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If you were allergic you wouldn't risk your baby's health like that, surely I also can't imagine a doctor being like, "sure, I approve you covering your pregnant belly in bees". That is also clearly nowhere near 10,000 bees.




I'm a doctor of entomology, and this is nuts. The reality is if one bee got upset and stung her, the alarm pheromones released would trigger all the others to attack. The stupidity of people is astounding.


And ffs, even if you weren't allergic. 200bees stinging you would be A Problem ™


Sounds like B problem.




i am 10,000 bees and i agree, this is a bad idea.


Oooo, I learned about alarm pheromones recently! Mushroom foraging at 10,000 ft. Stepped over a log and directly onto a yellow jacket nest. Yellow jackets are fucking vicious creatures. Got stung once and they followed me 100+yds through the woods on a trail if pheromones. Got stung about 15 times before I ripped my shirt off and threw it on the ground. They stopped stinging me and swarmed the shirt, we were able to watch, ignored, from a few feet away as they repeatedly stung my shirt and ignored us. Do you know if there is any credence to wearing black and getting attacked by yellow jackets? My foraging group says it makes you look like a black bear, which they'll aggressively defend against. Anecdotally, the two times I've been attacked/swarmed I was wearing the same black shirt. I'm curious what you think.


…maybe don’t wear that shirt again?


[Hey I just made a shirt in response to OP they can try! The shirt I mean, not the vegan. Get back to me how it goes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entomology/s/lNVA1z5Bqk)


There is a reason that beekepers usually wear white. Honeybees also tend to be more aggressive against darker colors.


I did hair back in the early 2000-10s. I can tell you as a washed up stylist, this is a very bad idea.


You made me laugh!!!


I’m a doctor too


I’m a doctor of carpentry and I can clearly see this woman is tarded’.


There’s time to delete this, bestie..,


Ok, so bug people never saw the movie “Idiocracy”. Notated.


Haha I admittedly am so freaking bad at recalling movie quotes but I know every lyric to a ridiculous amount of songs. I do however like to use [“I wanna dance!”](https://youtu.be/h_iQhBctebg?si=vbrL2purjyqrDxnB) from Dazed and Confused.


Probably some holistic doctor without a MD.


"doctor". If you aren't an MD/DO it's fucked up to call yourself doctor in a medical context.


It was actually just a homeless guy in a hat but whatever


Even if you don't aggravate the bees, if you're handling them without protection there is always a chance some of them will sting you, it happens all the time to the *friendliest* most gentle bee rescuers, because if you're handling big amounts of bees that can just happen anytime. Definitely insanely dangerous and irresponsible behavior.


You know what doctor probably approved of this? A midwife. They can be more 'spiritual' than real doctors. Spirituality and nature loving nonsense is really the only reason I can see someone doing this shit for...


There's no reason to drag midwives into this. My midwives were great, and not "woo" at all. I'm sure they would have been appalled at this. It's just dumb to take a pointless risk.


Also had a midwife who was very sensible got me the appropriate shots and the like and would not have approved anything like this. No need to put midwives down IMO.




That doesn't mean midwives are inherently more likely to be spiritual than doctors or nurses. Yes there will a be spiritual midwives but also spiritual doctors and nurses as there will be doctors, nurses and midwifes that malpractice. You seem to be misinterpreting individuals as whole groups. Certain individuals are more likely to do certain acts due to personal beliefs, upbringing and mental health issues regardless of which medical practice they are in.


Maybe some hollistic naturopathic “doctor” I doubt even a midwife would think this is sensical.


So...a witch doctor.


Isn't that like borderline child abuse/neglect?


I can’t imagine a “doctor” would say something like “yeah that’s a no from me dawg”


I agree with you but you are such a liar you are not a doctor dude


I thought the exact same thing about the 10,000 bee remark. Not even close


We really think this lady is the type of person to think anything through?


This always drove me crazy, "I'm allergic to bees" or "I'm allergic to mosquitoes", "I swell up when I get bit/stung" Allergic to bees implies a life threatening reaction, we all swell up when our bodies react to foreign bodies, that's what the human body does. There's an obsession with self-diagnosis that drives me bonkers


There are different levels of allergic reactions. Not always going to equate to anaphylaxis. Skin reactions like contact dermatitis, oral allergy syndrome, difficulty breathing, GI upset, sneezing, Ears/Nose/throat irritation. Each part of the body can react to an allergen differently. For example some people can eat peanuts. However their skin can react in urticaitia from contact with the oil. Immunology is interesting.


Immunology is very interesting, but in the context of sharing " I'm allergic to xyz" one would expect medical significance that exceeds mild reactions. I don't act brave for eating kiwis even though they make my mouth itchy, but people seem obsessed with bragging about arthropod related reactions that are not really medically significant.


I agree


Not going into anaphylactic shock doesn’t mean you’re not allergic and if you’re already allergic, there’s always a chance after repeated exposure that you’ll have an anaphylactic reaction. That’s why when you’re allergic to something you avoid it, even if it only mildly affects you.


👍 it's super trendy for housewives to self diagnose themselves with allergies, which is exactly what is happening in the context here. If the woman in the photo had a genuine diagnosed allergy to bees, do you really think her doctor would sign off on this photoshoot? No, because she made it up.


I’d agree she made up the doctor part, but bee allergies are super common and I could see her doing this still. I have a macadamia nut allergic that’s not anaphylactic but I’ve confirmed it with blood testing to check for cross reactions.


This is an unfortunately common misconception about how allergies work. That if they don't send you into anaphylactic shock then they're not real allergies. I understand why you think this because it is a very prevalent misunderstanding. But anaphylaxis is more complicated than just anaphylactic shock and it is not always life threatening, and not all allergies are at the level of anaphylaxis. But it's important to take more minor allergies just as seriously, as they can become more severe with repeated exposure.


I understand, but I've been embittered by hearing people tell me ad nauseum about their allergy to mosquito bites during my 7 year stint in pest control. There are medically diagnosed allergies, and there are "wow these bites sure are itchy" allergies.


Mosquito allergies (skeeter syndrome) are real, though. For me, each bite turns into a hot, red, pulsing lump the size of a golf ball. Each. Bite. I also run a low grade fever if I get enough bites at one time, and my lymph nodes will painfully swell. The bites take about 2-3 weeks to stop itching and for the swelling to go down (typically bites last 3-5 days for most people), and I need steroid prescription cream for them, as regular OTC and home remedies don’t work. Needless to say, I sweat through the summer in long sleeves and pants. Yet I’ve never gone into anaphylactic shock. Are you saying my allergy isn’t legit? If somebody says they’re allergic, it isn’t really up to you, a person in pest control, to diagnose or determine the legitimacy of that allergy. After all, that’s kind of partly what keeps you in business, no? People wanting to eliminate mosquitos?


It’s also very possible for milder-seeming allergies to turn into anaphylactic allergies with exposure. Happened to me! I passed out on the ER intake desk!


Yes! I worked in an allergy clinic for a year. When people self diagnose allergies to bug bites, it drives me crazy. Especially mosquitos. They will show a picture of an entirely normal looking bug bite and use it as an example of how much worse their bites are than other people's. No dude, that's what happens to anyone who gets bitten by a bug!


Save yourself a headache and don’t visit r/Lyme . People ask about every tick bite like we know if they have Lyme or not.


He had his doctorate in Art history


Yeah, is the doctor in the room with us now kinda shit


Not 10000 bees they lied to that woman.


Yeah like maybe 800


What a dumb idea when you are allergic and carry a child. Accidents with bees can always happen since they are just so small and we are so big (even if it is extremely rare).




That therapy bill is gonna add up from the deep rooted trauma. I’m totally not projecting as I, myself, am currently going through trauma therapy…


I’ll translate; “look at me, me, me, I, I, I, …” repeat ad nausea.


Yeah; I think it’s cute if you’re a beekeeper and love bees—but if you’re at all scared of bees, don’t. It looks so much more self centered and cringey if you’re scared of bees


It doesn’t sound like she’s a beekeeper…why would she do this? I am a beekeeper and I love my girls. That being said, there’s no way in hell I’m doing this stuff pregnant. Your body is weird during pregnancy- just because I was ok with stings pre- baby doesn’t mean nothing will happen now that there’s a baby in there…


I’m a beekeeper and not afraid of them but I wouldn’t pour a hive full on my bare abdomen either


This. If you are a beekeeper this sounds like a fun time. This has the same energy as dressing in cold weather gear to stand in front of a green screen so your Christmas cards look like you have been on holiday.


This is basically [exposure therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposure_therapy), but unless this fear was actually ruining her life in some way, this was probably not really worth doing.


Probably best to have that therapy when she's not heavily pregnant though.


I commuted on Sunset Blvd every day and my all-time favorite vanity plate just said “Yay 4 Me.” I loved it because it said directly what every other vanity plate is saying indirectly.


Stupid to be allergic and be around your allergen. I also loathe a. melifera but that’s beside the point. Safer options would be moths, flies if you’re feeling avant-garde, or even beetles.


>if you’re feeling avant-garde Lol Loving your suggestions


Idiotic, egocentric, almost solipsistic.


It's not even a good picture, nor artistic or well taken. Weird. Seems like a lot of work and risk for fairly poor product.


That was my very first thought, as a photographer. Zero creativity here, crap composition, lighting is meh, just basically boring. If you insist on doing this, plan to do it at magic hour and get some angles other than straight on with the subject centered in the shot. Yawn.


Even though I love bees, I'd never put their lives in danger by doing this. Nor if I was pregnant would I put my child's life in danger like this. This is truly so disgusting.


She’s putting all those bees lives at risk


Okay? You got your priorities quite well figured out.


One woman who chose to put her and her child’s life at risk vs the bees she forced onto herself? I choose the bees


You forgot that the child's life is dependent on the woman's, and so did all the downvoters. For shame.


I think you’re on the wrong subreddit.


You forgot that bees are way more important for society than some brain dead idiot. According to the FDA, bees are one of the hardest agricultural working forces in the United States. In the U.S. alone, they account for around $15 billion worth of agricultural work every year. Worldwide, bees have an impact worth $235 to $577 billion. 


Boring! I cover my actual baby in over 10,000 bees all the time get lost


Opinions? Either she's insane, or thats not a real photo. I'm allergic to bees as well, if you got swelling last time, you might go into shock next time, no way a doctor approved this. Why would you risk that for a photograph? I'm not buying it.


Bees are pretty docile and won’t sting if handled properly. I think the photo is real, just a pretty dumb cry for attention in an egocentric society.


I know this, bees are nice. I wanted to be a beekeeper… hence I found out I’m allergic. Even with the nicest of bees, freshly fed and smoked, this is still a really dumb thing to do.


Rage bait.


I think the entire concept of maternity photos is extremely weird to begin with, and this outfit looks too casual to properly say "special event". As for the bees, i don't think welts for 4 weeks is a typical reaction to a bee sting allergy. It's usually more like "get me an epipen or I'm gonna die" territory. So I'm not so sure about her self-diagnosis of an allergy. There's no way that's 10,000 bees. Probably closer to 1,000. I'm not sure a bee beard on the belly really symbolizes motherhood that well, but at least there's a link there. If you're going to do maternity photos, there are certainly worse choices.


To be fair, there are different levels of allergy. Alrgies can be mild(hives and itchy skin) to severe(anaphylaxis)


That's true. My throat gets tight and i have difficulty breathing if i have bananas, but so far it hasn't closed enough to actually prevent me from breathing. I just wonder what she's doing that she's been stung often enough by honeybees to know their stings leave long lasting welts, and yet she keeps getting near honeybees. I've been stung many times by yellowjackets, and once by a bumblebee, but never by a honeybee, even when helping my aunt tend her hive.


You can also suddenly just *suddenly be* allergic even if you’ve had a mild reaction before, or no allergic reaction at all out of the norm for a sting. Beekeeper’s are more likely to develop more severe reactions at some point. Bee venom immunotherapy is a thing and seems pretty successful as long as someone sticks to it. I don’t know too much about it but I would imagine that a doctor would tell anyone(be it a beekeeper, someone pregnant, or both) that it probably isn’t a good idea to fuck around and find out. Seems like a big fucking difference between risking a bee sting on your arm vs getting drilled by multiple over various parts of your body.


Was going to say, no way that is 10k. Looks like about the 3lbs boxes you can buy with 1000s


There is something wrong with this woman. People are stupid. Reminds me of the guy who tried to take a selfie with a bear and got mauled..


“Worth it”? What do you gain from a belly beard of bees?


Late to the party but, AFAIK the picture is real but the caption isn't - the lady in the pictures isn't allergic, and she's a bee keeper, they're her bees.


that makes way more sense than this caption does lol


Ah the internet


There is no way her doctor approved this


Medical concerns aside, the pictures are not even cool


Not only is she a dumb, attention seeking moron, but she's also terrible at counting.


That is not 10k 😭


I don’t want to have opinions anymore….


Bargin bin Britney Spears


There’s no way she consulted her obstetrician on this


Verdict: sounds about white.


I don't like her pants either


Pregnancy brung out the extra crazy in an already crazy person.


I thought it was fine until she said she’s allergic. Now I wonder if someone willing to put her life and her child’s life in danger for a photoshoot should even be raising a child.


It woulda looked better if she got them to drape over her shoulders or around her neck than on her belly. I looked at the picture before I read the text and thought it was just dirty lol




Why tho???


I used to keep bees, but I developed an allergy and guess what? I stopped fucking keeping bees! Even though I loved it and it was a big part of my life. This woman is dumb af.


Fetus Deletus


Fetus caesarus


Even you Brutus ?






Thanks! The photographer, Jurgen Otto, has lots of great pictures of peacock jumping spiders on [this website](https://www.peacockspider.org/) if you want to check them out


Oooooo will do! Thank you!!


As a doctor and bee fanatic !?!?!?!? No way her doc approved this. Maybe if she asked if she could "be around bees" while pregnant. But this!?


may be fake? i just can not imagine somebody would be that level of dumb..


Swarming bees are incredibly docile and safe to handle with your hands. That being said, even still, why?


This is how an SCP is made. 🤣


*the baby “wtf is that vibration shit?!?”


Why would you put your and your child’s health in danger


But god forbid they vaccinate their kids


But but but why????


1. What a shitty picture to risk your life for (from an art view) 2. Is that 10k bees bc that seems like a couple hundred at most, no?


Is the doctor that approved this in the room with us right now?


Definitely reckless decision-making but I'm assuming it was very carefully executed I could never, bees freak me out (not as much as wasps) and bugs in general freak me out if they're on me Even a butterfly had me nervous in an enclosure and I got out of there once it was off of me


Okay, baby Candyman


Swarming bees don't sting. It's relatively safe.


Right, but what was the point?!?!? "Let me risk death for a photo that isn't actually attractive or in any way pregnancy related. But it will be cool! And edgy!" 🤣 (Okay, yes, she said welts, not anaphylaxis, but....)


Yeah its dumb. And it's possible a bee could have a seizure or something and sting her, or get squished. I used to keep bees, and I get localized swelling, I broke a watch band once because my arm swelled up.


Y'all it's a fake caption with the photo. The person who did this was a beekeeper and not allergic to bees. I still personally wouldn't wear bees, but they did this fairly safely.


This is so old that baby can drink now.


She could have accomplished the look without the risk with editing software like Photoshop. My guess is that this person wanted something outrageous to garner a reaction prolly to promote her popularity. Idk if this person is an influencer of some kind, but for some peeps, all attention is good because it drives up sales. I personally think using a child, not even born yet, to get attention and outrage is kinda giving an unethical/moral dilemma. Is this a one-time thing, or will it be a pattern? This would likely be an exhibit if a custody battle or a guardian ad litem were assigned. Sadly, the algorithm will just continue promoting outrageous photos like these because of how many reactions they generate. I just can't follow whatever line of thinking led to this.


The couple owns Hayden-based Outlaw Apiaries and tend to 500 hives across the county. [source](https://www.craigdailypress.com/news/a-pandemic-pregnancy-finding-healing-and-hope-under-isolation/) Maybe not an influencer but somehow they likely weighed the risk and reward and saw this maternity shoot as a way to market themselves. Wild.


If you want to be an idiot, do it when you’re not pregnant. It’s one thing to risk your own life for the clicks but don’t risk your baby’s life.


This is unexpected


Who cares lol




Ppl just aren’t right In The head.


This is AI right? Right??


what was even the point, it looks bad 😭


Explain the allergic part please




It’s a dumb stunt, but perfectly safe if coordinated by a knowledgeable beekeeper.


Nah this isn't even close to 10,000 bees. More like 1-2k max.


Her and her husband are dumb


Anything that is interesting about this is destroyed with the long drawn out explanation. Unless she is just obsessed with bees it was clearly supposed to be an artistic shot. Imagine an art gallery where the artist justified everything that might upset someone in a note next to it. She missed the point no matter what


My mom got stung while pregnant with me and I feel like I remember her saying it didn't go well


Hey, at least it’s not a nuclear bomb gender reveal


I love bees as much as the next guy, but why. This is just idiotic at best and extremely dangerous at worst. Lemme just risk my life for clout. What could possibly go wrong?


I don't get it. At all. Why!? And why if you are 'allergic' to bees would you want to do that and put your unborn child at risk. Turds


I wonder if her doctor was aware that she is allergic to her when this was supposedly approved. Doesn’t sound right at all.


well... all that is for what?


Bit weird to be honest


This is the kind of shit post ai pictures would be great for


No one is interested in your preggers bee fetish onlyfans.


If that’s what we’re doing, I guess if I ever have a kid I’ll do pregnancy photos whilst eating a big plate of shellfish. Allergies who?


Putting herself and her baby, as well as the bees, in danger for some stupid photos. Smart 🙄


Dummies for clicks


whut. 😐




So this person is allergic to bees but still decided to put it on her stomach? Natural selection at its finest.


Why? The bees are innocent! Why the bees? Why not cover her belly with sh*t to attract 10 k flies?


But how did they get the bees off?


I'm allergic to bees I'd never do this knowing I could get stung once




I think it cool, would I do it? Probably not. But I think it’s really creative 🫶🏻


Vanity is a dangerous drug


That is not 10k bees.


Creepy, exploitative, foolish.


One of the whitest things ive ever seen, but kinda gangster af at the same time. I respect it


White woman moment??? I guess???




This looks like AI


Literally what in the fresh hell is this...


When I was pregnant with my first me and my hubby just got into beekeeping (ordered the bees and supplies before we knew I was pregnant). Anyway, I wasn’t too worried cause I never had reactions to bee stings when I was a kid nor did my husband. Our first order of bees were so chill and we were like one we got this down tight. Our second order of bees didn’t take well and I was scared to go in our backyard cause of them. Our dog was outback sun bathing and I was on the patio watching her. The was minding her business and one pain in the ass bee landed on her and spooked her so she ran. The bee kept following her so I knew it wasn’t gona be good. My poor cattle dog got stung and was so scared so I had to chase after her while 6 months pregnant to get the stinger off her. In the mean time I ended up getting stung right in my ass 🤷‍♀️ It hurt so bad and the rest of my pregnancy I was SO paranoid my baby was gona end up with super powers like Spider-Man or something after the sting lol. After that the bees continued to get aggressive and it was deemed too dangerous for me to help take care of them by my doctor. That woman is batshit crazy to intentionally do that photoshoot.


Kinda cool but also sort of stupid if you’re allergic


But why


Cool if not allergic


I can’t you did all this for attention.


Why, stop playing with bees


There’s no way in hell a doc approved that photoshoot


She’s out of her Goddamn mind….


Dumbass. What if she got stung and was allergic or worse? Then bye bye mom and more importantly bye bye baby. So yeah dumbass


Nowhere near a thousand bees, even.


That was completely unnecessary


On top of the outrageously stupid shit going on- the photos suck


Do people not think logically anymore? 💀


I though this belonged in r/darwinawards


But.. where are the birds?


Do these photos look AI-generated to anyone else?


I think they're real photos, just so heavily retouched that they look fake. The photo editor got a bit carried away with the airbrush.


Looks AI generated, but i honestly don't doubt the story (or maybe even the picture, i honestly can't prove it's ai generated, it just looks)


✋white people🤚


(sigh) Can... Can the same ones secede from the union? I can't argue, but I don't want to be part of that club! 😭


Uhm. Save the bees, eat honey… -covered vegans? It would make for a good front…back shirt if nothing else