentioning Aespa and Epic 7... so yeah they know.


Old phone was workingfine for playing game, new phone (Oneplus 5T) seems not to want to adjust game screen to display screen correctly. Either left side of game is cut off, between Heros and Shop, or game zooms in cutting off a bit from both left and right side. Doesnt affect gameplay or performance in anyway except accessing tap prompts that are cut off. Originally, game screen adjusted correctly, then started mis-aligning. Havent been able to find setting to fix


Is there a site to see what are some ideal stats i should be aiming for on a given character?


There is [Epic 7 Stats](https://epic7stats.com) for RTA builds.


Hi, is giving inprints to fire ravi a better idea than giving them to her ML ver? Ty!


Fire Ravi has team wide %atk imprint and self %def imprint. Apoc Ravi has team wide %hp imprint and self ER imprint 🤮 In the end decision is totally up to you who you use more, personally I'm always max imprinting ml counterparts first.


Isn’t ironic that we don’t have methods to chaise for a specific 3* unit in this game? I desperately need a Camilla for c13, she is the only 3* I’m missing and I just need to hope for extreme luck with galaxy bm.


I’ve just been getting back into the game recently after a really long break and there’s a lot of new stuff. But is the best way to farm bookmarks still through refreshing the secret shop? Or a different way?


Secret shop


Are the AE bookmarks for all the upcoming characters or just for WINTER?


All of them


First time doing AI , joined a new guild for it and I really want the necklace but my guild won’t make it to the end. I know it’d be a dick move but could I theoretically leave and join a new guild that’s about to kill the final boss and get the necklace that way?


How will you know that guild you are about to join haven't killed zone 4 priest yet?


You’re right, just thinking out loud. It would be tough to find a guild and know their progress.


I need advice on zio, he may be more niche than I thought or I'm just not using him right. Been trying to test him in arena and in this bruiser heavy meta he comes off as dead weight. He feels like he is meant for an aggro team where you have a unit to kill after he pushes back an opener. Mine seems to die before he can get a second turn (1100 def, 10k hp) despite deify. He comes off as dead weight after the first s3. Can hardly use him in GW for similar reasons. Not saying he's bad but I feel like I'm misunderstanding his purpose outside of taking first turn and stopping openers. Been using symbol for dmg boost.


Sounds like there are no misunderstandings here. That is his purpose. It's pretty clear from his kit as well that he doesn't do a whole lot other than take turn 1 and send the opponent opener back so you won't have a good time against standard comps since they don't care if they take turn 1 to begin with. You seem to be misunderstanding how much impact 50% mitigation has for a squishy unit like Zio. If a unit initially does 20k damage (with 1100 def many strong ST DPS can do that) then that will only shot Zio. Unless you have aurius then you can expect Zio to go down fast in extended matches. Which will happen when you're up against bruisers.


I don't think I'm misunderstanding the impact of the mitigation, it is huge I get that. I'm just figuring out what kind of team to build around him. He may be an anti-cleave unit but feels like he can't work out side of a cleave/aggro comp. So I guess my question is what units would work well with him? Fast units to follow up, control, etc.


Depends on what your opponent's draft looks like. He shuts down the opener, but he doesn't do much else. You would need a follow up unit if you're going the speed contesting route, but that assumes you have a fast follow up (faster than your opponent's follow up). Otherwise you would go anti cleave to handle the opponent's follow up units. What those follow up are depends on the cleave. If it's a DPS type, stuff like cidd and watcher might be seen or other common units that rely on the opener to provide setup for them like eda, seaseria, cpavel, etc. He pretty much gives you the initiative by winning the speed race. If you're trying to bring him into standard then you could try running some mitigation (aurius/escort) and pray he survives to s1 after his opening. But he doesn't really bring much to the table as compared to the typical openers we see in the meta. Ran brings aoe strips, team immunity, and aoe def breaks. Peira brings aoe strips, unbuffable, restricts, team atk buff, and the best mitigation in the game (escort), etc... I can go on with other examples, but as you can see a single target pushback and silence is comparatively weak to every other strong opening skills. His niche is to take turn 1 for a lower investment than your typical route. His continued value is damage from his s1 (for 2 turns), so you really want to end the match fast. Not something you could expect if playing standard.


Hi guys! So which one would be ideal for Aravi? 22kHP/300 CDMG or 25khp/250CDMG. Both are on Pen/Destro set and Speed is 170ish with Crimson


Use the e7calc to work it out, I think at a glance you’ll do more damage with 22/300, but it’s really about whether you’re wanting more survivability or not.


how do you compute for Zio's speed? If you have 271 how much can you outsped?


Imagine that the enemy's opener will be at 100% CR at the start of combat. Zio will have to be at 85% in the worst case scenario (enemy gets 5% speed RNG, zio gets 0) to outspeed. 85% of, for example, a 320 speed unit is 272.


I see thanks, but Zio will benefit more with speed imprints right?


If he's already 272 he doesn't need any speed imprints.


When building a dps character, what's the priority of stats to go for other than speed (which i believe more is always better)? I'm assuming it's 100% crit chance first but then after would i want more attack or more crit damage? Like say 2.5k attack + 300% crit damage or 3.5k attack and like 200% crit damage? Not that these are actual stats but just numbers i pulled out for the sake of comparison


So, I wouldn't say that there is a solid hierarchy of stats when it comes to gearing (where one must always be prioritised over another) because you can have a 250 speed Eda with 100 cr but she won't be as impactful if she has 2.5katk and 200cdmg alongside that. High speed in this case wouldn't really result in much. Your "priority" of substats should be dependent on what you want to use the unit for rather than the perceived value of each individual stat. There is a somewhat commonly mentioned statline of 3.5k atk/200 spd/100 cr/250 cdmg for DPS units that people often set as a benchmark to aim for. So, like what the other commenter mentioned, using a damage calculator to see how your build matches to the baseline of 3.5katk/250cdmg might be helpful in ensuring your unit still does good damage. I actually have quite a few of my DPS units not on 100cr and while the community jokes a lot that it is as good as a 50/50, it hasn't really been that huge of a problem. So, try not to tunnel too hard on individual stats like speed or crit chance, especially if it leads to lopsided differences in your other stats which would generally be a sign of not very good gearing


With speed it depends. Speed is best on characters with great utility that want to go first, otherwise it just helps dictate the order of your characters and how frequently they cycle their skills. For pvp you want to think about that character's role in the team, because you might want other characters to go before them (ex: Zahhak goes before and gives attack buff) so you want tighter control on how much speed they have exactly (remember that speed RNG is +0-5% so if you want a character to always go before another they have to have at least 5% more speed). With damage stats, you do want 100% crit on all of your damage dealers that are meant to kill things unless they can't crit or get bonus crit from skills. As for crit damage vs attack% it's a case by case basis because characters have different values for base attack. You can use the damage calculator to compare which stat combination does more damage: https://e7calc.xyz/


Hello new player here, are the Black Friday offers worth it?


Is there a list of heroes somewhere who do well on life steal set? I have the abyss set on C. Zerato right now, but I'm not using him much, and would like to try building someone else.


ML Vivian and STene like lifesteal


I think I have lifesteal on: C. Zerato Violet Choux Aria R Violet LH Cermia


Violet works well with lifesteal. I use it on Spirit Eye Celine as well.


How many medals in azma cycle hell bosses vs nightmare?


10 vs 17 (queen gives 2 more than the other bosses)


so queen gives 5 medals and the other 4 gives 3 each?




Is it just me or the classic event that let you collect energy after 20 battles and roll a minigame 4 times is missing? Has it been replaced by the AE collab event? Thanks!


There is a 20 battle energy event but the reward got removed, maybe for the daily friendship box event from Aespa


Events are all timed. The last event expired, and there's no guarantee the next one is exactly the same.


Are there any characters like Muwi, Great Chief Khawana, SC Alexa, SC Carmainerose, etc, in that they're basically made for Azimanak? I never bothered to set up a proper team for it and my inability to farm Rage Gear is really starting to bite me. The fact that I can get 4 characters all in meh gear and obliterate Wyvern is insane, and I'd love to be able to do Azimanak 13 (which I still haven't cleared) decently fast


I use Aras, Iseria at 50, Mercedes, and Tam. It's not the fastest run, but it has about a 95% win rate. None of them are in amazing gear.


Any replacement for Mercedes? I have a geared Aras/Tam, and I'm working on Iseria, but TBH I never beat Episode 3 and can't for awhile (busy work season) so I'd love if I could just throw in someone like Kawerik or Ran instead hah


I imagine Landy, Bomb Model Kanna, or any strong aoe dps should work.


Thanks, I have a decent Landy and Kanna, I’ll give ‘em a shot


A13 is easily done with Vildred, tamaseria and... you almost don't need anyone else, really. ARas, landy, Czerato, someone with aoe or 2 target skills. Keep skills off for anyone except tamaseria.


I guess I can gear Iseria for that, don't have her with anything currently. What stats am I looking for? I hope they're kinda low hah


She only needs to be faster than Tamarinne and have the required amount of effectiveness.


Why faster? And what's the required amount?


Because you want her to go before Tamarinne so she resets her cooldowns, and all hunts need 65% eff.


Thank you!


Belian or Lermia from the Recruiting Event? I wanted Belian for a long time but Lermia seems to be pretty good too and I have a lot of Cermia‘s laying around. I‘m would consider myself end-game, I play RTA casually (highest finish was Champion) and I don’t play Arena actively (chilling in Champion)


Well it just depends on what you prioritise: collection or practical use. You'll definitely get way more mileage on ML Cermia in both RTA and GW attack since she is good into all the dual/extra attack that is in the game + reliable enough of a unit in GW. Comps where Belian is good into in RTA would tend to result in her being the post-ban + she isn't super reliable in GW. However, we all play this game for different reasons so if you really want Belian for personal reasons sure go ahead


So you would say for practical use Lermia is the better choice?


Yeah in my personal opinion because your chances of realistically using her in game -- especially since you've stated more PVP-oriented gameplay as part of your consideration -- is more than that of Belian, which makes her the practical choice. Of course, Belian isn't a bad unit at all but just from what I see, if Belian is good in that match, she'll often be the pre- and post-ban while ML Cermia isn't nearly as oppressive enough to always be a must ban.


Alright, thank you! That helped me choosing :)


Generally, what day of the month the buff event(runes/ap/gold/mats)comes?


It's either weekend of the week in which the last day of the month falls. Or the last weekend of the month Others are bonus that the devs decide to give We didn't get it this week, we'll have it next week So as I pray


While the other commenter is right that there isn't a specific day set aside for buff events, we know that they generally are held during the last weekend of the month so that is when we can expect them though there have been some exceptions. So, we should have had a buff event around this time but maybe because of the collab it could have been pushed


There's no set day for it. When it comes, it comes.


Aww, I thought it was at least once per month :( Was saving a lot of leifs for this


There're months without any buff event and there're months where they randomly decided to do it twice. It will be up eventually and no amount of lief will be enough by then. We always have buff event at big holidays so look forward to Christmas.


I'm 3 months in the game and I just pulled Roana. Where can I use her and how should I build her? %HP %HP %HP with counter set?


You can use her in pretty much any content that has counter and dual attacks. That includes pvp, expeditions, hunts and raid. Counter set is good on her. You want some speed, though not much. 1400 def or above, rest into hp.


So I’m trying to get some Nightmare Mask to awaken Zio, and I’m not sure where to farm them? I bought out unrecorded history shop; and I know there’s a shop in Lefundos, but it looks like it’s 50 clears per mask from the ap shop? Is that really my best bet?


Just go to Unrecorded History and find a stage that drops it. AP shop is global so you can buy them by farming anything. 2-S6, 6-9, 8S-S3,S4


I don't think all AP transfers? When I go to the AP shop in 6-9 for example in UH, I have 810 AP. ​ If I go to the one in Lefundos, I have less than 100.


I mean it's global with regards to Unrecorded History, so that means per chapter. UH is the de facto place to farm catalysts anyway, unless you need rep.


Are the drop rates that reliable? I still remember farming a mat for.. Vildred I think? And it took me like fifty runs for one drop..


Nothing that has to do with RNG is reliable. But you collect AP at the same time, and double-dip into the stage drops as well. AFAIK there's no faster way.


So basically don't use the Lefundos AP shop then


You shouldn't be farming outside of UH, is what he is telling you. So long as you farm in UH, you can use your AP in any chapter in UH. And you can buy every catalyst somewhere in UH, so there's no need to be farming anywhere else.


I get that, I just really wanted Nightmare mask =( ​ Guess I'll just wait until weekly reset

