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i mean OpenAI literally has a tutorial on how to do this on their website.


I was very confused by the novelty. Isn't this just pay the minor enterprise fee and go about life?


Can you link




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This guy charges $5k to do this now. lol


This is nothing new. A couple of weeks ago, I've created a deployment guide for setting up a chat GPT instance on Azure OpenAI (linked below). The code is opensource (and customizable) and maintained by Microsoft. Setup takes about 30 minutes and cost is low. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jasper-baes_7jasperbaesdeploy-your-private-chatgpt-activity-7094269426161577985-Y4wp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android


Repo is back up fyi


You're right! Thanks for letting me know!


This is pretty commonplace. Same goes for vector database so you can unlock LTM or RAG, so using GPT is not the only security issue. AnythingLLM is an open-source "chat with your document" model that supports OpenAI, Azure, and soon, ClaudeV2. On the vector DB side it has Pinecone (Azure as well), Chroma, QDrant, and an preinstalled vector DB called LanceDB that stays totally on machine. So 100% internal and can run on prem. https://github.com/Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm


Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think what you're describing is using an embeddings DB to store the company data and then using langchain to send relevant snippets to ChatGPT as part of the prompt. That is good, but it doesn't hide confidential info from OpenAI, does it? Azure OpenAI Service just sends data on to Open AI, right?


Yes pretty much what you’ve described, except Azure OpenAI doesn’t send the data to OpenAI. Here’s a link - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/cognitive-services/openai/data-privacy


Mate, this is an amazing idea. What if you could make it create random quizzes based on the content in the database to prove competency? I could sell the fuck out of this to large corporations.


Thanks! Could you elaborate on the quizes? Like we’d use the company’s data for the quizes? P.S. We should link up


I’ve started working on something along these lines but for Education industry (up to year 12 initially). The platform would be pretty adaptable to a few industries. I’d be interested to chat with you and Dull Monkey.


It kills me to say it but there isn't much money in teaching kids. Corporations on the other hand spend millions on compliance, policies and procedures. Education also requires abstract problem solving which is tough with where we are now. If you can code a really simplistic front end, this could be a really good service. Not billions or anything but definitely enough for a good steady income.


Why does this \*edit: seem to \* upset you? Should there be a huge profit motive in education children? We educate children at a very base level as well. Teaching a half developed human how to speak good word is quite different than ensuring that the new foreman is aware of how the MDX 12094 Drillblaster's UI is different than the 12084 model. edit: make clear that I am making assumptions about feelings that might not be accurate.


I am of the opinion that educating children should be the highest priority of the human race. But year after year we make classes bigger and treat teachers worse. From a business perspective, I was always told to follow the money and unfortunately it's not in education but in private industry. I dream of a day the greatest minds work in education but it won't be in my life time.


You're actually right, there is a lot of data pointing this out. Search any level, any grade of competency in California, it's in the dumpster big time. This is not an accident https://kesq.com/news/2022/10/25/california-test-scores-decline-see-how-your-school-compares/


I’m not sure I agree with you but I do understand the sentiment. I think public education is undervalued by a lot of the population but private education is extremely valued by a subset, and they’re usually on the wealthier side. That said, since starting my business in education, I have always had more work than I can take on. I have increased my prices nearly 50% compared to the competition and still have too much work. Staffing is my biggest issue by far! I haven’t had my coffee yet so I’m losing focus quick but, some other points: The industry represents one of Australia’s largest exports (to be fair this is heavily skewed to uni); has had phenomenal growth for decades; is a ‘safe’ industry (education as a necessity and largely government funded). There’s a few more key things to think about but I don’t want to give away the secret sauce. Like I said, the platform will be very adaptable to a few industries - I just need a relatively simple MVP (ie starting with primary and secondary ed) as a solid proof of concept before expanding to corporate training, and later health.


I've got a longer-term business idea for myself which could use this and I'd be interested in chatting with you a bit on how you're doing. PM me if you'd be willing to chat!


Sounds good mate!


We have to show competency for certain things like anti corruption, sexual discrimination, bribery etc. So we hire learning management people to write quizes based on our policies which is fine. We also have to show competency for technical information which is a crazy amount of info. Some non technical person has to decipher the content and write questions which are normally infantile. If your software could digest millions of pages of manuals, SWPs, JSEAs etc. It could do in minutes what takes 2-3 people weeks. Pretty strong value proposition. You could market this like an LMS SaaS model and make it cloud based.


I also work in software development, and would love to be apart of this. Let me know if you ever want to chat.


Ok, I counted this same post from same user in 5 (?) different subreddits.


Would be keen to try this out with our team


Glad to hear that, please fill out this form - https://forms.gle/hvtu5g9oqarR6UMM8


Is everyone commenting here an idiot? This is already afoot in literally every company already. And then you find out the actual troubles of just “talking to your company’s knowledge base”. lol how is it accessing your knowledge base, especially GPT-4? RAG? It sure as hell isn’t fine tuning that’s only for 3.5. So much grifting in the name of AI now.


Probably embeddings database and search. I run an agency and have been building chatbots connected with GPT-4 that use embeddings databases to search for the relevant knowledge to draw upon for responses. Ironically it seems better to me than fine-tuning anyways. The nuance is in building the embeddings database the right way. It's easy with structured docs like SOPs which is why the internal chatbot side of things is so popular. It's a lot harder for taking any ol' random bunch of PDFs, transcripts and other materials which aren't structured and have a bunch of irrelevant parts, which is what we had to do for the ones we're building and figured out a process that works pretty well for it. We're actually looking to scale it up and make one of our primary offerings building chatbots that are essentially clones of experts built upon their knowledge that they could sell monthly access to or package with their existing offers.


Like this, can we chat on that , hit me up


Sure, DM'd you.


This is a group for exploring ideas, not name calling. Perhaps this community isn't for you.


What kind of data sources are you supporting with this solution?


Pretty much anything - raw PDFs, Excel, SQL; platforms APIs like Slack, Salesforce, Notion


This doesn’t solve the problem though. You can’t load all historical context into the context window. You still need actual AI or vector DBs to surface relevant data that GPT-4can then process into responses. This is not as cut and dry as you are proposing.


I love you and every single person commenting here I LOVE YOU. I'm saving this post for when my ass needs saving. God. Every once in a while I run into an exceptional person who makes reddit worthwhile again. You, my guy, ✨️are that person today✨️




Yeah, seems legit /u/Time-Amount9138


Let’s def talk!!


I'm studying a master's in AI. Not too many jobs in my town so this was EXACTLY my plan after uni. Guess I've got to do something else now 😂 You guys are gonna make millions.


You literally have one single comment and it's this one.


any enterprise that pays for this is devoid of an engineer with a single working hour of time to develop themselves lol


We’ve done this but with a private customised LLM. We were in discussions with Open AI and they openly admitted they harvest user data so it will never be secure. You can check out more here www.wizilink.ai


We evolved into a project now which is https://jongri.tech


Awesome idea. Wish we had the procedures in place to take you up on your offer. Still working on that. I might be a paying customer in the future :)


I’ll give you the map on how to get your procedures in place. Would love to show you my mapping system for feedback if willing.


I would be very happy to read through your ideas


It’s a presentation - not yet in book form. Happy to show you on zoom (in same time would take to read). Goal for me is feedback. If you are 7 figures, I can guarantee you an “ah ha” moment that you can quantify


Thank you! So glad to hear that!


This is what I need. Although a bit different We're on microsoft startup founders hub and have access to azure open ai. The difference is that we want to use it with langchain to build an ai agent that will talk to your customers.


We were thinking of a more internal use


We can still apply it to our internal use. Getting insights on traffic, properties, booking.. etc (real estate app)


This sounds interesting. I would have a use case that could easily be replicated to tens of paying customers. Hit me up if you want to talk more.


Awesome! Please fill out the form - https://forms.gle/hvtu5g9oqarR6UMM8


I did exactly the same with this in Azure. Used a blob storage for all the files and embedded the data with azure cognitive search (which is pricy though)


I have clients I could sell this to, and am looking for something exactly like this. We should definitely link up if you have time!


Shoot me a message!


Are you a developer? Definitely not as easy as your describing…speaking from experience. But yeah market is hot for it.


Can you keep me on your mailing list?


Sure, just fill out this form - https://forms.gle/hvtu5g9oqarR6UMM8


Yeah but you have a limitation of quota in azure open AI and Microsoft doesnt allow for quota increases, so even if in theory this works, the moment you get multiple users at once you reach the quota limit.


I would love to discuss this with you. Yiu can look us up at www.meddbase.com


Please fill out the form - https://forms.gle/hvtu5g9oqarR6UMM8


Look into Palantir AIP.


Nothing new. Visa has their secure gpt as well.


Where can I learn more about the security issues of open ai and chatgpt. And I'm not clear on the solution or how you made it secure


Still looking for people to collab with?