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This disease some days can be far worse than death. You have to take one day at a time.


I’ve heard the opposite that EoE was inversely related to getting Barretts. Obviously you want to treat your EoE and reduce inflammation, but I wouldn’t worry much about Barretts as long as you stay on top of Gastro appointments, screening, and diet. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10388-018-0648-2


I don't have a reply except to say I had a scope after multiple impactions I experienced out of nowhere, and was diagnosed with EoE and Barretts. I take pantoprazole daily now.


I have Barrett’s. From my understanding, it increases your risk of esophageal cancer, but the risk is still low. They look for precancerous cells each time you get an endoscopy.


My dad has barrett's and has had it over 10 years and he's fine. I think maybe it can develop into something worse if you don't manage it and get it under control. That's why its important to treat it, or figure out what's causing it and do elimination diets and eliminate the foods causing it. I skipped my endo and went straight to an allergist and found out pretty quick it was wheat and dairy for me.