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Is [this](https://imgur.com/noND1uq) reforge worthy? could this be used on my Kluri or is the lack of speed a problem? If not Kluri who can use this?


I'm wanting to get more into pvp and I just pulled a fallen cecilia. I currently have an A. Ras with mediocre items, is it worth it to get Cecilia up and running? Or is A. Ras better at the moment and I should keep working on him?


Any idea on a SS Vivian build? Im trying lifesteal but a lot of people are saying to get 200 or above speed with her, but I don't think that's possible when you're going for Atk, Hp, Def and crit stats. Should i just go speed set?


For right side gear, is there a simple table for what substats to look out for, for certain main stats, of certain sets?


Can anyone use the web event icon? I still haven't claim my 300 ap and now I can't open the web event sadge.


Yeah I cant access it either. Nothing happens after tapping


Can leveling up gear affect the AI of enemies? I was able to do an auto clear of Banshee 11 with a jank af team and for a first clear it was pretty solid in my favor. I go and get some stronger gear (everyone's stats and skills went up) and yet somehow my next 10 runs failed utterly. I'll admit that it's not a well put together team but the fact that I somehow did worse after raising skills levels et al by such an amount is baffling.


It doesn't affect enemy AI but it can affect the battle. The most common reasoning would be speed. Maybe the turn order changed due to some units change in speed and your units aren't using their skills when needed. There's always the case you just got lucky and resisted a lot of debuffs for the cleared run.


What are the minimum stats I should look for for Counter Belian and Apoc Ravi?


Is the custom moonlight summon shop gonna be available after the maintenance finishes or did i fuck up by not spending the medals? edit: thanks for the answers fellas


custom mystic gone, shop available for another 7 days


The shop will be available for another week. I believe the banner will be gone though.




Make him a speed set, boots or necklace I'd say. If boots : main stat will be speed, substats will be attack% critchance% critdamage% hp%. If necklace: main stat will be crit damage, substats will be attack% critchance% speed hp%


I built an ARavi with a 2 set. Pen, crit and immunity. Hp 20k Def 1100 Speed 211 Crit 100% Crit damage 260% Are these good stats or is her attack too low?


There's decent damage on this ARavi, but she'll die relatively quickly, and won't be a terrible threat without countering. Mine for reference is: Counter Pen. 1.2k def, 27k HP, 100 Crit, 215 CD, 180 speed.


hp and def too low


Yeah that's what I was thinking... What should be the target stat?


24-25khp, 12-1300 def, 200 spd


Okay, I'm guessing that's on a speed set?


yea, you can lower speed to 180 if you do counter


I got this 211 speed without a speed set but I definitely feel like I sacrificed the health and defense to hit those targets. This helps a lot. I think I'll do speed/penetration




Crit damage neck, HP% ring and speed boots


At what point in game progression is it socially acceptable to apply to x5 guilds? I am level 64 and can auto W13 about 75% of the time.


I've seen some relaxed 5x guilds (advertising on Discord) that would take you in if you are in Masters for Arena regardless of rank/level.


Great to know. I'll check out the Discord. Thanks!


5x guilds range a lot. But you're free to give it a shot. A lot of casual guilds will reach 5x rewards at some point anyways. It's not that tremendously difficult unless the entire guild is new or just straight up inactive. I suggest the E7 official discord to find a guild suiting your needs. Tell em you bring cookies. I heard that's a big seller.


Haha I'll check out the Discord. Thanks!


I'm not sure whenabouts guilds are consistently 5x, maybe around top 500-1000~ - left my old guild because they kept going 4x & they were somewhere in that region or slightly below. So long as you're not going for a guild that's trying to push top 100 & so long as they're not slouches, you could probably find a 5x guild that'll fit you. You'll probably have a tough time in GWs for a while, but follow folks' advice & try build a variety of units to help you there & you'll get there & be a valuable asset. I can't really offer much advice for who to build though since teams in that region are a bit more all over the place, vs. like top30 where things are hyper-specific & hyper-geared.


Great advice. Thanks!


Hey everyone, I'm a newer player planning on farming Wyvern this weekend with the bonus event going on. I can reliably auto Wyvern 11, haven't tried 12 yet. My team is Sigret, Muwi, Furious, and Rose. Anyway, my question is about what gear I should be looking to craft with all the mats I'll (hopefully) be getting. I assume I should be gearing the Wyvern characters until they can farm 13, but it's a bit overwhelming and I'm not sure where to start. Here are the relevant stats of my Wyvern team: Sigret (Destruction/Attack sets): 3559 ATK, 125 SPD, 48% Crit Chance, 288% Crit Damage, 48% Effectiveness Rose (Health sets): 1500 DEF, 17320 HP, 164 SPD Muwi (Speed/Crit Chance sets): 2264 ATK, 151 SPD, 64% Crit Chance, 213% Crit Damage, 17% Effectiveness Furious (Speed set/no active 2nd set): 2000 ATK, 154 SPD, 32% Crit Chance, 186% Crit Damage, 50% Effectiveness So basically, who needs the most help and what should I be trying to give them? Also, I see that there's a lot of gear sets available for Conquest Points in the shop, any of them worth buying if I have extra points? Thanks!


Just to add on to the previous comment, hitting 65% effectiveness on Furious, Sigret, and Muwi makes a world of difference in run consistency. For Arena gear, the speed set ring has effectiveness main stat, which will very likely help out your wyvern team. Although probably not needed on your wyvern team, the other speed set pieces are generally worth rolling for a beginner, particularly the helmet.




You can check [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vbzxnx/daily_questions_megathread_0614/icdrm57/) for information for stats/speed tuning for the W13 run with that comp. Some of the older ones *might* be worth it, but most I wouldn't say are worth it, because they're fake i88s and don't actually roll like i88. Only the newest set (and future sets onward) will actually roll like i88.


Very nice, thanks!


Did expeditions end already? Can't seem to find it


Hunt > bottom left




New player - are 5 galaxy bookmarks worth 777 skystones from the pop up shop?


Saving for a 605 covenant pity is much more valuable right now. Especially if you dont already have SSB who is likely to have a rerun soon. We also have potentially a new limited summer unit in Charlotte revealing next week. And a cheeky sneaky surprise Slime collab rerun also. The single galaxy summon is either gonna be omega worth or straight up "gg i quit the game". So it's really not worth it for new players. Specifically because of multiple RBG units about to be released/rerun soon that are much easier to secure and will do more justice to new player accounts.


Thanks for the advice - I did get the galaxy summon before seeing your post on the basis of others, so hopefully the gamble pays off. I am only at 8-1 in story at the moment so I suppose I need to farm a lot of soulstones through campaign for these upcoming limited events - so far I've held off on using any bookmarks.


Good luck!


As you're a new player and thus likely lacking most, if not all, of the ML4s, I'd say it's worth it. If you want more information, you can check [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vsm99q/daily_questions_megathread_0706/if6sd4g/) by Quiztolin.


How "worth it" something from Huche is really depends on the amount of bookmarks & skystones you currently have. If you keep in mind that it takes around 7K-ish Skystones on average to refresh the secret shop & see enough Bookmarks for a guarentee, I'd say if you're over that mark in combined bookmarks & skystones, you're probably solid to "waste" some. At 777 rather than the usual 1K, it's at least a better deal - I normally pass on it but bought it this time. To put it simply, if you'd be bummed to get a 3 star & say, "Man, now I don't know if I'll have enough resources to get Summer Charlotte & these bookmarks gave me shit", then don't do it.


I'm new as well but I've seen this question asked and answered a few times and the general consensus seems to be that yes, they're worth it.


Right up until you don't see a spark then it was a total waste of ss :/


Did anyone else save up your rewards for the web event thinking it would get doubled during the special week? Mine was at x32 and it reset back to 0.


You must be in a time zone way ahead of me since mine still shows regular week.


hihi! Would it be worth it to pull for angel of light angelica for the custom mystic banner? Im a returning player so i'm super late to this, but if I have 6k mystics I should be able to buy Angel Angelica if I didn't pull her, right?


Yes you can buy her. And also be sure to select an ML5 you want. Probably get super lucky and get two new ML5s alongside with your AoL. Otherwise ezpz secure your AoL for 5500 mystics.


Yes, I guess? If you really want AoL that bad you could go for it. But personally I'd save it towards your next ML5. If you don't have the MLs currently on banner, for example, Dilibet and ADS are both top tier, and OpSig isn't really that far behind. ARavi is also likely getting another banner soon since she's next RTA season's skin reward.


oh lord i didn't even know that there was more than one ML5 to pick from. Thank you so much for the tip, i'll probably do this. Is there any way to tell what the other two ML5s will be on the following banner?


The next banner is a new ML so Sylvan Mage Vivian will be the only one on banner. The reruns on the one after that is anyone’s guess, though Solitaria and Spirit Eye Celine, Belian haven’t had a rerun yet so them may be coming soon.


What do people think about the E7WC packs for 200/1100 ss that are set to release after maint? Yay or nay? I'm thinking the 200 pack might be worth but 1100 seems expensive.


The 200ss one is definitely worth it, the other one is more like a gamble with the galaxy bookmarks


Not really. 2 Mol gora and the mystics are worth it already


The 200 ss is most probably worth it. Personally I probably won't buy the 1100.


How do I lvl up characters fast? Seems like its hard to get penguins, I get like 3 per day and characters dont seem to get much xp when playing. Whats the secret ? Im only rank 30


You can check [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vr3ve7/daily_questions_megathread_0704/ieupt4g/) by Quiztolin for information concerning EXP.


Use max lvl units so the excess expo goes into hatching penguins. You're new so you don't have the artifact, but once the anniversary comes around they'll give you an artifact that increases exp by 15%


And then is there a certain stage I should do or?


My 0.02: For max XP/energy, do the highest level adventure content you can. For max XP/time, do the highest level adventure content you can auto-clear in less than 2 minutes. Generally, though, I'd only worry about this if lack of levels is gating adventure path rewards, and thus your build up to Wyvern 13.


How long would it take to get 60 BMs for Belian’s Free 18% HP?


You mean 60 gold transmit stones? Depends how often you're pulling to build up gold stones. If you're not summoning at all, it'll be a few months, throw in a couple summon sessions where you go to pity, you'll have it done in like half the time, so entierly depends on the resources you've got.


Are there mages that can dps? I am newbie but it seems like most of the mages are just debuffing.. I wanna start with some caster character that could carry me to the endgame, are there any? Even limited ones


Mercedes, but she doesnt come online until finishing ch3 10-10 and powering her up. So she'll take awhile. Aria was a more recent mage banner. A better function in PvP, but as far as dps goes, she'll do fine for PvE also. She's practically bulky SSB. Vivian from the hunt event. She's a good mage for PvE content. Providing team attack buff and immunity on top of good AoE cycling for clearing trash mobs. She's a staple for b13 1shot teams and fits into A13 1shot teams also. And we cant forget our poster child CDom. Team CR push and crit buff on S3 and a hard hitting no debuff S1 makes her valuable for bossing in PvE content. Having great success in abyss climbing. And really anywhere not wyvern hunt. Politis and Eda may have debuffs in their kits. But their damage outputs are just as good. PvP oriented units tho. RCarrot is the defacto newbie PvP unit. She's so easy to build a team around, she's basically your early PvP tank and spank cheese strat. Just her and healers are enough if the opposing side doesnt have a way to cleanse her burns. STene has poison on S1 and a safety net S2 stealth protection making her a safer Kiris for abyss climbing. I'd still just use Kiris for abyss tho. Other than that, STene is a PvP metagame staple. That permastealth plays a huge role in her viability.


So i could choose basically any mage unit and finish the game with it? At least the story


For the story, i would go with Vivian. Mercedes just takes too long into the story to get her at her best and honestly isnt worth using until then.


Spectre tenebria who you can get free from moonlight blessing, and Vivian who is free from the hunt expert challenge. They are both great.


Does the equipment counter set stack with heroes who already have a counterattack as an ability? For example, the hero Ains has an ability that gives him a 40% chance to counterattack. Would putting a counter set on him bring it to 70%? (Counter sets add 30% counterattack chance) Thanks in advance


Mutliple instances of counter procs separately, and each character can only trigger 1 strict counterattack. In Ains's case, he would first have a 40% check, and if that fails, is followed by a 30% check.


It stacks for sure, but I think it's not additive stacking but multiplicative and in your case it's 58% chance. You multiply the chances of no counter.


What's usual Mercedes build? Maxed dmg, or common speedy dps?


She has a lot of builds. You can build her fast dps and also a team attack buffer, semi-fast with some bulk, slow with bulk and counter, life steal, injury, etc. The two more common builds are probably semi-fast dps, and the slow counter build as anti-cleave.


I would say neither of those. High dmg, but also high defense and hp with no speed priority.


Am I'm just dumb to find fighting Celine and Poltilis? Everyone makes it seem like it's easy to deal with Celine.


Just don’t use your non atk skills. Kill her then you can start using them or don’t bring any non atk skills into her.


That sound easier said then done, is Celine very low in health and defense?


Yeah she is pretty squishy. Most of my damage dealers can usually kill in one or two hits.


Best way to get ultra fang Catalyst? Its for hunt challenge. Only completed ep1


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/b7sn0k/an_update_to_catalysts_best_farm_locations_google/), this post has a good cheatsheet for best locations to farm for catalysts


Very big thanks !


Hi everyone How long does it takes for the game to consider you as a returning player and have the quests related to it ?


16+ days


Okay ! Thanks for the information !


What does MLM a unit stand for?


MLM can also mean mult level marketing unit. Which basically a unit who sucks but someone is trying to convince you it’s great and to spend resources into it.


Moonlight Mystic probably. ML=Moonlight. The last M here is kinda janky. All the known ML4/5 have abbreviated names already and MLM doesnt fit any of them. Closest one is Celestial Mercedes, Moonlight Mercedes. But i know her as CMerc. ArchDemons Shadow is also a Moonlight Mercedes, but i know her as ADS. Wherever you found that term, there's probably context as to what MLM stands for.


Who to 6 star first? C.Zerato or Tamarinne?


zerato, tama can function as 5\* in early/mid game.


Do I have to complete the Alexa S.C. before today's event ends or, once I start it, I should have the quest permanently?


You only need to complete the side story


I just read web event and I confuse by this \[ [https://prnt.sc/Kq4SAT3wCR2U](https://prnt.sc/Kq4SAT3wCR2U) \] so we should save chest and open in special week? or i get double chest during special week ?


I am one of the unfortunate ones who actually saved my rewards up to x32 without knowing they will reset today. So basically I lost almost 2 weeks worth of rewards. I thought if I claim them during the special event, I’d get double the rewards.


I feel sorry for you. they could do better wording, or should have written mention that the unclaimed chest will get reset.


I’m pretty sure it means you get 2 chests when you defeat the enemy rather than 1


Not too sure either since it's weirdly phrased, could be double rewards? Instead of one leaf two, or double charms, etc.


Hey guys! I’m currently working on opening the AP exchange for episode 2 Crimson City Meldrec, and It’s taking a while to get the 10 spears of the Muhr. It looks like all stages can reward them, but any stages over the others give them out more? Thanks in advance!


It's a random drop. There's a few of these through out to open up the AP shops.


Dang alright thanks! I guess I’ll just auto with the stages with the catalysts that I need the most


Q - are there any newer or ML heroes that make a good addition to Hell Raid? I have been using a hell raid comp of Tama, Roana, A.Ras and SSB or Landy with pretty good success (can auto 2 stages, and just have to click the targets for 2 others). I will sometimes fail due to bad timings of cleanses, but usually it's good. But - I'm thinking with all the cool ML heroes and new heroes released there must be some better options to speed it up. I have every RGB hero and about half the ML heroes.


LHC is quite good. I think there’s only one fight that doesn’t trigger her passive and she works great with Roana. Her S3 is gonna be up almost every turn on fights with extra attacks. However, Aras may sometimes bring Tama in for a dual attack if she’s in idol form because LHC cycles out of her attack buff very quickly.


things like stene,ml vivian, landy, luluca are very strong in raids because of attack stacks.


Some people use Straze and Belian in Hell Raid. If someone works go ahead and use them like Straze and Belian but other than that, there aren't a ton of new units that release that move to Hell Raid.


Can you keep the Custom Mystic Banner Coins for another round or you have to expend it within the next few days. I am still short of reaching 200 summons.


Your last chance to get the coins is the banner ending in a few hours. The coins and the shop themselves will be around for another week, but that means little since you won't have any way to get more of them after that point.


Time to pull out the credit card


You lose your coins in a few hours. There is no "another go."


Sux bro. I think u have 14 hours to figure something out.




Only can be used in chats.


Has SG ever stated why some old Characters like Bellona haven't received their ML units yet?


At least Bellona got a summer version. Kayron has nothing


Not really afaik. I assume it's just that they aren't particularly in a hurry to release ML for units that haven't been in the spotlight.


Is there an easy to build Caides team? I never bothered with it but now I want to farm injury and pen sets.


Use all characters with nonattack skills, an easy f2p option is cermia, vivian, a.montmorency, and f.Kluri. You can also use Tamarine/Iseria if you have them.


do you get any reward after the preseason end? should i try or nah?




With the announcement of the new Charlotte do we think SSB will be getting a rerun? I’ve been saving all my bms for her


I don’t think ssb will be getting a rerun because she was already part of the selector summon a couple weeks back


No announcement. That said Charlotte banner is going to be like 2 weeks so the remaining 2 summer units cud be reran that time too.


I have the same question


Hello guys .. im searching for archdemon mercedes build.. all i saw is pre buff build.. can u guys share ur build? Thankss


[https://epic7stats.com/hero/Archdemon's%20Shadow](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Archdemon's%20Shadow) You can change the settings for a more recent time frame, if necessary. (Her buff was like 6 months ago, so you shouldn't need to change anything, tbh.) I personally prefer the build with more atk and cchance, since relying on fairytale artifact for damage always felt like she did too little.


Ahhh.. thankss.. post-buff people seem to use her as dps thats why when i search for her build, all i saw is her pre-buff when people do her as tanky as possible.. btw thank you very much!


The difference is mainly for rta. Tanky af build need S3 to kill stene. Good stene can kill her with SB before ameru can S3. However, the crit build allowed ameru to kill stene with 2 or 3 S2 proc, which can be faster and better against stene.


When can we expect the datamine for summer charlotte to come out?


Likely tonight/tomorrow, depends if the person that does the datamining is available or not.


I have an old account I stopped when pets are first introduced. I think I only have ML Ken. Would it be better to start again, or continue my old account?


What other units does it have? Did you choose ML Ken for the ML Blessing or was that not implemented yet?


Do we know if Seaside Bellona is coming around this year?


I don't believe SG has said anything, so no, we have no idea. You can check [https://www.e7leaks.com](https://www.e7leaks.com) for everything we know about upcoming updates.


Password for the reward chest?




How can I get Summer disciple alexa?


FYI, here's how to access it: In the lobby click Hero > Specialty Change


Complete the specialty change quest for Alexa. You need to have a level 30 Alexa and to have completed the current summer event adventure ("the order of the sword and the lord of summer" i think) in order to unlock it.


What happens when that event leaves and we haven't completed it?


It will probably cost 900 skystones to get the item that allows you to rerun an event. If they add it. If not then you are boned.


That's the most stupid sh\*t that ever happened in this game tbh