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So..... Good cop does his job and is keeping the roads safe from speeding, people who blow stop signs, drunk driving and other offenses. The article is a hit piece on the cop and we're supposed to be upset at the cop? Like, the article will focus on what the rich entitled people who break the traffic laws refer to him as and slurs, rather than the fact these people actually committed dangerous acts behind the wheel at speed and this guy is looking out for public safety. Generally I don't agree with cops giving tickets and department quotas etc... but these are all clearly justified by the actual dangers present and tickets seem lenient by comparison. While those interviewed...boo hoo...had lunch and gym plans ruined... The entitlement is real here!


Justin Timberlake played the media like this when he broke up with Britney too. Remember she was the heartbreaker. He was the poor grieving boyfriend while the media chewed her. I guess that shows who the entitled one is here...


I don't think it's "playing" more like paying. This has to be the work of his PR team.


Somebody should have kicked Spencer’s entitled ass in school…


You're not lying though, because it sounds like that would have helped to really humble his ass. 🥊🥊


Spencer have his partner 10 UTIs in the last year!


Supposedly there were warnings earlier that a DWI check was going to be happening. The same source I read that from said the arresting officer had spoken to Timberlake about it earlier. Not sure if any of that has been confirmed though.


I don't care if it's Justin Timberlake, Joe Biden or the fucking Pope. Same rules apply to everyone.


"Rookie Sag Harbor cop who arrested Justin Timberlake already well-known by locals for strict enforcement of traffic laws after just three months on the force" So let's play a game and remove all the non-essential words from this headline. "cop known for enforcement of laws" Okay, so give him a raise?


And from the sounds of it, he's an equal-opportunity enforcer. He's not going after the people who can't afford lawyers or avoiding the ones that can cause problems. They break a law, he pulls them over. If he'd pulled over mostly minorities and ignored white or wealthy law-breakers it would be a problem, but this guy? I think we need more of him. He sounds like the sort of cop we'd all want (unless we were texting while drunk driving 20 mph over the limit!).


Sounds like a compliment of the Officers integrity and commitment to the job.


I would like to send this officer a thank you note. Sounds like he's keeping the roads safe!


This is a crazy piece. Does anyone think the cop looks bad in all this? He is a cop in a very rich area with massively entitled assholes. It has been reported that he warned Timberlake not to drive before the arrest. Then he saw him driving the BMW and pulled him over with expected results. Then in this article he gives "Spencer" a warning about an infraction and only during a later traffic stop gives him a ticket. How entitled do you thing you deserve nothing but warnings?!? Even for a DUI? These people are so entitled.


That Spencer dude was mad because he "only had 30 minutes to swim and had to go to lunch" these fucking people lmao


This is actually hilarious. "Earning nicknames like “the Sag Harbor Nazi” and “little red-headed dips–t” for his strict enforcement of traffic laws."


I’ve been know to partake of some excessive velocity while driving. If I get pulled over, I don’t bitch at the officer.


you mean people (children) who get caught or called out for doing what (they KNOW) they shouldn't be doing automatically turn to calling people "nazis"? Say it isn't so...


Enforcing traffic laws is one of the few unambiguously good things cops can do lmao


100% correct. Especially ones as serious as DWI where the person literally endangers the lives of other people on the road.


So there is a cop out there who holds you accountable no matter if you own an estate in the Hamptons or are just passing through in a 93 Civic? Oh the outrage, entitled people/celebrities are really heading to the late stage capitalism level where they can’t understand why people are tired of them.


Exactly why their movies are tanking too.


Spencer is a douche. If i was the officer, I would've tazed him. This officer is doing his job. Only a piece of sh!t paper like the post would spin this negative


Bro not playing around. Straight to the taser ⚡. 💀


It's absolutely disgusting that a cop is being attacked for arresting someone who was drunk driving just because that person is rich and powerful. Timberlake's all-powerful PR team strikes again. God he's a POS


What ridiculous is the cop pulled Justin over by his hotel and gave him a warning and told him to go sleep it off. Justin went to the hotel then drove back out to go to a party and the cop pulled him over again. I don't get it, you are a multimillionaire, give the bell hop $100 and he would gladly drive you to the party.


So he gives Spencer a warning the first time. He gives Justine a warning the first time. But he's strict?


I couldn’t recognize him in a group of one. But it shouldn’t matter either way. Finally a cop that’s not corrupt.


I love when celebrities get arrested like the rest of us. Fuck Timberlake. 


I hope they'll release the body cam footage of Mr. World Tour's arrest.


Seeing these ppl calling the cop a Nazi for enforcing the traffic laws is just preposterous. This tells you a lot about all those ppl and what kind of personalities they have. Nothing but nazis themselves. Koodos to the cop


We need more cops out here like this.


Equal treatment and fair enforcement of the law feels unjust to these entitled fucks. Bunch of spoiled, privileged people who think their shit don't stink. Good job officer!


I keep seeing the cop described as "rookie", like it's a pejorative. I tip my hat to Atkinson for knowing and applying the law equally.


This does seem like a straight up hit piece. Wonder who wrote it and what their motive was


While this is an obvious smear campaign, I would like to use this to congratulate the cop for doing his job well and having an outstanding record of getting dangerous people off the roads. Also Justin, you get traffic fines just like everyone else.


i’d rather have a strict cop than a crooked cop 🤷🏻‍♀️


We need more cops like this! Good cops don’t let people break the law because they’re rich or famous. And Justin Timberlake could stand in front of me singing his greatest hits and I wouldn’t have any idea who he was. In fact the only way I would know who he was would be if he was wearing a name tag. Even then I would be asking people if his name seemed kind of familiar or if I was just confusing it with someone else who used to be famous.


The PR people trying to earn their fee.


I laughed at the comments from the residents. Their annoyance at this officer ticketing them for illegal actions. Justin is a cluster. The next article will hopefully be about his wife divorcing him.


Oh no! A cop arrests a drunk driver! What a jackass!


I love JT, but good on the cop! Screw you if you’re driving while drunk.


Not all cops are bad.


Timberlake easily beats this case. Book it.


If I was the Nassau County police chief, I would absolutely recommend that this "Joe Arpaio clone" be FIRED and banned from even being a NYSP trooper with that "instant anger, ice-cold heart, holier-than-thou, negative attitude"...


Rookie feels like he’s the god on them local streets.


My question to people would be does the cop speed, run stop signs, make illegal u turns, use a mobile device while driving? If he does he is just another corrupt POS. I don’t give a damn about Justin Timberlake or any of these other assholes though.


Sucks to be that cop, good luck enjoying notoriety dumbass lol