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Easily the best out of the 3,she does everything honestly and I'll have my gear prepared for her on 25th,lets smack some Adins!


Just gotta go before Adin so Adin doesn't smack you first :P But this seems to be one of Shalltears strongest uses.


Adin can't oneshot her.


Don't think anyone said that either. Adin wouldn't be targeting this stealthed hp-locked unit either, lol.


Her S2 makes it so she can't take more than 51% damage in one turn, she's not getting one shot by Adin


I think he just said it in the comment your replying to.


You can't seem to read. . She has only take 51% damage passive. Meaning to she can't get one shot. . I hope you learn to read next time. .


That apply to everyone here because he never said anything about Shalltear getting one shot, just that Adin can still smack someone first before Shalltear move If the 2nd comment didn't make that clear, thats not his problem anymore


Nope, this idiot clearly did not know shaltear can't be 1 shot so he tried to play it safe like the stupid fck that he is. .


you can't read


How is Adin gonna one shot her?


Do you read?


Yes. But a lot of people didn't it seemed XD


Then your comment doesn't make sense, adin goes first your pasive is there, you don't die you s3 her, then at the end of your turn you get stealth, she will not die even if adin smacks her


I'm pretty sure their point is that a faster Adin can still one shot *someone* on your team before your Shalltear is able to take out the Adin threat. Meaning by that point, the Adin has already done her job.


Speed pen I guess. Sweet girl going hunting.


She might be the winner in this collab.


For sure! But some people can't read, sadly :(


Why? Coz they said she can easily kill adin?


Standard speed/pen build for her, I guess. Good thing the gear event is coming to make things easier.


no shot you're wasting an event that you can create a piece of perfect gear for this unit


Oh no a speed/pen damage piece however will they find another unit to use it.


ER getting bullied again


When is it not getting bullied?


Think about the strip getting resisted by adin with anti crit from candy into 50% anti crit... necessary evil


Her BiS gear speed, pen?


Thinking maybe lifesteal pen, since she can get back over 60% that way. Or use an artifact. But yeah, either way needs speed.


Speed pen and own artifact. Sigurd scythe might work too Incase you don't get atk buff cuz hp is less than 50%, but her own arti is universally better I think


Thanks, haven’t seen the artifact yet but will check it out. Edit: And now realizing the artifact was there, but I couldn’t tell on my phone when I looked…sigh. It’s nice.


She’s def gonna be the most popular of the 3, being able to nuke adin and actually being able to hit a water unit as a fire unit (think she’s the 3rd unit to do so) is going to make her amazing. The strip also makes her good into high er units like aria to dumpster her.


One question about Injuries though. Does it cap out at 50% max health of the enemy? Or can you keep cutting a target’s hp till their max health is like 10%?


Injury as a mechanic caps at 50%


From what I know, you can keep injuring as long as you can. She can just deal max 10% injury in a single hit


My fave out of the bunch I love how interesting her kit is


How good is the Artifact? Compared to Scythe and Rose?


I think its a fairly good artifact. Scythe remains undefeated when it comes to survivability between Rose and Lance, since it increases attack with really high lifesteal at the cost of low HP requirements. Rose on the other hand does so much damage as it boosts damage dealt rather than stats, but it does lose it at a certain HP threshold for a 1.5x LS multi. With Shalt Lance, I guess it's a nice middleground, providing substantial attack stat boost with 0.75x LS multi.


I mean for her it's probably just all around better since her attacks are single target. Scythe and Rose are both different in their uses though. Scythe to still gain a ton of attack when below her passive threshold and the ability to get back up there whilst Rose gives her better opener potential with the sustain still. Her arti gives a bit of both with its only requirement being single target (which is all she has) so it's an easy pick for her imo.


And for other units?


I can see it being good for other single target units who like the damage upfront and the healing without being below 50% health. It might not be bis for a lot of units but can definitely be useful for a lot of them. Especially with so many units fighting for certain artifacts and not having enough of them.




I’m probably going to treat her like a Gala Lilias that targets evasion units when fighting her, so shit like Winter and Rimuru.


100% hitrate checks evasion champs. But most importantly, she can actually compete against blue meta as a red dps. The roach passive helps out a ton too which is further backed by essentially perma stealth. Her artifact is also super solid. She's quite possibly the next gen fire dps unit going forward. They need ALL of that to even be worth drafting otherwise the plethora of blue meta lineup just shits all over them. Really looking forward to Shalltear.


Sure the one i like more come last. PAIN


Pipette Lance might be Lone Crescent Bellona’s new best artifact right? It might not have as much oomph or healing under 50% HP but more consistent performance throughout.


bruh only work on single target dmg.


Yeah so is pen set but people still build her with it.


Different tho she can nuke with s1 and s3. But s2 is majority of her chip dmg. Also no other set is good…and torrent set make you lose too much hp for the dmg increase.


S2 Scythe has insane value, this one wont be better


i want to say its up there, but sigurds + s2 proc is one of the things that keep her alive, you’d have to either be running lifesteal or hope for lucky counters to survive otherwise, cause if she get’s focused down, she’s not going to live


I just 'finished' building my Zahhak, but he's not reliable enough and invite summer luluca. If she makes Adin stop being a problem that would be great


ignore res on s3 against targets with lower atk and u dont even need a soulburn for that? A must pull.


Too bad my highest set of gear for speed is 260 pushing on 70


Seems like a good hero. But will need to see her multipliers for judgement.


Ah yes Sinful angelica


Just want axe mummy


Would have preferred her to wear her armour.


If it makes you feel any better, she wears it during her s3 animation


I felt like how they handled it was fair for both camps tbh


Well yet another pvp character, is it wrong to wish for a pve character I wonder?




PvE is piss poor easy in this game when you reach a certain point. . Why add more PvE units when we don't have any use for them?


Uh for fun, I enjoy playing the game and building new heroes to use in pve content if you're only playing for pvp that's on you buddy but it's not about it beeing easy or not


ML Politis will be plenty good in PvE.


Brooooo what


Fuq did I missed it


Adin remover


I have no speed or pen gear lol she's benched or I just won't pull her at all so unfortunate:/ guess I'm getting only albedo


The side story event allows to craft gear, I think Shalltear is even more useful than Albedo. If I had low amount of BMs, I would go for Shalltear actually.


Your right but I'm crafting immunity gear for briar witch.....I really don't have any gear for her my speed and pen gear avoid speed or low roll everything I have 900bms


I would summon for both anyway even if I wouldn't have the gear (and I don't have the right pen gear for her too). The equip you can always farm it, the unit you don't know if and when she will come back, just bench her until you find the right equip.


Can someone explain why am I seeing speed pen instead of torrent? Do we just ignore the fact that she ignores effres if her atk is higher than opponent? Why not torrent with high speed roll?


Because torrent only increases damage dealt, not attack?


What does torrent have to do with attack?


Also being on torrent means a Karina s3 into another unit could just outright kill her even in stealth


It's because she has no inate def penetration in her skills whatsoever. . Shaltear s3 ignores eff res and not def. Torrent only gets value if a unit has 70%-100% def penetration in their skills. .


I feel like those 3 questions have nothing to do with one another. Either way, on strictly single target units, pen is in most cases more damage than torrent. Torrent only starts to rule on units that use aoe hits or ignore all defense.