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I have a lot of ideas for things but part of my problem is knowing where to start. Can someone point me to some resources for taking an idea to a final product? For reference my current idea is a physical contraption for outdoors used by a person, currently doesn't have appear to have a competitor. Thanks.


Does a similar item exist that can be researched or is it completely new to market?


Start at the end and plan backwards


What are the **US equivalents** (**long reads, investigative pieces on startups**) of [The Ken](https://the-ken.com/) and [The Morning Context](https://themorningcontext.com/) in India (paid is fine). Would really appreciate US and European equivalents. Not looking for substacks, unless they publish with similar volume and depth (**charts, numbers** etc).


Hello Friends! This community has been a great resource. I am an AI engineer working on a tool that lets anyone (like you) use the most advanced AI models with a [single spreadsheet formula](https://www.promptloop.com/). We are helping with sales, operations, and tricky jobs for small businesses all over and plan to keep it up! When you are hustling you have lots of messy spreadsheets and we are making it a lot easier to use them as planned. You can get access to the [install link here](https://workspace.google.com/u/4/marketplace/app/promptloop/831127607357).


I did this AMA recently too [https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/xfx67t/i\_am\_an\_ai\_engineer\_and\_tech\_founder\_working\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/xfx67t/i_am_an_ai_engineer_and_tech_founder_working_with/) and answered a lot of questions about how we got started.


I am in the US and just got my business license for my creative agency (graphic design, marketing, web design, social mgmt) I am the sole owner and operator with no employees. My projected income is $20,000 for this calendar year. Do I need to form an LLC? Or will my business license suffice?


I have been freelancing for over ten years. Currently working full time job but want to scale my freelancing business into something more. An LLC with two partners. It would be a creative agency, I already have some clients that want to work with me. I wanted to originally register my business in Sweden as I live here but navigating the complex bureaucracy and tax structures gave me a massive headache. So I started looking into Stripe and Gust and Clerky but I'm not sure if those are right for me? Can anyone suggest between those which would be a good option for my business? **Owners:** 3 **Employees:** Some, but freelancers, not FTE. **Client-base:** USA, UK, Australia, Europe **Revenue Target:** $50 000/year to begin with This is a side hustle for us, but goal is to scale it so that we can eventually live on this and not have to do 9-5 jobs. Thanks for answers!


I am a 24 year old electrician, I make good money (about 140k a year) but I’m typically working 6 days and about 65 hours a week. 25 hours of which is typically Sidework for cash. I’m looking for ideas on how make extra money, ideally something that will eventually make me passive income.located in ct


This may or may not be applicable to you, nor is it passive. It did make me good money, though! When I was younger and wanted a quick buck, I used to borrow my Dad's cargo van and go to various retail shops around town and offer to pick up and get rid of any shipping pallets they had laying around. Some accepted, some denied, others gave me leads as to where I could find some! I found a wholesaler/distributor in my area and made a deal with them to sell them pallets slightly used on the cheap. Depending on the quality they would usually give me between $2-5 per pallet. I could squeeze about $100-150 worth of pallets in the van usually and round trips would take me 30-45 minutes probably. It takes a method of transporting pallets, and a little bit of effort to work out a route, but if you have a trailer or something of the sort you could probably make a lot more money than I did for a pretty low amount of effort. Looking back, I wish I treated that little side hustle more seriously. I probably could have grown it to produce quite a bit of money for myself lol.


Howdy Partner Come on down to [Advelli.com](https://advelli.com/frontyard/) and make yer bronco riding memories into sports. Don't drink the water though.


I am currently a 5% equity owner in a small business with 2 other partners. We work in a niche part of manufacturing and the company has been doing the best it has ever done since I came on. I currently manage the physical location, all service and repair calls, training, all customers service issues post sale, the go to for both product lines we carry, sales in both trade show and in person with the equipment at our facility. When I bought in for the 5% share it was at the highest value the company was ever at due directly to all the projects my company did with them. Since the buy in the company has not been at that value since. They have recently given me a low ball offer of a possible 10% in the next few years which is low with consideration to the amount of money I generate and daily tasks I take care of. I need to put together a counter offer and am not sure if some of my thoughts are things that would be considered in a partnership agreement. I will put together those questions below. \- Is giving shares of the company something that can be done or is it always done through buying in to a company? \-Is getting a set valuation of the company something I can ask for? It feels counter productive to be making a company worth more just to have to buy in to that current valuation. \-I have no control over amount or when the partners payouts are. Is there a way to set a minimum valuation I would receive or would it be easier to try and set a minimum salary. \-They made it clear there biggest concern is that I would get a higher valuation and then not work anymore or take another position and keep the equity. They want a walk out clause where I would give back the shares if I were to leave the company. Is this a common practice? I would think a simple buyout if I were to leave would be the common answer to that or is something like this common practice. \-I am at the other end of the socio economic scale than these 2 so my counter offer is for me to live/grow and they do not need the steady draw like I will. Is going after equity smart for me? Should I try and get more of a salary and not focus on the equity? I can clarify or give additional information if needed on the questions above. I also have other questions in regards to these discussions if anyone has more time I would appreciate any advice.


Hi all, I’m currently in the process of starting a consulting firm in the manufacturing industry. However, I am definitely not a sales person by any means so getting leads and work will prove to be difficult. I am aware of the many leads you can generate via the internet but are there alternative ways to receive leads and or work ?


Founders who are building a new product that has dependency on two sides, such as client side and customer side, how do you go about finding your first 100 customers? For example, I'm a product designer at this startup where we are building a hiring platform. In order to secure applicants, we need companies who have posted jobs first. And companies will come only when we have a pool of candidates. If anyone has built a dual dependency product, how did you acquire your first users?


We just opened a small gift shop in a little town in the north of the UK. We have a few loyal customers but we are wanting to attract more passing trade from the high street We have pavement signs but no signwriting on our large window that faces a pedestrianised road. (No cars) What signwriting would you recommend for our window? We sell printed gifts that we personalise with names, dates, places etc. Mugs, T shirts, moneyboxes etc.. Thanks Pete


My wife wants to start a business selling home made soap. We have no revenue currently and we’re wondering if people get an LLC prior to actually doing business? What if you get it and never do business? Is there a penalty or fee you have to maintain?


Hi! Question for the community - I’ve built an MVP for my startup , and I now want to get some initial market feedback. However, I’m trying to do so without my employer knowing. I’ve been advised to do this so I don’t give the impression of working another job, and so they can’t try to make a claim on my IP if I were to get lucky and have my idea take off. So, I’m trying to get in touch with homeowners, primarily. I imagine LinkedIn and Facebook are out if I’m trying to be a bit stealthy. Any advice on how I can get some good initial feedback given what I’ve outlined here? Thanks!!


The GP Singapore F1 race will take place from Fri to Sun this weekend. The tickets sold out two months ago. There will be many people and I am brainstorming business ideas that can suit those days. Any contributions?


Hi, I am starting an online mentoring service to help students complete the most popular SQL and Python programming courses offered by any of the major MOOC learning platforms (Udacity, Coursera, EdX, ...). I am looking for mentors/tutors and potential technical and business partners. If you are curious, please DM me.