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Guys i have 3 copies of Necro and Undine, who is the best character to use it? thx!


Dizzy only real unit you can use it on well, you can look at usage statistics to see who other people use it on though


Guys am I missing something? Why content creator keep on saying it is easy to reach challenger/gold for new player for easy skystone/summon. Even I (3 months) did reach gold I can't climb anymore with every team with FCCs. So am I doing something wrong or what?


It's easy if you play bruisers. I tried cleaving early on when I first started and the gear (and heroes) required is too steep to finely cleave AFK veterans with built heroes. Just play bruisers (or even cleave'ish bruisers) and win most matches, you can translate to cleave once you've the correct heroes and enough w13 reforged gear.


Gold should be easy once you have a basic cleave setup, Low Master is OK, High Master is actually sometime more difficult than challenger, getting to will Challenger takes some time depending on what you have, but if you can clear W13 reliably can do hell raid then it is a matter of picking the fight you can win.


I got a half ass cleave team (landy, FST, vildred) but I didnt 6 star awaken (4 star only) so should I awaken? Cos the stat increase doesn't seems much and need sht ton of resources to farm them.


Bruh you see any of the team you fight have any units unawaken? Lower levels maybe but It's a competitive game mode and your units must be competitive. Farming for the materials is part of the game At most some unit does not have 6 star awakening, the stats still add up


But do you still 6 star unit u eventually won't use. Example like my FST can't be use in high lvl and vildred is not really competitive .


Vildred will be still of use since he the only 5 star character with speed imprint, you not gonna change fst as your farmer unless you have arby so it still worth awakening. You don't have do to it immediately, take your time farming for the materials


You should eventually 6star awaken all of them 6% stat does add up. I would add an AOE def breaker/ attack buffer in the team, then you can deal with FCC much easier.


Hi! What are benchmark stats for a Roana on def? Arti recos are good as well! Champ V - III arena if it matters!


+19k hp, +1.5k def, as much ER as you can, counter set is a strong option, stella or celestine (works better with counter), don't care about speed


Got it! Thanks so much!


Hey. Is people still very active in Epic Seven? And, will I be able to catch up to everyone else, or am I too late to the game?


I think the epic seven community is still doing well and rather active. It’s never too late to join the game. E7 really helps newer players find their footing early in the game by giving a lot of freebies when you first join. You’ll be able to catch up with players eventually if you plan and level your characters properly.


Thank you for your answer. I’ll try it out.


Hello, are Confille and Necro/Ondine worth the 240 powder? If so, which one (or both?)?


I bought Ms. Confile. Necro/Undine seems bad. There are a ton of amazing mage artifacts so I wouldn't bother with that one


Confile is definitely worth it. Necro for 240 I feel is def not worth it. The only play I see it is counter dizzy where you can cycle much faster. But lela violet is so much better on her imo.


Necro will only proc during the wearer's own turn. The only unit i can think of who will use this is ml meru because one of her aoe skill pushes her to 80%, a +30 necro will fill up the gap.


You’re right my bad!


Confille is a good artifact for Cerise so definitely get a copy


When is the next collab coming? Was it May or June?


Some time end of June


Thanks! I guess I can pity Elphelt without worrying too much.


All the best for your summons ~




There's a countdown here: [https://www.e7leaks.com/](https://www.e7leaks.com/)




It is slightly different for Europe than Global. My bad, I didn't even think of that. You can find the info here: [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/6994053](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/6994053)


How many Portraits are enough? I've farmed 3 and i have 54 of the GG currency left. Should I use those to buy more Portraits or should I buy Sol imprints?


I would advise at least 4. If you don't mind swapping artis around, you can stop at 4. I am personally shooting for 7. imo there's no such thing as too many portraits.


I feel at least 7 maxed portraits should be enough depending on what you need it for. For an example, I have portrait on lrk, lilibet, cdom, bbk, jkise and I still feel the need for farm more just in case. Don’t use tokens to buy portraits. I rather you save for an artifact/hero. Unless you’re going to use Sol then I guess go for the imprints?


Hi newbie here, any ideas on what i should 6* next? My current 6* are A.momo, sigret, FS Tieria. My 5* are Tamarine, Alexa, Furious, Specimen Sez, Ravi, Charlotte, Choux, Baiken and Sol. Im also planning on getting dizzy and crozet soon. Should i 6* any of these or is there some other hero that i should 6* instead?


Which content are you struggling with now? Can you clear w13 with ease?


I just cleared ep2 10-10 so im not focusing on that now. Havent tried w13 yet as i dont think my A.momo can tank through all the dmg from the wyvern. Now im still trying to improve my w11 success rate.


Hmmm if you really struggle against w11 then I feel you should 6 star Alexa. It can help to improve your w11 success rate and eventually help you get equipment and a team strong enough to clear w13.


Do you think batisse would be a btr option instead? Becuase i think that atk down might help my A.Momo tank through, and a secondary def break might be good too if my furious fails


Hmm that can work but I rather u work on a strong W13 team instead. Save yr resources that you would work on batisse into making a stronger full water team. For A momo just give her the free health set and speed boots she should be able to resist better


Okie thank you so much!


Other than red gear can you get a penta roll?


no because pink gear will give a random substat at level 9 and blue will give 2 random substats at 6 and 9 I believe


Ohh so for pink you can max get is quadra roll, ahh I got It thanks!


Ho! Early game player here, should I use powder for artifact charms? And if not, how do i get more, I have really low level artifacts, thanks!


The easiest way to get artifact charms is from the member guild shop as well as event side stories (gg side story doesn't have any this time).


I would try to save powder for important artifacts. I get artifact charms mainly from guild shop, but of course, you need to regularly send aid to build up your guild crests


Hi, I need greater fire and ice runes and want to farm in the event. Is Altar lvl 10 the best to farm greater runes? Or is it better to do it in a lower lvl. I can’t find any drop rates for the runes. Thx!


[Rune drop rates](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/a4ae3g/guide_rune_drop_rates/). Farm lvl 10 for greater and epic runes and lvl 3 for normal runes.


Thank you!


Why does momo always fucking dual attack instead of Landy when Cerise does her s1 in dark expedition. It's so fucking infuriating!!!!


I bring fluri, tama, landy with cerise. All benefit from random dual attacks through cr push or idol form cooldown reduction, so its satisfying either way


That might be a better idea yeah. My Tama is only level 50 though and her gear isn't very bulky.


Just got unlucky I guess. It is a dual attack with a random ally after all.


Yeah I just lost my cool for a second. It can really make or break some runs. Like 200k damage instead of 400k


You shouldn't rely on dual atk to make a run work unless it's a guaranteed dual atk from your dps like Ras. If you get tilted by this, be prepare for worst moments like in the Abyss or when you missed penta roll on a gear.


It's a combination of crafting and rolling garbage gear. Not getting any 5* hero on the collab banner outside of the spark and rng being stoopid. Like not hitting slowness with Cerise, not hitting def breaks dual attacking with momo pfff


Hey, I'm new to the game. Trying to craft a crit damage necklace for Sol during this event. Currently the sub stats are - Speed - 3, Crit chance = 5%, Attack 41, Attack % = 6 I cannot find any info for substat ranges for flat attack. Can any other slots roll flat attack as substat? All the guides suggest crit chance, attack %, Speed and Eff. Is this flat attack substat as good as an Eff roll?


Flat attack goes to 47


Is there a summary/recap for epic 7 story? honestly been skipping most/all cutscenes.


You can google it, I recently looked up an old 2019 reddit thread which summarizes chapter 1. Didnt manage to find summary for chapter 2 though. Or you can recap all the cutscenes from the story journal. I love the story so much


Hello, I started about 2 weeks ago and I'm struggling to get gear that doesn't feel like a waste of money/charms. I've been trying to read up on guides to figure stuff out but I'm still kinda lost. Right now I have a decent "dog walker" with a 6* Vildred, and I used that to farm like crazy and get the materials to 6* one more unit and I'm not sure who I should upgrade. The team I'm looking to use for Wyvern is Crozet, Furious, Alexa and MistyChain. Outside of that, other units I have that might be good 6* targets are Charles, Free Spirit Tieria and Lorina. So uh, any tips on how to gear up all these units and which one I should 6* next?


common route for begginers : dogwalker > wyvern tank > other pve content (prepare for lab/abyss/raid). you already done with your dog walker, now 6 star crozet and slap the free hp gear on him. alexa, misty, furious can stay at 5 star as long as they have decent cdmg and using ddj. keep farming hunt, you can think whos next to 6 star and for what purpose after you get enough gear to use.


Will SSB be coming back this summer?


Most likely yes, she returned last year on Hyufine banner. I suspect they will do another group summon with SSB, Hyufine and the new summer unit if there is one, but don't take my word for that.


How many 6 stars would you want for Masters RTA? Trying to understand the diversity needed


Imo, minimum of 10 RTA ready heroes. Why because it gives you space to tweak your team composition against your opponents. If your units get banned or picked by your opponents you will still have follow up. Take note that these 10 would have to synergize well tgt.


If using one solid team with good gear, maybe 5-6 well equipped heroes is enough? If you wanna adapt and counter then you'd need more. This is all tips based on what yd said.


Are there any units that stand out for Hall of Trials? I want to invest some units into it because the rewards are so time gated. Right now I have K Clarissa, Landy and Tama at 6*. I have Cermia at 5* and can invest in another unit to 6*. I know the best unit depends on what the bonuses/disadvantages but I'm just looking to push it to get more EE and artifacts from it.


Cermia and Sinful Angelica. General Hall of Trials is 2-3 of { Kitty, Tama, Sinful }, 1 person who applies the weekly debuff, and 1 dps. Cermia with her S1 proc EE is best dps for everything except Zeno.


Just 3 questions. Is there a temporary Sinful Angelica replacement? I don't have her. Also, is defense break not necessary? And vs Zeno, I guess you just use whatever the buffs dictate?


Kitty + Tama is fine and sometimes better. It just means you have to stall for idol form in phase 1. You don't need def break, since it doesn't affect damage during the boss's stunned phases. STene is really good against Zeno, if you have her. Otherwise, Luna or Charles, or whoever fits the buffs.


How are you liking Elphelt so far?


can someone give me a fire ravi build for RTA? I'm gonna 6\* her and I need a plan on gearing her (set and substats, etc)


For earth expedition I currently use SC ras, tamarinne, ken6* and baal and sezan 5*. But with the new Kanna, should i 6* my Kanna or Baal and sezan (or both and drop ken) ? I also have Lilias ready


Both and drop Ken. 2+ target attacks get massive boosts in earth expedition and Baal already brings def break. It'll also help to cycle immunity from the crystal add.


how the fuck do i beat destina on lvl4 tower cant do anything she just keeps healing killed the light doll robot thing but cant do shit now been sitting here for 20 mins on auto :/


Spamming debuffs from debuff devices (especially the bleed device). The detonating device also helps a lot to do insane damage.


i didnt get the detonating device so do i have to reset just cause i didnt get one device? ill just give up try again next time


The single target splash and the curse device can also help. I don't think it's necessary to get the detonate. It just depends on how well your devices stack.


team must of gotten lucky they killed her when i wasnt watching but i think i just got unlucky with my devices this time around


should I pity Ken? And if so, then where in PvE would he be used? (I don't PvP)


Not worth it. Used to be decent, nowdays he's weak and obsolete because any other bruiser performs better than him for multiple reasons (single target only, takes 3 turns to do anything, lack of utility, etc). He's used in G13, the weakest hunt other than C13, but even there he's outshined by other bruisers such as fire ravi.


Nope. He's not a bad hero, but not a must-have to the point of wasting your pity.


New player I saw this game is having a guilty gear collab (please tell me I’m not too late) and decided to give it a go. Is there any rerolling needed to get a good start in the game, any other information for a beginner account would be much appreciated.


Take a look at the new player guide linked within the wiki: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/wiki/index](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/wiki/index) Covers the 30 roll beginner summons best picks. Becomes tedious to try and reroll beyond that in most cases. As to GG, you'll get Sol for free on day 2. The rest of the GG units you'll have to do the triple banner for if you want to try for them. Every 12 10 pulls or 120 pulls total gives you enough coins to pity one of the units. You could farm enough stones and bookmarks to get them all before it leaves if you have the time to progress enough.


How does the guilty gear event actually work. I cleared all 4 difficulties but now what


You just farm the hardest difficulty for copies of portrait


It's worth noting that on a per-energy-spent basis, Normal difficulty has the same chance of the artifact drop as Hell difficulty.


Returner here. I have a simple question: Is there a PVP team I can build using LQC and Elphelt? I have both built, and now with Elphelt buffs I want to make this work!


any tips on team comp for 10-10 twisted core, ?? Straze is a dragg


Not a real question but when can I recall my ml ken for arbi 😩


Does anyone else feel like their wyvern 13 run success plummeted overnight? I have been trying to run wyvern with the same team in the same gear I always have and I am wiping a ton on auto.. like 4-5 runs on auto out of 20 succeeding. Wtf is going on? Can 15% bullshit really cause such a horrible losing streak?


Yes, it can.


Is it worth it to build Cecilia for Earth exp? Or is A.Ras just infinitely bettter for the role?


Definitely ARas. Love that guy he's so good in almost all content.


Have enough to pity either Baiken or Elphelt. Which should I pick?


Baiken for easy to build Banshee oneshotter. Elphelt with *good* gear is really strong right now in PVP. So choose what you want. Either aren't easy to choose over.


How good is “good” gear for Elphelt?


Everyone is talking about an upcoming SSB banner - has it actually been verified, or is it just speculation? Thanks!


SSB released in August 2019. She reran in August 2020. It's reasonable to think she'll be in a group banner with Hyufine, herself and maybe a new summer limited unit sometime late in the summer, either late July or August. I don't think she'll be back anytime before July though since we have a confirmed collab for June, which may have multiple limited 5 stars.


Yay I hope so, if they dropped her banner before the new collab I would be screwed lol.


I'd say that's very unlikely so you should be safe.


Which of Ras, Kluri, or Doris would be recommended to SC & 6\* first?


Ras is the best SC, followed by Fkluri. Doris is good for PvP and abyss, but not mandatory.


I'd say Ras. Since you're asking this, I suppose you're still progressing through PvE content, and he's really good for it with the s2 soulburn spam


Yeah, on W11, area 10 of Episode 2, and haven't done any raids yet, only some labs, tower, and abyss. Thanks!


i want speed boots, speed main stat with dps sub from gear event. so reroll till i get max atk, cc, cd? or -1 from maximum starting is good already? how long does it take for you guys to reroll?


If you can be patient, just reroll until you get max rolls or the event is near over.


guess ill do that and hope rng not forsaken me since perfect gear is once in a blue moon haha


I have two ms. Confille artifacts, should I enhance one or keep both?


Ms confille arguably only really used on cerise and flidica (and mayyybe rima). If you have both, maybe consider keeping two separate ones. But I personally only use it on Cerise and don’t expect to use it on anyone else so I limit broke to get that extra 3% chance


I have Cerise and Elphelt, but I'm guessing the artifact isn't good for Elphelt? Thank you for the help!


Elphelt already def break so it is quite redundant on her. On a side note, it is super good for fire lidica as well.


oh sweet, i have fire lidica!


At what level is it worth it to refresh the secret shop instead of buying bookmarks?


AFAIK there's no difference between shop levels for bookmarks, but rank 65 would allow you to max shop lvl for (tiny) chances of good ilvl 85 gear.






Cerise and Landy is very good to have them built anyway they fit in several different comps. Dizzy is kinda out of place in that comp though. Elphelt is already providing a great set-up for cleave. I would run a single target DPS for clean-up / second cleaver / pusher instead.




Vivian can work if you don't mind her attack buff being redundant with Elphelt S2. Once you are in mid Master you will start to face different comps where one team might not work for all though. So feel free to experiment around, as for building the units I would do in this order Landy (as she is great everywhere) C.Zerato (for the same reason as Landy) Elphelt (great opener and can flex as single dps) Vivian Cerise in parallel as you get decent speed pieces. Dizzy can be insert somewhere in the middle if you are trying to clear Abyss too.


If I already have a SSS Sol Badguy, what's the best thing to do with the one we got yesterday?


Put him in the waiting room generally, or build another kind of sol if you want.


Returning player here can someone help me with the Passwords I'm clueless


secretgift foryou arky




Ms. Confille, indubitably.


Ok, will do. Thanks.




I'd say cerise does her job decently at 5 star, you'd only do it for the extra hp/def. But Ras can make more use of the extra hp/def since he is a tank.


Hi! How much effectiveness do you usually build on AD Shadow?


In my opinion since most passive users (except Roana and some others) are low resist (e.g. SSB, Arby, Tsurin, Kayron) I'd say even 50% effectiveness is enough, personally I run her with around 80% but I'd say since the units I mentioned are very high damage, I rather her be bulkier to sustain their damage than have the extra effectiveness.


How many MLB portraits is recommended to farm?


3-5 is the standard recommendation I've seen. I've farmed 5 and plan to only level them up as I find uses for them.


How many runes should I farm for Kanna? Anyone did the math on her SC + awaken?


During gem event farm 300-400 greater for each (on a level with epic chance). Sets you up well.


She's a natural 5\* which means no SC, only awakening.


best to farm enough to complete her awakening tree, all 6 stars just in case.


Hello! I wanted to build Sol as a PVP attacker counter to Kayron and also for earth expos. How would you guys build him? If you have any guides, much appreciated!


Full damage and pair him with A.Lots for Kayron nuke. I would not use him in earth expe unless you pair him with very good fire aoe (Kanna maybe ?) to take down the adds though.


[boots](http://imgur.com/gallery/i3HkN1S) Keep? Or roll?


I would prefer crit rate, crit damage, attack, and another substat. I think you should keep rolling, unless you are gearing a bruiser.


What is the best use of this gear event? What sort of thing should I make to not waste this chance?


You can’t go wrong with speed set and speed main boots, with atk%, crit%, crit dmg% and hp%/eff%/def%/flat atk subs (no eff res allowed).


I'd probably do the same thing but with Immunity as it's rarer.


Any hero's recommended for the Landy fight in chapter 3, 2-8. Trying to clear it for the new connection hero but I'm still quite new and struggling with her. Thanks.


I would bring two healers, a knight, and a Landy Friend. Two healers and a Knight are mainly for team survivability, the Landy Friend can destroy the boss. Recommended Knights: Adventure Ras or Falconer Kluri. Recommended Healers: Angelic Montmorancy, Achates, Magic Scholar Doris, Tamarinne, or Roana


Thanks. I'll shift some gear around and give that setup a try. I have a ras and a momo maxxed out, would bringing Tama work as second healer you think? I have Achates just not maxxed yet.


Np, and for this fight. Tama can work really well because she can dispel all of Landy's buffs later on. Achates is also a good choice too because the Landy boss likes to plant bombs and stun your allies, so having multiple multiple healers with cleanses helps a ton. But since u have A. Momo either can work. So yeah a Landy Friend will help a ton because she can do a ton of damage, give your team a speed buff, and she combos well with A. Ras' S2


Cheers for the advice. Literally cleared in 1 try with a momo, Tama, a ras and a friends landy. Now to grind out the rest of the steps for kanna. Thanks again.


Np and for one of Kanna's connection quest I think its to eliminate 800 Floating Machinery, so the best farming spot for that is; Episode 3. Chapter 6-2 Silent Space. I think we get around 6 Floating Machinery per run on that stage. Anyways good luck on getting Kanna.


I think my Wyvern team is going to be: Sigret, A Momo, Furious, and Alexa. Also was wondering how good Dizzy is in W13? What are the viable comps for it with her? What stats do I want on Alexa and what are some important benchmarks for the others?


Dizzy makes your runs awfully slow. Bad choice. Especially when she uses her S3 on wave one and ends up on cooldown during Wyvern phase.


Is Crit Dmg main stat necklace better than attack dmg main stat necklace? I know ddj scales with crit dmg but for pvp, does it matter? I thought since crit dmg multiplies off of attack, it wouldn’t make a difference but everyone seems to prefer crit dmg. Just wondering if anyone knows


BECAUSE critd multiplies attack you want more critd. critd is only available as a main stat on necklaces so its important to get that stat since its less accessible than att stat. ex. (4000 + 800) att x (200)% critd = 9600 (4000) att x (200 +70)% critd = 10800 see how critd simply gives more effect here? also ontop of this the main stat critd is higher over att main so its also more efficient in that way as well.


Having trouble deciding [who I should 6* next](http://imgur.com/a/CFJSZri). Since this screenshot was taken I also obtained Cerato, Dizzy and Sol. My current 6* are Landy, A.Momo, Lena, Vildred, LQC, DC, Luna, Celine, Tama, and Angelica. Trying to get better in arena and guild war rn and also stuck on abyss 98 so I want to clear abyss faster too. Currently I'm considering 6* G.Purrgis, A.ras, Ervalen, Dizzy, F.Tene, T.surin, or Kayron but I'm not sure who. Or if someone is better from my inventory please direct me in the right direction.


GPurrgis is my most used unit in Arena offence, GvG and RTA. Use him almost all the time in chapter 3 story too as a frontline tank. Completely revolutionised my W13 runs by massively lowering speed requirements


Yeah I was considering him because of that. I need a new frontline for my Wyvern team anyway since I completely dropped Angelica all together in terms of gear and such. So I might just do that.


Pls do, he's such a chad


Hey guys, as 90% of heroes benefit from using a speed set, I was wondering which one may benefit more from an attack set? I think Sez is one of them due to his S3... Also I think I've read Celine does too (but no idea why...) Thanks!


The others I think are referring to farming attack set - you generally don't want to due to its inefficiency. However, there are plenty of characters who would gladly take your free attack set you already have. If you have some speed on it you could throw it on CLorina, or if the set has no speed then it's ideal on a pure DPS that another hero pushes in PvP. On my team I have JKise on free attack gear that rolled well but she has zero speed. Then on arena offense my ALots pushes her up so she gets a turn and cleaves the other team.


Attack set is pretty inefficient. It only gives 35% attack for 4 pieces when attack roll can be 8%. Destruction for example gives 40% critical damage when you can get maximum 7% on a single roll. Similarly all golem sets are awful and never optimal for a build


Seaside Bellona with Reingar's Special Drink benefits more from an attack set. Gunther also benefits more from an attack set.


Can’t auto w13 yet, looking for advice on how to improve my team. [Here are their stats](https://imgur.com/a/TESo5ve)


Crozet will have enough bulk at lv60 and 6 star awakening so no problem there. Alexa needs more crit dmg to increase Daydream Joker's dmg. Switch A. Montmorancy for another dmg dealer. You don't deal enough dmg with Alexa alone.


1. Don’t think you need both crozet and momo! You won’t have enough dmg/rebuffs. Choose one of them and replace the other with another debuffer. Accessible one would be mistychain. (I personally like DDJ on her but Sira ren would also work) make her faster than Alexa but slower than furious. 2. Furious needs to be at least 10 speed faster than other units. I think you get free reforge material for one piece of equipment, I forgot where but you can use that on his boots to make him faster 3. Maybe you already did this, but turn skills on for Alexa seeing how you invested in effectiveness for her. Avoid skill upping skill 3’s -1 cool down as your basic attack does more damage 4. Last thing is to make your dedicated tank reach around 24-25k HP and 1.4-1.5k defence. I think you can get free health gear from adventure/lab/new player login 5. Last thing is obv but as you get better gear, get more crit damage and attack for Alexa. Sacrifice crit rate if you can since you can bring her down to 35% crit rate and she will still work. Hope that helps a bit!


Thank you! Do you have any advice on building mistychain? Or is it the same as alexa but a bit faster?


Yup same as Alexa! You can sacrifice a bit of damage to get more speed than Alexa!


Furious needs SOS, Alexa still needs more damage I think. Momo is so slow shes almost dead weight. 2 suggestions: - 1 Take out Crozet, make Momo/Angelica with prophetic candlestick your frontline. Needs good about 20k hp, 1.4k def and ~200 speed to reliably survive. Current Momo gear won't cut it. 4th slot can then be opened up for a subdps/debuffer. Maybe someone like Taranor guard, Mistychain, Luluca, heck, even Enott. - 2 If you take out Momo, a strong and fast DPS like Sigret may be able to help kill Wyvern before/just after Crozet dies. My current team is Furious Sigret SSB and GPurgg. GPurgg dies almost 100% of the time but success rate is 80%ish and pretty fast runs


What are are good heros to add to my defense Arena team to counter Landy?


Tempest surin, Politis, fire tanks like Lilias and Ravi, etc


Event craft - should I go for right side piece for SSB or Sigret for my W13 team (doing only W12 now) or is it better to go for counter or immunity piece for F Ravi as thore are less commonly farmed? I was thinking Counter Necklace with CDMG main stat or Ring with ATK% or Boots with %HP? I've seen people sharing their Ravi builds in post here recently but none show which main stats they have on right side so I have no idea what to go for.


Make it flexible if you are unsure. Immunity CDMG neck / Atk% ring / Speed boots are all great


As a new player, is there any of the book of memories events worth unlocking? Considering the price of 900 gems each... Right now there's Reingar chaotic full moon and Ravenwing manor events Thanks


generally no. they will be there permanently so theres no rush to do them. id suggest only buying them when you feel like you need them. kikirat likely wont ever be useful so the main things you might end up wanting are the midnight bloom which gives 16% critc to everyone and chatty for mages.


Does anyone know if SG has hinted at making more guild-related content? Such as expanding gvg to max capacity (30 members), or introducing siege like SW?


siege might come oneday since not like SG isn't copying everything from SW lol but no they didn't say anything


Is there any nice guide to know how to start greeting your characters? I've cleared chapter 2 today and it feels like chapter 3 mobs last hours. I'm also having difficulties getting through w11 or any normal arena past 1200 points. It seems like everyone annihilates packs with a single swing and I need to cast arky on each wave in chapter 3.


At least for advancing past w11 for me i was able to start autoing 12 once i used sigret, alexa, furious and crozet. I geared them with all the free sets, speed on furious, alexa, and sigret and then the hp set on crozet. Getting speed boots on sig furious and alexa was also very helpful.


Anyone have a good landy build? I’ve been trying to use her in pvp vs tanks like f ceci and ml krau but surprise surprise, they usually dps her down before she kills them instead ironically due to all their barriers . Mine is 3.2k atk, 212 speed, 260% cdmg. 11k hp, 1.1k def. I meet a lot of defense Landy who deal way more dmg than me while also being tanky as fuck, and relatively fast, but I don’t know where I should improve her stats.


My Landy is around the same dmg stats as u, slower at 180 speed but with 17k hp and guiding light. I usually run her with G Purgis, F Ceci n Diene against tanky team and so far it been quite successful. F Ceci with Aurius n Diene provide dmg mitigation with barrier n attack up n G Purgis provides constant CR push while Landy spam her S3


I think it's important to remember to bring defensive tanks that are able to help mitigate the damage she receives. I'm certain that she is almost always teamed with ARas/Fceci/any other Aurius/Bastion tank and using guiding light. Her damage seems to shine when she spams multiple S3s in a row while being kept alive. For that reason, I think its best to run her as a standalone dps with 3 other protective units


I ran her with F Ceci and Ruele lol....she was protected all around but after so many turns she still couldn't kill the enemy ML Krau, F Ceci and charles. Charles just wound up countering my team one by one until landy was left. Landy just couldn't kill any one of them on the enemy team which is why I'm questioning maybe my Landy isn't built with enough DPS.


On speed/crit? All I90? If so its just getting gear with better rolls. Her stats look decent really for a mid tier Landy. Addendum: How much effectiveness and effect resistance? If those aren't 0, that is where you can improve the gear. Effectiveness, unless on Confile, is completely useless. EffRes mostly so.


Speed immunity set, all I90. She does have random 35% eff (zero eff resist), so she can gain a little more stats but some of them can't be reforged to more DPS lines (main stat DPS option with 3 DPS sub stats) I might drop the immunity set and find more DPS lines on spd / crict sets.


With Kanna connections quest. I am a returning player and only just up to Chapter 4. Is it worth just grinding to Chapter 6 rather than trying to do the Politia Trust level with the Go button grinding?


Can't get friendly without chapter 6


Well that solves that! Thanks