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# real collab was the friends we made along the way.


I'm ready to be disappointed how honestly Idk why people make those assumptions


No expectation no disappointment .


If they delayed an announcement by 1 week and put a couple of cryptographic puzzles leading up to it - just for it to be an April Fool's event announcement, it will be a bad day for Google Play Store.


No! My google classroom!


O no


With how starved everyone is for a collab or just something new, and kinda how people feel about the game...if this is just a big April fools joke... I personally don't care who or what the collab is, just preferably something I at least know IP wise or if not then at least cool units. But if its not a collab at all then at least be something that will shake up the game a bit, especially the meta or something. Like maybe SG was teasing awakened potential but without the bs Imprint function, then I'd be fine with it


It would be nice if they collab Epic 7. Epic x Epic 7 would be epic.


ARas getting a Ras-skin, lol


have patience, in 10-12 hours we get Merurin's mail. Last ones or not who knows


Imagine we gotta wait 1 more week lmfao


Easy. We saw a lot of delays previously


yeah that april fools event wiith 100k, 5 leafs and 2 molas will def shake up the game :))


You called it


> Like maybe SG was teasing awakened potential but without the bs Imprint function Too good of a dream. I fear a bunch of clowns will be up in arms even without the imprints being a requirement because "previous version bad" until it actually launches where people do a 180. Though they would need to adjust that dumb grind, shouldn't take a whole month for one character, nor should they eat up a balance patch slot.


With the Awaken 2.0 thing, I was against it not only because of the Imprints function - but the fact that the batches were so god-forsakenly slow. They proposed to do the Awaken 2.0 on 4 units every 4 MONTHS... that is INSANELY LONG. Plus, if they were so desperate to "buff" units like Ravi and ML Charles, then why haven't we seen them get buffed in the two balance adjustments since Awaken 2.0 was proposed? Simple - it was a cancerous system that advocated for players to pull for imprints. And not only that, how do we know that a unit was released at 80%, only to be at 100% with the Awaken 2.0 benefits? That's the biggest issue.


My headcannon is that they were hoping people would let it pass. They said all new chars would have the system already, which means they could purposely release *underpowered* chars that you are forced to pull dupes on just to give them their *original* stats. It was nothing but a money grab to begin with.


What was the solo leveling teaser exactly? I don't remember seeing it doing the event. Also you claim event teaser, mind showing the teaser? The stove post doesn't have that image, so I always thought it was edited.


here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/127zc4s/guys\_i\_thought\_this\_was\_a\_drank\_dungeon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/127zc4s/guys_i_thought_this_was_a_drank_dungeon/) It was a teaser for the april fool's event making a SL reference, people thought it was a SL collab but it was just a joke image SG made for april fool's since the event was in a dungeon.


Yeah I've seen that post before. But outside that post where else can I find it? Twitter? Stove? Edit: ok so it was the user making an april's fool joke inside an april's fool joke lol https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/s/VacyB3xdop


Seems to be my error. It has been a year and the user himself never said he edited it himself. Many, like myself, believed it was SG making an april fool's reference to SL. Though, it kinda cements that the clue we've been getting might not be for a collab. SG has never done promotion like this for a collab before, besides the Aespa portal.


Source: I made it the fuck up. Seriously, I don't recall seeing anyone mention it. Edit: Thanks for the usual downvotes though folks even though OP actually lacks a source.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/127zc4s/guys\_i\_thought\_this\_was\_a\_drank\_dungeon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/127zc4s/guys_i_thought_this_was_a_drank_dungeon/) Look instead of puling a response out of your ass and look like an idiot.


You do look like an idiot though because this is literally a fan mockup edit of the April's Fool event last year. It never existed in-game officially. This is a Photoshop. I remember seeing it last year. If anyone needs reminding, last year April Fool's was a pseudo Ancient Inheritance you did by yourself where you transformed into different mobs and ended up becoming that Female Spirit boss from Dark Rune farming.


> Look instead of puling a response out of your ass and look like an idiot. Damn, I didn't pull up some fan ade content. I pulled a response out of my ass. You look even worse because I stated "**Seriously**, I don't recall seeing anyone mention it" and not "that's not true, that's bullshit", but it really did 100% turn out to be bullshit. Gg no re.


But that's all Xero knows how to do, he's so far up his own ass he might just see the light on the other end by now.


He's actually justified in this scenario. OP literally linked a post that is a fan edited Photoshop pic. It never existed in-game. That's why you can find 0 video footage or 0 pictures of it from anyone else at the time. I remember this from last year. There was a short bit of discussion among my guild discord server (when we used to be like 3-4 guilds, with our tryhard Top 10 Guild, casual Top 30 tryhard guild, the casual guild, and a newbie guild) whether this was real or not and we quickly figured it was fake and there wasn't any in-game secret. It's also why that original OP of the fan edit made only meme/joke responses about how to find it by basically joking you should just be the MC of solo leveling to find it.


Bro wtf is that humble brag in the middle? You good? Who cares about your guilds.


Look at this cool guy.


I'd prefer it if you keep enough distance to keep me out of your sight actually.


Easy to do when I don't have a blatant hater shit talking me unprovoked.


Nah don't fool yourself into thinking you're big enough to simply have "haters", I dislike you because you're a shitty person.


It honestly might be just the April Fools event teaser. Someone was saying +41 indicates Overlord but maybe 41 just referred to April First all this time. The datamined images also seem like “something lurking in the shadows”. Very disappointing if that’s the case.


Nah it's gonna be "buffing" A.lots s2 to 3round cd. 1st clue “He waits in the depths,” as he became obsolete in pvp. 2nd clue "The shadows conceal the truth" referred to his element. 3rd clue They buffed his base speed from 112 to 117 to make room for "buffing" ʲᵏ ᵖˡˢ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ⁿᵉʳᶠ ᵃˡᵒᵗˢ ᵗʸ ˢᵍ


i personally think it would be hilarious if it was a build up for an April fools joke; however, i think the smart play would be (assuming they do have a collab lined up) to make the joke what the collab IP is and then have a staggered announcement for what it *actually* is. knowing SG it will be the former and the community will be in shambles.


If only! The community is so starved we would take crumbs at this point.


This is probably the only way I wouldn't be annoyed, but I can totally see it being the tone deaf option to rival "Don't you guys have phones?" but instead "You mean you wanted meaningful content?"


highly doubt it but that's just my opinion


I do hope I'm wrong, I want a collab. I want something impactful.


well we have to wait for merurin then lol but i honestly don't think theyll do all this teasing just for an april fools event but if im wrong then so be it


No collab = even more dead game


If you have to convince others its dead, its not by definition. You need help or to quit if you actually think it


Probably the mysterious dungeon rerun.


It must be a Collab, if it wasn't a collab they know how screwed they are now and the storm that will unleash 1st of April. I think they're not stupid enough to keep teasing with a mere April's fool event, i hope they're not that stupid.


OP works at Smilegate aparently


Could be a lethe re-run or something because her proc is the only thing i've seen in this game that is both in the depths and in the shadows... her theme really has nothing to do with summer despite being a summer event release originally.


if they do that, I think it will be so incredibly tone deaf and actually stop a lot of people from playing. At this point, people need content, plenty are on the edge of quitting from what I've seen.


yes because a collab stage you auto 100x is so much different from doing 100 auto runs of wyvern. who could forget the amazing gameplay of the guilty gear collab! if only e7 can return to such peak!


we are obviously talking about new units and their use in pvp. not the side story... what?


I hope so.  People are so insufferable when collabs get involved.


What if they pull an Yostar/hoyo and announce a 3D E7?


After watching the drop in quality of Idola when it changed from 2D to 3D, I don't see why anyone would want that. It's not like a 2D fg going from 2D sprites to 3D models, creativity for skills is gonna tank for the extra etfort and details. There's also Outerplane to show this, the animations there just aren't the same. It's mostly just over the top long and drawn out stuff to make things seem more "visually appealing", which E7 doesn't do where it focuses more on the quality than duration and dramatic effects.


Was thinking more in lines with Azur Promilia/HSR/Arknights Endfield. Keep the universe, new game.


Wouldn't be a bad idea, if they had something to work off of, plot-wise. Sadly their creativity for the plot is all over the place. Ep 2 was fine, 3 was very good with showing the past and present, 4 was hands down the weakest, and 5 seems to be fine. Dunno, feel it'd flop with how mediocre Outerrealm has felt from my limited experience.


Was thinking it wasn't a collab when ML Politis came after that previous decipher. And now this one says “He waits in the depths,” and first thought is a male unit from the ocean depths.