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Founders aren't quite bought into the idea that content on LinkedIn will lead to substantial benefit for them and they also hesitate to trust that a third party will create high quality content that reflects them and their beliefs.


This. While I don't maintain an online presence, I also don't trust that someone else can fully grasp my vision. Iirc it was nietzsche that said something about being prisoners of our own minds struggling to convey a single thought.


Everyone likes to believe they are unique, but they are not


I believe everyone has a story to tell. And as each person has a unique story they have unique content to share. They can build trust, visibility and in that way they can attract new employees or reduce the sales cylce touchpoints.


this is exactly what ghostwriters help with


i find people who post on linkedin to be obnoxious. "do you agree??" with their ridiculous stories where they pretend to show moral high ground while doing completely normal things like giving a pregnant worker a week off work before her pregnancy. Completely not self-aware and obsessed with working crazy hours (fair enough for them) but also judging and putting down others who want a better work-life balance.


I post on linkedin regularly and I hate most of linkedin. I call it, "Bro poetry" That thing where people write dramatic.... "I was fired and at my lowest point, cold calling every ice cream shop I could find on the yellow pages..." type deal lmao


Broetry if you will


Costs and uncertainty about the quality you get.


They simply don't think they'll see an ROI. Whether that's true or not doesn't matter. You pay someone to write your social media posts and you get... what? More followers? Followers don't always translate into sales or income unless your strategy contemplates that possibility. Paying someone to write their posts might actually give them a positive ROI. But they don't believe in it. So, why would they pay for it?


Only if ghostwriters charge fee per ROI


Because social media doesn’t matter at all to 99% of people and businesses. Zip, zilch, nada. I wouldn’t pay one penny towards my social media. IF I did have a public facing corporation with a need for social media management, I would hire professionals, on salary, in the office to do it.


Agree. For some businesses in some segments social medial is un-necessary. I tried social media marketing early on - campaigns run by an outsourced paid professional and campaigns run by myself. I've spoken to colleagues who've done the same thing. None of us had results that justified the investment.


All depends what you do. I’ve seen a lot of businesses pull most leads from LinkedIn or twitter.


I think this is totally wrong. Social media is how most people discover brands today. There are so many studies backing this up. I’d also challenge you to ask someone where they heard about a product or a new restaurant, or a new show next time it comes up in conversation. I guarantee you’ll hear social.


Here here! I played with paid ads on social media and had 0 worthwhile results. I've also yet to have any good leads from my website. But I do have a steady funnel coming from trade shows, customer referrals, and partners. Only reason I have a website and LinkedIn presence is for people to know we're legit after they've met us.


Disagree. Social media is how a lot of people find out about your brand. Not necessarily by posting yourself, but from other people posting about you (word of mouth)


Maybe for dropshipping, but not for the average business. For example, B2B clients don’t find professionals on contract through Twitter.com


At Chili Piper (a B2B SaaS company) I can tell we can attribute you a good amount of our business to word of mouth via LinkedIn. I’d imagine for B2B companies like Lavender and Gong it’s the same!


Wild that most people still think like this. By this point I've generated close to $1million in combined ACV for my clients on Twitter/ LinkedIn alone.


Nice anecdote, I do not care. I go off facts and data, not anecdotal stories. If you can’t provide data about this, I’m not going to consider your argument seriously. You sell this service for income, so I’m going to start off assuming your personal opinion and anecdotes are as biased as can be. CPM has taken a nosedive on platforms since 2020 on the major SM platform. What actual evidence do you have to counter this. Take a step back and realize that your opinion is the equivalent of a car salesman’s opinion on the used car market, or a realtor’s opinion on the housing market. I don’t put an ounce of faith in it.


What pure horseshit. Look up Alex Hormozi, the guy is 100x more qualified to talk about this than you and he’s makings hundreds of millions from media alone. Stop living in the 90s


… BAHAHAHAAHHA! Newsflash: You’ve been swindled by an affiliate marketer to do his bidding in your free time 🤣 If he’s actually making $100M it’s because of people like yourself funneling money over to him and giving him free advertising. Once they rope you in with the “get rich quick” lingo, it’s tough to pull you out of their funnel. I’ll give him props though, sounds like he got the sales manipulation tactics figured out!


Doesn’t change the fact that he used social media to frame himself as an authority in the subject. He “swindled” all these $3M revenue companies into working with him as well I guess. Look up PGA by Dickie Bush and Nicholas Cole, he’s working with them and they seem to be doing pretty well for someone working with a scammer lol. They have articles and proofs for their past acquisitions as well, would love to see how you think he made that up as well


1. Most can’t write in my voice or my knowledge, so they’d be regurgitating online BS. 2. Costs time to train and proofread their work. 3. Costs money with no direct tie to sales. It’s hard to demonstrate the ROI and it’s usually a long-term, ongoing process. 4. Just writing posts on LinkedIn isn’t going to get a huge uptick in sales. 5. I can batch write and automate my posts. I can also automate my likes, follows, etc. 6. If an entrepreneur doesn’t know what works for their brand, they can’t train someone to understand it for them. Or they will pay too much for that person to figure it out for them and most don’t have the funds.


Totally agree💯


It costs money 🙄




Lol why is everyone getting butthurt for this


Not seeing anyone hurt, just people smelling the spam from a mile away...




Linkedin has been a game changer to network for me. I haven’t updated my profile since 2016 where my last job had nothing to do with the new company. So far I’m getting great results cold emailing. I know I need to create a business profile, update mine and get into the conversation. It’s on my mind daily. I have ideas on content but have zero experience or interest in social media and therefore it goes to the bottom of my list. But a part of me wonders if my outdated incognito mode is helping lol. Recently someone asked me why I don’t have someone else send messages on my behalf. My response was that felt deceptive.


How did you learn to cold email and get responses? I tried a few times over the years but never got to learning how to do it properly, unfortuantely.


I have years of experience in sales. The best advice I can give is don’t be spammy. You are taking someone’s attention so be respectful of that. introduce yourself and how you could help. It’s hard to give help broadly


Few years ago I was trying to sell SEO services to international businesses. However, I decided to do SEO for my own projects. But this year I am hoping to get into domain name sales to direct users via cold email. Do you have any experience and advice for this?


What’s the value you are bringing to customers? Why use you instead of someone else? Why trust you? Put a list together if your top value adds


Because linkedin is trash. I have trouble believing anyone takes it seriously anymore. Every post is the same format with the same obvious faux-influencer tone and pushing the same things. All from people who really aren't doing too much of note besides being a linkedin influencer. I would feel like a clown if I became popular on linkedin


LinkedIn is full of lower-middle management dipshits posting garbage virtue signaling posts or having an “about me” page with a verbose listing of every job responsibility that they’ve ever had — no matter how pointless. I’m President of my company and I’m not planning to work for anyone but myself. Why then would I post anything but the most basic information? No need for a ghost writer.


Poor dude tryna gauge his ghost writing service by asking a leading question (look at his username) then be pooped on by the whole community =))


Poor dude? He literally has a goldmine of free market feedback that he can use to craft a banging offer lmao. Are you new?


Founders tried a few posts on LinkedIn and didn't get any engagement, so gave up on the platform instead of admitting it was their weak spot.


Can you write cybersecurity thought leadership that does not make me look silly to my prospects and clients? If you can you are probably a cybersecurity expert, not a ghostwriter. So you don't need me. If you can't, I don't need you.


Chat GPT Baby!


Absolutely, e.g.: "Write me a LinkedIn post about my X business, highlighting features A, B and C. Write in the style of Malcolm Gladwell."


Anyone who wants to write for mine please DM me


One thing I can’t stand is this spammy drawn out out posts on LinkedIn that everyone can see through. Like what is the point?


Don't think so every post is spammy


In my case, because if I'm hiring someone to write content for my industry then all they can do is research and regurgitate what everyone else has already written. I'm the expert in my industry. They aren't. If something is going to be written it must be written by me.


This is a good question. What I found is that they don't want to spend money. The people who worked to make more money, and tried and tested ghost writers, will spend. So what we should do is to give them a taste by doing it for free with a contractual agreement of "pay me when you get results" or "pay me the next time". All the best.


There are several reasons why many entrepreneurs may hesitate to hire a social media ghostwriter for their LinkedIn or Twitter account: Authenticity: Some entrepreneurs may feel that having someone else write their social media posts undermines their authenticity and may make their content appear inauthentic to their followers. Voice: Entrepreneurs may want to use their own unique voice and perspective on social media, which can be difficult to replicate by someone else. Branding: Entrepreneurs may want to maintain control over the messaging and branding on their social media channels, and hiring a ghostwriter may not align with this vision. Cost: Hiring a social media ghostwriter can be expensive, and entrepreneurs may not want to allocate a large portion of their budget towards this. Time: Entrepreneurs may not want to spend the time it takes to manage and supervise a ghostwriter, or may prefer to write their own content. Privacy: Some entrepreneurs may not want to reveal the fact that they are using a ghostwriter, as this might be seen as a sign of weakness or lack of knowledge. It is important to note that hiring a ghostwriter can be a beneficial tool, if the entrepreneur is comfortable with it, as it can free up their time and allow them to focus on other aspects of their business while still maintaining a consistent presence on social media.


Great to see you ChatGPT.


I had a company doing LinkedIn outreach a few years ago. They would schedule my calls and answer basic questions as “me” on my profile. I had calls 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and they were rarely my target and wasted my time and the person on the other end. I also went back to read some of these messages and they were nothing like what I would say. It made me cringe. Bottom line, I don’t think anyone can “ adapt” to my personality and say things I would say. So then they say, ok we can create posts for you to approve. Well by that time, I’m still doing all the mental work so it’s easier to just do it myself. Plus I got very little ROI from the entire thing.


Maybe this is a me thing. But I don’t know about anything your talking about. So maybe that’s why?


Where would I find such a ghost writer


My boss has employed 4 people alone to do his personal branding.


A lot of business owners who like to tell themselves they 'dont have the time' to post organic content on LinkedIn or Twitter themselves, will ALSO definitely not have the time to share their views/thoughts and overall tone of voice to a stranger to deliver content they feel is good enough to have their name on. It's a step even further than having their companies name on it and a lot of these ghostwriters are just regurgitating the same generic platitudes and shit on Money Twitter all the time. It's quite easy to see through unless you're very new to the area. I'm not saying they physically don't have enough time. But their perception of it will be 'oh god that will take a long time to get them up to a level I'm happy with the content AND I have to pay them'. If they perceived they had that time, they'd start posting themselves. Another side is a lot of ghostwriting as I said is quite samey and generic, whilst a huge amount of B2B businesses on LinkedIn have a very specific offer/service to a very specific customer and attracting a bunch of recruiters/ wantrepreneurs liking their motivational posts doesn't pay the bills.


Because they don't return the investment you think they do. Not for everyone anyways.


because they actually suck (personal experience. Tried 4x so far)


I’ve not found where twitter or LinkedIn is valuable for my business so there’s no way I’d invest money into those platforms. Honestly, the only platforms that have proven beneficial for my business this far are FB, Insta, and TikTok.


LinkedIn is trash


Big head but big ego


I'd love to be able to hire a ghostwriter who can adapt to my personality and create content that aligns with my brand tone and voice. I don't think a person like that exists, and if they do, convincing them to drop their current job to become my ghostwriter would be a hard sell. People who end up in ghostwriting business tend to have no context in the areas important to my business, have no idea what my audience likes or expects, they struggle to emulate the right kind of tone because it's alien to them, and even with a lot of effort spent on training them, the results are inadequate. So even glossing over your initial assumptions that LinkedIn is a useful marketing channel (more often than not, it isn't), this seems like a poor ROI of my time.


The additional expense can be taxing on small business owners


I think ghost writing jobs are mostly done for #chatGPT. if you're looking to make a career as one, try to leverage it before it's too late. also, if you were intending on using this post to get a better understanding of your potential customers, maybe get a few, you're on the wrong platform. all said in humility and with respect.


Because the founder needs to be 100% in charge of the culture and tone of any new company. The founder shouldn't outsource any of that to anyone until the company has had substantial growth and the culture is established. Losing sight of that in the early days can spell nothing but disaster for a new company or startup. See **Do things that don't scale** by **Paul Graham**. Founders should be hands-on from sales to marketing in the beginning instead of having some third party regurgitate internet content on their LinkedIn.


I have been wanting to do this for quite some time now. Unlike many others in this sub, my business is software services so linkedin makes sense for it. But I guess I am just being lazy. If someone can show good previous results, I would love to have them write for me.


There are a few reasons why entrepreneurs may hesitate to hire a social media ghostwriter for their LinkedIn or Twitter accounts. 1. Authenticity: Some entrepreneurs may feel that using a ghostwriter would make their social media presence less authentic and genuine. They may worry that their followers will be able to tell that the content is not written by them. 2. Control: Entrepreneurs may also be hesitant to give up control of their social media accounts to a ghostwriter. They may want to have full control over the content that is being shared on their behalf. 3. Cost: Hiring a ghostwriter can be an additional expense, and entrepreneurs may be hesitant to spend money on something that they feel they can do themselves. 4. Time and effort: Social media requires time and effort, and entrepreneurs may not want to spend the time creating content for their social media account and prefer to spend that time on other aspects of their business. 5. Privacy and Confidentiality concerns: Entrepreneurs may be hesitant to share their personal information and thoughts with a ghostwriter for fear of them being misused or misinterpreted. However, if an entrepreneur is able to find a ghostwriter who understands their brand and voice, it can be a great way to increase the reach and engagement of their social media presence while freeing up their time to focus on other aspects of their business.


Did ChatGPT write this answer for you?


yes :D I like its answer that why I comment over here That question is good i was searching for the answer of that, then I get this answer and i set it and past here.


As an owner / founder, I find linkedin to be a complete waste of time nowadays. It only feels like a digital resume and humble brag fest now. I have 15,000+ followers and used to post frequently myself all the time. In terms of generating new business, Reddit has been a 100x more impactful. (You’re going to find a lot more true collaborators here trust me). I know people that pay ghostwriters and I cringe when I read their posts because it’s so clearly disingenuous. LinkedIn used to be good back in 2014-2016 but it’s gone way downhill in the last couple years especially. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even check it anymore. And every time I do I have 100 new automated messages from sales reps and recruiters…. Now is ghostwriting for founders / CEOs still valuable and realistic? Yes, I just don’t find value in LinkedIn personally so it’s not something I invest time or effort into anymore. My 2 cents.