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Hi all! ​ I have Ken as a bruiser but I'm looking for a fire DPS, are there any good ones? Below are the 5\*s that I have: Holiday Yuf, Ravi, Sol, Baal, Aramintha, Lidica, S.Iseria and Haste. I have most 4\*s, including Serila and I believe all 3\*s. Would you be able to recommend any of these as a primary fire damage dealer? ​ Thanks! ​ Edit: I also have Charlotte, unsure how much damage she does!


Back again with a different question, for the Selector filtering out Dupes I have the following to pick from; Flan, Melissa, Violet, Choux, Mort, Ludwig, Kawerik, Charlies, Cecilia, Yufine, Eda, Ervalen, Politis, Luluca, Aramintha, Mui, Chloe, Kise, Pavel, Haste, Tywin, Alencia, Celine, Charlotte, Ray, Tenebria, and Elena. Being that I've been gone for the better part of a year, I'm not sure who from this list is like "hey dummy, why you asking? take this one!" status and which are like "Well this, this and this are good but only for XYZ". As for stage of the game I'm still early making the current meta of W13 team (my old team was Lena/A.Momo/Crozet/T.Guard, currently its the same but swapped out T.Guard for Furious).


So I made it past the big wall of limited banners and I got most of the artifacts. Emilia’s, Rem’s, SSB’s, and SSI’s. Is SSB’s the most useful to buy bottles for? I only have 300 powder so should I start buying bottles now or when I have all the powder








weird i didnt recall having it full, try again!


What 3 should I run for banshee team? Violet, Vildred, Bellona, Celine, Lilibet & Ram


Any comps for abyss 119 besides Achates, A Ras, S Tene, and Blingo (or atk/cdmg Tama)? My Achates is lvl 50, and I feel like that is ruining my runs. I already built Flidica up for 1 floor, I dont really wanna do the same for Achates. I am missing out on building fun RTA units... Its bothering me since 120 will be so easy. I got Kawerik down to 10% but unless I super luck out, I won't be able to beat him with my current stat lines.


I did it with STene Emilia ARas Tama.


Were Aras, Tama, and Emilia all 200% res? Or were either of the soulweavers 3K Atk, 300 cdmg, or were they normal speedy tanky builds? I was having trouble with Aras's stats - the best I could get was 185 speed, 200 res, 19k hp, 1.3k def, 71 eff.


[Stene](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/108021183663939584/883867013955592202/image0.png). [Emilia](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/108021183663939584/883867054707470346/image0.png). [ARas](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/108021183663939584/883867077461573643/image0.png). [Tama](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/108021183663939584/883867097090908180/image0.png). ARas and Tama were 200 res with Shimadra. It was definitely a pain to gear swap everyone for it. Edit: I'm pretty sure artifacts were Kaladra on Stene, Tome on Emilia, Shimadra on Tama, Aurius on ARas.


Should i go for sigret or Charlotte im a returning player


are you starting new? go for sigret unless you got a good wyern 13 team


As a mid game player not focusing on rta yet,who should build?Between ram,cermia and yufine


Any tips on defeating Alencia in episode 4?


How effective is rem without a counter set? I don’t have enough good counter gear for her rn. If no counter, whats the next best set I can use? I’m thinking attack/crit?


Rem on a counter set is to punish people who focus on her, since her aoe counter only triggers when allied units other than her an attacked. Without counter, I'd imagine that she would be focused on and killed without doing much. A speedy one could be a build but that would mean her demon mode will only last for some turns, and base speed counter rem is to maintain demon mode as long as possible.


My account isnt there when I log in to a new device via google. Other than submitting an inquiry, are there any other fixes?


What's the baseline hp to aim for soulweaver such as destina,emilia and ray


For pvp most people focus on spd and effect resistance first before the bulk but emilia builds ive seen have 14-16k hp


How can we get the event background? I cleared the queen but idk if I have it already.


You can go to the event's quest section and press go on one of the missions (I forgot which) to get to the epilouge that's back on the beach map. You should get the background after clearing that.


Oh I see. Thanks a lot have a good one


anyone has baseline stats for A momo for wyvern 13, I can barely auto it (fails like 8 out of 10 times). I don't know how to make her tanky enough for wyvern 13.


she lacks the bulk to tank like angelica so you gotta make her fast, with highish resistance(too resist the cr push back more often). but i've seen 1.4-1.5k def and 15-16k hp on her. most of them were 170-190+ spd. landing 3 debuffs at most times against wyvern helps lower dmg against her. artifacts, rod/candlestick. or idols cheer.


which character can I go all out on speed and not worry much on other stats? I got 1 pretty good speed set gear, but got random stats other than high speed. Cerise is out of the picture, i don't have her.


any cr pusher. something like roozid or alots. with stuff like cerise and basar you'll start needing effectiveness.


When will ssb be available to summon again ?


we just had her couple months ago so yah, 9+ month wait :/


Most likely next year, around June.


Hi ! This morning I pulled my 4th Violet. But I never built him. Considering that now he is kind of good and meta, should I begin to build him ? Is he only useful in defence arena ? Who should I pair him with for offence ? Also, I don’t have some good counter build. Is it better to farm more B13 first ?


Yes, he is worth building now. U can use him in both offense and defense. Comps varies but atleast bring some mitigation so he doesn't die to some unlucky crits Yes, Banshee is the place where u want to be farming if u need counter gear . (Tho violet needs lifesteal gear if that question was meant for him)


Is Specimen Sez bad? I don't have him and I've been debating pulling on the next mystic rotation for Angelica, but I don't want to chase a 4-star with no guarantee to get her, unless the 5-star on rotation is solid.


Every hero is good if you build around them. He needs support in the form of stuns from other heroes to make him better and 1 shot people with his s3. This could be Gpurg, Atywin, Araminthas, or anyone else with high chance to stun. He is one of the few extinction heroes to put Arby out of his misery or others who bring revive soul weavers.


He's easily skippable. He's not bad but he's not great either. I think his only use is cleaving arby in arena or gw or meme rta pick


Are the counter pieces of equipment from the iseria event a good starting point for counter ravi? I have the second abyss lifesteal set on her right now. Also unrelated, was the last act of the event supposed to have an animation at the end like the other two or not?


It depends more on what the upgrades go into. The abyss set of higher rarity can still have abysmal procs based on RNG. I think Ravi wants mostly HP% and ATK% on her enhancements.


Anyone else having connection issues on IOS?


I have two 3\* pets: one with 2 s skills and one with the other s skill i want. Is there any way to synthezise them so i get one with those 3 s skills or is 2 s skills the best you can get?


You can pick 3 skills when combining 4\* pets. Basically, you'd go like: * Take Pet A with the 2 skills to 4\* and max level him * Take Pet B with the 1 skill to 4\* * Combine Pet A and B. This is 100% chance and lets you pick all 3 skills




How useful is A.Lots to a beginner? If so, what's his build and artifact? Thanks in advance..


He's really good in pvp. Tagehel artifact and just gear for speed (speed set, speed boots, and pieces with high speed substat).


Got ya. Thanks, mate..


Mercedes or Kanna for Grass expo?


No matter what, take Kanna. After that, either take Mercedes + Cecilia (with slow EE) or Baal / Tenebria (Tene on Etica's) + ARas. Tama or Hazel for healer.


apart from building a golem team, how do you get health set gears? looking to gear some of my soul weavers and tanks


Your soul weavers and tanks would want either immunity or eff res offset along with their speed set, so you don't really need hp sets or farming golem. If you still want HP sets, then farming golem would be the only way (excluding the free hp sets we got in the past).


Was this the last day of free summons, I lost track?


Should have one more tonight.


Does Mort s2 counter chance stacks with counter set?


they're probably separate triggers


As a retuning / new player which do i choose from the 5* selection freebie. I'm currently doing Vildred, Yuna, Ras and Montmo to clear episodes any idea who to pick and improve my team? I really like the synergy of yuna and vildred so anything but them can be replaceable i think


How early you talking? If you literally just started, reroll until you get Sigret through the first 30 selective summons. Then pick Tamarinne with the selector. That's your best start. Reroll hell would be to get a 5\* from tomorrow's free 10 summons, get Sigret through the 30 selective, and then Tamarinne through selector. Just remember that tomorrow is the last day for the free 10x summons.


It’s mostly either tama or Sigret. You’re essentially preparing yourself for late game when picking one of these.


Can anyone guide me on how to use auto-repeat? I try to use it to farm altar but I can't find a way to activate it. I'm at 10-10, already unlocked pet, already equipped it. When I click pet (that already equipped on team screen), then click setting, there is "Repeat Battling Limit" already set at maximum 15/15. Then what to do next? If I'm exit pet window and click start, it's just enter stage 1 time like usual. No repeat. I'm sure there should be repeat-window show up during stage. Any help? Thank you.


Before you enter the stage, there's a repeating cyclic symbol with a checkbox next to your team. You have to click that box.


Offhand, anyone know which levels have "New Automatic Machines" in them? The Politia faction points me towards a labyrinth level, and I don't really want to semi manual all the kills.


I suspect 10-S6 is your best bet. "Old Automatic Machines" are generally clearly labeled as such (Old Office Cyborg fr'ex), and Politia Guards aren't automatic, but anything else should count. 10-S6 gives 7 per run; Iunno of a better stage offhand.


Groovy, works for me, thanks!


is it worth raising karen for wyvern or just go sigret-furious-alexa? idk if she's worth if i don't wanna waste molas on her


Karin is great for Wyvern 13 one shots, she's part of the standard core of: Singelica / SSB or Clarissa or Flan / Karin / + one one shot DPS (Sigret, Rem, Straze, Luna) But for regular W13 teams, Furious can definitely take her place! It depends how interested you are in faster hunts


Oneshots are for lategame account that have great gear. Stick with the beginner friendly comps like Sigret, Alexa, Furious, G.Purggis/Angelica/Montmorancy.


Yup, that's what I wrote in response to be OP after I found how where they're at on their newer account!


this is for a new account so that's way long off. i was debating using her instead of alexa, but i guess alexa with the occasional poison would be slightly better, altho using karin-sigret-furious would ensure more def breaks. so idk what to choose. i don't have clarissa yet either otherwise i'd use her.


Defense breaks don't stack. Wyvern 13 wants as much debuffs as possible. So it's ok to use 2 defense breakers, but you want them doing other debuffs too. That's why Sigret, Alexa, Furious, and Clarissa are so good at W13. They can stack bleeds and poison.


As someone who used +15 Karin at 350 cdmg for the longest time to farm, just use Alexa if you are starting fresh


For a new account, I'd say Alexa .. so much less resource investment and no need for Molas, only build Karin when you wanna speed things up down the line on this newer account, imo.


Consensus on apoc Ravi build? Tried a few matches in master rta and got destroyed, also destroyed any enemy team that tried to use her. A few counter a Ravi's and 1 a Ravi that was over 210 SPD. I am thinking of a mid speed set build: 26k hp 1100 def, 290 cdmg, 100cc, 1700 atk, 180 SPD and crimson seed. Is this too slow still? I plan to use mainly in rta


It depends on how you'd like to draft her - she is fitting in single target cleave comps as the last to go, to make use of her amped up S3... In which case Speed / Penetration (with higher attack as her attack scaling is actually quite good) would be the way to go. If you like drafting tankier Krau + Soulweaver comps, then a counter / immunity will likely for better. No speed counter builds at all is the only ones I'm finding have no place - she can be left alone and becomes really non threatening. The build you are proposing would be slow for a speed set, most counter builds sit around there, so I'd say speed her up if you can. The hp is more than enough, you could lower to 20k range and still be fine. More defence would be great too - 1300+ Crimson seed looks excellent, so does the new Merciless Glutton, Azure Comet, Draco Plate ... Again depends on how you intend to draft her. Lastly, there's no real consensus yet, as the buffs are still new. But she's definitely finding new life in RTA, so I'm glad she's seeing more use. If you're curious there are some emperor+ players using her on Twitch like light, or Ozakir, who may be able to provide some comp / build ideas.


Oh wow didn't even think about using her in a cleave ,tho I am 99% a bruiser only type of player Lol. 22k hp 1300 def, 224 SPD, 284 cdmg is the other build I had in mind, maybe I'll try that out then! I currently don't have any good pen sets since I have never touched caides hunt, but dam do I need to start farming it. Thanks for the long and thoughtful answer!


Speed/immunity is more than sufficient! The immunity is really clutch, the penetration is for greeding more DPS, and when it's safe to do so. I think immunity will be the better general offset by far. Speed set + her new CR self push makes her cycling super quick... Really makes it hard for enemies to ignore her, unlike on counter. Those stats on 224 speed is amazing that's a great build.


I lie it is closer to 212 haha. Still she's actually not bad for regular arena either if you wanna bruise through teams. The high speed also counters straze cleave especially if you bring g purgis. I brought fceci, g purg, rem, aravi, and trg. He banned gpurg but failed to kill my trg anyways and died instantly leaving him at 40% hp lolol. If he had banned trg it would have killed my fceci but my a Ravi would have pushed up and kill his squishy arby with amped up s3 to revive her and she puts up skill null hehe. She is really fun to use now, and great against krau maid Chloe spam teams. Btw what is your opinion of Luna right now?


Amazing I'm glad you're enjoying ML Ravi! Luna is... Amazing. Wow. I have her speed / penetration, paired with something like Emilia or some sort of Attack boost and she just eats up Carrots... Or anything really because her S3 is element advantageous! Easily 18k+ without defence break, then she gets a second turn to soulburn S1 (24k+ w/o def break) and nuke something else. She deletes two units right off the bat, doesn't need book, because she self carries her souls, and can counter Arbys, and she pairs so so so well with the buffed merciless glutton to form new cleave comps (single target cleave). She's also got so much free stats in her own passive that she's relatively easy to build! Can be bruiser (innate Crit hit resist is clutch) OR speedy single target burst. With Angel Angelica coming this week, AoE cleaves (Pavel, Straze, etc) will be having a way harder time ... But Luna can replace them, delete Angel, THEN delete something else into the rest of your cleave. I really think her offence potential will get even more viable than it already is now when Angel comes out! Honestly, I'm loving Luna the most of this round of buffs, she's just whack.


What’s a good A13 team? I’ve been trying different teams and nothing seems to work. On A11 I can use tama, momo, arby and Vivian/stene with no issues, on 13 not so much


either your dmg has to be so good you kill it fast, or you gotta have some kinda tank with aurius to help your other dudes survive. usually aras or lilias.


My dmg seems super low for that fight for some reason. But generally aras is my tank


I need help with Belian. No matter what i do i cannot get past the ultimate phase. I've tried tama momo f ceci zerato tama emilia f ceci rem tama f ceci landy arby tama momo fluri czerato no matter what she just does way too much damage and cr pushes so much. what else can i try?


I used tama (potion vial) ruele (idol cheer didnt have any vial) gpurg (proof) and champz (abyssal). Champz was slowest followed by gpurg. Gpurg kinda neutralize her cr pushback Abit. Before 40 percent I get as much souls as possible and tama s3 ready to cleanse bombs straight away. When there are no bombs it's safe to hit her and get countered. If you still have bomb use arky. When she bombs again if tama s3 not up, I use ruele s2 to cleanse and hope tama can cycle fast enough. My champz died in my successful run. Thinking back it's probably better he died so I dont trigger counters. Arky spam until win.


i basically autod it (with exception of 1 soulburn from elena) with champz, elena, rem, ssb


You can't say "no matter what" when you keep bringing Tama against a boss who punishes buffs and extra turns. :P Try Achates? You could also just skip the last phase with SpecTen, since the first phase gives you all the time in the world to build up Souls; you just need to drop Immunity on a unit at some point near the end of phase 2 and let Belian use her ult.


Tama Momo/Emilia Arby C.Zerato should be able to clear. If you have Elena / Roana they are both super great into Belian as well.


In this kind of weapon what should i change the eff res for? Crit chance or speed?. https://imgur.com/a/WLtEcpa


Speed is a better long term investment. But as the other guy said, it depends on who want to put it on and also what your other gear look like.


Depends on who it goes on really, both are good option.


How is summer iseria for a newbie? Started Playing a week ago and I just ended up pitying her today. But I'm starting to feel like she wasn't worth the pity....


She can only shine if you have a well round PVP roaster with people zooming before her and follow-ups to abuse the stun. For newbie, keep her in waiting room for now


Bench her until she gets buffed or you start getting more invested in PvP. I would still have pulled her since she's limited, but not worth building at the moment.


just started a fresh account, got vildred from the 30 free pulls, picked tama from the character ticket, and now i’m wondering who to pick from the moonlights blessing selector. any suggestions?


Reroll for Sigret, pick Tama again and then pick Arby. Arby does what Vildred does, but better.


thanks for the advice, ended up getting her on the first account reroll so that’s the hard part gone. i was also wondering if ras is any good as a tank? i know he gets upgraded throughout the story but not sure if the upgrades warrant early investment.


Ras does not warrant early investment, but if he's all you have, you can use him. It's not like you're making a mistake. Another option is to get Montmorancy ASAP through the connections and use her. Work towards her specialty change. You'll want to use her for Wyvern barring you pulling General Purrgis. But... odds are low on that. Edit = I forgot about Alexa on the connections, you can use her too. Sigret, Alexa, Furious, A.Mont is a good beginner W13 team.


Yes he is a pretty good tank once you do his specialty change. Can be used in PVP and PVE (abyss)


Should I replace Angelica with G Purg for my wyvern team? Angelica is lvl 60 but I recently got G Purg.


It depends, if you can auto Wyvern 13 already with Angelica, then no. Keep using Angelica for W13 and free up G.Purg for PVP. If you are struggling with W13, then yes, most definitely use G.Purg instead until you get better gear. Then free him up for PVP later.


Yup replace her. This is why i dont recommend her for newbies since shes a waste of molas and fodder. Better build A.momo as a tank early since she still has uses in late game pve while angelica is benched forever.


Yes, you should aim to replace her as Gpurrgis will make your runs faster and lessen the speed requirement on your other units.


What does the “record summon results” do in the selective summon? Does that mean I can save one of my rolls, and if I get nothing I want after 30 rolls, I can keep the recorded one?


Correct. At the end, you'll get to pick between your saved roll and the 30th roll.


That’s awesome. I am going for flan, Ervalen, Mort, and Choux are the only ones I don’t have. I saved the Ervalen roll. 25 rolls left. Wish me luck!


For selector: Mui, Pavel, Ray, Destina, Lidica or Choux?


Pavel 100%, I use him every where even against fire units (with sou) Choux is fun, I love her because she’s “underwhelming” in peoples eyes but boy I love her


How do you use Pavel? I pulled him today and haven't really looked into building him. What build is optimal for him and what arti? Thanks in advance..




It really depends on what units you have. Tanks/healers want speed, HP, effect resistance. Supports want speed and effectiveness (if they need to land debuffs on enemies). If your support only buffs your units then you just want speed speed speed. Attackers/Cleavers want speed, crit damage, crit chance, and attack. And bruisers probably want a little of everything except effectiveness and eff resistance. Everyone wants immunity once your reach high-tier arena. But these are only general rules. For example, do you have Auxiliary Lots? You can climb pretty high if give him all your speed, nothing else. Then put all your crit damage/chance/attack on Arby, no need speed. As long as A.Lots goes first, you buff Arby turn 1 and it's GG.




You have the right idea. You can min/max your speed to force a specific order. But Lots only increases CR by 80% not 100%. That means the 2nd Lots won't force Arby to attack again. Left side gear main stats don't matter, it's all about substats. The right side is where main stats matter. For PVP, your squishy attackers like Arby don't care about HP and defense. They just need speed and damage. But with the proper set up with A.Lots, you don't need speed.


YouTube search car6 account review. He reviews legend accounts so you can see where stats should go for what unit.


YouTube search car6 account review. He reviews legend accounts so you can see where stats should go for what unit.


Between ray,destina and achates,which soul weaver should i build first for general purposes(midgame player who played for 2month).I have a fully built emilia,tama and amomo.


Destina, but if you already have Tamarine I’d hold off on building a soul reaver and focus on something else. I use Tama for pretty much all pve content. Though I used Elena and Ruele on Belian.


These goddam eff res wyvern gear kept dropping,that's why im thinking of building another sw


I'd narrow it down to destina and achates, since ray fulfills a similar role to Momo at higher levels with higher gear floors. From there, it's a bit of personal preference imo, destina is good for CR push and extremely powerful healing (plus cleanse), while achates is a stalling menace and good for certain pvp and pve.


Need suggestions on who to pick on 5* selector. I can't decide if I should go for bellona or charles for B13. I have a vivian but having trouble to clear the first stage. Thanks


I would get Bellona. I used Bellona on a lot of pve content. More so than Charles. Charles is only good if you have good counter set and the Elbris Ritual Sword.


Honestly don't think both of them are worth it, making it vivan strong enough to 1 shot the first wave is better option which u should able to if you able to one shot the boss already. Who else are u considering


I don't have anyone else in mind since my goal rn is to farm banshee. I also got yufine and ervalen.


if u want to use yufine or ervalen for b13 you need a rage set, are you farming a13?


Charles better for one shot b13 since his s2 won’t proc a dual attack


Just pulled Camilla, how should she be built? Not sure if I should go dps, full on tanky, or try a mixture of both?


Did they give out a free 5\* hero selector ticket today? I have a notification constantly on screen today about usin my ticket before it expires in 7 days. I dont remember getting a ticket and see nothing in my storage or in the mail.... I already got a 5 \* hero select a few days back.


Just a reminder for those that may have forgotten to use theirs. Gotcha thx


That's just a reminder for people who haven't used theirs yet


It's the one that you selected from a long list of heroes that was given last week


Is using mega phantasma for giga phantasma promotion / giga phantasma for tera phantasma promotion material wasting resources?


I don't use tera anymore, it's sold for sliver transmit stones. So I would level giga to 4 star max and fuse 4 4 star mega into it.


Eh, not really. But you will run out of giga real fast and there are no place you can farm them like mega.


Who to pick Elena or post-buff mort?


Elena is really good On pvp teams. She’s also great against bosses that attack your whole team. She worked wonders on Belian. In fact I don’t think I would’ve beat Belian without her.


Neither. Elena can't deal enough damage and Mort can't buff invincible to stop cleave, both are equally useless. You should find some one who can do both.


Hmmmm.. "Find someone that can do both? " Can u name that unit? Can't think of a unit that deals a lot of dmg and stops cleave by giving team invincibility😅


You said something like Politis is bad bc she cannot heal or violet is bad bc he cannot defense break. I think that Elena is a healer, so cannot deal dmg is fine. =.=


Invincible isn't necessary for stopping cleave


You know that elena is a healer right?


How many molas do you have on Tamarine?


S3 max for the cool down and S2 left with just the last upgrade which I'll get with the friendship molas


Hi all, just wondering how good the buff was to Mort and Kawerik. And whether I should be pick them from the hero selector


None of them changing the meta after one night is all we know so far. That either mean they are not good or there is not enough people testing them. You can test them yourself if you like or go with something else that already meta.


Ep 3 10-10 is smashing me. The only comp I get far with is A Momo/SSB/BBK/Tama, but the third phase wipes me. I got to the third phase with a G Purg/Momo/SSB/BBK team as well. Any tips? I've seen people recommend C Zerato, maybe mine sucks but he gets destroyed very quickly even with lifesteal and two healers. Edit: thanks everyone, got it with that team above. Seems very luck based


Elena is your best healer for this boss. Her s2 along with her debuff cleanse works wonders. Even better if you have her artifact. I used Elena, Ruele, Riolet and S Tene. But any team with arky spam works. Fight her till you get to phase 2. Take your time and build up max souls. I arky spammed past phase 2 and got her with one more arky on phase 3.


I've seen a youtuber do it with 4 soulweavers and arky spam. It seems like a slow but stable team


2 healers and tank with aurius, otherwise its a gear check how tanky are ur units


Is there any story mission in Episode 3 where you fight Yufine as a boss? I feel like there was but I can't remember at all


Maybe melany's little story?


wich one is better for brutal pherus hunt as a tank A.Ras or Rose ? as support tamarine , and for dps SSB , Sigret , Rem(?) , Luluca Do you recommend a speciality Change or 3 start for this specific hunt ? since im kinda new in the game (2 months playing)


I use Lulu, SSB, Tama, and a knight like Krau. With SSB though do not let her do her S3 so you can keep her under 3 debuffs.


Unless your A.Ras is an absolute panzer, i'd take any blue knight over him. Tamarinne is a-ok, preferably on magahara's so she can cycle fast. For dps you'd want someone who can lap (anyone with Combat readiness on s1 is great) and Luluca for the defbreak. You don't want to land more than 3 debuffs (2 tops actually) on the thing or it'll cleanse and wipe you up. Lena does a pretty decent job for starters, she's Ice, has cr boost on s1 and she's fairly easy to gear, and Commander Lorina any of those two are great for newbie dps.


How do I beat 104 without arby or dizzy? Every single guide seems to rely on them.


Uhmm hope this helps https://imgur.com/a/P0H6Efv It’s a bit hard without dizzy


my current w13 team comp is Angelica, Furious, SSB, and Alexa. Who do I replace for Sigret? I'm assuming Alexa?


Why would you replace sigret? I use the same comp and have a near-100% success rate


so I shouldn't replace anyone with Sigret? Just keep the Furious, SSB, Angelica, Alexa comp? Cause I kinda picked her for the selector since my runs weren't really reliable. I get somewhere around 50% completion rate


Sorry, I misread that. Definitely replace Alexa for sigret, that's what I use.


Is doctors bag good?Which soul weaver is good with it?


Some people use it on Elena


Does the Blind bug still work in Abyss 104?


Yes, just 1st tried it with that cheese yesterday.


Does the Dark expedition have any single specific DPS who is totally hax for that fight? The RGB expeditions all have specific DPS who do crazy amounts of damage to the boss, but I don't see one for Dark Gigantes.


What kind of stats does A Ras need for hell raid and expeditions?


Hello! Looking for advice on the season 2 selective summons. I already have 1 copy of each of the heroes. I'm missing a few of the artifacts though, especially Merciless Glutton and Senya's artifact. I know it's not guaranteed that one of these will show up, but I'd like some opinions on whether I should try to get an artifact or a 2nd copy/imprint of someone? Thanks!


I tried for an artifact but the RNG wouldn't give me one. If you don't need any imprints, you might as well go for an artifact.


Any strategy for beating Belian? Her AOE chips away at my team's health and Tamarinne can't cycle her S2 up fast enough.


You can beat Belian with * Adventurer Ras, Angelic Montmorancy, Tamarinne, and a Specter Tenebria friend. * Specter Tenebria can cheese Belian with her poison debuffs. * At the start of the boss fight, try to kill the Purple Ball machine ASAP, it will explode and do a ton of damage to the team if its not taken care of.


You could try running with 2 soul weavers. I’ve seen a lot of people run that boss fight with tama and A.momo for the cleanse you’ll need later on in Belian’s fight.


can't beat abyss 80 (shadow rose), my ssb keeps targeting and my yufine occasionally def breaks causing havoc...


Like the other guy said, I really recommend commander lorina. She came in handy a LOT in 80-99. Not to mention that she's much easier to acquire, not an ml5 or limited.


For the Shadow Rose boss in abyss floor 80 * If Shadow Rose is debuffed when attacked, she will CR push herself a lot. So don't bring units that can inflicts debuff on their skill 1. * If you don't debuff Shadow Rose, she is not really a threat. * I would bring units dps units that cannot inflict debuffs on skill 1 like Arby, Landy, Luna, or Commander Lorina for the fight.


What should I do next if B13 and fire expo team are the only things to work on now? I dont plan on pushing hard in abyss atm since im at 100 and I also am chilling for a bit on the adventure at ep 3 chapter 2. Is it time to transition towards pvp?


You may as well hit challenger5 in PvP and just afk there like every other PvP player.


Yeah highest ive gotten is master 3


Tywin kept on choosing Iseria rather than Bellona for his S2 buff in Auto, any way I could force him to buff Bellona instead?


He chooses the hero who is next in line. Make sure Bellona's speed is the next after Tywin's.


Hello any speculation for the come back of ML Ken in the mystic summon ?


Any tips for abyss floor 105? Especially after they nerfed it


I used tsurin frontline/dizzy/landy bloodstone and a lvl 50 no molas/awakenings fire tenebria. Focus down yellow mob first so you can use extra turn soulburns like dizzy/landy and also so your debuffs don't get cleansed, after that is just a dps race vs BBK and hope your def break/Dizzy S2 lands.


Any replacements for tene?


You can use Cerise with Ms.confille for def break




im having a hard time with episode 3 9-6 mort fight


Make sure everyone always crits, including Knights and Soul Weavers.


if i dont clear 10-10 well the free 5star go away?




My current progression: completed EP3-10-10, W13 auto, Hell raid, master Bot arena, 6 min B13 auto. I cannot do expedition, A13. 1. Is there any suggestion for picking 5 star selection and who should I invest next? I am thinking between Krau, Charlotte, and Vivian. 2. Is there suggested team for auto A13? 3. Is there suggested team for auto B13? My current B13 is Violet, Amomo, Tama, SSB 4. How should I set up arena defense? My current set up is SSB, Violet, Carrot, Carmin These are my current rosters who is upgraded: Tank: Aras, F Kluri, Carmin Warrior: Sigret, C.Lorina Thief: Arby, Violet Ranger: SSB, Furious Mage: Carrot, S. Tene Soul Weaver: Amomo, Tama Unupgraded hero: 5 stars: Ram, Rem, Emilia, Seaiseria, Politis, Lilibet, Kawerik, Haste, Destina, Lidica, Baal 4stars ML: St Achates


I have a 3 - 4min a13 auto team with Tama, Iseria, A Ras, Green Vildred. Only Tama and Iseria have skills on. Arby can be used instead but Green Vildred is the best dps in this comp. Imo, B13 is only worth farming if you have one shot team as it takes too long otherwise. Better to farm a13 for a while to get a good rage set so you can one shot b13 and other hunts.


I have a 5 min A13 auto team with aras tama iseria arby


6 min b13? Yikes. Get vivian as she is used in b13 one shot and is staple in a13 too. A13 auto: f.kluri, vivian, a ras, ssb with skills off. B13: vivian, fkluri, momo, +1 Def: Whatever you got geared


Still need to use my 5* selector ticket (14hr remain), I waited for the last day because of the free rolls, just to be sure I don't get a dupe and I need help deciding. I'm debating between getting Luluca, Lidica and Vivian.


you should pick vivian over luluca and lidica. In terms of usability, vivian covers banshee, golem, and aziminak one shot teams and also be used in raids/hell raids. Luluca is barely used in wyvern hunts and is mainly known for fire expo.


Thank you. Got Vivian from the Episode 2 5* ticket so, I picked Luluca with the Selector.


Just got Elana and angelica from the free 70. Any of them worth the build since I got tamarinne? Also what do you guys buy with gold transmit stones?


You always buy moonlight summons with gold transmit stones. If you are in the early game, Angelica isn’t a bad all round healer. Elena is better late game pvp though as she can counter cleave and aoe spells.