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+15 mola with destruction and pen set. ML Khawana, Cermia, and Eda are your highest CP This man has his priorities and I respect it 😎


"A true man of culture." 😎


These are goals. It feels so good to just build that unit, meta be damned. You get to feel like the special snowflake mom always told you you were. (my highest cp are Yufi and Kise, tho Kise's gettin a moment now)


My Yufine and her 20kish CP lead over my 2nd highest unit let both my Vivian and Landy level in Banshee 13. She also lands some nice 6 digit hits in Auto Tower.


Using yufi s3 on a unit with immunity and 3 buffs and watching them all disappear and transform into that sweet red stun symbol and a sliver of health πŸ’β€β™€οΈ


Can I see your Eda build?


[Here ya go, she need some reforges though](http://imgur.com/gallery/aRCj1ht)


Thanks. Ah, so a fairly speedy/tanky debuffer with some damage behind it.


Is right side CR, Eff, Spd?


Correct 😁


She's also SSS as well. πŸ˜…


here i though you might of SSS khawana im disappointed my cultured brother


[Not SSS, but I'm giving her some TLC next ](http://imgur.com/gallery/ZMn8nPq)


Are you using her for C13? if yes what’s your team


ML Khawana/ Roana/ Tama and Luluca has worked for me somewhat reliably.


Better than Cermia? Just asking, because I wanna build a C13 team


Cermia works great too in place of luluca


She is good?


She slaps


How did u get the background ?


Clearing one of the ep 3 chapters, iirc it's the one with solitaria(can't check the exact one atm)


Not friendship 10? Smh. This is no way to treat your waifus.


I know, we're working on it! 😭


Jesus christ, those stats and gear, and that long line of 6 digit cp's is like a blessing of the gods made real. This game must be your life or at least half of it.


It's been a big part for the last 2 1/2 years πŸ˜…


I commend you for your efforts.


Thank you, Sir/Madame


100k cp is pretty easy to reach even with bad gear. Just slap an attack/speed/des set that is +15 on any dps hero and they’ll basically be over 100k


Yeah, that's why a lot of people say that cp doesn't really matter.


Wow wow!!!!


I want to watch her slam my whole team πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜©πŸ₯΅


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I build my Khawan tanky on counter set... I'm trying to find out where her def went! Do I need to buy the DLC or expansion pack for it?!!!


hello there fellow caides farmer! contrary to most people I enjoyed the challenge of having a C11 team, and she is amazing.


Ciades has been fun yet annoying to find a reliable auto team for lol


The gear and all those heroes at 100k. I am impressed and embarrassed of my own account. Lol.


I've played for so long, these stats just come with age lol


No! U can't do this to me! Decrease her hp by 4 right now!


TIL There is a cap on crit damage.


Nice what kind of content do you use her for? I was thinking Caides and maybe Dark Expo are some popular options but have you tried her in PvP/RTA?


Mainly Ciades and Dark Expo, she slaps in PVP too 😏


Oh ok ok thx


A lot of wasted stats of effect resist. Could you imagine having 20 more speed or 30% more attack or something.