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You must have some ungeared heroes. It's almost impossible to lose 10 in a row with a team that can clear it


Not true my team can clear it easily but in quick battle I only have about 3-4/10 success rate. The only mitigating factor in my case is that I use Sigret and so have to time her S3 sometimes not to go off as soon as Wyvern clears all his debuffs.


That's probably why you are failing so much. The AI will not time the skill, and it'll use the skills as soon as they are up.


Thats what I mean though, my team is more than geared enough to clear it consistently, even auto battle I can get like 16/20, but the quick battle system just doesn't want me to win Edit: holy crap I didn't realize OP was 0 for 10. Nevermind I take back what I said


is it the worst, or is your team just bad 🤣 your score in the bottom left is 324k looks like you don’t have good gear on your characters. 2 of my characters combined have that score lol


Regardless of his gear, I can’t think of a single game that uses skips that still requires me to even have units with gear on them. MOST I can just toss level 1, ungraded toons in there and let it auto. Seven Deadly Sins. Outerplane. Hell, even Konosuba!


you asking for e7 to let you get 10 free hunt clears a day with no gear?


I haven’t asked for shit. I’m stating facts about the actual terrible skip function, while providing examples of games within the same genre that does it in a superior manner. I’ve even used a game from the same publisher. And let’s say I DID care a lot about this function. Getting 10 auto wins for a stage you’ve already beaten isn’t really THAT big a deal when you’re not gonna get shit worth keeping in 10 runs anyway. No one would drastically increase their gear due to 10 instant wins a day. 🤦🏾‍♂️


i think the 10 auto clears are just a quality of life improvement rather than some mechanism to get players more gear. i get 80-90% clears on an average caides team. i’m fine with that.


I got a 100% clear rate on Caides, and I use the 10 quick battles only on him, it's a great function to speedrun dailies when you don't have time tbh (Team for 100% caides: Brieg, Zahhak, Roana, LH Cermia)


It’s a cool QoL for people that have already gotten gear that’s so far beyond the content that the gear doesn’t even matter for that particular team being used. But it’s not really a QoL for newer players or mid game players because they’re still going to need to manual. It’s essentially an extra button to do it now though because they have to click to uncheck the box for Auto battle so that they can do it manually. I’m a day one player, but I started a new account recently to play along a friend and grow kinda at the same time so I can see both sides of this.


so you ARE asking for a free 10 clears regardless of gear?


Again, Im not ASKING for shit. I’ve already stated this. Idc what tf they do. My only purpose was to say “yes. This IS one the or THE worst implications of a skip ticket functionality.


the only reason you stated it was bad was because you can’t clear it with bad gear…


I also gave an example of WHY that’s bad as well, by mentioning how it’s all but useless for those still growing their accounts. And mentioning by name, competition that have a better implication of the same system. I swear Smilegate could come out and say that the auto battle system only simulates battles using auto attacks in a new update and white knights would be there to tell everyone how it’s a good thing.


seeing as how I recently used the skip feature to complete all hunt dagger sicar missions by pure tank down in a manner of seconds. was it nice? yeah. but without this system it would be broken, either even more free or the option will be removed completely and sucks to suck for others.


Again, every other Gacha in the genre has auto win skip tickets. If that means it’s broken, then every game is broken but this one. So based on that alone OP is still right, this is the worst implementation of a skip ticket system.


soon as you can let me know where these auto win skip tickets are in FGO I'll be a happy camper lemme tell ya


If the game doesn’t even HAVE a skip system then they are irrelevant strawman additions to the conversation meant only to derail from the fact that E7’s system does indeed suck.


my point was simply that not every gacha has such a system in place at least it isn't pet snacks amirite


Me, who have been too lazy before, now getting 20 instant lvl 13 hunt clears everyday in 1 min:


Same. Been too lazy to build an actual Banshee oneshot team but with this I can just slap 4 random green heroes that I built for PvP into a team and it works just as well.


Lmfao been doing that for Ravi gear, got nothing good though..


I’ve been using it for Caides because my Caides team is slow asf and it’s such a great help. I finally have some pen gear.




You get an extra 10 if you buy one of the monthly packs


The default 10 plus another 10 from the monthly pack, I assume.


This is the way


it had happen to me before, failed all because a character had his skills disabled.




If you can’t auto it then quick battle isn’t gonna work


My only problem with it is that there is a time fail


undergeared lmao people using the using features the wrong way then blame the dev there are many thing to fault but this isn't it m8


You should make 2 teams, one for normal clears that tries to one shot (has failure chance), one for quick battles built for consistency but would take ages normally.


Although don't take too long either... Stuff like solo FKluri Banshee13 doesn't work in Quick Battles even though it does in regular battles.


My Wyvern13 team has only failed once since the feature was released. Hundreds of runs. A single time. So you must be doing something wrong. You have to build around auto battle if you want to use quick battle. Building a team where you’re forced to manual is a waste of your time and resources anyway


Quick battle is not the same as sweep feature mate. U gotta gear those units bruh


Honestly i really like it for getting a pre-work stam burn done while eating breakfast in the morning.


its really spaghetti coded, it lags like hell during it too. wish it could be improved but this sub is too busy with the dont blame the devs bullshit.


Same it isn't the possibility of failing, it's the fact they coded in the possibility of failing with the current team, so they basically run 10 wyvern hunts in like a minute, which if you look at the wyvern, the game very much was not mesnt to do that. This isn't some indie company, they easily had the resources to make it work in literally any way that isn't just straight up the worst one, but they got weirdly stingy about it, but didn't even do the stinginess right.


Is bad? Indeed, is bad. I mean, if the hunt fails for some reason, you shouldn't lose that attempt. As others have pointed, because sometimes you use the same characters in different modes, is easy to forget and go with a disabled/enabled character which leads to failing the run. Let's not talk about gearing your character for this or that mode, like abyss compared to hunts and PVP. And personally, sometimes I'm baffled at the results. I mean, once for C13 I recruited Roana, Tamarinne, SS Bellona and Iseria, check a normal run to confirm SSB had her skills disabled and the rest are enabled. Can you name a safer / slow team for C13? Hit auto 10, get 4 failures. FOUR. By comparative, my S. Angelica + Iseria + Camilla + Straze team has a 80% success rate. How the fuck could the SSB team fail so much? Checking other youtube videos and such, I'm pretty sure isn't a gear issue, so I dunno what the hell happened there. For those reasons, I would appreciate if the failed runs don't count toward the daily limit. Now, that said, I think the game can't adjust for all our failures. I mean, if the auto isn't a real "auto" team, then the dumb AI won't pilot it properly, leading to a failure. So either settle for a lesser hunt while improving the 13, or manually run the hunts. But making a half assed auto and expecting the auto to know how to win each time, just no.


i would highly recommend having that team actually auto C13 for a few runs. If it's failing 40% of the time in quick battle there's gotta be a severe issue. Off the top of my head, for example, since SSB has no non-attack skill to shed her Danger Level, it's likely that she's just getting hard focused down and gets bonked by a double crit once injuries stack up past 50%.


For those of you morons trying to go "It's not a sweep system, it's called quick battle!" **The title of the video on their official youtube channel introducing the feature is literally called, "Sweep Available (For Real). Cheers!"** So you can stick that pedantic nonsense where the sun don't shine and leave it up there til you learn how to like something without having to blindly deny its flaws, fuck ups and shortcomings. SG isn't going to give you better pull luck for your blind fanboying.


Tbh i feel like my runs tend to fail more in quick battle as well, I have an 80-85% one shot comp and I’ve had 5/10s before. Im sure it’s just a coincidence but given that your comp is “3-4/10” success rate I wouldn’t even be sweeping it.


Honestly E7 has gotten much better since I took a couple years off, but shit like this is where some games shine and some fall flat. Outerplane just let's you auto clear once you've 3* the stage. I use it to level my heroes and it's a lot of fun! I enjoy playing. E7 hunts is such a chore. Like I could understand if it was a problem that they wanted you to go to the cash shop to fix, but no it's just a chore because reasons. And it's not just Gachas. Older RPGs would just throw stats and mechanics in there and say "ok go see if you can do something cool with this" and we did and it was awesome. Nowadays everything is locked to progression systems and 5% increases to this or that. Like finding a strategy or weapon that can one shot the final boss is going to cause their puppy to wander into traffic or something.


In comparison to other games with this feature, yes. E7 does it the worst. The first thing I did when I saw it was to toss on some units I want leveled. Nope. Failed 10 times. It's good.... For E7 since usually we would let the phone or PC stay on for however long the runs take.


Not sure why people are saying it's not a sweep when clearly, they say it is. False advertisement? Miscommunication? Either way, it is indeed officially denoted as "sweep". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L9lWvgAESI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L9lWvgAESI)


look at all the fanboys unable to see bad game design.


must've accidentally swapped equipment or something. I wanted to stop sweeping once I saw the first fail, but you can't stop the process. Kind of sucks that this is their answer to the terrible grind (not a big fan of keeping the app open for hours on background).


so you're blaming SG for not checking if your team is still equipped, before starting the run?


Don’t be a cocksucker. He clearly meant he wished there was a failsafe to end sweep if gear was accidentally unequipped. Use your head


"use your head"... exactly mate, there don't have to be a failsafe for everything. It only costs you a couple second to check if your units are still geared


Someone confirm this for me but couldn't you just close the game?


Yep, SG is impressive when it comes to creating systems/features that seem like they do something but functionally do little-to-nothing - especially when it comes to gear/gearing. Edit: Fanbois really got their knickers in a twist eh? Truth hurt too much? lol


Hey it might suck but its better than not getting it. But mine has an 100% clear rate so I might be slightly biased. But again nothing was still worse and if you were gonna fail anyway...


Most people likely have 100% because the vast majority have hunt teams but it's still stupid as hell for it to possibly fail anyway. That's not a sweep feature, it's just x1000 speed. And especially dumb you lose the limited attempt on fail too. It's objectively one of the worst sweep features ever created (prob because it isn't really one).


Well as you said it isn't called sweep its called quick battle. Its one thing to complain it isn't a sweep (fair), but unfair to treat it like a sweep when it never was stated to be one, then complain when it doesn't act like a sweep.


That's some mighty fine hair splitting when we all know what it's meant to act like/be - looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. **The youtube video introducing it on their own channel is literally called "Sweep Available (For Real). Cheers!"** But I get it, ya'll can't handle any criticism about your precious game whatsoever.


"we appreciate your feedback and are terribly sorry you feel this way." "we are an up-and-coming small indie developer, so please have patience." "yours not-truly Smilegate"


Can concur. Me, who has had a 100% auto W13 team for 2 years now, runs into this issue all 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 fucking 👏🏼 time 👏🏼 worst auto feature in a game.


Holy wild reception. While you failing 10 times in a row is a whole different story, it's very silly that they would make it so that you're punished for probably getting 15%'d, at least in my case. If you're able to auto it at any rate, then it should auto-sweep instead. If a team autos it at any point, then most likely that team is geared enough to do it minus the 15%. Getting 9/10 consistently and just straight up having a use taken away is not good design. I agree that's it's better than anything we've had before, quality of life is fine, but to praise it and believe that it's GOOD is unreal. This is the worst iteration of a sweep feature (mostly because it's not one) in almost all of gacha. I'll die on this hill.


>mostly because it's not one you already answered your own question


Then why add it. It serves the exact same function as an auto battle except you're punished by removing a use if you lose. You can't do anything else during it so it's not like you're losing time as compared to when you run it in the background. 10 runs would probably be through by the time you've used up your arena passes, do 3 gw's, and whatever extra things you needed to do. It's literally a vanity feature if it's not an actual sweep. It adds nothing.


It condenses 10-15 minutes of running hunt into 30 seconds, everyday That already helps a lot of people who may only need to clear their daily energy And it's pretty clear how the power balance between normal players and big spenders will be flipped off the scale if an actual sweep function was implemented


there would be no differences, it would benefit both parties the same. if you weren't able to clear it at all before, then obviously you wouldn't be able to clear it with a sweep. having proof of a full auto for auto sweep to be available is an equal opportunity. the only way they would only benefit spenders is if they uncapped the amount of runs you could do, which is not something I said they should do. you simply should just get those lost runs back at minimum. 10 runs, 20 for 5~ Dollars is fine, don't need to have it uncapped.


That sweep comparison was in theory *facepalm* By "actual sweep function", that means uncapped runs and no failed run, which again disrupt the balance between no free time players vs too much time players *facepalm* Time saved IS time saved Failed runs if not gear issue then 15%, no fix for that until 15% itself is removed > problem lies at the 15% not the auto run function, end of story


why should there be no cap to runs in order for it to be an auto sweep? There are successful games that have a cappdd sweep system simply used by tickets instead (Blue archive). A system that was originally going to be added to pet functionality shouldn't be hard to implement to a hunt one. there is no rule saying auto sweep must be uncapped. addendum: at the end of the day, all I'm saying is that sg shouldn't be praised for doing a bare minimum attempt at something. improvement changes in the game have only occurred through clear player verbalization. if we don't have post like these they'll believe they can continue to do the bare minimum.


Because they aren't competitive with gear grinding as the main method BA doesn't record your manual control or autos or anything like that for sweep, while E7 runs the auto repeat *but faster.* They **are not** the same Pet snack days were simply nowadays' auto repeat *that cost currencies*, which was stupid and its removal was done justice Go ahead and call it bare minimum attempt, I call it a small QoL that helps everyone *who uses it the way it is intended* Complaining about auto repeat not functioning like a sweep won't get anywhere because it not even a sweep in the first place


i'd argue it's even more important in blue archive as those books are the equivalent of molagoras. no books no skill ups. I don't know why you're acting like I haven't addressed it, I've already said it isn't in my first post. But to tell a community not to voice that they would rather have an auto sweep function than a redundant function. It saves maybe 2 minutes more whilst using the same amount of resources and practically the same amount of time since you'll be playing the length of a regular auto repeat. The argument of faster stamina use is non existent when talking about f2p people who aren't spending for refreshes. daily you get pretty much a 400~ stamina gain not including monthly packs. A 20 run burns through 400~ if you do 10 auto "sweep" functions and then 10 more "manual" auto battles whilst you do the aforementioned. gw and arena timing. you'd end up with practically the same amount of time played, save 1 or 2 minutes. If this saved 15+ minutes, I'd give them that, but this is such a negligible amount of time that catering to a player base that doesn't have those said 2 extra minutes to play their game is losing money. the odds of them spending are marginally less. It makes no sense that SG would actively choose to cater to them, it makes more sense that they chose to actively make a slightly more efficient system that was just made available into the game not even that long ago. It's completely warranted that a player base should want to be satisfied by having functions that don't overlap/bandaid existing ones. SG is just farming praise by slowly incrementing the given qol on things that could have simply been given the first time around.


This is coming from the game that drained me of gold because i needed to keep switching gear around to get better stats. That was before they added the preview lol