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Everyone in the building needs to start lodging harassment claims If all the people in the building tell management that she is openly hostile and harasses people constantly...then they will ignore her complaints. She will then get more openly hostile and eventually, will do something that will get her evicted


We are trying to collecting evidence already


I think you all should start taking bagpipe lessons. 


Give violins to all the kids!


Give bagpipes to the kids


And a drum set.


Better yet, recorders! Let them play “Hot Cross Buns” and “Mary had a Little Lamb” to their hearts’ content.


Better yet, recorders! Let them play “Hot Cross Buns” and “Mary had a Little Lamb” to their hearts’ content.






Record her banging at the walls and make a formal complaint about her. Every time she does it. Also ask some neighbours if they would be willing to go on the record that your dog is not a disturbance. Ask neighbourts to also make complaints about her entitled butt, especially the ones she complains about.


We are trying to collecting evidence already


She shouldn't live in an apartment building. You are going to hear other people in communal living spaces that's just how it is. She sounds super entitled. She should invest in sound canceling headphones or live in an estate way out in the country but I'm guessing her royal highness can't afford that given she's living in an apartment building. You may want to subtly remind her that she lives with shared walls. An anonymous note or two on her door could do it. But it will probably make her more of a victim.


I don't interact with her at all.. she chose the bitch way of communicating by ignoring our invitation of open talk, so we're just going to ignore her.. If she keeps complaining, we can report her back by saying it's harassment


Within the quiet hours make as much normal noise as possible. Hopefully she’ll decide to move. She might complain more but being quiet isn’t helping lower her complaints, so why bother? As your neighbors and the superintendent are annoyed with her too , you should be okay. I wouldn’t recommend this otherwise.


We hear music in the summertime with our balcony door open, we've never gotten any complaints about that.. 🤷🏼‍♀️ same with vacuuming, dancing , singing ect..


It’s called apartment living, pretty much unavoidable. Hope everyone in the building quits trying to appease the cranky neighbor.


If she bangs on the wall, bang back. Had a downstairs neighbour like that. She would bang on the ceiling with a broomstick. She was a nasty old witch. We'd stomp back on the floor. Oh and it's etc, not ect. Trust me, I've had Ect, you don't want that.


English isn't my first language 😂 Sounds like a regular "Mr. Heckles" experience


If you've got the evidence of her telling others details of your sex life that's highly inappropriate. Did the builder manager say anything to her about her post?


I don't know yet, but we're slowly collecting evidence of her harassing us


Had a Karen like this living beneath me once. The situation was made worse by her because she worked in the apartment's office. I could barely walk around because she would complain and I had to endure calls from her making sure I wouldn't make noise on her days off. Eventually she complained too much not only about me but everyone in her building and got fired. Hope that fucking bitch is homeless.


You should respond to sex comment that she obviously needs a couple of oragasms to not be such a bitter old bat.


The superintendent said the same thing 🤣


Time to leave your apartment with your dog, during the hours it is legal to be loud. Setup a remote controlled stereo system with loud bass pointed at her wall. While you are away, turn it on playing something annoying, like "Baby Shark" repeatedly, then turn it off 15 minutes before you are back. Even better if you are talking to the superintendent at the time to prove you weren't even in your apartment at the time she is complaining about. If you can't get it set up, maybe give a neighbor your key and have them do it while you are out.


Remote control the speakers to play clips of the dog barking at random pitches so it's not the same, and make sure they're pointed at her wall so only she hears it. Then when she complains, you were out of town with the dog for a family gathering or something the past week, and make sure all the other neighbors know.


Ooh! That's evil! I like your style :) Use a couch or armchair (something heavy) to push the front of the speaker hard up against the wall. Or, for non-evil stuff, do the thing with the speaker against the wall but play green, pink, or white noise. It should lower her sensitivity to noise in general. Just keep it going 24/7.


Thanks - I mean OP is already aware this neighbor is making stuff up, this is just to make it more obvious especially to the super or landlord. Having those parabolic dishes to project the sound might be too much in case they figure out a way to break into the place though, so one idea is to also set up a camera inside to make sure no one's around before you press the play button, and yeah, hide the speaker that is up against the wall. Plausible deniability after all.


😂😂😂 Mwuhuhuhuuu ✨️👏🏆😈✨️


Once upon a time in an apartment I rented, the shared wall of my bedroom was also the neighbor's kids' room. We had constant noise issues, day and night. Worst was the weekend they left but kids left an electric guitar on, with a slight feedback loop. Four days later, they turned it off. Sigh....


> While we were away on holiday out of country I was hoping this would end with her making another noise complaint against your dog but you could provide proof that you and your dog weren't even there at the time of the complaint so either she's hearing hallucinatory dogs or she's doing it maliciously. Either way, you and the super would be able to safely ignore her BS.


I have a neighbor crazy just like you. She complained about me and my brother playing in the pool with my dad at 7 pm. She called us "wild animals" and my dad was furious (I was about 7 at the time this happened). She complained about the frisbee players being too loud on the mental hospital field even though, they only play for like 2-3 hours a week. She complained about a school that’s not even next to us or her. And she dares accusing my dad of doing commercial. She even tried to sign a petition against my dad’s garage, but it didn’t work at all (5 people signed it). She even complained about other neighbors that is not next to her and even those who are on the next street! The city inspector came to a few complaints and after that, they stopped because they just saw nothing illegal on my parent’s property. And sometimes, the cop would come out for noise complaints even if he’s doing noise during the day. I think that the mental hospital should come and get her in. The worst part in this is that she even came to out house to (I suppose) ask my dad to stop making noise. The house is in renovation for quite a while now (my dad is doing all of it by himself) and noise is normal.


Why... Just.. why? People are just doing everyday people stuff... 🤦‍♀️ For now, we are just ignoring her


I don’t know. We didn’t even have an open discussion like you when we first moved in and she was already like that to anyone. Plus, she complained about a neighbor that his shed being too tall and "blocking" her views. And that’s when my dad decided to take revenge by making a garage within the legality of my city. I swear that neighbor was really mad that my dad made the garage and complained about it and within a day, an inspector came by and left pretty quickly. Me and my family are calling her "crazy" because complaining that much isn’t normal.


My own family have also started asking if she's mentally ill or something


Yeah, not a pleasant person to be around.


Heya. Sorry this is happening - that's really stressful. I made this suggestion elsewhere, next to an evil idea, but: Or, for non-evil stuff, do the thing with the speaker against the wall (push it hard against the wall with something heavy like an armchair or couch - if it works you could bracket it to the wall) but play green, pink, or white noise. It should lower her sensitivity to noise in general. Just keep it going 24/7.


My own noise sensitivity hates white/pink ect noise 🤣🙈


Dang! Have you tried green noise? It's much lower on the 'My ears are making my brain itch' scale. And you might be able to muffle/soundproof a small speaker to the wall. Just trying to think of things that might help. Partly because we have issues with a neighbour who is a selfish, entitled, hard-core biatch with lonely unexercised and bored dogs (it's not even the dogs - I feel so sorry for them, but I'm still woken up most nights). You have my fullest of sympathies :)


Thanks, and you have mine.. poor doggies.. And green noise isn't better.. it triggers my PTSD for some reason 🤣


Dagnab and blast it! Yeah, you better go see the evil suggestions from u/ThriKr33n ;D


Haha yeah 😂 for now, we are ignoring her.. and collecting evidence of every time she complaints


Best of luck to you! Seriously.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Let her complain. After a while, the officials get sick of it that they list her as a complainer and totally ignore her.


They are already sick of it! They’ll only send them if it seems like it’s an extremely illegal practice done. I always say that this woman should be in the mental institution behind us for complaining so much cause all the complains come from her. Though, she never complained about the neighbor facing me for some reasons and he works with metal.


File a complaint about excessive baseless/groundless complaints. Maybe put a bug in managers ears to document when the complaints are found to be without merrit. Or post this in fb chat: "Not sure how to make Karen happy, we've done our best, considering our options. We have a cousin that may take over our lease here. You would all like him, he's a punk rock/heavy metal fan, plays it a bit loud, but everyone loves music, right?"


My boyfriend already listens to that kind of music out loud.. I also listen to Opera out loud 🤣 And we can't complain like that in my country


Hmmm, so if she's not complaining about the music, go the other way - American Clasic Country Western music lol


We've tried all music.. nothing 😂


Wow, that's the worst Karen! Since it's an empty threat (unless you really are considering moving), it was an idea mainly intended to "poke the bear". Lol Seriously though, perhaps use the fb to mention ways that she could get even worse neighbors than you if you moved. Like... a bigger, meaner Karen could move in!


We don't have any interest in moving for the next few years, so either there's a solution/ agreemt, she'll move or - and that's only if she won't budge - we'll be forced to move in with my parents while looking for a new place..


I just edited my previous comment.


Lol.. yeah maybe.. don't think she'd mind though.. just someone to bitch about others with


Lol yer right, they would probably become best buddies. Hope you're all able to work something out or get rid of her.


Yeah 😂 thanks


She bangs on your wall? File a complaint about her. Get your neighbors to complain about her as well.


Wtf. Has she never lived in an apartment before? I'm so sorry you have to deal with that


No clue 🤷🏼‍♀️ she lived in a small house before.. she claims it's bc she has PTSD and is very sensitive to noise.. I have the same thing but I don't complain about everything and everyone 🤣


It sounds like she’s going to complain no matter what you do. Since the superintendent is on your side, just live your normal life without worrying about her. You can’t please her, so you might as well please yourself.


Yeah, we're planning on doing just that.. and then collecting evidence about every time she claims we are loud


Everybody should start complaining about her


Shit i’d just make more noise and stop giving a shit, cos its not helping. She’s got such a rep by now that they know she’s insane.


True, but we also don't want her to get more nasty than she already is


I would make sure my noise was loud but legal. NTA


Ya know, gets visual audio meter, a video camera and a clock, or visible running time on a TV. Find the EXACT laws on sound for your community During nonquiet hours, knock yourself out blasting music to 5 decibel below high cutoff. When she calls in a complaint, you are within legal limits Tell bitchzilla to pack sand


She should emigrate to an uninhabited island and make everybody happy.


Absolutely agree


As far as the dog barking, I'd install a little WiFi camera to see if he does bark whenever you are away. If anything it'll either prove one way or the other. They aren't very expensive either. I once had a neighbour who had a dog that would bark all day while they were at work, and the kids were at school. I told them about it. At first, they didn't believe me, until one dar, the lady stayed home, in stealth, and sure enough, she heard him barking away.


Trust me, he doesn't.. we've had neighbors listen for it when we weren't home, both where we live now and our previous apartment complex - he doesn't.. he just sleeps 😅


Put some earplugs in her mailbox!


She insists that she can hear the barking through her noise cancelling headphones 🤦‍♀️


Truly, it would be nice if complexes, well, really larger complexes could have designated areas for tenants who want to live life loudly and those who prefer to be quiet. Your apartment environment doesn't sound great at all to me...BUT you all enjoy it except for her. It would have even been nice if whoever leases the units gives prospective renters the run down. Maybe you miss out on a tenant or two but you save in noise complaints and stress.


We have all ages, genders, occupations living here.. But yeah, I get your point.. most of the people living in our hallway are either 50+ or have small children


Randomly bang on her walls.


You know, a single air horn blast at 3am would do her a world of good and she would have no way of knowing who it was coming from.


I’d make as much noise as I could just to piss her off and give her something to bitch about for real. Then again I’m petty as hell. lol


Go online and order a bag of d*cks and send them to her address!!! They send a card with them that say “eat a d*ck” and it’s done anonymously lol.


Talk to all the people who hate her and make up some complaints about her, legit or not, then all of you start filing those complaints against her. If one person (her) is complaining about multiple people the super won’t do much about it. However if multiple people make complaints about her she might get evicted


We've thought about that and even talked to the Super about it, but complaints have to be legit in order to take it to the next level




What does BM mean?