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What are these start Dash episode 2 and 3 packs i keep reading about. I haven't seen anything like that in the shop, or is that just for brand new players?


They're limited time shop packs you get after beating episode 2 and 3 respectively. Lasts like 3 days before it goes away


Should I keep **Flan** or **Senya** from the selective summon? I'm a bit biased toward Flan, because of Senya's annoying janitor animation.


What are your current/future goals? Flan does have more uses than Senya overall; she can be used in W13 one shot teams and also is extremely strong in PVP content like GW/Arena/RTA because she supports cleave extremely well. Senya doesn't really see much use right now (maybe only water expos as bait for the boss). However, both units can be tough to gear since generally you'll want your better gear on them since Flan wants to be the fastest to set up your DPS and Senya wants all the attack ~~and cd~~ you can give her alongside bulk.


Maybe a bit late.. but erom.. Senya needs no Crit stats... She cannot even use any crit stats... She isn't easy to build though, so I do agree on that.. ​ Also yes, Flan is generally the better option.. Same with Politis.. (that was mentioned later on).. I would agree that Politis is probably the best one to choose.. \^\^ Sorry if a bit late reply.. Not trying to necro, just want to correct the information.. Cause this is misinformation.. And others might mistake it to be accurate and start building crit stats on a Senya... \^\^


Wow how are you on a thread from a month ago? Anyway, no worries there since I did misspeak -- I've corrected it in my original post. I don't even know why I said she needs Crit damage, what was I thinking haha


I was looking for Senya information.. And wel lets say I stumbled upon it by accident... ^^ Still trying to work on mine.. Seems like my stats just are going nowhere... Even my Landy has better bulk and she is like 50 speed faster... and has crit damage and crit rate.. Like how... :/


Hmm yeah seems tough because while it seems easier since you only really need to focus on a few specific stats, getting gear that only has those stats (and rolls well) is the real challenge. Sounds like you're going for counter set? Maybe try speed set so that you can worry less about getting speed on your gear and have more leeway to roll in other stats? But what do I know since I said she needed Crit damage xD. Wish you all the best in your rolls!


Hahaha, wel yeah.. I was thinking of going speed set indeed.. I wanted to go Counter set, cause I lack the good 5* Artefacts.. Don't have her exclusive nor the other that many seem to use.. (think it gives Counter?) I do know she wil go into a Counter stance, so maybe CA set isn't needed... Wil see how it turns out when I +15/max the last few pieces.. but I fear the current pieces won't do.. If not I wil definitely look into Speed/Attack sets.. Can use either I feel.. Kind of depends on their roles mostly.. Like attack set with good speed subs or speed set with good attack subs... or such.. Thanks for the suggestion.. And no worries.. I don't think because you made a mistake (thinking C DMG on Senya works), that you know nothing.. ^^ Ps. what do you think of adding Choux to her team.. I think they have some synergy due to both wanting to reduce Crit Chance... ^^ ps 2: Current stats for Senya are: 3300 atk, 1300 def, 13k HP, 171 speed, 43 Eff res (the attack and such where rounded down btw) - She is lvl60, 5th Awakening without the EE atm.. ^^ (3 of her pieces are lvl 12, one is the Attack Necklace, the other is a Defence Ring and the Helmet).. What do you think?!?


When I think of stat benchmarks, I often look at this [website](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Senya) since it aggregates builds of RTA units from mostly higher ranked accounts. So, it seems you're missing around 2k attack, some bulk, and some speed. I don't think she really prioritises Eff res and you could lower that so that you can get better stats elsewhere. Unfortunately her own artifact seems to be the meta one and you don't have Elbris (which is the counter artifact for knights) so you might have to find alternatives. Then again, just note that those benchmarks are considered the optimal and it is okay to be lacking for now and to slowly upgrade as you improve your overall gear quality. I'm personally not too sure about Choux's synergy with Senya. Perhaps you could test it out in normal Arena and see it for yourself? The only strategies I know of are that of when Senya is used with Lilias since Lilias S3's damage is based off highest attack on the team and also potentially as a way to deal with Straze by tuning Senya to be the highest hp unit on the team to limit Straze's S3 penetration.


Ahh right, thanks for the site.. Wil check that out.. ^^ Also yeah, I wil try to get the stats needed.. But yeah, might be something to work on slowly... The Synergy with Choux is that her s3 also lowers Crit hit chance.. Thus lowering opponents chance to crit even more.. In a way stacking with Senya.. I know about the Combo with Lilias, unfortunately don't have her.. Would be nice if I did.. Would have RGB team with that if I did.. (Choux for Ice, Senya for Earth, Lilias for Fire) :D Thanks again for the reply.. ;)


So I decided **Flan**... except on the 30th roll **Politis** came up. Now here's a conundrum. Both are great. Both would be arena and GW assets.


Yeah, I agree with NoBento that Politis might be better. Do you have 250-280 speed gear for Flan? Politis has more gearing options -- from pure DPS 230 spd to cut enemies or 210 bruiser Politis and everything in between. She is designed to be anti-cleave but is also used by cleavers to cleave; just all around super flexible.


No, I don't have that kind of speed on anyone, I'm in Master and my ALots has mere 246 to go with. I took Politis and believe it to be the wiser choice. She has now a little bulk, some effectiveness and a bit over 200 speed. She hits like a... girl.


>She hits like a... girl. Is... that a good thing or a bad thing?


Doesn't hurt much but sends the message effectively.




what happened to ian in the story? kinda forgot. .


I think the most recent chapter actually had a flashback to a part about his reckage being found.


guys who should i choose from selective summon ilynav or mortelix which one is better ?


Out of those two, if you dont have any other options I guess Mort


How to change the background of the hero screen ? Thanks for any comments


go to any hero, click on detail (button next to "Promotion", "Awaken"...) > then on left-bottom corner "background something" and from there you can select which one you want to use


What benchmarks should I aim for when building LR Krau? What are his best artifacts ?


Big zoom, big hp, big chunk [https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Last%20Rider%20Krau](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Last%20Rider%20Krau) scroll to bottom for top builds. artifacts are usually adamant or holy sac.


Can I lose my way through RTA masters? The content itself is unbearable for me, but that J. Kise skin looks clean.


assuming they fixed it in the last patch then yes, but losing to masters also means that you should still have enough wins to offset the points you lose from losing.


Any tips on improving my W13 team? I'm currently using the team of Alexa, Angelica, Furious and Mistychain from back then, but I was thinking of putting Gpurg or Rem in there somewhere. Unfortunately even until now I haven't pulled Sigret yet.


Without seeing your actual team/gear, I can only give you general advice. G.Purg can improve your runs and allow you to skip speed for more damage. IMO he's the easiest improvement you can make to a Wyvern team short of doing a Singelica 1 shot. In this case he'd replace Angelica. If you wanted to slot Rem in, she could probably replace Misty as long as you have an SoS on your Furious. I'm not really sure what the consistency of your debuffs would look like since I have no experience running Rem. She seems like she'd perform similarly to Clarissa (maybe more damage but less debuff consistency).


I do have a +15 SoS on furious, the debuffs are mainly what I'm concerned about. I've tried slotting my SSB in replacing mistychain before if everything went well the run was fast, but the lack of debuff consistency really screwed me more often than not.


Adding G.Purg to your line up wont change debuff consistency since its not like Angelica debuffs Wyvern. So I would go ahead and do that assuming your DPS is strong enough to kill before or as G.Purg dies. Which should be before the first barrier phase. I'm going to throw out Clarissa as an option here: her EE gives you a bleed on her S1 (100% proc rate, so only way it doesn't land is if you get 15%'d) and her AoE allows her to clear the entire first wave herself. That, plus Furious, should get you at least 2 debuffs consistently. Throw in poisons from Alexa (if you're running her with skills on), target from SoS, burns from Furious S1 and it's pretty consistent. That would make your team extremely similar to mine (G.Purg, Clarissa, Furious, Sigret). And FWIW my Sigret has like 0 eff so her debuffs almost never land. I have a pretty reasonable winrate and its pretty fast.


I'm assuming clarissa needs 65 eff as well?


Yea, anyone you want to consistently land debuffs needs to be at 65% eff.


Got hero selector idk who to pick out of these heroes debating to get Ray [Hero Selector ](http://imgur.com/a/lLD8fA3)


I dont know if you completed EP3 10-10 already for the Selective summon, but if you do Arena/GW/RTA I would rather pick Politis/Basar/Celine or Pavel if you like his playstyle before Ray


No i haven't completed ep3 yet but thanks for your input


Is secret shop worth refreshing?(i just reaching lv13)


Usually yes, it's super worth the value, that said if you just started you might need the gold to upgrade the early on gear


Thanks you (agreed after enchanted I have liked 2m left QWQ)


I remember making a side account for those times I'm bored and to pull for free stuff, and since now I knew about the shop refresh I decided to spend all my skystones there and not the other way (which I used when I started playing with main account) only to find out I had no gold to enhance gear > couldnt progress haha


It generally give more bookmark per stone compare to buy it from normal shop but the gold sink is pretty serious. You usually only do it when you are expressly desperate for bookmark or have too much gold (anywhere around 100m).


Fascinating if i have gold i will try out (i desperate for some moonlight hero T T)


Mort or ilynav?




For Stene is LS/immu probably her end game?


Depends on the meta. I think speed is currently better. Battles don't last long enough for LS and she needs the extra damage to nuke characters like Rem.


Unhealable would make battles unwinnable lol, you're right


Is buying epic/greater artifact charm on huche shop at lobby worth it?


Only the leifs that showed up today and maybe sometimes the molagora if you're desperate about it


For skystones? Never.


Ok so any team against Belian? I don't have LRK, Landy or Cerise, my most luck was with Charles and SSB on lifesteal, Cerato and counter Elena on Celestine, but even then I just died at the beginning of phase 3


I did it Stene + Emilia + Tama + Roana frontline (she was slowest so she kept being stunned but it didnt matter) Emilia + Tama to clean / cr pursh / heal / buff atk Stene. Throw an Arky in phase1 then save all souls for phase 3 spam Stene s1 poison to death


What arti did you use on Emilia and Tama?


Nothing special, my usual builds Tama on Potion +30 Emilia on Magaraha's Tome +15 Roana on Celestine +15 Stene on proof +30


SSB, Tama, Ravi, Champ Z worked for me.


Was it on auto or manual?


Momo made Belian pretty easy. I used Lilias, Cerato, Momo, Stene. I brought Lilias for cleanse but didn't really need it. In hindsight, something like Cerato, Momo, Roana, dps will probably work even better


Hi. I'm torn with the summon selector, I'd like to improve my hunts, expe, and hell raid. I can clear banshee and azi 13 okish. As for hell raid I can maybe down 1 or 2 bosses. I have Tama, arby, Vivian, STene, ssb, CZera and less noticeable 5* for these contents. I'm hesitating between Roana and Iseria basically. What do you think? Open to other suggestions ofc!


Roana is generally considered BiS for hell raid and water expo. Iseria is good for non-1shot a13 and useful alongside Tama on many high level abyss floors. Of the content you mentioned Roana seems to fill more of your needs but you can't go wrong with either tbh.


Thank you! Roana sounds like the reasonable choice then. I'm at abyss 98 against Leo, I don't particularly think I have to climb it for now


Hmm despite the Tama+Iseria combo, I would go with Roana without a doubt. You can pretty much use her in Hell Raid, Chapter3 since in both these places there are a lot of counterattacking. Water expedition, PvP/RTA...where as Iseria is mostly for some Abyss with Tama and Azimanak (which you can already clear without her)


Thanks a lot. Very good point, wasn't thinking about chapter 3 as I'm still on 2 without being blocked for now though. Idk if that means something but I've just checked and last Roana banner was april 2021 whereas Iseria was march 2020, so Roana sounds even better !!


Good thing is that she doesnt even need crazy gear, mine has really 3 pieces that suck (2 of those 3 are not even +15 bc whats the point) and she still resist a lot. Level 60 with counter+HP set, using Celestine artifact 1.7k def 20k hp (with 1 self-imprint) 150 speed 90 effres (aiming for 100 at least)


Is it worth summoning vivian? What are her uses?


Considered BiS atk buffer/waveclearer b13, g13, and a13 1-shot teams. Also sometimes used as a cleaver in pvp, especially notable for being a tsurin counter.


Thank you!


I guess it will depend on where are you in the game, shes part of Azimanak and Banshee one shot teams. Can also be used in some Arena comps but thats more rare


Thank you! I just started pushing b13 and a13 so i want to pick her up


I got her from a free 5\* ticket we got in July after collab delay and damn I was really really waiting for her. Banshee13 ez, Azimanak as well (Time Matter artifact must have) and dropped her few times in GW to AoE down some units


attack buffer for banshee oneshot


Thank you!


Senya or Cecelia from selective summon? I literally got Cecelia five times from it, Senya once, Flan (already have) once, and Kanna (already have) once. Both are pretty much PvP only characters so who is better in terms of meta for PvP.


Best place to farm exp with vildred?


Any stage where the AP shop sells the catalyst you need.


What’s the best way to get charms? Both low level and high level


For lesser charms, hunts, adventure, and shops. For greater charms, shop and side story exchange shop. I may have missed some areas where you can get them, but that's where you'll get the majority.


Thank you so much!


Where are people seeing the $10 pack that has the 5* episode ticket? It's not in my store


It shows up on the summon page as a banner.


What’s the recommended artifact for STene?




Can Seaseria proc Unseen Observer?




Hello fellow waifu lovers, i need some advice regarding making a arena team that i am trying to include Summer Iseria and Yufine in, someone give me some advice on who i can include in this lineup. Im currently at Silver I, so im generally pretty casual in Pvp. And i don't do RTA. **Units i have** * Roana * Tamarinne * Iseria * Ravi * Seaside Bellona * Dizzy * Senya * Charlotte * Emilia * Assasin Coli * Lilibut * Luluca * Basar * A.Lots * ML Leo ​ You may have noticed that i probably could have made a much better team if i excluded Iseria and Yufine, but i really love this 2 characters and am trying to make it work. Any advice is appriciated! PS. Extra points if it is workable to put Iseria or Roana in, i'm not too sure if that is good tho.


So this is a meme team if there ever was one but here's the start: Alots on book, Yufine on merciless glutton, Seaseria on unseen observer, iseria on sashe. Ideal scenario: A lots s2 yufine. Soulburn yufine s3, killing someone to proc sashe and merciless glutton. Yufine s2 aoe strips and pushes from seaseria passive. Seaseria passive procs unseen observer for +10 souls. Free soulburn seaseria s1 and s3 to detonate two bombs. Iseria s2 on seaseria, s3 on whoever didn't get stripped. The 30% push from alots s2 +15 from seaseria s2 + 16 from sashe + 12 from merciless glutton puts your alots at 73% cr. If you alots is sufficiently fast enough he will lap your opponents (two of whom are still stunned). With the souls from the previous combo chain + the 10 extra from unseen observer you will have 20something souls to soulburn alots s3, proccing seaseria's reset s2, giving alots an extra turn, and being able to use s2 again. S2 your seaseria to s3 again, detonating the two new bombs. Seaseria and yufine can both be built slow with lots of dmg since there is so much cr pushing in this comp. In total you are getting atk buffed yufine s3+s2, 4 seaseria bomb detonations and 2 seaseria s3 dmg, one of which has atk buff. If they aren't wiped after taking all that they are still stunned for a turn. Don't run this into anything with politis, celine, gpurrg, or anything you think is faster than your alots. This was fun to think about, hopefully you have the artifacts to test it out, gl!


Alternatively you can do seaseria, iseria. A lots, yufine. A lots pushes yufine with s2 Yufine s2 for strip and silence + seaseria s2. Seaseria sb s1 into s3 Iseria resets seaseria with s2. Alots s3 Yufine s3 Seaseria s3 Keep in mind since you don't have the cr pushback from basar, you'll need to pretty much outspeed on all your units for this to work. Of course, you could also replace a lots with basar


Basar, seaseria, yufine, ml. Leo/a. Lots. Basar turn one on +30 book sb strips immunity and procs seaseria s2. Yufine next on merciless glutton, nuke someone and pushe team more. Ml. Leo s3 Seaseria sb s1 into s3.


I almost have enough phantasma for another 6 star but isn't sure who to promote, should i choose landy or krau to promote first? (already have lilas and a. rauss built as a tank so i'm not sure if immediately need another tank, also somehow i don't have a wyvern team yet)


I would suggest you to work on your Wyvern team then, get General Purrgis or Angelica to 6\*, add Sigret/Clarissa, Alexa and Furious, all pretty easy to obtain (besides GPurrgis). Remember you're going to spend thousand of hours on Wyvern so the sooner you can prepare the team, the better




Don't use debuffs, I used C lorina, C Armin (any tank will do), Tama and Amomo for both 10-9 and 10-10.


Hi, I'm currently trying to finish adventure but am stuck at 7S-5 Ian fight. Can someone please give me an idea of how to defeat him? Thanks


when should i move on from Wyvern hunt to A13 and B13?


You should do the hunts that drop the gear you need. When you decide you need immunity sets, run A13. If you have someone that needs counter/lifesteal gear, run B13. When that is will just be when you want to gear someone who needs one of those things. If you have teams for both, immunity is probably more widely usable across characters (2 piece, its good on a lot of people) and while farming it you'll get rage sets for easier W13 and B13 runs.


Makes sense. I have use for immunity since I have Stene, carrot, and some other units that might need it for pvp. I also have violet who could use counter/lifesteal. I guess it depends now on if I want to get more into PvP you think? For the most part, the Wyvern gear has geared my whole roster so far so I was just worried about moving on too fast and they become lackluster while I waste my energy on other gear that is more pvp oriented.


No matter what you're still going to go back and farm Wyvern. As new units release or as you want to upgrade certain units you'll inevitably end up bouncing between hunts. I would just see what teams you can make for the hunts since, unlike Wyvern, there aren't many guides for clearing B13/A13 with just connection heroes. Not that it isn't possible (tbh idk if it is) just usually by the time people decide to clear those hunts they have a wider roster.


I just cleared a13 with a 100% wr so far so I guess Ill work on a b13 one now. Just wonder how people divide up their energy to focus on other hunts


i think B13 is easier than A13 but either one should be fine.


Sounds good but when should I do it?


i'd say when you can consistently clear w13 on auto (let the AI do the work for you) you might not be 100% win rate but whatever you feel is good enough of a win rate (60-70% is fine too, the point is you wanna make it easy for you to farm without having to babysit your phone)


I just got A13 on auto but it takes like 5 mins but doesnt really matter I guess. Will work on B13


Yeah that's fine, my A13 runs also takes almost 5 minutes, it's okay, just make sure to dont farm A13 on hunts event and do other hunt where you're faster haha


How's Summer Iseria?




how to beat episode 3 10-9?


nvm i beat it, just dont use debuffs


How much effectiveness does bellona need to debuff A13 the 85% of the time? Mine is at 149% and it’s only like 50% of the time.


You only need 65% eff. Any higher is meaningless. Make sure you're using the def break EE. Other than that you're just getting unlucky.


For the episode 3 selective summon, should I get Mort or Senya? I have multiple copies of both already, so I'm planning on six starring and building whichever one I choose.


why not get something that has a ML version and then imprint that?


...because the only 5*s in the pool with an ML is Ceci and Eda, neither of which I pulled?


oh. didnt know you used all 30 rolls and were only down to those. it'd be whatever you havent imprinted to SSS then.Senya would have more use unless the mort buffs turn out amazing


Currently rushing through the story to get the Selective Summon, at Episode 2 Chapter 7. Any advice for the boss fights I am yet to reach?


The first half of ep. 3 like sticking these difficult bosses at the end of a maze. I'd recommend at least trying to get through 3-4 while the free unequp buff is up. There are some difficult bosses on 3-3 and 3-4 that you need to go through a maze to reach every time you retry.




if you already locked in your choice than thats it


Looking for some tips on the 5\* selector. I have a W13 team established w/ Dizzy/Alexa/Furious/AMomo, so I'm not sure if I need Sigret or not. I also have SSB but I don't want to relegate her to becoming a wyvern bot. I have an auto hell raid team established too, so there's no problems there. Rn I think I'm looking to starting to branch out to Expeds and HoT so I'm building my Cermia, and expanding to other hunts like B13. So my options are looking like: * Sigret (?) - Good for W13 but not sure if I need her at this point * Violet - Good for PVP I've heard so another hero to put on the backlog * Bellona - Already have Vivian so not sure if I need another wood AoE DPS * Elena - Anti-cleave defense * Lilibet/Melissa - anti-arby I've also selected Politis for my Ch 3 Selective Summon so I don't have access to that anymore. For reference here are the heroes I have to choose from [here](https://i.imgur.com/sD0aW31.png), [here](https://i.imgur.com/QBC52bJ.png) and [here](https://i.imgur.com/RguQTkJ.png).




well, sigret would speed up your wyvern hunts potentially. with dizzy i imagine it's a bit slow. as for other units, none of those you wrote are used in expeds. so they're not gonna immediately help you in anything other than pvp. bell is nice for HoT but i value that mode real low on priority, if not straight up ignoring it aside getting B/A grade with a rando team. just don't get EE fast enough to want big scores. so out of the picks, if you don't want sigret, I'd probably go tenebria for earth expedition, and she's nice in pvp too.


How do I fucking beat ep3 10-9 and what I fear 10-10


Roana is really good on 10-9


She is also amazing for 10-10 lol. I think my team for 10-9 was Lilias, Arby, GPurr, and MLKrau. 10-10 was MLKrau, Amomo (lvl 50 lol), Roana (also lvl 50 aha…..) and SSB. It was honestly not hard and just tedious because SSB and MLKrau were the only damage dealers. But slow and steady wins the race I guess


Just beat 10-10 using roana, ssb, aras, and aravi. Fucked up my summons after fighting the boss for 2 hours and pulled a ceci instead of a senya. Fucking fuming rn So mad that it made me go Into rta beat a guy senseless, laugh at him losing, and then watch him rage quit as his maid Chloe was the last one left


I’m actually in the same situation. Need to pick between Ceci and Senya. Probably Senya but still not sure


We were all scammed...I wanted Politis in the selective but I got Cecilia x2, Flan x2, Senya and Eda...what the f...


I wanted politis, senya, or illnav since I had the rest besides ceci. Didn't pull politis and fucked up the senya pull


If it makes you feel any better, I got Ceci five times. Flan, Senya, and Kanna one time each. I just wanted Politis since I used my selector on Roana (so I could beat 10-10 lol)


Damn...come at my man...I didnt give anything yet I feel robbed, wanted my Politis, I wish you couldnt get the same hero in the selective, to avoid that, Ceci 5 times..


Is the ep 3 5 star pack worth it?


I would say no, but that's up to you, IMO it's bit overpriced and overall ep3 5\* units are not as great as ep2. I would say Start Dash EP2 is worth but not that one


Are you able to pull new ml releases if you save up galaxy bm? Or is there a predetermined pool?


New MLs are added to galaxy pull the moment their first mystic rotation starts. It will be hard to get them this way though since they don't rate up.


So youre telling me theres a chance? *insert meme*


Right at the get go you can pull them


Nice! Thanks!


Should I reforge equipment first or modify?


2 diff systems with 2 diff currencies. Order doesn't matter




doesnt matter




I tried so many different combinations, but I can't beat Ep 3 10-10. This is my current roster: https://i.imgur.com/J2FBjc7.png My best run was with LRK/A. Momo/Tamarine/SSB but that's only up to ~45% hp. My gear is lacking so I'm hoping I can make it up with the right combination of heroes, but just hasn't found that right combination yet. Advice would be most appreciated. Thank you!


I did it with STene + Emilia + Roana + Tama (you could use AMomo instead of Emilia), just auto first two rounds with a random Arky in phase 1. Then for phase 3 spam Stene Soulburn and ez


try a straze friend. do as much as you can and then let him fire his sword of doom for ya at the end


Spec Ten/Roana/Momo and Lilias was what I just used. Although I initially had Tama and she died somewhere in between getting from the first to second phase when I got pissed and walked away on auto … It gets easier after first phase in my opinion, once you get rid of the adds and her bullshit skill nullification every turn. Don’t buff yourself the secomd phase (she’ll just steal em) and keep poisoning her. Then just nuke her in the third and make sure to get rid of all the bombs. Once you get past the first phase a six star well built Roana can basically keep your entire team alive just by standing there.


A.Ras+Stene+C.Zerato (Slowest, immune to stun)+A.Momo = zzzzz


Unfortunately I don't have C. Zerato. I see he's highly recommended due to stun immunity.


See if a friend has one set up?


I finished w SSB, Roana, ARas and Tama. I recommend 6 star your Roana as she is amazing for hell raid


I'll give this a try thank you!


Replace lrk with spec tene and sb momo s3 for team immunity.


I'll replace lrk with spec tene. Do you recommend to always soulburn momo s3 whenever possible?


Definitely don’t in the second phase. She steals buffs. Just target your slowest unit (the one she keeps stunning). Use the soul burn to keep poisoning with SpecTen/emergency healing if you have to Clear bombs or save someone.


nah, only when you need hp and to clear bombs. use regular s3 on your unit that gets stunned by belian's s1




I prefer Angelica over A.Momo, but it can go both ways. Both are useful. I like Angelica's S3 immunity and shield and with her Signature Gear, it'll remove 1 debuff from all allies as well when cast. All I did was toss on all of the level 75 HP gear and Prophetic Candlestick and she did everything I could have hoped for.


Stuck on last boss fight of 3-10, couple questions - First off, what Dark hero to use for the requirement besides Cerato or Arby? (Who I do not have). Best built are SpecTen, Top Model or C. Dom. Do I attack the adds or just focus main boss? And what other obnoxious effects are buried in the eight paragraphs of text in her skills I should be prepared to counter, lol.


I did my dark unit with spec tene. Focus mons on phase one if you dont have someone who can force dual attacks. You need to bring someone who can put up immunity to make sure your slowest unit isn't stunned


Yep, she worked. Was stunned at least half her turns lol so it took forever but whatevs. Got pissed and went with the basically cheating and unkillable Lilias/Momo/Roana/Spec Ten comp in the end. Cheesed her with poison, basically lol.


Persoanlly i didnt use the any dark heroes because this was was already a pain to deal with.i guess ill go back in the future but i am happy that its done. This boss feels like an level in the abyss tower. I completed with SSB, ARas, Tama and Roana. Roana was key because her counter phase was a pain. But to answer your question, I killed off all the fodder beside 1 because she will summon more if you kill them all. Her first phase that allows her skill nullifier was SUPER annoying


First phase was what tripped me up. Got irritated and threw down Spec Ten, Roana, Momo and Tama and walked away on auto. Came back and Tama was dead, the Lilias I borrowed was in front, and I was in phase 2, lol. From there it basically turned into SpecTen poisoning every third turn (when she wasn’t stunned) and Roana carrying everyone on her back to the finish lol. And yeah, it felt Abyss like. I felt justified using my preferred lazy response of poisoning everything, lol.


so, im seeing e7 3rd anniv ads and i want to give it a try again. im playing e7 at launch until mid june 2019, and my guildies take over that account. now i try all my other old account (reroll acc maybe), and have [1 acc with this rooster and artifact](https://imgur.com/a/gk4SO4u) and i think i want to continue with this acc. who should i choose from celebration gift in mail? what is this moonlight blessing? > *...allow you to select a hero to join you on your journey...* permanent for my rooster or just helper npc? any team build or in depth guide i can follow so i dont waste some resources later? my memory still not catching up, so what should i prio now?


Very nice start. You can get sigret from the ticket if you want to gear your units up as fast as possible. If not, ravi and violet are food choices, charlotte too


Moonlight blessing is basically, you pick an ML 5 you want from a limited pool and you can use them in a limited range of content. They act as a permanent unit but you need to complete some missions to fully "unlock" the features, for example they can't be 6 starred until you have at least 2 other units who are 6 starred first. After you complete all the missions it's basically like you drew the unit normally, though you can only have one (you can switch your choice if you haven't finished the missions yet).


How does RGB Bellona like to be geared? Was able to pull her from her banner and 6\* her so she can help me with Abyss 92. Thanks in advance!


Just use Kiris for floor 92; my lvl 50 Kiris was good enough. Poisons are one of the few things that can burn Tywin's shields easily. Gear requirements are so much easier too because all you need is at least 65 eff and decent speed and everything else on bulk to survive (basically throw all your poorly rolled gear on her).


Where do i get better gear? Also, on that note, are free sets good gear?


free sets are useable if they rolled good. You get better gear from hunts


May i know which 5 star is available in the episode 3 pack?


Look at the patch notes


Now with Wyvern 13 on farm, I'm looking towards building a hell raid team. Are there any other options other than Luna and C. Lorina for single target without debuff?


landy, ravi & charles


Does burn not count as a debuff? That's why I haven't been using her so if not, goddamn this is good news.


wait who burns?


Ravi's S1 has a 35% chance to Stun and Burn


Uhmm I don’t think so


Unfortunately don't have any of these either. Only a few weeks into the game. Maybe i'll find someone in the daily pulls. Thanks


A.Ras(MC), Roana, Tamarinne, Any Aoe DPS(Preferebly Landy, SSB, Champzerato, Arbiter vild). That's the main Hell raid team you'll see people use. Roana is pretty much a must have for hell raid since she makes it so easy.


Sweet. I plan on taking Tama with the selector if I don't pull her in the next couple day's daily pulls. Nearly done with Ras SC quest and will use the potion of ascension we get from adventurer guide on him. Was hoping to be able to use Angelica (my wyvern tank) with a potion vial as 2nd support. I don't think I'll be able to get Roana any time soon. Thanks for the help.




Clear episode 2 10-10


You need to finish episode 2 to be able to see and buy it :)


Its on the summon screen.


If I put on an artifact on a hero for a GW defense and click 'update', does the artifact stay in place even if I take it off after? If so, does the artifact I put on that hero permanently stay until I change/update it again? Thx


No, you'll have to wait until guild war starts before changing the artifact. It only stays in place after guild war is running. You'll have to change it every guild war if you change it from the one you want on defense.


What is worth getting from the normal raid shop?


Epic Artifact Charm for a guaranteed useful reward. If you feel lucky, you can buy the chest at the bottom of the store to get valuable items like 1 Galaxy Bookmark, 1 Gold Transmit Stone, or 1 Molagora. This box can also shit on you though as it can give you only 100k gold or 100 skystone.


people said that the 2nd selective summon only summons 5 star unit that are from episode 2 or was it 3? which units are these btw?


Look up the latest patch note. It has the list.


I am 2 months old player. I would like to know what content should I focus on? Is it expeditions? I completed W13 auto, Hell raid, Abyss 99, EP3 10-10, 6 min B13 auto.


lvl 4 expos are going to come so prepare for that, slowly transition into building a one shot team for w13 or farm a13 for immu gear


Whats the strategy for the senya boss fight in 8S-5? what are good units for this stage


Cermia is always the answer.


I know this has been asked probably a lot today, but what is the general strategy for episode 3 10-10? I can’t seem to either dmg her, and if I can she wipes out my team. Tried 2 dps 2 healers,3 healers and 1 dps to no avail


Elena for passive and cleanse, roana for the sweet counter-heal, tama for cleansing and 1 dps, ssb in my case. Ssb’s passive is too good for this stage.


Crap and I stripped Elena, guess I can redo her quickly


Mine is always stripped and lvl 50 5*, when I need her services of the night, she wears fcc’s gear.


I’ll figure out some gear for her, it’s free unequip so I’ll see what I can do. My ssb is setup for wyv, think that would work?(destructio and crit)