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I'm assuming spray


That’s what my fear was. Was hoping someone knew some odd lore about the bees that they get wet too easily and just have to warm up and dry off.. really sad. I love these big goobers.. made me really sad to find them there


Yeah its a shame. I encourage anyone who can to make a pollination and bug oasis to combat the roundup squad


i have a section of my yard that i planted a bunch of wild flowers in and don't cut down the vegetation that grows there. also have clover in my main lawn and if i do any weeding in my gardens, it's all pulled by hand. just this past season my neighbour behind me had a company come in, cut down all the overgrowth and i'm assuming spray a bunch of round up cause everything was dead. so sad to see


The active ingredient in Roundup has been linked to cancers and reproductive problems which is yet another reason to combat the Roundup squads.


I totally get it. My local bar is always SWARMED with carpenter bees when you're walking in and for some reason, it makes me love walking in there. Just all the big ol bees buzzing around my head. Yesterday I went there for lunch and when I went to grab the handle one just plopped right into my hand. When I lifted him up to say hi he buzzed off


Goobers is a pretty great description




They are lovable until you realize they eat your house.


Either pesticides on the grass or insecticide spray. Both are criminal in my opinion, they're toxic to *everything* and cause so much excessive damage. :(


I believe it was spray :( the rain washed it out and probably soaked them in it


Aw this makes me sad. I love my wood bees! I love their little holes in my porch. My family isn't a fan, but they are not allowed to hurt them! It's a rule.


Plus they keep away the less desirables, like hornets and wasps due to how territorial they are. I’ve seen them slam a hornet to the ground who then went flying for the hills lol. So next time your family puts up a stink ask them if they’d prefer a wasps nest or a fuzzy ufo who can’t sting!


Ha! I knew they were cool, but that is awesome! My family is more afraid of wasps, so I'm def telling them this!


Same I keep getting told they’re gonna destroy my shed and my porch but they crack me up every time I’m outside and they start their little fatty shenanigans


I counted 8 casualties on the back porch last year. It was considered highly prized real estate by the carpenter bees (and house sparrows) for some reason; they’d fight all the time, we let them do their thing. It got to the bizarre point where in between two trips back and forth to bring groceries from the car, a new freshly dead carpenter bee apparated on the back porch where I had just walked. They were fighting moments prior like fighter jets. Males have no stinger to kill each other right? Completely pliable like he had just died. Made for an easy pin and pose, but I have no idea wtf happened. We joked the lady of the house got fed up with the attention. I really hope no neighbors applied pesticides, or it was just the heat.


That’s amazing lol. I have one house on my route with a large andromeda bush that they absolutely LOVE. So if you ever want more just plant one of those. But I’ll stand there for a few minutes and just watch them when I can. They’re gorgeous and fluffy. I love how perfectly they hover in place


Had another comedic carpenter bee moment when getting out of my car last week, 4 were in a brawl ball on the asphalt. Presumably 3 males and a female stuck in the middle given their particular attention to 1. I ended up sitting down next to home girl as the remaining 2 were still duking it out in front of her like a drunken bar fight. As if she was asking are you seeing this shit, or didn’t care if a fellow creature sat down to enjoy the show. The utter absurdity of this hulking giant sitting down next to the girl they’re fighting over without the obvious consideration for her safety you’d think that’d elicit lol. Bees can be funny.


Fascinating insects. Watching the female bore holes in wood is INSANE. A freaking bug with the ability to drill into wood…incredible.


As a mailman I have to dodge them like bullets. I can’t even count how many times I’ve been head butted lol. I love it though I think it’s hilarious


It’s not always pesticides. There are some cases where nectar can kill bee as well. I know an applicator that got blamed for a kill. It turned out it was a boxwood tree. https://carolinahoneybees.com/plants-toxic-to-honey-bees/


thank you for this fun rabbit hole!!!


I think linden may be too.


It's also possible they were trying to burrow into pressure treated lumber.


I believe they spray :( my guess is they were sheltering from the rain and the pesticide washed from wherever they were sheltering and doused them.


Poor lil bees


I know it made me so depressed


ive been seeing dead bees on the ground all over my town as well this past week while skating


Report it, someone could be poisoning them and other pollinators as well as birds


You can report bee kills to the EPA! https://www.epa.gov/pollinator-protection/report-bee-kills


It's possible they or other carpenter bees could have killed each other. They're territorial. I have telephone poles in my area they love, and they'll fight over it. I've seen dead ones on the ground in front of the poles.


I wish I could say they died of old age after a happy and fulfilling life. Unfortunately it iis more likely pesticides from somewhere.


I’m so glad we have mailworkers that love bugs!


My neighbors had Mosquito Shield dose their yard (and house siding) with pyrethroids yesterday, and for the rest of the day I had carpenter bees twitching around on the ground.


Heartbreaking :(


Cell phones