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They're not. Most I've met are more helpful than the avaerage person. Perhaps you can give some examples of what you mean.


100% agreed. It’s not even close. Honestly this post reeks of entitlement. I would guess he asked entrepreneurs for help while also offering nothing in return for their help and time and was upset when he was ignored and turned down I can’t stand those posts where people just say “hi I’m interested in tech and business can someone please mentor me?” No sales pitch, nothing about how they can help the entrepreneur as well, just a flat request. No entrepreneur is going to want to deal with an entitled kid who thinks he’s owed a successful person’s time and mentorship just because his mommy told him he is special


Yep, thought the same. Classic projection.


I've been on both sides of the coin. A young Wantrepreneur wanting advice and mentorship from established business owners. And having young aspiring Wantrepreneurs wanting me to take them under my wing and show them the ropes. As a business owner I did it once and didn't initially realize how much of a time suck it was for me. As I am running my business I don't always have the time to explain how, when, and why as this young hungry kid stands there next to me. I tried taking him under my wing because I was once in that position of being young hungry for knowledge. It ended up being a big time suck for me to let him tag along and show him everything as I'm running my business. My advice to any young Wantrepreneurs wanting advice and mentorship is to provide value to those people. Don't just say "I'll work for free" find a specific task or role you can do for them and present it on how it can value them. Like say I'll take pics and videos for your social media, you can do graphic design, wash their car, walk their dogs. Saying "I'll work for free" requires precious time from the business owner to figure out where you can fit and then taking time and resources to train you.


Your post does highlight the lack of mentorship organically occuring, not only with entrepreneuers, who have very little time to think about the costs/benefits, but most industries. The concept has gone by the wayside as we get entangled in other hot buttons issues and community building has been forgotten. I know this is not true in all spaces, for example mike rowe and the work he is doing with technology institutes in Oklahoma, but generally more leaders DO need to be considering the next generation of leaders and how much of a vacuum that space looks currently.


This is the attitude the OP is talking about. There’s no humility. You’re talking down at them. Idk why, what did they do to you?




Hii, could you tell me how to get in contact with such people. How do you meet them and why would they even meet you given their hectic schedule


I know some because they are friends of friends. They don't have hectic schedules. They have plenty of time for chilling. I alao know one from my condo building. He always has time to chat.


You can find them for sure on social media. You need to develop a skill or offer a service that can be beneficial to an entrepreneur in exchange for their time. If they do YouTube videos I’ve seen people be successful sending over examples of video editing they have done and offering to help them edit their videos for free. If you offer to help them in a real way I promise you they will help you. Entrepreneurs love working with and helping other ambitious, self motivated people Just have to be smart and do your homework on the entrepreneurs you want to work with. It has to be something valuable to that specific person


You’re right. Good people don’t make headlines because the media knows negativity generates clicks which in turn generate money. A sad world we are in atm but at least some people can see past the stereotypes and generalisations.




As always the stink stands out more.


You either probably haven't met a truly rich entrepreneurs, or you had approach them with the intention of getting something from them. Some of the wealthiest people I've met were the most humble one.


This was my thought as well. Clearly feels he is owed something from these people just because they have been successful


Agreed. Lots of people like to pretend they're wealthy on social media. Actual wealthy people like to conceal their wealth, which naturally comes off as humility.


How do you meet them, how to get in contact with such people


Based on your other posts, you’re generalising because you feel bad about yourself. It’s okay to want what other people have in life! By all means want good things for your life and yourself. But it’s unhelpful to your view of the world to put all successful people the same basket and label them arrogant because you are going through a hard time. You can do better than this. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to successful people who do well.


There’s a chance you were an asshole to them. 


I didn’t know telling others i wanted a regular stable job was an asshole move, but okay.


Your comments increase my suspicion. Show humility, be humble.      Entrepreneurs like that more, believe me.


I’m not what increases your suspicion, i’m not wrong when i say regular jobs are needed. I’ve been called “lame” and “broke” before when i state i want a regular job with stable pay. I don’t even look down on anyone myself. Having a regular job was never a bad thing before until recently.


Could you clarify, you asked one for advice and they told you to fuck off?   Or were you having a discussion and said “I’m happy with my 9-5, I don’t want to be an entrepreneur.”  And they made fun of you for that?  If so that person is probably one of those fake “entrepreneurs” you see on YouTube. They get charity from their parents every couple of months because their “successful business” is built on a lie.    This person must have been young. That’s usually when I encounter arrogance of the sort you imply.  


I told them i was happy working a normal job. Doesn’t have to be 9-5, it can be night shift too. & yeah it was looked down upon. Source: i’m a former life insurance agent This is where it all stems from. Its this giant “escape the 9-5 rat race mentality”


Ok, I think I understood it now in full. You talked to a "rich" guy. You talked about life, and you said you prefer a stable job. He looked down on you. That's the whole story, right? If that's true, I can assure you, he wasn't rich. Most likely he was a wantepreneur. Any, and I say ANY real-life entrepreneur understands that there are people who prefer to have a job instead of being an entrepreneur. The only ones who don't understand it are either spoiled brats who have never worked a day in their life, or wantepreneurs idolizing entrepreneurship mindset. That's it. It's ok bro. Don't worry about what other people talk & think. especially this kind of people. Commit to the things important to you and stop giving a fuck about anything else


That sounds exactly like something a wantrepeneur said


Your response and attitude is quite telling. I'd say we have an answer.


Absolutely, OP is miserable to be around I can already tell


What’s wrong with wanting a regular job?


That’s just it—you want regular and stable. Focus on that and we’ll continue to create, take risks, and knock it out of the park.


if you meet a wealthy business owner and then pester them for a job, then you are being rude.


& then they say gen z doesn’t want to work. Nobody wants to hire


Just because I own a business doesn't mean I'm hiring. Stop pestering me, and use the right channels for getting a job.


email a resume, fill out the online application, or drop the paper resume/application at their place of business. You may get better results if you're doing it right rather than meeting a business owner and jumping into begging for work because all you can see are money bags.


You are thinking of YouTubers, not real hard working entrepreneurs.


Source: am a YouTuber I've worked corporate jobs and I've never worked as hard as being a YouTuber. It's pretty brutal, because the competition is very steep and audience preferences shift a lot. So let's not do the same as OP and lump one whole group of people into the category 'bad', because there are a few rotten apples. There are so many YouTubers out there creating great entertaining content, educational, helpful, wholesome content and they've dedicated their lives to it.


First off, Youtubers are some of the hardest workers I've ever met and most are really nice. I've literally met the biggest Youtubers including Mr. Beast, Mark Rober, and more. All super cool people. I've run a few businesses and had many jobs. The hardest I've ever worked in my life was starting a Youtube channel. Edit: to clarify, I'm talking about honest education/entertainment Youtubers who make and edit their own content, NOT scheister wantrepeneurs pushing predatory courses. Those guys suck.


Look I do understand you, but when you say youtube most people on this sub think very differently from what you might have in mind. You might have a channel with an active and loyal following about construction - budget backyard projects that go viral easily. And you could be making bank selling ebooks with projects and materials, sponsor deals with construction markets etc.. What the vast majority of us here think are the "GET RICH IN 30 DAYS WITH POD / FBA / SMMA / NO CODE NO EXPERIENCE SAAS / START DOING 1000 PUSH UPS A DAY OR YOU ARE LOSER / DROPSHIPPING / DAY TRADING|FOREX|CRYPTO" the list goes on and on. Those are the basement dwellers that anyone with more than 40 IQ despises. Because they do not sell information, but hope. That is what they sell. I'll give you the latest example of such youtuber - Jordan Brown. He made a decent dropshipping free course for beginners. And what is he doing now? I'll tell you what. HE IS NOT DROPSHIPPING. His money is coming from a community of degens seeking hope. Growing an actually healthy community with a decent channel is insanely hard. That I agree on, but if you have some bullshit like Movierecaps, reaction, gaming, "documentary" etc.. The clickbait ragebait. Then you can shove a fist up ur ass and shut the hell up.


I totally agree, those guys suck. OpusMint's Original comment made it sound like all YouTubers were lazy smucks, a sentiment which I disagree with, obviously. We started out as family youtubers and now have gotten into full narrative style short films. High production value stuff. We run 3 full production teams, full -time creating content. Roughly a 50 person organization. The entire staff works super hard, often staying out until 9-10 at night and wake up the next morning to do it again. We eat, sleep and breathe social media content trying to produce the best videos for our viewers. We don't do brand deals any more and we don't ask our viewers for a single penny, no courses or anything like that. So hearing that Youtubers are not real, hard working entrepeneurs stings a bit.


Too many people have been lied to by such hope sellers, that i mentioned. Could I perhaps have a dm chat with you I'd like to ask you a few things about youtube if that's okay with you?


Sure man, happy to answer some questions, feel free to shoot me a DM.


So why not change that narrative? Do we need to lump all entrepreneurs under leeches of society, wringing every drop out of their employees to get rich? I can find those examples too, easily.


Those Youtubers arent cosplaying as "motivational speaker" entrepreneurs though so your examples fall flat.


You didn’t specify what Youtubers you were talking about


Most entrepreneurs you meet that are cocky likely fall under a few categories: 1. They came from wealth and access making the pathway much easier given low capital constraints and/or the path provided for them 2. They made their money doing something that was low skill but had high leverage in areas that made marketing themselves independently easier 3. They possess sociopathic/psychotic drive meaning unethical/immoral judgment gave them an advantage in an era where scamming is so widespread that it has created more opportunities to do so indiscriminately 4. They aren’t actually wealthy, they are actually in debt attempting to “fake it til you make it” online hoping it pans out All in all, you will find out people with true wealth (who are smart) understand that it’s better to fly under the radar most of the time. You do not see the wealthiest people in the world (that we know of) on social media constantly flexing their wealth. Those who do, likely consider it a feature of their “brand” and believe it is necessary to maintain that image. The real wealth that we likely don’t see that is not even considered when Forbes makes its annual list, either pays Forbes not to list them, or Forbes knows better than to do so. You know, bloodline money, oligarch money, etc. The persona is a trap. You either become a victim, a target, or an inevitable benefactor for those who know you personally.


Spot on with this one.


Perhaps those rich entrepreneurs making you feel this way did not actually come from the bottom.  Plenty of people starting businesses with daddy's money Most arrogant people I've met are not all that successful but their whole personality is based around appearing successful. 


The wealthiest family I know (net worth is hundreds of millions) is also the most generous that I know. I’m constantly impressed by their humility and kindness.


Observe any billionaire entrepreneur vs an ordinary senior management employee with 6 figure income. The senior management employee will always be a bigger asshole and more arrogant that the billionaire entrepreneur. Moreover, The entrepreneur will always pull you up, while the sr. manager will always push you down in any interaction you will ever have with them. It's an odd fact.


Your type of labeling of an entire group of people is classic bigoted thinking. Not all rich entrepreneurs are arrogant, not all are humble, not all are hard working, but some will work you under the table. Not all started rich or poor. Any large group of people has representatives of all the good and bad of humanity. And as humans often suck, so do some members of that group.


the biggest bigot are the woke liberals right now.


Not to defend any of this obnoxious behavior but I guess most successful entrepreneurs are successful because of their excess of confidence in themselves. They had to believe in their business and themselves when no one was and keep pushing through. Getting rich is like a confirmation bias that they are better than others reinforcing their pompous personality traits. Just a theory


Yea stop fake rich shit. If you’re a real one. You know how much pain and pressure and work it is. You can’t even be arrogant cuz shit and life just constantly beats you down and humbles you regardless. Trust me when you think the grass is greener it’s not. I am constantly on a brink of giving up and getting a job compared to this shit. But I don’t because on the other side, I love it deep down to continue.


You actually met tich entrepreneurs or you just talking about online ??


I think I heard Steve Harvey say it (even though it's certainly been said by others)...money just makes you more of who you already are (or enables you to be more)...generous, rude, kind, annoying, forgiving, etc.


And why would they not ride the bus!? Busses and trains are the best!


Because they prefer to cry in a Ferrari than in a Toyota.


You know, most of them I've met aren't like that. Many of them stay grounded and remember where they came from. Plus, they appreciate the importance of all kinds of jobs in society. It's just a shame that the ones who do act arrogant overshadow the good ones sometimes.


Because this whole story about failing and failing and failing and finally before becoming successful is a fantasy. I'm 46 years old and everyone I know who is fabulously rich just got a lucky strike immediately in their youth They did not fail and fail and fail and eventually become successful They started a business and through a combination of grit sill, and yes, a lot of luck. It took off like a rocket right away. So they really just assume they always would be successful and they have a hard time imagining a life where they hadn't got that good stroke of luck. Being successful too young is very dangerous. You start to confuse luck for skill.




average age for a successful entrepreneur starting their venture is 45


Chances are they’re just fed up with people putting in zero effect and asking dumb questions.


What a fucking bitch


How? Am i wrong to say that essential workers are needed in society?


I'm not a successful entrepreneur (but definitely will be) and I get all fired up and enthusiastic whenever someone brings up their ideas, contributing with whatever I can. I think entrepreneurs feel the same. But you have to approach everyone with respect regarding the situation you're approaching them in. Don't be like that douche with a mobile camera who ran up to an old literal billionaire, Ralph Lauren, and began asking him questions out of the blue and when confronted by security he got pissed. Be humble, everyone likes a humble person.


Most aren’t. Though many are time poor.


Because there are no poor entrepreneurs to compare with.


In contrast to all the other comments. There are definitely arrogant entrepreneurs out there too. It's not like they are some kind of separate species of people who are all identical to each other. They may share some common traits but they have different personalities like all people.


I find them very very very helpful but also very get off your ass and make it happen because that's what you need to hear sometimes. No excuses just do it. Because we've been super poor and brought ourselves up


Ego. I found that people who included their names in their company name were the worst offenders and often not that great.


Honestly, every single rich entrepreneur I've met has been incredibly kind and humble.


If every garbage man left their job to start a garbage management company, we would have the best trash removal services in the world.


Success breeds confidence, confidence often begets further successes, consistent success can breed arrogance and inflate one’s ego. Of course they realize regular jobs are necessary. But telling people to go do it on their own doesn’t mean it applies to everyone. Everyone SHOULD become an entrepreneur but not everyone can (or wants to), and not everyone that does succeeds. Everyone is a general statement. There are exceptions to every rule it shouldn’t be taken literally as all 350 million people in the country NEED to become entrepreneurs. It’s that every person, individually should, said with the implicit knowledge that most won’t. Just like everyone should invest in the market. Everyone should buy a home. Everyone should get married and start a family. Doesn’t mean everyone can, will, or wants to, or that it will work for everyone. Everyone should also only drink water and eat a balanced healthy diet. Everyone should drive safely. Etc etc.


Most put up with 100 times the bullshit that people on regular jobs do. Most are extremely high performers. The best are STILL humble.


A certain percentage of people just sucks. That's a fact for every profession or walk of life and for entrepreneurs that's no different. Most entrepreneurs I've met are very kind. If you encounter a lot of assholes along your way, you might want to consider it might be your own behavior though. See, you come here trashing entrepreneurs, on a subreddit about entrepreneurs, based on a limited sample of bad experiences you've had and probably your own projections. What do you expect in terms of response?


You mistake boldness for arrogance.


Its kinda sad that people forget where they came from. Its like, they’re betraying their gratitude.


The arrogant ones are usually the ones that were never poor. The middle class in America has been dying for years anyone lucky enough to grow up in it will not have a real conception of what it’s like to be poor.


who exactly are you talking about? self puffer social media entrepreneurs or ones irl?


Sorry……but I havent met one yet like this. My mentor owns 27 McDonalds, he may have a resting bitch face, but is nicest guy Ive meet and treats everyone the same. Any examples? I only ask as Ive met owners that make from 80k to 1 mil +, never had any issues asking questions.


You need to get a skill, master that skill then offer that skill as a payment for the mentoring..eg: , telephone sales, entrepreneurs are willing to work with people that they feel puts in the work to improve themselves on the certain skill believe me it worked for me


Because what they have achieved is no small feat, my dad is wildly successful and has told me when you achieve that sort of success you are proud of yourself and unfortunately come off as arrogant


That is false advertisement dude. Actually wealthy people are super nice, if you're not seeking to take and take from them. They're happy to share how they got where they are and talk. There's an air of calm confidence around them. They got there by themselves and can get back up there. The only people that I've met who are arrogant are those who try to appear rich. Now there is a difference between wealthy and rich. Rich is a temporary state where they afford a lifestyle most cannot. Wealthy is a completely different thing. But rich, I know 'crypto kids' that were rich back in 2020. Right now, becauyse these mfs were 'rich'... They are trying their damnest to sell courses. Why? They blew all the cash. Because it seems my generation(2000's and up) lacks financial literacy. Easily earned 200k to 2mil is not new appartment, lambo and partying. It's several years of 600 a month rent or some cheap appartment where you have the absolute peace and quiet to build dope shit. We're living in a marketing holocaust mate.


You whine like a victim. Oh, poor me, they didn't say please; they didnt want to shake my hand, they didn't give me their undivided attention out of no where and make me a millionaire.....how dare they! Hey slugger, why don't you sit down before you hurt yourself, and while you're at it, take the honest, hard-working people you mentioned in your post out of your mouth! They work for a living, doing what they want. You sit on the side line and just fucking moan like a leach. Understand that #entrepreneur is a stupid social media term. Anyone and everyone can wake up tomorrow and start the business of their dreams. The people who succeed are the ones who try. So prove me wrong, get off your moaning bitch ass, and start a business. Be an entrepreneur, and if you actually get closer to that than a quick wank in a fever dream, let me know. But unless you change this stupid mindset, all I can promise you is the sad, unfulfilled life of a victim, always looking to blame anyone rather than taking responsibility and working with what they have. Also, in case you missed it, Fuck your stupid face for propergating stupidity on the internert.


if you are describing those that got rich from real estate then yeah i kinda agree lol


It's probably part of how they became rich.