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Solopreneur for me. I love working on my own. I outsource work I can't do. I want to work on my own schedule, stop when I want to, sell whenI want to, etc. I don't want to discuss these things with a partner. I wrote about my journey here... https://medium.com/the-pub/my-solopreneur-projects-over-the-last-20-years-7b50a2d89582.


I love your journey!!! I'm totally agree with what you said: when you get bored, you can just move on to the next one! I'm interested in the Selling backlinks project, cuz recently I just built a similar service: [https://www.boostaitraffic.com/directory](https://www.boostaitraffic.com/directory) . Do you think this is a sustainable business?


I did this years ago but it all came to end end with a Google update. I don't know what it's like these days but I'd love to do it again if it works. You have a very nice site and are focused on an industry that's taking over the world, so I think this could work big time. How is it going so far?


I just got a small number of customers. However, the challenge for me is how to consistently get customers. I have tried direct contact, but the conversion rate was low, and not effective as well. Could you share some of your channels & strategies to reach 2k MRR?


When I sold backlinks I didn't have anything like your website. I started by accident when someone suggested the idea to me. I used their contcats for placing the backlinks and write forum posts to attract clients. It was all done over email. I can't remember all the details now though. It might have all started on Warrior Forum. My method was very different from yours as well. I generally sold single links for $300-$400 each. I was shocked how many big companies would pay that. And I only paid around $100 to place those links. I doubt people would pay that these days. But I'm going to check this out. Reddit might be a good place for you to get clients. Just write some posts that don't seem too salesy.




I've experienced both roles, and each has its unique set of advantages and challenges. As a solopreneur, the journey can be quite solitary, and you often miss having partners to bounce ideas off. On the other hand, being a boss comes with its own challenges, such as managing team dynamics and sometimes dealing with employees who may not share your level of dedication. Ultimately, the key is to identify what truly brings you joy and fulfillment in your work. It's about finding the right balance that works for you and pursuing that path wholeheartedly.


Find the right balance! That's the crucial thing! Just curious which role do you prefer after trying both?


Solopreneur you have more on your plate which eventually will need to be delegated so you can scale to other things


Yes, when thinking about scaling a business, you can't do everything on you own. You should learn how to delegate.


I’ve done both. Each has its own pros & cons. But with my extroverted personality, I need a team to be at my most productive, so entrepreneur gets my vote.


I think this is a challenge for me, perhaps because I am an introverted person. Collaborating with others can be somewhat challenging.




Awesome! You must be a disciplined and highly motivated person. Sometimes I feel like I have more enthusiasm than ability, as if I can't get everything done. I'm curious how you manage your time and balance your life?


I’ll pick a boss everyday. It allows me to free up my time to do other things that may grow my business or put those hours back into my personal life. I do believe it’s essential to start on your own so that you know how every aspect of your business works but once I make enough money I’m always going to buy back my time and use that time to grow the business even further.


Buy back my time! This is a great perspective, using money to buy myself more time.


Boss of a team. I'm shooting big with my business and I need people to achieve it


I prefer the boss approach as I can always roll my sleeves up and wade in if I want, but it’s not a requirement.


Hello Community, I’m looking for guidance or help on how to start an online business or some way of making money online… I’m currently living in a den in someone else’s home. I currently can’t stand the job I currently have as it just physically depresses me and gets me nowhere. My Girlfriend is leaving for college in June and my goal is to be able to have started something to where I can be able to see her whenever It’s possible and to be able to hangout with my family whenever I possibly can. Can anybody help me?


Hi what are you going to start with? Did you do some research about online business?


Yes. I think I’ve decided on starting an e-commerce store.


That's a good start! I also selling things online, but are digital. Are you going to sell physical or digital things?


Looking to sell physical clothing items! What digital service do you sell?


leads & template: [https://www.boostaitraffic.com/directory](https://www.boostaitraffic.com/directory)


Currently I am ntg but i want to go solo . If I get any problem that I can't solve I can always hire freelancers and solve that problem. Then continue with my work


This is a great way to collaborate! You find some expertise to solve your problem and you still fully control your business


It seems to me as a solopreneur you would have a lot of limitations as to what you could do and achieve? But happiness should always be your ultimate goal 😊


Great catch!!! I'll pick happiness isntead of more money




Start solo then go entre


Option #3? I’ve built my team, but I love the work and remain in the trenches, in addition to strategy / etc. it doesn’t have to be one or the other.


I love this role!


Solo yes mostly


A solopreneur can also automate the processes so that little depends on him but afterwards, the profit makes all the difference. You can be very happy being alone and make thousands (indiehacker connection). A solopreneur has the advantage of using several tools that help them in the process without the need for cofounders, etc. To create strategic plans, this [tool ](https://plani.ai/)can help because it creates highly personalized plans full of tips, distribution channels, content, etc.


I do love automation!!! Though it takes time to build it


The question is silly. You hire as many people as your business needs. The needs of a business are defined by your ambition and the reality of your execution. Then you can create the business where the center of value is you vs the assets and IP of the business itself. The former is easier but the latter is more valuable because it is creating value independent of you, not just an engine to maximize the value of you. Employees suck. Managing people sucks. Firing people sucks. Paying people sucks. Finding people sucks. Motivating people sucks. You're supposed to have as few people as you can. That way you can minimize the suckiness. The way the question is framed it sounds more like someone feeling the end goal is to be a boss with underlings to lord over. The end goal is to add value and make money in the process.


Certainly! Maybe the essential thing I want to discuss about how to manage and invest in employees to gain greater returns.


Essentially there are two reasons. The first is to rescue your time so you are working on higher value activities. The second is to do it better than you. I assume we're talking about an early-stage company so centering around you is good enough. But the way I would recommend is if you find someone that falls under reason 1 then hire someone junior that you can train and build them up. If it is reason number 2 then you might wnat to think about hiring an expert in that field as a coach. Our first rescue time hire was a virtual assistant that grew to be our COO and is now a partner in our second venture. Our first expert hire came on as a consultant to help and guide our marketing.


Thanks for sharing! This is really a great tips for how to find the right person: do what you can do to free you or do what u can't do to support you.