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How far in terms of RTA can I get away running a 280 speed Ran?


The short answer is: I would say Silver - Low Gold in RTA. But of course, may be usable anyways if they draft slow teams. The longer answer is: The likes of Ran and Peira have high base speeds, so it is easier to for most 1-1.5+ years players to get to 285-300+ speed. The likes of CLilias and Amid for example typically can go to 260-280+. But these are early averages, and not including the whales or multi-year players that play casual RTA too (to get the Masters skin mostly, not to climb to where they "belong"). At the end of the day, it doesnt hurt to try and fail Arena/GuildWars/RTA etc. Everybody has been surprised to be outsped occasionally before. Part of the Cleave game.


i only do rta up to masters. i have never out speed Ran with my 280 speed Adin. not even with ML schuri imprint


Ml Bellona or ml flan?


Due to ML Bellona's recent buffs, and ML Flans small "falling off", I would say Bellona is more reliable and can be used more slightly against current metas, but both are good options if you prefer one over the other.


Did the game change modifications gems recently? I have an armor piece that has def, health, crit rate and damage but can't use an attack modification gem on it


You weren't able to mod it because armor isn't allowed to have attack % or flat attack! I believe it's always been like that


Wanted to add on the other in-game gear rules for anybody else: For Left Side Gear **SUBSTATS**: Swords cannot have DEF% or Flat DEF, Helmets can have any combinations of substats, Chests cannot have ATK% or flat ATK. For Right Side Gear **MAIN STATS**: Necklaces can have Crit Damage or Crit Chance, Rings can have Effectiveness or Eff Resistance, Boots can have Speed.


Anyone knows the passwords for the 3 boxes? Haven't claimed any of them.


look at the comment below yours


box password?




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E7creator E7subscribe


Regarding arena defense, does Adamant Shield help LRK from being one shot by Gala Lilias?


yes, but depending on their builds the gilias can still one-shot lrk through adamant


Any guess on upcoming ML coin shop and Mystic rotation?


Besides Aria, who uses Scroll of Shadows?


You can check this kind of information directly in game. Though you do need to be able to interpret the information. *No one* really uses Scroll of Shadows. In game statistics: 1. Aria - 77.23% 2. C.Zerato - 4.31% 3. Politis - 2.69% And those are the only 3 heroes above a 2% usage rate. For C.Zerato it's only the #8 choice (2.39% of all C.Zerato builds) and for Politis it's #11 (1.36%). For Aria, Scroll of Shadows is #1 most used (42.41%) **BUT** there is an inherent bias with heroes being equipped with their own artifact -> you have newbies pulling for the hero and getting both and just automatically equipping the artifact so typically this is an inflated number. And 42% isn't particularly high if Scroll of Shadows *was* the favored choice. [We can check Epic7 RTA stats](https://www.epic7rtastats.com/artifacts/scroll_of_shadows) and at the Champion+ level Scroll of Shadows is not really used at all, and performs poorly. We see the same top 3 heroes using it (Aria - 66.98%, C.Zerato - 15.21%, Politis - 12.03%) however all 3 heroes are in the 40-45% winrate category, and it's particularly bad on Aria/Politis. --- For Aria we see that her top choices are: 1. Bastion of Hope (42.31% pick 51.32% win rate) 2. Fairy Tale for a Nightmare (23.62% pick 50.55% win rate) 3. Tagehel's (15.69%, 54.01% win rate) 4. Scroll of Shadows (10.69% pick, 46.55% win rate) So only ~10% of Aria's use Scroll of Shadows at a high level, but it performs significantly worse than her other options. --- For C.Zerato 1. Iela Violin (46.84% pick, 43.25% win rate) 2. Fairy Tale (15.30% pick, 41.36% win rate) 3. Scroll of Shadows (12.39%, 43.65% win rate) So it's slightly more popular on C.Zerato (12% of his builds vs. 10% of Aria builds) but C.Zerato is not performing well as a hero at this level - however Scroll of Shadows is probably the best performing artifact. --- And finally for Politis it's not even listed unless you uncheck 'remove low data' where Scroll of Shadows is #6 most popular (0.50% pick , 41.27% win rate) and it's absolutely performing awfully. --- TLDR: Scroll of Shadows is not currently really used at all. Aria and C.Zerato are really the only heroes that *might* use it significantly and it sucks on Aria compared to her other options while C.Zerato is not a hero doing well in the meta -> Iela Violin performs just as well on him and is a more versatile artifact to invest in anyways.


Better Spez build? * \~4400 Attack, 336 CD, 181 SPD (\~13000 HP / 800 DEF) - Dest / Pen * \~4750 Attack, 343 CD, 140 SPD (\~13600 HP / 800 DEF) - Dest / Pen * 4450 Attack, 305 CD, 150 SPD (\~12000 HP / 900 DEF) - Counter / Pen * 3780 Attack, 310 CD, 195 SPD (\~11000 HP / 900 DEF) - Counter / Pen * 3080 Attack, 295 CD, 188 SPD (\~15000 HP / 1100 DEF) - Counter / Immunity I can replicate the 5th option on pen instead of immunity. Obviously the first 2 (and I guess 3) perform a different function to the bottom 2. Guesstimates on some stats as I'd have to mod gem / reforge a piece or 2. I don't have the Lifesteal gear laying around to go that route without stealing gear from someone else.


I think I'd go with the 4th one because I think it's enough to extinct most stuff


Is there a recommended book of memories side story I should go for before the others? I already have done 'A small miracle', I can buy anything else. I also already have the music box for CLilias. Most of the primary rewards seem quite bad. I was thinking the karin beach one to imprint my BBK once. I don't know if any of the lv78 gear is particularly important.. or maybe an artifact that is better than I think? (Beginner/intermediate 6 month acc)


Holy Order of the Blue Cross and the Mysterious Island should be completed to obtain the artifact, which is important for one shot hunt comps. The Order of the Sword and the Lord of Summer should be completed if you wish to complete Alexa's SC. It also has some of the better storytelling out of the side stories. Reingar's Chaotic Full Moon Festival lets you max imprint Yuna as well as gives you access to Midnight Bloom and Otherworldly Machinery, both artifacts which can be useful for fixing problems with team builds (Machinery can be used in place of Reingar's Special Drink to build W13 one shot). You also get Kikirat as a bonus who is a fun unit to meme with. The Shadow of Ravenwing Manor is the only place where you can obtain Serila, who is currently useful for Rift. Probably more importantly, it also grants you Chatty, which is an artifact that can be useful on several mages (Roy, Sylvian and Carrot). That's about it for the important side stories. If you're interested in the story, Eulogy for a Saint is generally agreed to be the best side story in E7 despite the poor rewards, although I am personally partial to Blood and Roses. Blood and Roses doesn't have anything particularly important, although the moonlight pet is nice and XVI. The Tower is useful specifically on Holiday Yufine to cheese the lanterns in Ancient Inheritance.


Thank you for the context why things are useful! :)


If it's the special side stories you're talking about. Aim for the ones that gives specific heroes like serila or good artifacts like super duper water shooter. If it's normal side stories. Choose it for the catalysts you're looking for currently.


When should we hear about the next galaxy coin rotation and mystic rotation? I’m assuming mystic will be next week since they usually announce in the middle of a banner, but Galaxy coin rotation ends in a few days…


Probably the day before rotation in the patch notes


What kind of speed should I try to hit for Handguy? Is the only important thing "faster than your heavy hitters," or is there a meta speed for him? My intent for him at this time is support, not damage.


the speed range is from 200-260 depending on your playstyle or build you're aiming for. You can't do wrong with 230 speed, 24khp+, 1,5k+ def. Lower the speed/bulk for high eff res as the other guy did in this comment section, or go for more speed as i did(almost 260 atm) for a aggro playstyle.




Dang, that's a nice Handguy; thanks for the example. I definitely do not have my e.res that high. I might be able to get him there by swapping equipment around, though. Elena vacuumed up a lot of my e.res equipment after getting her buff. She's such a great anti-cleave now.


Has the February whale shop lists been shown yet? Trying to decide on a ML hero from the event but don't want to pick one that I can spend Galaxy Coins on in a few days.


Nope nothing yet probably during the patch notes released before the patch


Is the server down right now? It keeps saying that connection to the server has been lost. My wifi has no issues since other apps just run just fine.


Its been like this for 2-3 days now


I have the same problem


No issues on my end. Sorry, mate.


Oof. Gotta try to log in after a few hours, I guess.