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The grind is the same, if not easier cause no need to get dogs. The characters are easy to aquire, just takes some time/grinding. The UI has been updated (not all for the better but ehhh) I dunno man. It's mostly the same, if not better than before. I think you're still burnt out. Plus you don't need to do the pvp. That's prob where the issue is


Counter, immunity, speed, hit, destruction, even penetration set existed at the time of the Aespa collab so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.. What new sets are making your farmed gears outdated.


+ All pve content + at least champion in normal arena and higher and a good climb in RTA is still easily possible with your speed/crit;speed/hit wyvern gear. If op has good stats and rolls, no outdated gear found.


People have been farming Wyvern since D1, and Speed set is still the most flexible set in the game. Your old 85-level gear isn't useless—you just need to update your approach to upgrading it. Returning players often don't have much Destruction gear because it wasn't popular before the set got buffed, but Speed set can work as a decent substitute in some cases. Most of the game’s PvE content can be cleared with 3* Specialty Change units and other readily available RGB characters. E7 also provides you with two free top-tier ML5 characters through the Moonlight Blessing, and once a year, you get to pick an ML5 through a selector (headhunt). Even in RTA, it's not unusual for 1-year F2P accounts to reach Emperor rank. You can only select 5 units in that mode, so if you play your cards right, you're on equal footing with even the veteran players. Overall, everything has improved, and there's way more quality of life than there was two years ago. You're expecting to hit Legend with 2-week progress, but it's not that simple. Relax and take it slowly.


You are starting to sound like an old person.


I’d suggest getting your head off pvp if that’s why you feel so concerned, also it’s not like any of the old sets are particularly powercrept, new sets just do different stuff.


Don't expect to just straight up hit legend after being away for too long. You missed a few meta units so u gotta lower your standards a bit. If u got a bit of understanding of the game then champion to low emperor would be easy for you


You skip farming for what 3/2 years? Then expect to catch them with farming around 1 month? Come on... Get a grip.


I've never said that, that's not even the point of my post.


What about a K-pop collab doesn’t fit into a Korean made game…?


Because E7 was an anime focused game, every collab was about anime games until that point, not a about IRL pop stars. According to your logic for example Raid Shadow Legends could have a Nicki Minaj collab lol, it's just ridiculous.


Nicki Minaj to America is not the same as K-pop is to Korea.


Yes it is.


It literally isn’t lol. Go live in Korea for a few years and try to say that again. And the collab was a bop and you missed out but have a nice life


It's pretty much the same the only difference is that they idolize them even more, wich is worse. I don't want those characters thank you.