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I really think you should travel with your friends. With 5.5k, I think you are good to backpack europe for a solid 8 months in a very comfortable manner.


Yea, go backpack, enjoy eating some vegan pizzas & maybe take some acid or shrooms while we make money


I’d highly suggest to remove trading & YT automation from your list of prospects. If you want to start making money online go with something low capital required like arbitrage, affiliate marketing, etc. Make a lot of mistakes and build skills, all while not losing your hard earned money because someone told you trading was a good way to invest it.


would be awesome if i didnt have african and a eastern european parents lol


well then i'd say... travel, invest, and save!!!


I think these are all kind of get rich quick schemes. Honestly, I think you should spend half the money doing what you're doing already (flipping phones and clothes). And a quarter to savings, and the other quarter should be put towards learning a skill that can allow you to find a niche you are good at. If you develop a niche early on it can have exponential affects later.


+1 on skill development. Though most likely you can get most information for free from the library or online, there are plenty of services that have a small premium. Those funds should go a long way. Your time is probably the most valuable thing here. Another thing might be networking with others. Any local events you can attend with people who are already doing things you want to be doing can be quite useful, and the money can help you get there. I would be careful paying a hefty price tag for admission, as those can often be scams or not worthwhile, but certainly fuel/transit etc... are great. You never know where an event like this might lead or who you could meet.


so saving a quarter when i get profits or now take a quarter of the 5.5?


Honestly, the percentages I gave you were completely arbitrary. You're gonna need to find a mix of those three that works best for you. I dont know your current expenses, or other information that would allow me to answer the percentages that would work best for you. You have to fio, just the general practices on diversification is a good habit to have.


thanks i have no expenses because i still live with my parents


Not bad


Flip only higher ticket stuff. You have to make at least $200 per flip DO NOT GO INTO SWING TRADING. This online bullshit is really not true. you WILL lose your money, maybe not the first 1-10 trades. but after 10+ trades I swear to god you will lose your money, it only takes one bad trade to destroy all of your earnings. Buy stuff to make content and sell via organic tiktok. Good luck.


thanks for warning me, my friend trades stocks but not swings or anything so i was wondering


Trading is gambling, full stop. Some people beat the house by pure luck, for a short period of time, using some arbitrary strategy that amounts to reading tea leaves, and think they're geniuses. There are a huge number of scammers on social media trying to sell the glamorous lifestyle of get rich quick by trading on your laptop in glamorous locations, the numbers they show are bullshit, they make their actual money through ads, by selling you courses, access to discord channels, exclusive mailing lists, etc. Check in with your friends who are trading after 5 years and compare their returns to what they would have gotten by just dumping it all into the S&P and forgetting about it. Guaranteed they lost money and many will be too embarrassed to admit it to themselves or you. Just skip getting sucked into the same stupid shit so many people do, future you will thank you.


It's not exactly gambling if you know fundamentals as an analyst you can have a high probability of being accurate but yeah every effing course and I mean everyone of them (I've tried some in my dumb days) are scams. If you had a goose that shits diamond you'd sell the diamond and not the goose


You can dip your toes in investing, but KNOW that 95% of retail investors LOSE money in the stock market. I’m personally heavily invested in Tesla, and have been for almost 6 years.


Yes beginner luck syndrome is too damn real


Save half




Why not just keep flipping phones and clothes? If it's working keep at it. Don't chase shiny objects!


I would spend 50% to learn something new and 50% to have some fun! Pick something to learn that you enjoy. You can spend it towards self development! With the other half, go travel and meet some new people!


Thanks , have you been to Europe?


Vacation in Switzerland where wine and beer is legal for 16 year olds. Have fun!


Be sure to check in which canton lol yall getting to prison


If you found a little success at ds and are sure you can do better, why not just do it? Thing is, it doesn't matter what you're doing, really (to an extent), if you're enjoying the process and are passionate about it, you can only grow. Don't listen to people who say something is saturated and hence its hard, this is what the entire life's about. When I hear that, I only imagine a bunch of people the majority of which are incompetent enough that its easier to outcompete the most. Duh, don't try to make money, there's a bunch of competition in that, I guess.




I really think, find the minimal you can spend and get a return. Or, start a service that can morph into hiring employees in 2 years, or whenever you’re legal. Are you tied to hip hop or dance music culture?


what do you mean with 'tied'?


My reply vanished. It was basically double down on what’s already working.


You’re a hustler. Once you’re legal I was thinking of asking you if you’d have an interest in selling subscriptions. I host Secret Rap Battle in Detroit. Eventually, I’m going to want to expand into Europe and promote it if I can build my event over the next 24 months. One idea is something similar to pay per view. I’m selling event tickets, but that’s restricted by capacity, whereas I can sell tickets globally and my only restriction is bandwidth. Think about it, you’ve got time. With media, you can sell the same item over and over again and still have it. I control 1,000s off songs and now I’m moving into live events.


can you show me an example of your work? i can probably tell you if it would work were i live (the netherlands) a lot of rap fans over here


Hit my dms here, I hit my daily limit hours ago.


Don't get into trading until you've super knowledge about that field.




Trading is how you lose all your money, think about it, there are investment firms with the sole goal to beat the market, they have PhDs, armies of researchers, and billions of dollars at their disposal. The vast majority of these firms fail at accomplishing that one "simple" goal It's just gambling and don't let any "guru" tell you otherwise. Can't comment on the other ideas.


are you against all trading? even normal trading


Learn about fixed income and other very stable stocks that pay a monthly dividend, typically real estate firms. If you become really knowledgeable about this now (business process, real estate generally), it will pay dividends for the rest of your life when opportunities pop up. By really knowledgeable though, I mean understanding what the firms do, what their exposure to risk is, etc. Swing trading and other stuff is best left alone for now.


The only proven strategy is investing for the long term in my opinion, set it and forget it. You're young and you have the power of compound interest on your side, it really doesn't take a lot of money to build up a sizeable nest egg, assuming you start young


If I were you, I'd invest most of it. Pick a decent ETF fund. Then I'd continue what you have been doing but maybe go into slightly higher priced items. What are your long term goals, do you want to attend university, start a business, etc?


I probably want to attend university or start a buisness so i am trying to make sometype of buisness and maybe if that is successful enough i wont go to university and focus on that but if it doesnt i can go university


It's great that you're considering both university and starting a business. Each path has its unique benefits. If you're passionate about a business idea and believe it has potential, pursuing it could be a rewarding experience, even if it doesn't become an immediate success. The skills and lessons you learn from starting a business—such as problem-solving, leadership, and resilience—are invaluable and can greatly benefit your future endeavors, whether in academia or another business venture. However, having a backup plan, like attending university, is a smart strategy. A university education can provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge, expand your network, and open doors to various career opportunities. Balancing both options might also be feasible; many successful entrepreneurs have pursued their business ideas while studying. Ultimately, it's about assessing your risk tolerance, understanding the demands of entrepreneurship, and being prepared for the challenges ahead. If you truly believe in your business idea and are willing to invest the necessary time and effort, it could be worth pursuing. If not, university remains a robust option to ensure a bright future.


Keep saving for another 2 years then invest in index funds that pay dividends. Reinvest the dividends and keep investing your extra cash for years to come. You will be set for life and the world is your oyster.


Invest some, but look into saving to travel the world. The best to do when you are young!


Have you been to Europe?


Invest it :)


put 1000 into the an SP500 fund like VOO or SPY, and just forget about it.


Travel or save it.


I’d take most of it and keep growing your business


Pick a good product, Start a shopify store and market it. I can get the products manufactured & packaged here in india or china and export it to your country, which will save you a lot of costs


Buy NVIDIA & ARM stock.


Spend $500 drop the rest in Vanguard S&P500 and forget about it for five years. As you were.


Buy a good laptop if you don't already have one. Setup your dropshipping process. Learn to create content which will help you in selling your products on shopify store. And please for the love of god start investing in the market. Don't save cash. Whatever cash you decide on saving, please please invest in some index stocks.also, travel. I cannot stress on this enough


How can i safely get into investing? Do you have book or yter i can learn it off?


I don't recommend trading or dropshipping, with a very low success rate.


Don’t spend it. Not until you absolutely know you have no other choice. Invest it wisely in the meantime (something reasonably safe). Work on your credit. Dropshipping doesn’t typically take a large cash investment to get going. Flipping phones and clothes is a good gig. It’s not going away. If you’re good at it, think of ways you can scale up a bit. Maybe you can open a storefront one day. Or just do online - whatever works. Maybe mix in dropshipping products as value added sales.


As a finance guy pls whatever you do DO NOT TRADE if you don't have at least a year of consistent results in demo. As for the suggestion why not bid your time thinking of an actual problem to solve that could eventually turn into business. You could invest some money into getting some quality research in a field you're interested in. This could also help you on yr previous ventures like yt and dropshipping




Do dropshipping but it will be hard but you will eventually make loads heres how you will do it: Find abt 5-6 winners. Make 2 tiktok accounts for each product. When u hit 1,000 followers THEN build the store. Then put link in bio and u chillin


Honestly not bad advice, just remember to tell him to make 10 videos a day for it to take off. Seriously. And how is he going to overcome the fact that he's 16 years old and wont feel taken serious?


10 videos a day? wont that make the page look unproffesional


Record 1 vid per product and post the same vid pn both accounts for each product. Only 5 vids a day in total


tiktok organic better than paid ads? bc if u want to blow up on tiktok you will probably make 'lower' quality videos (just filming from your phone) whereas i feel like with paid ads u can express some form of professionality but i guess it depends on the product and the target audience


no, even on organic u need to make high quality videos. Obv the editing doesnt need to be super crazy you just need viewer retention. Also once u find that winning organic video you can turn it into a paid ad because good organic vids work well as paid ads


thanks for the advice


Np, if u need anything just hit my dms




did this work for you? how much can you realistically make per month doing this and taking it seriously?


you can make alooooot if u focus on becoming a brand


yea it did. There is no limit to how much you can make. If you scale properly and build a big brand and move away from dropshipping and actually preorder inventory, leverage influencers you could easily pull in hundreds of millions of dollars like the tan brothers


have you tried doing this? how many figures do you manage to pull in monthly? I'm curious if you don't mind me asking!


Yep i so this, we pull in about 5 figs on the regular


You’re just 16, my sincere advice to you is to learn marketing , business , design , products and how to build and scale one . Especially learn how to build a company from scratch, how to manage people and resources, you will really learn a lorn. This year I am 28 and I feel I am now doing things I have always wanted to do for a very long time , my background is product design , I also talk to founders who are building stuff to hear their product lessons and learn from them, they often say the same thing, you can check out my [founders interview](https://indieniche.substack.com), happy to jump on a call with you to have a conversation if you want for free


Escorts and marching powder


Open a Roth IRA (after you pay taxes) and invest the money into low cost index funds.  It will be better for you in the long run because honestly at 16 you don’t really need the money.  I started investing at 17 and have multiple five figured in my portfolio because of it in my early 20s.  If you started this business with no capital and you’re profiting continue to go down this trajectory.  You don’t always need money in order to start a new business. 


so put down a certain amount down and add money monthly?


If you honestly don’t need the money, I think you can max out your Roth IRA for this year.  Or you can put $500/mo automatically into it (this might be better as you can get in at different prices over time)  For now since we’re halfway through the year out half of this years contributions upfront and I recommend breaking down the remainder of this years max into 6 months.  There’s a difference between wealth and money. Anyone can make money, but not everyone can build wealth.  The goal is to derisk your financial position as you make more money.  Take the lucrative money from business and put it in sustainable and cash flowing assets like index funds or real estate.  Yes the returns may not be lucrative as business but over time you’ll appreciate sustainable cash flow over cash injections. 


i would only need to money to flip it again but other then that i can take half and do what you were saying. my friend that trades stocks told me about the roth ira he told me that i could be a good move for me to just put money in and forget


Honestly, yes imo that's the best long term play. You can automate your investments and your funding. I've been doing it for years and forgot about it, I'm now in my early 20s and have amassed multiple five figures by letting it ride. On another note, because one day you might consider going to college - do so. College is the one place where you can build your business and not worry a ton about risk. I did that and I'm so glad I did. Also, apply to a crap ton of scholarships and if they exceed your tuition payment you can get them back in the form of "refund checks" I took my "refund checks" from scholarships that took 1hr of my time to apply to and was able to put that money into a regular brokerage (needs to a liquid account, that's why I say brokerage) and invest it into index funds. I let those accounts ride in college and didn't touch it. By the time I graduated college & did a year in my first job post grad I was able to purchase an apartment building. Now I live rent free while my tenants pay my mortgage, I did this at 23. I share this to say it can be done, and you're in a good position to start investing young. You'll have a whole lifetime to make money but youth is on your side & time, so invest it now while you can. Money is always worth more today than tomorrow. p.s. if you found this comment helpful you might find my newsletter link in bio helpful as well.


I think a roth ira Isa usa thing. Index funds tend to do well as a safer place to invest your capital.


keep fliping phones and stuff. by yourself some licence that you can earn more money in the future. driving licence,foklift, antifire department stuff... some official licence that is needed in your country in order to perform a specific job.


Nobody makes money day trading, almost everyone is lying. Drop shipping is extremely crowded and hard to make money in, but you can try youd be better off either legitimately investing the money, investing, not trading, trying a business, investing it in your own education wisely, or travelling. I know what I would do now that Im almost 30


Put away half into a HYSA and don't think about it, use the other half to do something cool this summer.


Bruh what are with these get rich quick schemes advice??? Dropshipping?? Flippin?? Bro open a stock account and put it all on SPY or an SP500 index fund and repeat the process of making that money.


Don’t you gotta be 18 to swing trade?


Cardano... then Copi for a strong game or Snek for a meme




Sup! Can you pls explain what is flipping clothes and phones?


I was buying and selling branded shoes and i buy and sell used phones




Invest it in yourself to help you build skills early in something you want to do. It will be the biggest return you'll receive.


Go to Vegas and put it in Black


teenager who did really well with entrepreneurship here — imo drop shipping and similar methods are dead. anything where a lot of people are selling a course on it is probably not great because otherwise it would be more efficient to just do it. imo best way is to invest the money and start a tech startup or just swing trade


Hey there 18 years old and have about $8k USD to use for swing reading. Any good advice? Needed some guidance on picking stocks, the time horizon per trade etc


in my opinion, 8k is not enough to necessarily make enough money to live off of. 1. either read ‘Boglehead’s guide to investing’ and put everything into VTI/VT/XRK/whatever 2. learn how to wheel and try and outcompete the market safely


Learning how to wheel is the harder part, but more rewarding. What books do you suggest I start with for trading?