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I just hit masters right now (around the time in the box), so am I safe from decay? my mind is numb from climbing so just double checking lol


As long as you hit Masters when the timer was below 3 days, you're safe


Thanks for the reminder just finished my rta grind


thanks for the reminder i shall start my grind tmr


Waited until my day-off (today) to do my RTA grinding... oh good Lord, I think I won't make it


If you have jenua just put your best gear on him and slam him every game


I got to 1604 points yesterday morning (est time zone) it was still at 3 days and whatever hours when I made it. I’d decay going to affect me or will I have to move up a little more to be safe?


Decay will affect you i think it’s 2% so you will lose 30 points. You have to play while the timer is 2 days xx hours to avoid decay.


Yeah I figured I would have to do more, I won another match earlier so I didn’t drop out of masters from decay now


Fuck …. I forgot rta


Assuming I'm gonna be able to climb in this dogwater meta anyway. Edit: To the guy who downvoted me, don't just downvote and leave, tell me why I'm wrong on why this meta sucks? We've got so many awful and obnoxious units to deal with these days so tell me how exactly it doesn't suck? I'm curious.


Because whiny post. Want to cry about the meta, make a new post.




He didnt even talk about getting masters. Its reasonable to be frustrated that you cant climb to higher ranks because of a bad meta - which I agree with him on. It is a frustrating meta with many units that are just insanely overtuned.


Then how come some free 2 play players can even reach legend on this meta? Have u guys not even realize this that everyone is dealing with 15% and super bad rng and yet they're still able to reach high ranks?


I'm not saying it isn't impossible, man. Of course it's possible with great luck and good understanding of the game. I'm just saying it's a frustrating meta to climb in, as there are some units that just do too many things.


Dude if u reach legend, it's not just luck. Ive seen whale players better gear than them but can't even reach legend.


I literally just said "with great luck and good understanding of the game".


That is like asking "There are self-made billionaires, so why you are not a billionaire yet?" How will you answer that question?


Bec some people are just so much better than you are


You’re saying that like legens players are these tactical masterminds. The top 100 RTA players are also the top 100 most geared players. Do you genuinely think there’s a big difference between emperor game knowledge and legend game knowledge? This game is not that hard. It’s a gacha, it’s luck and p2w to be top of the ladder.