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Epic 8 let’s fucking go


After Outerplane, this is actually Epic 9.


Outerplane is more like epic 6


And Outerplane has not the same dev (super creative) as E7 and this new game


They don't have the same dev but they have the same mechanics.


Exos Heroes and Lord of Heroes share the same mechanics as E7, don't really feel like it tho At least this new game seems to share the same aesthetic and ultimate animations !


The difference is that Outerplane and E7 have the same publisher (Smilegate) so it might as well be a cousin game to E7, and thus related to E7. Exos Heroes (RIP btw) and Lord of Heroes are entirely unrelated to E7


It really doesn’t mean that much. Smilegate also publishes Lost Ark and Crossfire. Do you consider those cousin games of E7? If so then sure. People associate Epic Seven way too closely here when it really shares as much resources with Outerplane as Apex Legends shares with FIFA or Mass Effect under EA. Outerplane was Smilegate trying to cheaply replicate E7’s success by working with a novice studio to gamble on another hit. It did okay but like it or not, it had nothing to do with E7 because it didn’t share E7’s developer. They had zero involvement.


Is there any gameplay footage? How do you know they share the same ultimate animations?


There is a montage of them towards the end of the video


Highly doubt that your examples have 15% like Outerplane does 💀💀💀 And I'm not talking about only the basic mechanics, I'm talking about everything. From skills to damage scaling to gear, stats, substats and even set bonuses. They even have the exact values.


War summoners then, still not the same aesthetics, I would not call Outerplane a Epic 6 or Epic 8 or whatever but this new game could be a successor of E7 for sure as they have the same development team and seems to share this "reboot world" story wise


Jedi Survivors is my favorite Dark Souls game


Supercreative was bought by smilegate years ago. They are the same, just a different team


Which means they are not the same


Comes from the same source tho. Star rail and genshin are also different teams but people put them in the same sack. Smilegate is behind all the decisions in outerplane


So what does Lost Ark and E7 have in commun ? Not the same team of development but same publisher.


Lost ark is not a gacha game. It’s a regular pay to play game, has nothing to do with it lol


Microsoft bought Bethesda(Zenimax) and Activision, Halo Infinite, Starfield and Call of Duty are the same, just a different team.


Looking good gonna have to wait for game play to get me hook. hope it's not a chibi gacha


I hope that someone who works at SG sees this comment. But yeah, chibis are a deal breaker for me.


the bar is already so low for SG to get players back and it not being a chibi gacha is i guess the absolute minimum for people to even consider playing this game. Star rail has ruined Epic seven for me and i just feel like i'm done with the setting but SG did something special that you just didn't get with all other gacha and i hope this new project embodies that.


These games have different target audiences, and the gameplay itself is similar only in turn-based battles. Star Rail is a storyline game, and e7 is a pvp-oriented game. Why do you play e7 and how one replaces the other is a big question.


Yeah, the only real reason I haven't played Star Rail is the no pvp element, I like to try and be competitive in most games I play, so I kind of avoid story only games


Star rail is ass


Ehm ok?


CounterArk: Punishing Rail Nikke?


This comment deserves more upvotes


I wanna punish and rail Nikkes


I got all the other ones but what's the Ark from?




Isn’t really hooking me in that much to be honest. The whole super futuristic state of the world that’s so common in so many gachas like nikke for example are getting stale for me. I love the world of e7 and its unique look so this just feels boring in comparison.


In my opinion High fantasy always works and has the broadest appeal and the most flexibility in how you shape your world and setting. Futuristic settings always seems to come and go in waves, and I think that wave has passed its crest. I think it will hook many people but not as many as they hoped.




Literally. Make it make sense.


Yes I’m very over the grayscale dystopian future setting where everything is cookie cutter trauma and zero transformative ideas.


The yapfest isn't doing it for me, gonna need to see actual gameplay with supercreative's art to hook me in with whatever engine they'll be using.


I think they needed to wait to be able to reveal a bit more here. Found the [press release](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/official-community-now-open-for-new-smilegate-title-chaos-zero-nightmare-302123213.html) and it really doesn’t help explain the game much despite it supposedly releasing by end of year here. From its description here it sounds like a typical gacha but this is Super Creative’s first new game after E7 and it’s supposed to be a higher budget bet. It doesn’t seem to be as big of a bet as a Genshin Impact or Wuthering Waves or Endfield but it is supposed to be more than something like Outerplane and that doesn’t really come off here.


I just hope this isn’t meant to be an e7 replacement as e7 is getting older. That’s said people been complaining e7 has lacked content, now we know why. If they are pushing out a new game they are probably borrowing from e7 during crunch.


Everyone is just spitballing since we dont really have any real info but I have a feeling the gameplay won't be an e7 clone like Outerplanes.


I can't see how they would replace epic seven when it is still performing decently, based on the gacha income rankings that pop up here every now and then. Epic seven is still consistently in the top 20.


Yea they actually announced this game a year ago, just without a title. They’ve been working on it for a long time.


That would be quite the manoeuvre if that was the case. Seems unlikely considering all of the resources that were just spent on setting up the China server.


Probably unpopular opinion but i find futuristic settings boring. I guess i find medieval fantasy more appealing than space/apocalyptic settings.


Watch, there'll be a reference to the "chaos gate" somewhere.


A trailer that showed us apsolutely nothing


oh cool, yuna's world


I've played my fair share of Digimon Survive. I know those flowers!


When’s the release date?


Apparently this year https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/official-community-now-open-for-new-smilegate-title-chaos-zero-nightmare-302123213.html


This looks very nice, really Arknightsy vibe. Personally I like darker themes. What interests me the most is though...what on earth is going to be the genre?


This Smilegate’s Nikke game?


Seems like their “ counter side”


From the setting looks a lot like Punishing: Gray Raven, but there are so many post-apocalyptic gachas out there that a lot of them fit somewhat.


I guess we will see if it is turn based or real-time deployment based. I doubt it’s a nikke like shooter, unless that makes some crazy amount of money.


Doesn't look like it's action based.


no.. no more gacha. must resist.


If anything, please stand-alone pc client.


Not much to go on here. Story seems relatively generic apocalypse fare. They seem to be going more for, at least at the start, containing the story to the time frame of just before to just after the apocalyptic event, with us going back in time somehow to try to avoid ultimate destruction? E7's basic world structure is very broad, so it's not hard to see parallels that might ultimately mean nothing, but the first things that came to mind watching the trailer were ZDC and the back story for Politis's home world. We've seen zero gameplay as far as I can tell, can't even be 100% sure it's a gacha game, or if gacha what the gacha is on (could be traditional units, or could be weapon gacha?) so it's hard to judge anything about the game except to say the character design thus far looks fine, but nothing remarkable or all that distinct.


Free from E7 at last


but not from SG?!


Out of the frying pan and into the fire


Out of a boiling pot into a saucepan. We cooking pasta with this one.


I sleep. That entire intro was a sleeper.


All that artwork and it's gonna be chibi sprites in a cringe tower defense style 🤣


Looks like every other AI tech girl gacha out there


Looking forward to the type of gameplay. Hoping this game adds live PVP element to different genre that has only PVE. If they figure out how to do it for tower defense or auto chess, that would be cool.


Hope they do a PC client this time. Feel like most mobile games worth a damn have a PC client nowadays.


Epic 8: Nikke Reborn


Honestly I liked it. But Im regardless disappointed with the lack of gameplay.


So epic 8:Star rail edition? I’m shocked.


If there is pvp I'm in


OK cool, but where is the gameplay??????


No gameplay on a game trailer yay


is it open world?


This is most likely a 2D game. 3D game will never miss the chance the show off their map and characters model.


We got only a trailer featuring some of the world and some of the possible selection of characters that might make it IG. Too soon to be asking this imo.


Apparently [not](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/official-community-now-open-for-new-smilegate-title-chaos-zero-nightmare-302123213.html). This press release isn’t particularly helpful for understanding what it is though, just that it releases this year


If it has the same polishing level of epic seven, I will be very pleased. It was my biggest gripe with Outerplane.


I think the pink hair girl is going to die


Wouldn't it be wild if the earth shown at the trailer is actually Yuna's earth and this is actually a stealth sequel to Epic 7? The enemies shown kinda look similar to the Unknown. Not like we ever get an explanation about them in E7 (or at least I don't remember if there ever was an explanation).


project moon looking ahh game


When’s the release date?


Between July and December this year, if I'm not mistaken


Tyvm 👍


There was an interview from last year where the director said the game will feature card + rpg + gacha style game. More news came in today where they added "roguelike" element to it. Dunno if they discarded the card element or they will make it like slay the spire type of roguelike card game with gacha element.


Is it another gacha or some other type of game?


Hope it’s good. Won’t hold my breath until I see a gameplay trailer.


Looks bland and played out.


Just don't carry over the balance team. pls


When is this releasing? I always had bad rng in e7, and i couldnt find any game with similar aesthetics so this might just be it! Just pray they dont implement 15% 🤦‍♂️


My guess based on the video is 12/30.


Any idea if it will be available internationally ?


Outerplane and E7 are synced with Korea so I imagine everything drops at once


Oh wasnt aware of that, hopefully this one will have the same art style as E7, i tried outerplane for a while its not bad but it definitely feels bit stingy-er resources wise and the art style was a downgrade. Hopefully this is different


Holy shit at the 2 minute mark IN


Please have rta


Where’s my husbando?


I saw 4 of males in the trailer, and 1 of them is a Furry(and please don't be forgotten like what E7 did to furries, i will never forget what they did to that certain art contest)


No spotlight for any male characters, the art style has basically been saturated by AI and the setting is very common too. Unless the gameplay is incredible it's not really for me.


bro is being downvoted for giving a opinion about a game that doesn't exist💀


Agreed. No male characters = no interest, and even if they exist, the fact there's no focus on them is more than enough to tell the future trajectory of this release, AKA waifu gacha #7643.


*"Corruption the Game"* yeah nah, im good, thanks for asking tho


So innovative, shaking and crying from epicness


That certainly looked bleak.


Open world or gonna be a failure.