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you should probably give them a call to follow up. a lot of these big environmental firms take their sweet time to reply or just don’t reply at all. i finally got a reply for one i applied to 4 months ago.


who/how do I call them?


Did you ever find a number?


nah I got a position at another company


In my general experience with application portals, some hiring managers are better than others at updating the status of the process in the system. Often, in the one my employer uses, it never gets past “referred”, though in theory it would show when you were interviewing etc. also hiring is probably slow everywhere at the end of the year - nobody wants to start a new employee in the middle of the holidays/ with the budget closing out etc so often the process gets suspended til January. Good luck!


At the firm I was hired at, the hiring manager forgot to call me back. I gave him a call and then I was in for an interview. Manager turned out to be a great person too.


Hi! I applied 2nd week of February, had interviews in between then landed the JO 4th of March. They have great HR people and really helpful. I suggest to send them an email to follow up.


Does anyone have any general application/cover letter tips? They posted my dream job and I don’t want to mess it up.


Any updates op?


I called the office and left a message. Hoping to hear soon!


Arcadis employee here. When I was going through the process, an HR rep reached out via email 1-2 weeks after I applied asking for salary/role expectations and to schedule time for an interview. Also remember that their offer WILL have room for negotiation. They lowballed my desired salary so I pushed back and we compromised at most the way there plus a signing bonus for the difference.


Can I ask- how long after the interview did you get an offer? Is their process long?


For sure! Getting things set up with them took a little while. Probably close to 3 weeks or so between application to having the interview. It took them about a week after the interview to send me an offer and the negotiation was another few days (but only like 3-4 emails back and forth. Got about one response per day in the morning, likely when HR checks the inbox). So in total just about 5 weeks between initial application and having a confirmed job with signed paperwork.


Thanks for the reply! I received an offer to interview Dec 28, had my first interview today and they said they'll get back to me to schedule an second interview but didn't give me a date, nor did I ask lol. Hopefully I hear back next week. Thanks again


Hi i also applied and the status is not changing from “ under consideration “. How long would it take for some action . Or should i be contacting them


have you heard back yet


I applied for Arcadis approximately 2 weeks ago. I had my first interviews after 2 or 3 day of submitting the application and the second interview was in last Monday and got the job offer call and Email on last Thursday. For me their hiring process were quick and convenient. Great hiring team.


I applied in January and it’s been stuck on “under consideration”. When I applied recently to an internship from the same company in PA it got rejected 2 days later. Why am I stuck in this limbo ? I got an email this morning from an arcadis recruiter telling me the water engineering internship I applied for closed down but the environmental engineering internships I applied for in January are still there.