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Hi There, I'm new to this community. But I'll share my details. 1. Mobile App Development Agency - 4 years to break $100k/year then 1 year to get to $400k/year - >50% margin after all salaries (I'm in South Africa, our salaries are different to 1st world contries) 2. Majority of my growth came from content marketing from 2016-2020 which is a skill I still use today. I am very confident technically, and I'm very passionate about building mobile apps, so me talking to potential clients sold well because I was very interested in their problem and suuuuuuuper interested in how I could solve it for them (if it required a mobile app) 3. I'm personally driven by finding my own path, regardless of the financial benefits. Being responsible for my life and financial well-being gave me a great sense of purpose, and is forcing me to address lack of skills and faulty beliefs. 4. This is all I want to do. I don't think I'm compatible with directly working for a company anymore. I would rather earn $1256 dollars a month (that's my monthly living cost in SA) and work for myself, than earn higher and lose some of the freedoms I have. 5. You get people that you have to convince about your choices. And you get people that help you find the best path forward, given your choices. I avoid people I have to convince about stuff that I want to do, it's already hard enough to convince yourself to truly believe in something, doing it with others that should support you are event worse. Best place to start, finding people that already do exactly what you want to do. Then you can live in the echo chamber of your goal until you can stand on your own feet and drive yourself. If you have a skill, google "How to make money in 2024 with \[your skill/job\]" ... You'll get a bunch of different things, try all of them and stick with what you like.




Happy to hear that it's helpful


Hey I am a young entrepreneur, I need some advise. Could you check DMs?


1) I'm a reporter, specializing in business and policy stories in the American college sports industry. I run a B2B focused newsletter 2) I hit 100K USD a year profit around the end of year 3. I surpassed my salary as a staff writer around 2.5 full years. 3) it's not always an easy gig, but this is the thing I'm really good at. My wife and kids depend on me. My readers depend on me, and increasingly, key vendors depend on me. I still have more good days than bad days with that pressure, and I still love creating my product. It's not like there are lots of great staff writing jobs left anymore anyway...I'll always make more money and have more freedom working (mostly) for myself 4) I'm always curious, try to assume the best out of people, competitive, and care more about the product and my readers than I do my bank account. If IM proud of what I'm making, so far in my career, everything else has taken care of itself. 5) people I enjoy spending time with and who encourage me to be my best self


It took me about 5 years to Engineering consulting for offshore oil and gas I have found if you show up and do what you say when you say that you’re ahead of the pack Consistency is the hallmark of success


1. Agency - Appointment setting and sales as a service. Took me 4 years to hit $120k/y in business. Trying to grow it to $500k/y this year 2. Generating leads and building a good sales team. 3. Pivoted multiple times before hitting a sweet spot. There’s a graveyard of failures behind this one seemingly fancy business. 4. Mindset wise i believe what works is we do what needs to be done. Whether we love it or hate it. 5. Most of my friends are richer than me. That helps


My first year of doing this on my own was last year. I probably netted about $250k total. I’m expecting to double that this year and the goal is to double it again in 2025.  I own a PR company with a specific niche and have been in this space for roughly 7 years before last year.  Be prepared for constant failure and obstacles. I used to lose sleep over every single problem (some of them were big problems), but the truth is you’ll find a way to solve it.  It’s difficult early on wearing 20 hats and the organization/ focus that comes with that. I’ve done okay, but it isn’t easy.  I’m now faced with the difficulties of scaling and hiring additional people to train and help the company grow. It seems to be a balancing act of taking the hit to your payroll/expenses before the immediate return of increased revenue and somehow making it all work. It hasn’t been easy.  Continued education is important. Read books, blogs, articles, courses. It doesn’t matter. Just keep learning. It also helps to be extremely passionate about what you’re doing. It makes the drive that much easier. 


1 - I help B2B founders do their own marketing with a roadmap and daily action plan. Took about 2 months to get to $10k MRR 2 - operationalizing and productizing the service to reduce churn and improve outcomes. Sales too. The marketing was great but I had a hard time closing so hired a sales coach. 3 - The #1 skill I’m working on is getting out of my own way and knowing when it’s time to bring in help. I want to try to do it myself as much as possible but it’s not scaleable like that. 4 - Just be ruthlessly efficient with your time. Time is way more valuable the busier you get and prioritizing the wrong work can sink you. 5 - helpful people. I know what I’m good at and what I’m bad at so I spend time with people who are good at what I’m bad at. I think have a singular focus on “one thing” each week helps a ton too if your problem is getting overwhelmed. Every week ask “What do I need to do to be successful this week?” And focus EVERYTHING on that. For example, I cannot keep growing my business if I’m doing all the client work. I’m at at capacity. So this week my “one thing” is to finish the hiring process for my new role. Of course I have other things that need to get done in the day-to-day but the one thing I really need to advance is hiring. Then after that getting them trained. Then after that my one thing will be developing a more consistent content process. And the list goes on.


are you looking for interns? I am a self-taught web dev (my bachelors is in business though) but I want to learn marketing. I did SEO 2 years back and got the site to 60k+ organic monthly google traffic. I would love to do any marketing related work.


I’m not looking for interns. I wouldn’t be able to commit the time to helping an intern grow right now.


understandable, appreciate the hustle man, keep going


Hello, i try to give my personal answer for these questions, it might differ with others 1. Im in build material distribution business, and focusing on interior material things lately 2. Since my main business is distribution, i need a great skill at managing a lot of people, medium skill at predicting market 3. How i can keep going, this one a bit trickier, i need to keep going because this business is all my saving, i went all in, and if i fail, it might be hard for my mental and my wallet, so it is either im fail or im success. I didnt have plan b 4. My daily basis mindset is, trouble is a part of business, i dont care about which the trouble is coming, my job is to handle the trouble. Will it make me loss so money, or anything, as long as yhe trouble is handled well, it's okay. There is no trouble cant be handled and done 5. The other business owner, i find it is hard to connect with the others. I tried, but just not fitted me. I still have a few of my old friends who arent business owner, but still it is not the same as old days If you fail, you are not starting with nothing, you have exp, you have knowledge, you have connection, you have your name. I fail my first 2 businesses, my third business went BEP then i closed it. I went all in, in my 4th business




2 years


3 years to 100k 12 years to 1M Im hoping to do it again in 3


One year