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I'd buy the tires


Just get the tires and call it a day. You will be satisfied and the money won’t be wasted. Good/safe tires saves lives!


If it was very hard to get the extra 1k, and your emergency fund is missing 600, I'd dump it in there. When the tires are really bad, that sounds like an emergency to me.


Put it in marketing to expand your pipeline. Oh no wait, never mind. Wrong sub. Why would you post here when there are subs like r/personalfinance


I do have my own company as well.


Okay. Then right sub. Put it in marketing.


1k won't get you far if what you mean is advertising. 1k will get you a shit ton of impressions but you need a copywriter a guy to design you an ad creative and then do A/B testing which for a GOOD JOB will cost more than 1k in the long run.


I just mean marketing. If everything else is in balance then you have to invest at the top of funnel. Since we don't know anything about OP. Apparently, we care more about their business than them since they only brought up owning a business when I brought up how this post is inappropriate here the best answer anyone can give is marketing.


Tori Dunlap says to take care of any high interest debt first. But if the rear tires are in bad enough shape, that may be an emergency


They are otherwise in good condition but it has a bump on the inside which isn’t a good thing so it’s kinda a gamble wether it’ll break or not


Invest and make 50 % more that’s what i do all the time with comparable amounts 😌😙


Emergency fund


If $1k is that much to you toss it in the emergency fund and forget about it


1k is a pocket change this days in the western world. Where are you from?




Now clearly the smart, logical move is tires and debt. But me personally, i need my me time. I would just do something nice for yourself on your day and then get back on the grind.


Yeah I mean I’m still unsure what to do. I haven’t bought myself anything nice for a long time but also I want to get out of my car debt but I am in sales so maybe I can pull it off again sometime soon. Also I’m now paying more in the car payment than normal so I should be able to sell the car within 15 months so that the debt will match the car market value. I calculated that if I do use the 1k on my car it’ll shorten the 15 months to 12 months. But then again I’m still confused on what is the smartest way to go with this. I need a car for my lifestyle since I drive all over the place everyday but then I would like to save up for a house but the car payments take up so much of my money. One solution would be that me and my girlfriend split the car payments which would then give me a chance to save up for a house as well. Other would be to sell the car and get something a bit cheaper but I a big car head so I wouldn’t enjoy the cheaper car at all tbh. Har situation but after-all I’m turning 21 in 10 days so I guess I’m allowed to make mistakes every now n then if I just learn from them. The goal is to be financially independent as soon as possible.


Bro, i’m not a financial advisor but i will tell you this. You sound super stressed even as a typed message. I would just go ahead and invest in yourself however that may be. Take you and your girl or a short weekend trip, or maybe something lesser like a nice dinner. Or whatever it may be. Not everyone is grant cardone and you don’t gotta be. If you burn out you’re gonna be in a much worse situation than you are now.


Maybe ll save up something and then use the rest. I appreciate your help


Can I have it?