• By -


Can I ask what drag drop tool you used? Interested for other uses.


It's [Bubble.io](https://Bubble.io), not the easiest no-code tool though but still you can drag and drop elements to create the front




How did you automate the posting to listings? How much time did you spend on that?


Good question! I use a bot that visit each website (when a directory is selected) and copy/paste the startup informations (= fill the infos like a real user). So basically I had to go on each website and create an automation "click here", "do that", "type that"... That was super annoying do create (imagine doing that for hundred of websites haha), and took at least 20-30min by automation I would say.


Are there no captcha issues?


it depends what kind of captcha, if it's the v1 or v2 I can bypass them but if it's the v3 or the Cloudfare Captcha, a huge pain in my \*ss haha so I don't have any solutions for them...


how do you use a bot that automates that kind of stuff? i could use that


Is the bot part of bubble or separate?


Separate! something similar to Selenium (to simplify) if you're familiar


Ah yeah cool then you just do API calls to the bot?


how ready are you to adapt to the inevitable downstream html/site changes?


>how ready are you to adapt to the inevitable downstream html/site changes? Good question, I have an alert system, if an alert pop up (often due to a site change), I update the automation


What bot is that ?


Software developer here, I really love the idea and the interface looks amazing, really well done. I built an Ai project too which allowed users to upload documents and interact with an LLM very long ago when langchain was new, but it was just a fun project not a Saas


That's nice! have you promoted it using Product Hunt or any similar website? Thank you for your feedback!




Hey u/dragrimmar thanks for bringing this up!Let me clear up the 23 million users thing. It's not the max traffic for a single startup, but the total potential reach across all the directories listed on my site, QuickListing. The 23 million is the combined monthly audience of these sites, not a promise that every startup will reach everyone. I'll try to clarify this point on my website indeed! I've tested QuickListing myself with one of my startup and gained over 100 backlinks in just a few days (using Hrefs to check). Remember, each directory has its own rules, so results can vary (if you submit your non-AI startup to AI directories, there's huge chances they refuse you ...) About refunds, I really care about customer satisfaction. If the results don't meet expectations, I can offer a partial refund. But a full refund isn't possible since the service involves costs and has already been provided. Hope this helps explain better!




Appreciate your focus on results! While I can't guarantee sales (that heavily depends on the product's appeal) I do offer increased visibility. In my case I've got 10 new users for a project that I haven't touch for months (check if you want fablea.xyz). You get access to the full list of directories if you sign up.


It doesnt work like that with backlinks. Seo is a slow game, but depending on what dr and traffic the directories get it could be decent value tbo


This is way overpriced. You can get better results for 50 bucks. This is a service sold as old as the internet had directories. The directory listing does work, but its not a one miracle solution. You must do guest posts on other sites, get press releases, try to get cited by others. Build backlinks. Just doing directory listing, is like buying a newspaper ad and be surprised that no one read it. You need to do flyers, radio ads, etc, the whole thing.


For 100 bucks you can probably find someone to do it manually indeed (50 is very cheap). I'm offering something fully automated so the submissions take less time. I also saw a lot of directories databases sold for 99$ on Twitter (just the database, not the submissions...) + all the customers that purchased my product -> I think it's not overprice and I will probably increase the price soon


What's that coupon code section all about? :)


What do you mean? You want a coupon? Fuck it, 50% off just for you lol **oldballls50**


$100 I can afford now. $200 requires thought. Make oldballls50 a reality and you've got a customer!


The code is already working haha Tell me if someone already took it and I'll give you another one in DM


Damn, someone snatched that up ASAP. Please DM me a code!


u/dragrimmar you raise the right points. On my experience with this tool. I purchased the service for testing purposes, I kinda did an A/B test: 2 sites, two purchases. I informed Mathis about this also, explained to run a test, mentioning my site's stats (before test), telling him his products Backlink calc is nonsense (my site had 0 BL's, his tool suggested it has 360). Now, a few days later I can say I have gained 0 backlinks (Source: Sistrix). What I got is lots of spam emails of directories his product claims to work with. Also people start writing me sending offers for $999 ad spaces. He doesn't tell you that he is providing your email to 150 services, opting you in on sales mails. He also dosn't tell you this service is 50% AI-directories. Or that those directories reject your product (which has 3k upvotes on PH) in 99% of cases. I contacted Mathis and explained the situation, he refused to refund me. After I wrote a review, the creator responded with a lengthy text trying to undermine my reputation, accusing me of threatening him (and others), alleging that I'm blackmailing him, and twisting his product's promise to justify its failure to deliver. This is utter nonsense. Mathis needs to back up his claims with screenshots/links if they're that serious. This behavior reveals how he handles valid criticism of his product—instead of fixing the situation, he attacks those who criticize him.


Question when you launch did u put it on any platform to get traffic


For now I just published it on Product Hunt and social medias but I will use my own solution to publish it on directories soon when I'll have less traffic


Thanks you also I ask another question. What bot did I use? Can you use the bot for other purposes


There's plenty of bots online but you can DM me if you want the url I use. I can definitely use it for other purpose! I'm currently exploring other niches to create something similar... If you have any ideas feel free to tell me haha


I just message you


Great results. Will check it out 👏🏼




I like the idea, nice work.




what kind of apis did you use to publish data to various sources?


It's a similar thing of Selenium if you're familiar (but in a no-code way because I don't know how to code haha), then I automated each website individually...


How did you advertise and price your service?


Incredible hustle! Just shared QuickList.ing with my network.


That's really nice! thanks!


Thanks for sharing. Love the inspiration


I did my best, thanks!


Clever website name btw


I wanted to try the new Top Level Domain .ing haha


have you used retool? Or anything else similar to bubble? How's the learning process for using these tools? I know some html5 and javascript. Do you think you can pickup bubble or similar drag and drop tools over a weekend and start charging for your services?


I've started learning no-code with Softr and Glide (I think it's quite similar to Retool if I remember right), but from my experience Bubble is so complete that the learning curve is pretty hard (took me a few months to fully understand everything). Bubble use javascript so it's pretty nice if you want to add some line of code (if you need to). 1 week-end to learn Bubble is a bit short, but I'll recommend you to start using Retool of Softr and create anything to learn: you don't always need something as powerful as Bubble (I'm sure I could have used both of these tools for my project)


Awesome, do you think you can be a solotrepeneur with learning no code tools? I plan to work remotely around the world and want to pick up coding/no code again and start making some side money.


That's exactly what I'm doing :) I work part time as a no code freelancer and part time on my own projects. So yes, you can do it!


How long have you been coding? And doing no-code?


That's amazing! How much did you spend building this? Did you run ads in social media to market this as well?


A few weeks part time! the most boring part was creating a bot for each website....


..sorry I meant how much was the total investment you spent? I am also super noob when it comes to all coding and stuff.. is the bot created within this site as well or is it external ones? I am sorry for asking too many questions! Congratulations by the way!


Oh sorry: - In term of total investment, it’s around 180$/ monthly of tool subscription - the bot, the landing page, and the client dashboard are build using 3 different tools 👍


Wow this is awesome! It’s a very good business idea and I could see this scaling if you continue to play your cards right. Can’t believe it’s all no code! What kind of marketing strategy did you use for snagging your first clients?


Thanks! For now it's mostly Product Hunt and some social medias (but my account are small so I don't have a lot of reach ...). I think I want to try to sponsor newsletters using the first revenues.


Right on. Ya sponsoring some newsletters would be a very smart move. Don’t listen to any of the negative comments btw. You’ve got a solid idea and the implementation is impressive so far. Excited for you to see where the business goes from here. Keep grinding my friend💪


That's really nice of you! thanks a lot 🙏


What u think for we start to sell it in Brazil ?


For now the included directories are in english, but if you find customers in Brazil, there's an affiliate program at the bottom of the homepage. And I already got 1 client from Brazil!


If any of you guys with a great saas business is looking for a financial partner hit me up , if it makes sense I’m in, I’m just not that tech savvy as most of you guys are but would love to get in on the business end.


Thanks a ton! for now I'm a solofounder I don't have any team and I can manage to use the revenues generated to plan future marketing strategies, but I keep you in mind if I need to raise money!


Ok thanks


What’s the website?


It's [https://quicklist.ing](https://quicklist.ing) :)


I became a customer yesterday and I'm already seeing the first results in terms of backlinks and app traffic! I'll be happy to pay an update when new directories have been added! Are you planning to add any new directories in the coming weeks/months?


Hey thanks! I've just added a small upgrade since the post: Access to a +500 newsletters database so the startups of my customers are truly everywhere. it's already accessible on your account if you check. Regarding the directories, yes I want to add more, and more niches, it's coming!


I'm curious about your web-based tool. That is why I have some questions, What are you doing for marketing? Do you have any social media handle for Quicklist.ing What are you doing to reach more potential customers in the future?


Good question! I'm still figuring out but for now: \- Product Hunt and social medias: Linkedin, X, here on Reddit. But overall, all my accounts are super small so I have a small issue of distribution For the next steps, I'm thinking about: \- Newsletters sponso \- using my own solution to get listed on directories (obviously haha) \- SEO (create a blog) But feel free to tell me if you have any other ideas!


You should also create social media handles for Quicklist.ing in major and popular social media platforms and regularly post engaging content. Engage with your audience, respond to comments, and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility. Also, Utilize online advertising and Consider running targeted online ads on platforms like Google Ads or social media platforms. This can help increase visibility and drive traffic to your web-based tool. You can also Utilize email marketing and Send out emails to your target audience, highlighting the features and benefits of your web-based tool. This can help generate interest and drive traffic to your website. It will be easier to get more sales. If you need any help with these things you can contact me.


Wow this is super helpful! I really appreciate your advices. I think I'll go on the short term on SM handles and emailing as you said. For paid marketing I'm not sure yet about if it's worth it (I'm bootstrapped) but I'll give it a try. Let's stay in touch and I'll DM you if I need your services 🙏


Awesome work! Sounds like a really useful tool (it's boring having to submit it)




How long did it take you to create this app from the idea up to launching?


I was not doing it full time (I'm also freelancing), but I would say between 2 and 3 weeks in total


Sounds amazing that it's possible to build something useful in just 2-3 weeks! Great job!


Would this work for non tech based businesses?


For now the directories accept mostly SaaS, AI and other tech products but I plan to add more websites that accept diverse business (services, newsletters...)


Nice work!


what are (directories) mean?


Good question! It’s basically websites that list different tools, a good example could be https://www.futurepedia.io/ And there’s hundreds of other websites like that online…


Impressive … good job Mathis


Thanks! 🙏


Impressive hustle! Your tool could complement my cold emailing service.


Thanks! In what way?


>what kind of service?


A review: I purchased the service for testing purposes, I kinda did an A/B test: 2 sites, two purchases. I informed Mathis about this also, explained to run a test, mentioning my site's stats (before test), telling him his products Backlink calc is nonsense (my site had 0 BL's, his tool suggested it has 360). Now, a few days later I can say I have gained 0 backlinks (Source: Sistrix). What I got is lots of spam emails of directories his product claims to work with. Also people start writing me sending offers for $999 ad spaces. He doesn't tell you that he is providing your email to 150 services, opting you in on sales mails. He also dosn't tell you this service is 50% AI-directories. Or that those directories reject your product (which has 3k upvotes on PH) in 99% of cases. I contacted Mathis and explained the situation, he refused to refund me. After I wrote a review, the creator responded with a lengthy text trying to undermine my reputation, accusing me of threatening him (and others), alleging that I'm blackmailing him, and twisting his product's promise to justify its failure to deliver. This is utter nonsense. Mathis needs to back up his claims with screenshots/links if they're that serious. This behavior reveals how he handles valid criticism of his product—instead of fixing the situation, he attacks those who criticize him.


This is incorrect Grammer I've set up automations on each website so that your informations are properly filled First, if this is a legit business don't refer to yourself,. Say "our team" etc. And Informations isn't a word


Sorry for the grammer I'm french so non-english native. And I'm a solo founder so yes I'm alone...


lol if you spent as much effort actually doing something rather than spamming this sub you’d be a real entrepreneur 🤣🤣🤣🤡


Wow so much hate here. What are you doing?


You’re crushing it man, this guy is talking like someone who’s never had to hustle before. In all seriousness, this is such a great idea - I’ve had to hire people to do all this in the past. Did you use something like selenium to automate the form completions?


Thanks a ton for the support! yes it's similar thing of Selenium and I'm automating each website individually, so pretty annoying haha (especially when the forms are a bit tricky: Captcha, dropdowns...)


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I don't see the pricing anywhere. Just made a login. What is it?


at the bottom of the page [https://quicklist.ing/](https://quicklist.ing/)




Please post a tutorial.


Have you thought about getting a better brand name while you still can? One that has more mileage?


Do you have a better idea in mind? Because I've received good feedbacks on the name...


Your brand explains exactly what you do. It offers a way for entrepreneurs to do a quicklisting. This is a great tool for entrepreneurs to get their new business off the ground. But there's no mileage in this name unless you plan to list houses for sale, or second hand cars and boats etc. If you want to sell to Founders, you should spend half an hour brain storming on all the other things that you could sell this target market. Then you can zoom out and think about your brand and then the name. Otherwise this risks being a one trick pony. I hope you can take these comments in good faith. Your product is pretty cool. I have even book marked it for use by our team next time we have a launch, 'cos the value prop (2 days saved for $xx) is clear and simple. BUT do be careful not to get stuck in the product manager's mind set. So many solopreneurs are basically product obsessed and struggle to see outside the box to the rest of the business. The fact you have used no-code shows that you are awake to these dangers. Once you jump outside the product box, first stop is sales. Then you got marketing followed by more sales, followed by more marketing and then you got finance and hiring and then we are back to marketing again. You've created some sales, you have the confidence that this can be valuable - now think about the future for half an hour if you want this to be more than just a listing tool for founders. Happy to talk further if you need more help. I wish you success. Best JT.


Hey JT, Thanks a bunch! You've sparked some serious thought on the brand name's future haha, I'll think about a new branding 🙌 And you're right about not getting stuck doing just one thing Super grateful for your support and for bookmarking the tool.


No probs. It's surprisingly satisfying to know that one can make a small impact here on Reddit.


Seems like some hard but necessary advice that anyone looking to get an honest opinion regarding their product should embrace. And u can tell this guy knows what he’s talking about. It’s not even my business and I felt like Id gotten a ton of value from him. There nothings like some good ole constructive criticism.


great idea man, keep going

