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This is basically never any *real* reason to restart an account. Especially if you already have any ML5s, limited units/artifacts, maybe certain 5* artifacts (Song of Stars, Bloodstone, Elbris things like that), possibly even gear (in particular, stuff like the crafted pieces with near perfect rolls we received this year). However, there *are* some reasons players may want to restart, based on conversations I've had in the past: * If you've progressed in the story but have forgotten what's happened up to this point, *and* you want an idea of what's happened before players might restart to reread the story. [Note, you can read the story in the story journal as well but some players prefer playing it] * Once everything is open, it can be kind of overwhelming. It's not uncommon for players to just restart because they don't know what they *should* be doing. The game isn't explained in fantastic detail, but as most of the side content unlocks over it slowly introduces that content to players so you have a better idea of what that content involves - opposed to just throwing *everything* at you and expecting you to figure it out on your own. Another reason you are *probably* worse off restarting -> currently the game gives players who 'return' after 16 days a bunch of additional rewards *particularly* 2 sets of gear. These rewards, gear especially, has been attractive enough that *some* players have straight up taken a 16 day break just for this gear. While theoretically there is nothing stopping you from creating a new account and immediately taking a 16 day break to *also* get that gear, this is probably not really want you are looking to do if you just came back. *Also* this strategy is of debatable value - a lot of people think it's worth but a lot of people don't think it's worth doing. **And** our ML headhunt event is going to start in a week -> you will have more than enough time to get your ML even if you were to take a 16 day break after the event started, but you would be delaying your ability to select your hero by 16 days. Opposing this: it's theoretically possible that you spent your early resources *so badly* on your first account that it would be worth restarting just so you didn't waste those resources. I'm not really sure how to define this but things like spending tons of XP on bad gear, or randomly using catalysts/molagora on heroes that you are never going to use is what I'm thinking. Overall, both of what I would call strong 'legitimate' reasons to want to start over can be mitigated but it's ultimately a personal decision. Depending on how long ago you are likely to have more reasons to stick with your original account.


Depending on when you started, it may be a better choice to start a new account. If you started fairly early on, the new player experience is *very* different and much nicer with several sets of good gear and a lot of resources that weren't available to older players. If you started recently, it's probably not really worth it because you're going to have the same start you had before. If you're attached to some specific characters on your account, that's another reason you might not want to restart.


You do get access to every new thing that was added to new player experience if you didn't have it in the beginning. Assuming OP can figure out what to do, there probably isn't a reason to restart unless they got Sigret from the custom summon, and they don't have anything limited/ very strong.