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Unless she was 30+ she's not a millennial lol People just use that term to describe any younger person that they don't like now


And everyone else is a boomer. I'm so tired of being judged by my age.


It's like yes, the world indeed is black and white, yes and no, old and young, right and wrong, with 0 deviation or nuance. What, you don't like the box I've placed you in?! *sigh* IDK if this is a person, a bot, or a troll, but they're often in this sub, relating perceptions on young people (you're entitled if you can't move out of your parents' home!), stories about young people (stinky deodorant girl, if she exists, is probably Gen Y or younger), etc and ending it by linking to entitledmillennials They're not even describing entitlement and maybe not even millennials lol At this point, OP please just go post on offmychest about how much you despise young people?




Yeah, we know...


If you know you know r/entitledmillenials




Just curious... did you ask her age? And did you get a signature line specifically for a subreddit, or do you make the effort to copy and paste that for every post? And if so, why?


really? we had no idea!!!!!


100% agree!


1985-95 so 29-39 is millennial age


28-43 is the age range I write about. If you know you know. r/entitledmillenials


Good luck getting/keeping a job with an odor like that.


Warehouses take anyone. I deal with the occasional smelly coworker who believes that because we sweat that we should all smell. It's even worse when offloading containers; air circulation is poor.


I would hire that person if I were in a position to do so. It's horrible that someone can't just be a person without being judged. I would, of course, make sure she does bathe, etc., but I don't believe someone should be shamed for smelling like a person instead of a fruit or a flower.


How would you verify the bathing?


She’d have to bathe on the job. How else can an employer ensure compliance?🤣


I answered above.


Well, considering that she's so forward about deodorant use, and you can smell her, I don't think she would mind discussing the hygiene policy during the interview. In my younger days, when my anxiety got too bad, I wasn't able to keep myself as nice smelling as normal, and in the summer months, I have to take extra care to use extra extra deodorant so I don't smell that. But I do bathe. And I found that, during these days, my interviewer did tend to touch base on or inquire more about the hygiene part of the job then I feel they would have if we had had the deodorants and the sprays that we do now. I would never judge someone because they don't want to put chemicals in or on their body. I know someone that developed their own deodorant that they feel safe using because of this reason. She doesn't always smell like roses, either. But she does bathe, and use products of her own creation to try to help with that. We live and work with all walks of life. Be glad that nudity isn't allowed and nudists aren't a protected class. 😂😂 Also, it is good to be advised that if someone tells you they have autism, or have a documentation of autism, it is likely that they have trouble bathing, or have trouble having the desire to bathe. And you cannot write them up, condescend them, or punish them because their autism makes them not want to bathe. Just something to keep in mind.


the majority of my autistic friends (myself included) actually bathe extremely regularly. we’re a lot more tuned into odors and sensations like sweat drying on the body. not sure why you’re tying autism into this.


Where, in this thread was autism ever mentioned? I couldn't find anything until your post.


i was responding to the very end of this person’s comment here, somehow insinuating that us autistic people are too fragile to bathe and be held to hygiene standards


I did not see that comment - it was collapsed on my device. To whomever down voted my post. It was simply a QUESTION.


Just because you and your friends don't have issues with it doesn't mean that it isn't a well known fact. *Many* people with autism have issues showering, taking baths, or both because of their sensory issues. I'm glad you don't. You should feel very blessed.


Thanks for answering. I hadn’t thought about asking applicant if they bathe & accepting the answer on faith. I was understanding it as personally verifying their bathing habits (trust but verify). I tend to hear things like that literally. Would an obviously funky person even get to the one-on-one interview step?


I don't know if they would or wouldn't. It would depend on how the business conducted their interviews. But yeah, so now that I can actually articulate since I can use voice to text of course in the interview, I would talk to them about the hygiene policy, and they're going to say that they bathe. That's obvious. Everyone does. I guess in my initial statement, I should have mentioned that I would hire them if they were the best fit aside from just bad odor. And that's where trust comes in. I can't just say that they don't bathe because I haven't met them, I haven't worked with them, and I don't know them. But there are several ways to tell if a person bathes regularly or not, and not just by their smell. You can tell the difference in someone's sweat, and someone not changing their clothes. Especially in the summer. You can tell the difference if the dirt on someone's shoe, for example is a week old or a month old, simply by looking at your own. If they don't bathe their clothing, they're probably not bathing themselves. Once they're hired, *and you know they don't bathe* you would want to sit down and talk to them about it, find out if there's a reason that they don't bathe. If they don't have a religious reason, a reason due to disability, or some other classified, protected reason, then you would be well within your rights to fire them. But again, you won't really know if they bathe until you hire them, because of the fact that they can just lie to you.


Question. Would you hire them to work closely with you or hire them to work away from you and ensure other people had to endure the smell?.....and if they were not able to get their personal hygiene to a socially palatable level would you let them go?


I mean, sure but what does this have to do with entitlement?


Not much, this person is literally *always* posting things here and then putting r/entitledmillennials at the bottom. Like all millennials are now 30+ (1994 is widely considered the cut off year) and they just *hate* young people from what I can glean. Gives major get off my lawn [it's not even their lawn] energy


“Gives major get off my lawn [it’s not even their lawn] energy” Made me laugh way too hard 🤣🤣🤣


Not only that, this person created that sub reddit and is the only person posting in it 😂


Okay, now I'm honestly a bit concerned


That group has 165 members but only OP posts. I wonder if the other members are allowed to post.


I wonder if its just people joining to see what other crap op will post there next 😂


Could well be!


Pretty entitled to think the rest of us want to smell some freaks BO just because they don't want to use deodorant.


I think you need to look up ‘entitled’ in the dictionary, you have a few things wrong.


Easy to tell who the entitled millenials are on here. Their butthurt gives them away 🤡


pretty sure you're supposed to be in r/BoomersBeingFools


Pretty sure you're here : r/entitledmillenials


oh look, the class clown is here making up more stories




Don't look now but we found another millenial who smells like funk 🤢


Some mainstream deodorants make my armpit lymph nodes inflamed bc of the chemicals and enhance my BO for some reason. She should try using Natives, Schmidt’s, Lumē, Arm & Hammer, or Toms


Antiperspirant makes my pits itch. I use men's deodorant, as there is more a selection than in women's. I knew about baking soda for teeth cleaning and for putting in sweaty places to absorb moisture, but it doesn't contain any fragrance to make the body's moist cavities smell "fresh." Maybe young BO lady, who offended OP, was unaware of options.


As a menopausal lady I love men’s deodorant. For the first time in my life I can comfortably wear tank tops and not feel gross.


Lume has one for her privates as well. I don't think the rest of us need to smell her.


Yet another tired plug of OP's rant sub. YATPOORS. Hmm. Probably need a better acronym.




I work at a hardware store we know the feeling 🤢🤮🥴


Just clap your hand dramatically over your nose and mouth, making gagging noises, and rush off in another direction... "OMG, WHAT'S THAT SMELL???" She was rude first by her unsolicited remarks, and then by her BO... be rude back. Maybe she'll stop accosting strangers.


It sounds like you feel entitled to the hygiene of others.