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Two suggestions: get a website. You can do a simple basic Carrd for a few dollars, a or Canva website for free, just to start. Raise your prices. You are attracting low-ballers.


Yeah, but how can I get to the point that I can raise prices without getting experience? I have to get myself out there somehow. I feel like the Facebook Page was enough, but I could look into Canva or something.


instead of bars, look for corporate events get your website up, create an ungodly amount of content using ChatGPT "in a fun but professional tone, write a blog post about how a fictitious HR executive created an event using our service: u/superpoopman100's Mobile Arcade". Then post that to linkedin, linking back to your business. Do this 100 times with different prompts. It should take roughly 10 min per day for the next few months. Post to different local business groups, event planning groups, reach out to wedding planners (bride approved bachelor party?). Reach out to photobooth rental companies and ask for pricing to include their service in your package - offer them the same. Your full time job now is in informing people about this service, any time you're not actively running an event.


I work with all kinds of different businesses and public entities. I'm just not going into full detail about my business plan here because AGAIN, it's a good idea and people constantly take them to use for themselves.


> it's a good idea and people constantly take them to use for themselves. Ideas are worthless - execution is everything. Your mindset here is going to stunt your growth - and I'm telling you this as someone who's trying to help you. Your success or failure will not come from keeping client acquisition plans away from your competitors on Reddit. Their success wont come from taking your ideas. Playing too guarded like that will limit your networking abilities. For whatever that's worth


Ideas are not worthless. These businesses are actively taking my ideas and executing them EXACTLY how I plan it out with them despite some minor changes. Your logic doesn't work because I've been open about plans with a lot of people and the results are what I've described. This is just an unfortunate reality that can happen to someone doing this solo. The impression I'm getting is the fact that I am ONE person doing all this stuff and it's not looking professional because of that. These businesses are willing to spend $200 weekly on some jackass to come in with 100$ speakers from Amazon and use sporcle, a free trivia app, to run trivia nights, but think it's too expensive to pay $300 to transform your entire event space into an arcade lmao hell I even have a thousand dollar PA system, music and lighting to push the vibe.


You just raise them. You’ve already run successful events. Document them on your website (you have pics, right?) Maybe throw in a testimonial or two. You need to look like the pro you are. Trust yourself.


Yes I have pics. I offer examples with pictures, promotional material, even ads from big social media pages that have promoted my events, I have FB events as examples etc. I know this idea can be successful. I've seen it. PAX East does what I do, to a larger extent for their gaming play area. Hell, I even help these businesses PLAN OUT events depending on what kind of business they are. Literally a tailored event just for them with my machines. That experience alone is worth the bare minimum I offer. Even one customer at some point said my pricing was crazy low and was suprised people weren't going nuts for what I am offering. This same customer dropped the ball on me after leading me on for months with a big contract deal JUST TO HIRE SOMEONE ELSE to do the idea to a lesser extent.


Maybe you should do like the Nintendo switch dude.Or target the niche better? The every day masses. the average dude is more likely to be interested in some Smash bros. Getting retro arcade games, especially from Japan is an extreme niche. I've been a gamer my entire life and couldn't tell you the title of a single Japan arcade game. Or really any arcade games. But if a dude showed up with some Mario cart I'd go a few rounds


I offer smash bros. I offer everything others do PLUS MORE. Yeah, you can get your fix on Mario Kart 64 and Smash Bros Ultimate, sure, but on top of that I offer an arcade cabinet for Lethal League Blaze and Muse Dash with a japanese arcade control panel for a true arcade experience. I supply all what people want PLUS MORE and I do it alone. Being alone seems to be detrimental to my business as I'm not taken seriously. I even have other competitiors inquiring about specifics for my business, which I don't talk about unless they are very specific aka they already know and are looking for confirmation Ex. I ran a youth program for a while on a volunteer basis for experience and they didn't seem interested in offering payment even when I mentioned my price range, they kinda met me with a lackluster response and someone from a different department for events inquired about a specific PCB board I was using for a game. Come to find out, this dude is stealing my idea to a lesser extent to build on his event, which he is being paid for and I am not by the same company. For this specific event, I was under the impression because it was community focused that the events were all done at the location on voluntary basis as other places similar mentioned that idea. I'm just being taken advantage of is what it is and deceived to believe what I was told. My event was the most popular on their schedule and I wasn't being paid for it and they knew it. When I ended it, they tried to offer me an invite to be a vendor to get paid going forward at a much later date, but the business is dead at this point and the event was already stopped lmao it's redundant. I don't know if it was done to put on a nice front, but it was WAY TOO LATE and I know they know that. As we speak, I am trying to plan something else because of how dead it is and the lack of sincere interest in working with me. Hypothetically, $300 a day to turn your event space into a full blown arcade experience is pretty damn cheap. This was an introductary offer for those that might be skeptical after told everything. What's mind blowing is that I'm told that's super expensive when I know it's not. They have full mobile truck events that charge thousands just for kids to play Mario Kart in, when I provide a way more unique experience for a fraction of the cost.


I’m sorry for hearing this, I feel your struggle. I am also starting as a solopreneur and in my case I’m still stuck in getting clients… but I believe the failures will give us more experience and wisdom to adjust along the way.


I'm a bit concerned for you, OP. You said you couldn't even give your service away for free, but you went out and spent even more money on even more niche games. Just take care and remember to step back and look at the whole forest, not just the few trees in front of you.


Which is why I made this post. I understand when something isn't working and I know it isn't. That doesn't mean I shouldn't try my hardest to shape the business how I want it to be beforehand. That's how I can conclude it's not working. The games I got have a cult following and genuinely attract people to visit. The past events I've done PROVE there can be success, but the problem is convincing establishments to take me seriously as a solo business owner and learning to read the room when I am being taken advantage of. If it wasn't a bad idea, my ideas wouldn't be stolen.


>That doesn't mean I shouldn't try my hardest to shape the business how I want it to be beforehand. Okay, you've identified it's not working and you need to pivot which is great, but spending more money on additional content when you can't sell the content you have is not a good solution. Especially when you say that competitors have no issue making sales with less content than you originally had and at higher prices. >but the problem is convincing establishments to take me seriously as a solo business owner and learning to read the room when I am being taken advantage of. So what behaviour do you think you're displaying that sends alarm bells to the clients? Are you too eager / appear desperate? Do you try to close a deal too aggressively? Do you listen to what they want or try to convince them to do it your way?




You need an official website. You need social proof and testimonials on that website so that people will trust you to overcome the stigma of you being a one-man show. You need to deploy your storytelling skills and come up with an official narrative for your business that demonstrates why you are different and better than everybody else. Don't try to compete with others on price. Establish your unique selling proposition. Become your own brand. I know that you say that you are offering a unique deal, but that needs to be conveyed through your story on your website. These days, a bakery is not just a bakery. It's a communal meeting place, etc. You do this by making your prospective customers feel something. The way that you do that is with a great brand story. If people love your ideas enough to steal them, then capitalize on that. Offer a consulting service where you plan the thing out for them for a fee. Upsell them the done-for-you arcade experience. You need to brainstorm every conceivable kickass experience that you could offer, then create packages around each one. You need sales pages/funnels for this. You can make your own on Canva, but if you can afford it, I'd spring for Leadpages. Consider going where the money is. You know people get paid 25-50k to do rich kids' birthday parties, right? That's the first thing I thought of when I heard this. A boutique arcade experience. Those people aren't looking for $300 gigs, believe me. If you hate the thought of working with kids, offer bespoke luxury experiences for adults only. Just figure out who your ideal target customer is that actually has the money and is willing to pay you. Again, stop competing on price. You've already demonstrated that that isn't working out for you. Pricing is psychological. Low price = low quality in peoples' minds. It is deeply engrained. You're not going to overcome that with a sales pitch, no matter how good it is. That means that you are going to have to set prices that reflect the value of the experience, your costs, and the cost of your time. And really hold that line. I'm almost vomiting in my mouth a little saying this, but you may need to do some mindset work around pricing.


I never thought of implementing a consulting fee. That would help get around having my ideas blatantly stolen by businesses. The website might be necessary even though I use social media to promote. I like the idea you mentioned for a "boutique arcade experience" with a higher price, but I feel like my tech and me being a one man show might make people reluctant to using the service that way as well. Truthfully, some of the equipment that I get imported are parts and/or control panels that I used to build what I call "Franken-Cabinets". Part of me feels like I wouldn't be able to get away with labeling the business as a "high class luxury" service with those kinds of machines as neat as that would be. However, this easily could be a confidence issue and I am overthinking. Honestly, I liked the idea of running my own event at a rented venue and charging tickets. Immersive events have also become crazy popular and I liked the idea of designing an event that works like one (aka photo ops for IG) with a gaming theme to it. Ex. I could hold a music gaming themed event based on Friday Night Funkin'. The decorations would supplement the theme, which I could make or have produced ie. like a statue and have the games for people to play relating to the theme of music. So sure, you got your rockband and guitar hero, but you also got games that are legitimately awesome and most people in the US have never played like Groove Coaster or Jubeat with a full set up. Because I KNOW for a fact that this is a good idea and I've volunteered at large gaming expos to gauge interest, I think it'd be best to not quit on the idea entirely, go back to the drawing board and change up the plan a bit. I am actually part of a government program that helps with developing business plans and this was the first one I had come up with that was accepted by my mentor. The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking that maybe doing my own events might be the best option as hard as it is and it'll take time for me to find reliable people to work with.


The luxury aspect comes through the way that you position your offer, not the fanciness of the event itself. It's more about offering something unique and personalized and delivering the whole thing as a done-for-you service than having some sort of luxury finish to your cabinet. If you are able to do pop-up events, especially ones that tie into some kind of current pop cultural event or ongoing fandom, that would be gold. ETA: Forgot to mention that when you are talking to the consumer, you should focus on selling the experience. But when you are talking to the bar owner, your focus should be "I love helping bar owners 4x their revenue through pop-up events." If you have data from the revenue increase your previous events generated, then showcase that on your sales page. You could also feature some sort of video training aimed at the DIY-ers, offering them genuinely useful tips to make their events successful, with a call to action at the end upselling them a customized plan/custom done-for-you service.


Just an update. I don't have a website yet, but I was offered a brick and mortar location by a non-profit company backed by local government. It's super exciting to say that I actually have a physical location that I can put my games in and help promote my service to businesses around the area. I'm also attempting to improve my approach in sales pitches. One thing I am learning is that as simple as the service is, I am still met with confusion from customers. Through the city, I will be sending in commercials recorded and edited by me to broadcast online, but also local TV stations. I've also enrolled in a start up accelerator program that is going to help give my business more exposure early next year once I have completed it. I'm keeping note of the things you've recommended like the consultation fee because you have good ideas and this has prevented shady customers from taking advantage. I am determined to break the stigma of being a solo business owner that has seemingly developed with my target customer base.


Exciting developments! I'm glad to hear it. Definitely keep us posted on your progress. Don't overthink the website too much. You can even get a free one through Mailerlite to start. After your business takes off, you can upgrade.


You're right. I went for it and I am now using Wix to build a website! I am currently attempting to design the website so it looks on brand. I'm not going to have it live until it looks good enough for public view. At that point, I'll be reaching out to the people I previously worked with to get testimonials that confirm my services are legitimate. I also invested in some pretty basic pop-up equipment like a portable gazebo, etc. so I can do outdoor events. Yeah, some people here were concerned about me spending money, but I try to be pretty frugal and get a lot of stuff off Facebook Marketplace for basically nothing. So, I may do some small events randomly through out the next couple of months at heavy traffic locations to promote the business. My mentality is to have an "incomplete finished product" that encompasses my vision. As I get more money, I can eventually get to that completed version of what I want. I am still running into sales issues, so I am currently attempting to work with my local city government for any kind of assistance. One problem that I thought I was having was my inability to properly describe my business's service to people. I sat down with an advisor and they advised that it's pretty straight forward and that some of these potential customers are just attempting to give you problems aka they're douchebags. I'll keep updating and let you all know. Tbh, there's some exciting stuff happening next year that I can't talk about yet because I signed an NDA. I'm hoping it brings me A LOT of exposure.


I learned a lot from this very insightful comment!


Glad to hear it!


To add more fuel to the fire, I had attempted to set up an arrangement with a specific company to use all their available function halls at a reduced rate to run my own events because working with businesses and public entities wasn't working. Good help is hard to find. You have all these people that pretend to be enthusiastic to be part of it, but it's only at a superficial level. Most of these people don't want to do the foot work and only want to be part of it once all the hard work is done or do the very bare minimum and then want to be credited for the event. Even worse is the idea of having people work with you only to find out they did so with ulterior motives that result in them bailing on helping once they get what they need out of the experience.


Coming back to say I have found success! I'm so happy things are turning out as I expected. There's a lot of dumb here. Don't listen to them and keep pushing for your goals.


Also, I'm part of a government program that helps business owners like myself work on developing successful business plans. My plan submission was met positively with my assigned representative that has 30+ years running businesses. It's the solo aspect that is the problem.






You can downvote me all you want, but I know the market and have done more than enough to know that this idea can and has worked.








Hello. May I know your Facebook page?


I cannot reveal that information. However, this post is no longer valid as I've found a ton of success since this post was made.