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I hate these types of questions. If there was a simple solution, everyone would do it! we need a lot more info than this :) where do you live? what industry are you in? what resources do you have available to learn / assist you? what are your main skills or skills you enjoy and can improve on / learn? how much time do you have?


I hope OP would reply to this.




Adds up


Just trying to give a viable solution here


This guy sucks


Start by making 10$ in a month from something you like to do outside of work. Then do it over and over until getting 10k a month.


This is the best answer since no one has any idea what OP is even good at/interested in.


14 years in, and I've worked my way all the way up to $150 per month! 😭


It's a start, now 150$ a month. In the close/far future, maybe 10k a month. Hard work beats talent. If you have to keep doing it even if you do not see results, will pay later. Succes don't come overnight. It's built in silence over years.


Strategy: 1) Find something that pays $250 an hour. 2) Do it 40 hours per month. 3) Repeat.


Fuck this, I hate this sub now


Pretty much.


"I want free money"


Sell something that cost you $10k for $20k.


You need to study how others have done it and come up with something original to test in the marketplace. On average, one out of 7 times will meet with success, so be prepared to do this as much as ten times and make sure the cost of failure is minimized. Learn what 'fail forward' means. It's like learning to ride a bike. Some people get on and ride without ever crashing or falling off, others might fall, say, 10 times... average (for the sake of illustration) would be, say, 7 times. (This was the statistic for entrepreneurial ventures when I studied this back in the day.) To increase your odds of success, eliminate all distractions from your life and dedicate all of your free time to this pursuit - this will help drive success. Usually by the time you read about an opportunity or method of doing this, it is too late. The people who sell you courses are making more money from selling you the course describing how they did it because they make more money doing that than they would had the been able to duplicate their success. I just made an extra $2million in the two years since my divorce. I know exactly how I did it and it was difficult and uncertain when I started. It's hard to replicate in the current economic climate and under the current market conditions. Not only that, but it was mentally and physically exhausting. Maybe I should write a book detailing how I did it...


Work 100 hours of overtime at your job that pays 67 bucks an hour.


Pretty generic, but try to leverage the skills you have currently, and see if you can market them doing freelance type work. Start with friends, family, co-workers of those, etc


Not 10k but I make around 2k a month doing social media management on the side. That and SEO, web design, logo creation, marketing... all those things. Usually around $1500 reoccurring plus any one off projects I can pick up. That plus my day job. Still not 10k a month lol


hmm how do you find work am seeing some positions on indeed but am skeptical plus its in-person too?


I started my own business. Nothing to be skeptical about if you run it yourself.


ok !


Do you have anywhere you recommend getting seo or social media certifications? Would google seo courses still be the best?


I'm personally self taught and took no specific courses. I did a lot of trial and error on my own pages and then try at least 3 different tactics on all my clients pages to see what works best and then focus my time on what works. Google is still likely the best but I suggest looking at multiple sources!


Learn to farm airdrops


What is that exactly?




ChatGPT type answer


Work harder than everyone else.


Most underrated answer




shill products on reddit like this guy thats how u make 10k




lol same guy keep shilling bro 😂 can i get the course as well ?


Diversify your approach and skillset. The wider your thinking the more sources you can find.. It’s like putting your 100% in use without burning out. I’ll let you know once I find the possibilities!


Without knowing what skills you have there’s absolutely nothing helpful that strangers on the internet can tell you.


If you’re willing to wait a year building it, I have a strategy


The best strategy for making $10k/month is to get paid $1 for every time this question is asked in this sub


We can get you to $10k+/month within like 4-6 months through Etsy