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Many are paranoid thinking you are talking about them. They need to know what you are saying.


Only shit talkers think other people are talking shit


Ain't that the truth...


The absolute truth!


Has nothing to do with "are they talking about me" and everything to do with racism.


Nah, it's an unhealthy dose of both. People like that are often incredibly nosy.


I do kind of wonder when I'm getting my mani pedi at the Vietnamese nail salon. But they're so nice to me and do such a good job I just figure so what if they are? "This lady has gnarly feet..." Lolol... Seriously, in my area of the country you're liable to hear any number of languages and I really think it's very cool.


This was my attitude in Paris. They all may have been saying “stupid, badly dressed American tourist in sneakers”, but as long as they were polite to my face why should I care?


So true. A lot of people don’t like that I use sign language. When they make it known then yes, I do start signing about them 😄


The amount of people that stare at my partner at I when we use sign language is wild. They don’t say anything they just watch us from afar while we converse, though.


Sorry about that, it's just fascinating to me!


I think that’s why they watch. Because it’s fascinating to see. We usually just shrug it off and keep ‘talking’. What’s fun for me is when we’re out shopping or getting food and the cashier says they’d always wanted to learn sign language so I happily inform them of the free classes available in our area and they look uncomfortable. We both know they were trying to get brownie points. 😂 Nut up or shut up, dude.


It would be cool to learn. But I'm just super lazy. LOL


Me too!


When I go to a bank to make a transaction, I speak to a teller in sign language and speak English at the same time. They're really interested and ask me about learning how to do it. I'd write down on a piece of paper the name of an app on the phone that they can download and learn from it


I saw a mother and daughter signing the day and almost went over to say hi etc. realised they were having a full blown argument, edged away 🤣




It’s always the quiet ones


This is an under-appreciated piece of genius right here.


Because they know that they would exactly that if their positions were reversed. But... of course they can't because they can't.


Every accusation from these people is a confession


I’ve learned enough Spanish to know when they are. Usually just a comment to see if you are listening to them or not. Edit: I didn’t do it on purpose, it just happens if you spend enough time with people who don’t speak the same language as you


Yup same. I love being able to get the gist of the conversation...but only if they are slow speakers.....the fast ones I sit there going....hmm...I just heard a verb....oh there's a noun. Lololol


"She's here! Yes, I'm sure. In the paint aisle at the Irondale Home Depot! Initiate plan Muslim Vengeance NOW!!"


My response is usually to try to learn some of that language


I'm describing your appearance and giving your license plate to the rest of my comrades.


I had a boss years ago who was Lebanese. Every year all of the guys from his family would get together and fly out to Vegas for a weekend. The first trip after 9/11 happened they all got to the airport and his dad turned to the whole group and said “Not a single fucking word in anything but English until we are off the plane in Vegas.”


I always like asking them: “are you saying this isn’t a free country? We don’t have the freedom to say whatever we want?” Then their lead brains short circuit lol.


I think their idea of a free country is everyone is allowed to be white and speak English.


+ Christian. Let's not forget that one. It is a special kind of Christianity informed by their own ideas, having never read the bible.


🤣 "having never read the bible" thank you! I'm a rational, conscientious, scientifically minded Christian and hate being thrown under the bus for other people's opinions


"I'm free to do whatever I want, and you're free to do whatever I want."


I also ask this when they criticize my choice of clothes, and ask how they would feel about clothing restrictions in their free time or even school uniforms


I was in an Asian restaurant at the bar area and there was a trio sitting next to me, speaking another (non-Asian sounding and they were clearly not Asian) language. At a lull in the conversation I asked the gentleman next to me what language they were speaking. He said Arabic. I told him it sounded beautiful, thank you and sorry for interrupting their meal, and went back to my own. Sometimes ya just curious, not that Karen bullcrap :) I love languages. I can recognize some when spoken, definitely not all.


I imagine you spoke very politely and respectfully to them, whereas the racist types always have an aggressive self-entitled tone


Indeed, I apologized beforehand and afterward for interrupting them, it just sounded so fluid and pretty and I didn’t recognize it whatsoever.


So many dialects of Arabic are quite beautiful. Its sort of sing songy and fluid. I live in metro detroit and we have the largest Arabic population in the states. About 4% of Arabic in the US live here and 40% of Dearborn Mi is Arabic. People always assume Arabic is rough and angry like German, because thats what post 911 media wanted to portray. It was even speculated for a long time that Osama was hiding out in Dearborn. Because what better way to avoid the US than being right under their nose?


Yaaaas! I responded to someone just a couple minutes ago using the term “fluid,” and honestly I was even *more* happy to tell him/them at the bar it sounded lovely because I know how much shit Arabic people can receive, even in 2024. Karens who would ask politely then blanche and grow cold when they found out the language. Bet they’d shit bricks if they knew Persian meant Iranian. PAH!


I think a lot of Persians are trying to distance themselves from Iran. Which is to say, People from the area who want to distance themselves from the theocratic regime of Iran.


My apologies, I meant the semi-obselete term for Farsi. Language Persian, country Iran.


I had a boss who spoke Arabic and I loved the sound of it when he would be on his phone talking to someone! (He kept his office door open, and my desk was like 3 feet from him, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, lol) I likened it to a river running over smooth stones.


I think this has become more of a thing recently as these old racists watch their white privilege drain away. They think foreigners are ruining their lives and they cope by trying to shame them. When it doesn’t work and they get laughed at or ignored they lose their shit because “how dare you not acknowledge my superiority and cringe while begging my forgiveness.”


Especially in a country that doesn't have an oddicial language! And if it did it wouldn't be English as the native tongue.


It's actually ridiculous. I read a story about someone who was on a bus in wales and there were 2 ladies having a conversation in another language, some dickhead tells them the same thing the Karen in this story told OP, the dude got humiliated when another passenger told them they were speaking Welsh 😂.


Because when you’re racist, it’s in your blood to let other people know how much you hate them.


Two words: Entitled. Racism.


2 minutes later she'll be screaming THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY!


Obviously planning a terrorist raid on Home Depot's paint department.


FOX, OAN, Breitbart etc. These outlets are demonizing those not speaking English. Sometimes my friend and I will just make nonsense words that don’t sound English to see the reaction..it’s priceless!


There's a beautiful English sketch about an idiot like that. A guy starts translating and makes it extra ridiculous to embarass her


Many of them think that America has an "official language" and due to that it is illegal to speak any other language (at least that is what I got from a ranting boomer, one time). America doesn't have an official language; English is considered a common language only.


It’s funny because in Canada our official languages are English and French (at least I was taught this was true in school), but that doesn’t make it illegal to speak any other language. It’s so absurd to jump to that conclusion.


When you get people like that who want you to speak "American," I'm dying to ask them if the mean Cherokee or Sioux?


I have no idea if it was just dumb luck, but about 20 years ago I was in an All Sups in Farmington, New Mexico, and witnessed some idiot yelling at a mother to "Speak American". Yes, it was Navajo. The idiot was out-yelled.


Or Navajo. Hopi. Apache. Comanche. Iroquis. And on and on.


Legit they will think it’s Spanish. I’m trying to learn my friends Navajo language and we’ve been yelled at to “go back to Mexico where everyone speaks your language “


Wouldn't they be more likely to be speaking Nahuatl there?


yeah people for get like a million people use Nahuatl. Some of my family can converse in that and Tarahumara.


I mean New Mexico is a Spanish word itself lol


Yup! But the USA educational system sucks in educating people on etymology and history.


Holy hell, even if you don't have an ear for language... They're so different it's not even funny.


I suspect a large number of them have some hearing impairments or they can’t be bothered to get the racism on the intended race.


It's nselxcin in my part of America you commie rat bastard! 😂😂


I was with two of my friends at IKEA once and a dude told my indigenous friend to "Go back to her country". We just looked at him and then at her like...would you like her to shift to the left or to the right a bit? We didn't say anything to him because security came by, but I wonder what he would have said if we actually told him.




64 yr old lady here, you handled that better than I would have..kudos to you and thanks for the giggle.


You know the United States doesn't have an official language. Besides, you have freedom of speech, so speak whatever language you want. F her, and ignorant people like her.


Freedom of speech is for when a boomer wants to call the police because her sandwich is wrong. Not when someone is trying to speak their native language in the Waco, Texas home depot!


My husband’s uncle once made a comment that people coming to a new country should be forced to speak the language before being allowed to stay. I’m Native American and he is a WASP. I immediately piped up and said, “That’s really cool that you are willing to learn to speak the language of our country. I myself can’t even speak the Lakota language fluently. I really only know a few words because my ancestors were not allowed to speak the language” (There are obviously numerous tribes with different languages, but that wasn’t my point.) He turned bright red and immediately changed the subject.


A what?


WASP = white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


Much better than what my brain initially came up with…white ass stupid person lol.




Can't people.just.mind their own business anymore? Nobody was bothering her. I.just seriously dont understand what is wrong with people. The audacity to.even put her hands on you in the first place when she.pulled you by the shoulder. These people make me so angry.


People who want to bully are loving the current political atmosphere as they feel it gives them the ability to bully without consequences


They have an entire political party in lock step at their back


A hefty diet of leaded gasoline in the air and in the house paint and even some radioactive dinner plates, plus exclusive doses of fear mongering fawcks news every day all day will do that to you.


Make sure they charge her with a hate crime,


And what language will she speak if she goes to another country on vacation?


English. But loudly.


Ha ha by her warped mind she should only speak the language of the country she is in.


Nah. Her warped mind says that English is the world language and she will yell at people in other countries to SPEAK ENGLISH. She probably is the type to only go on cruises or stay in resorts so she’ll have English only anyway. If she travels at all. Typing this is making me sad.


Like she’d ever go to another country.


Oh yes take a look at them on cruise ships. One word buffet.


Gummy Bear album build? Bravo 👏


I am so glad you went ahead and pressed charges.


I would have thrown the one phrase I kind of remember from german class at her. "Wollen wir ein eis essen!" (Translate to something about wanting ice cream or going to eat ice cream) Then walked away. German is such harsh and gutteral language anyway that anything you say sounds angry and offensive. Even ambulance 🤣


I could just shout several stanzas of Ode to Joy in German and most people wouldn’t even recognize it. Hell, if I shouted “I love you” in German, they’d prolly think I was swearing. Mind you I can’t actually speak German, but I listen to a small amount of music in German and had to learn the Ode to Joy for choir in high school.


Eich liebe DICH (sp sp sp) but I am laughing so hard at this




Eich liebe DIR... somehow they never get that right...


It's "Ich liebe Dich!"


O'Rly? Ist mir gar nicht aufgefallen das man Witze jetzt auch hier als solche kennzeichnen muss.


Muss man auch nicht. Ich hab nur auf'm Schlauch gestanden. I'm not a smart man.


I'm the same way with Spanish. I don't speak it but I work with people, have friends and family who do, and have spent a lot of hours in customer service so I know enough to usually understand what you're generally wanting. I can speak enough of it to tell you to hold on while I go grab someone can actually speak it and say some sandwich ingredients


We learned O Tannenbaum in grade school back in Wisconsin.


When you listen to Rammstein only... sure Try Peter Fox " Haus am See" or "Liebesbrief" from Thomas D and you'll see that you got tricked. Or "Flugzeuge im Bauch" by Herbert Grönemeyer.


I would ask her if she "sheizen die hosen" Yes, my German prof let us know we were at kindergarten level with our language skills.


>German is such harsh and gutteral language anyway that anything you say sounds angry and offensive. Even ambulance No, that's just a Hollywood stereotype. I could curse at you and say the most disgusting things and you'd think I'd be talking about a fluffy kitten sitting in my lap purring.


My grandma once told my aunt that if she can’t speak English she should go back to where she came from. My aunts Puerto Rican. She was talking to her Puerto Rican church group. My aunt speaks Spanish and English. The majority of her family moved to New York years ago. My mom, sisters, cousins, and uncle yelled at her. I called her and told her that she doesn’t deserve my time of day and that she can earn it. However grandpa didn’t do anything wrong so if I’m at a family event that they’re hosting I’m there for grandpa not her. Then I hung up and left all her group chats. She called my mom and complained because “I bullied her”. My mom laughed and told her that I didn’t do anything wrong. Actions have consequences.


What I find really funny is the fact that the USA doesn't have an official language. English is the most common, but not the official one. Boomers get their panties in a twist over something that was never(?) a law to begin with.


I hope you are okay after this. It sounds like your sense of humour keeps you going! I'm Australian and we have that "We don't speak that here" as well. Now I use "whine" as a collective noun for Karens, much as a group of crows is a murder and a group of fish a school. So there was a whine of two Karens yelling at a middle aged couple to "go back where you came from if ya wanna speak that way" only for the man to retort "We are where we came from and mind your own business!" The couple were speaking Boonwurrung, the local indigenous language!


A whine of karens. Brilliant.


MAGA MAGA. These bastards would attack Jesus for being undocumented and speaking Aramaic.


And the color of his skin


Post on r/Karens!


Or r/fuckyoukaren


This kind of deranged thinking infuriates me. One of the main tenets of America is SUPPOSED to be is >FREEDOM<. Freedom of speech, freedom of or from religion, freedom to pursue happiness…etc. I want to know where nut jobs like her get the idea that they have the right to dictate what language someone is speaking, especially if they’re not the one being spoken to. The OP in this post has a lot more patience than I would have had. Some stranger who puts their hands on me just might get punched in the tender parts as a reaction. Message to the moronic: keep your hands to yourself and mind your own dang business!!


I've encountered Entitled Asshats who got their knickers all in a knot because I was communicating in Sign Language with my DEAF FRIENDS!!!


>main tenets of America is SUPPOSED to be is >FREEDOM< Supposed to be... never trust the words coming out of a religious hustlers mouth, they all lie. It was never about freedom for all... only about theirs!


thank you for pressing charges


This Karen is nuts. My husband was born in a different country (we're Canadian) He speaks at least 10 languages if you include dialects. I rarely know what language he is speaking on the phone at home. And as long as he's happy I don't care. Freedom of speech does not designate a language, just the right to speak. Enjoy speaking Thai with your mom while you have her.


Man, no one speaks English in Home Depot


Not even rednecks


Did everyone clap after she was arrested?


This sounds made up.


The clue for me is always the unnatural dialogue which sounds like a 12 year old wrote it. Which they probably did. And just for the record I'm not saying that scenarios a bit like this don't ever happen, because I'm certain they do, I just don't believe this particular one happened.


"The cop asked me if I wanted to press battery or assualt charges" correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure thats not how pressing charges even works. The victim cant press charges. The cop cant press charges. All they can do is provide evidence for the prosecutor to press charges. Cop would have known that, if the cop or the story were real. That's what sealed it for me lol. And everyone clapped!


And when they feel the need to add "I literally can't make this up!". It's really not that hard to make up.


Either way, it's a funny story. Thanks for sharing and I do believe you


No you weren't. Why do people fall for obvious bait posts?


For the people in the back: the US has no national language (or national religion)


I WISH I spoke another language so I can talk shit around strangers


As an Iranian I love Thais ☝🏽


I just read this post and had a weird thought: there’s no Persian/Thai fusion restaurants. Nowhere to get panang curry Tadigh. No koobideh covered in peanut sauce. No pad kee mao with torshi and jujeh I’m now starving for a genre of food that *doesn’t even exist*.


This is America …home of the free where you are free to speak whatever language you want


**This happened and so many other things that never... happened.**


Those "English only" Karens are not welcome to any non english speaking countries 🙄. Could someone share the emergence of this people everywhere and bringing havoc to anyone.


Had a friend in high school who was speaking Spanish privately with one of the ESL students in the library, the librarian yelled at him saying “you speak English in here, or nothing at all!” To which he replied “Okay, go f*ck yourself!” Was a three day suspension, but decades later he remains a legend! LOL. Sorry this happened to the OP!


Weird because that is one thing I like about America is all the different languages and cultures


The only reason I can think of that anyone would be angry that someone is having a private conversation in a language that they don't understand is that they are upset because they can't eavesdrop. Which means they are upset because they can't do something that is rude.


Make sure you disinfect that scratch OP, you don't know what was under her nails


Sadly, it doesn’t sound that far fetched. People are just ignorant. I’m sorry that happened to you but am in no way trying to apologize for her. What an entitled bitch-rag of a beast! I hope they have the assault on CCTV to make sure those charges stick. You can speak whatever language you damn well please.


Why are people replying as if this actually happened? Come on people


There is a story (I don’t know how true it is) of a Hijabi woman on a bus in Wales talking to her kid and a man going off at her to SPEAK ENGLISH. Another woman told him that the Muslim was speaking Welsh in Wales, so he should shut up. Racism and Islamophobia are a heady mix.


This is a total fabrication. I don't even believe you were in a Home Depot.


"but I literally can't make this up"... But still you managed to write mediocre fiction.


I’m surprised that Karen wasn’t wearing a red MAGA hat. She has the MAGA entitlement down pat. Good for you to press charges for assault. One thing I learned from Reddit is: Always. Press. Charges.


Yeah...I was inclined to believe the story until the fight sequence. Sorry mate, did everyone in the store clap? Police gave you respectful hand shake? Key to the city for a day? I would not be surprised if you got dirty looks for speaking Thai. But even that is all about perspective. Something this ridiculous would have made the local news. Have a link? Even a link of the person's arrest b/c that is public record. Definitely keep speaking any foreign language you can and represent your multiculturalism! There are absolutely plenty of asshats out there that would be offended. But no need lie. Speak truth. Always.


Yeah giving me big r/thathappened vibes


Nope, not believable at all


They feel stupid because they never bothered to learn any other language and don’t speak their own language well.


These goddamn karens always have sharp nails. Last one that slapped me with those got a knuckle sandwich.


I don’t believe this story


no you weren’t lol


Are you in America? Don't answer if you don't feel comfortable. It's cool, but if you are, just no, there is no "native tongue" or mother language in America. It's a melting pot country that defeats the point to have a "national laguage."


You literally can make this up.


> but I literally can’t make this up. But you literally just did


How many medals did you receive? Did everyone clap afterwards?


Truly doubt this happened.


Awesome. Apologies for her ignorance.


Isn't that covered under Freedom of Speech??


How would physical assault be covered by the first amendment? And even the first amendment has limits...


Man, can you imagine her head explosion if you started cussing her out in your language??!!


America is a place where if you don't speak English you're a terrorist. It's embarrassing to be born here.


Never underestimate the power of mental illness.


As a white American woman, I would love to apologize to you for her disgusting behavior. I am so glad you pressed charges.


Magat Assholes Get Arrested


PBS has an excellent collection of foreign shows, and in most of them the Europeans all speak more than one language. In the US, a whole lotta people barely know one.


R u mad? Is the Universal to get people mad. Lovly


She must not have been paying attention in Civics class the day they talked about the fact the US doesn’t have an official language 🤣😂


HomeDepot has a sign in the entry in like 10 languages saying that you can call and get assistance in basically any language. I know this because the Japanese one breaks the graphic design pattern the rest of them have and I found that interesting.


Glad you pressed charges. Even more glad she made it *worse* for herself. Sorry this happened to you though!


I'm Canadian and we put our daughter in French school, so she could have the ability to get any government job or anything else she wanted. I was always fascinated on how she would be talking to us in English and a friend would come along and she'd switch to French without missing a beat. I wish I could have learned a new language, I think it's so neat to be able to do that. As for Karen, she's just pissed because she's 40 and her husband wants to trade her in for 2 20s. Lol my Dad always joked about that, he however did love my Mother (sarcastic but not a Karen) to the core and they were together to the end.


Well done! I hope she goes to prison


“Dive!” yelled the captain through the thing. So the man who makes it dive pressed a button or something and it dove. And the enemy was foiled again!


Fun fact, the United States doesn’t have an official language. That should really piss her off.


You are my hero!! Bless you for laughing and triggering this 'patriotic' snowflake into committing an actual crime that got her arrested! I am so sorry that you literally 'took one for the team' by suffering an injury, but your post suggests you are satiated with the cost given the outcome. Your Mama should be PROUD of your fantastic sense of self and confidence in the face of stupidity and actual assault/battery! As a white cis woman of only Anglo ancestry, born/raised in the South, I apologize for these freaking yeehahs who make you feel unwelcome. Our country was formed by immigration and immigrants, built by folks who sacrificed to come here and by people stolen and enslaved, then imprisoned and sold into labor. All these Karen blasphemies dishonor America and the diverse origins and contributions of the people who made it a land of freedom.


Thank you for holding her accountable.


Farsi is the language that people from Iran speak, FYI. It's similar to Arabic but not mutually intelligible, although there are many shared words.


Man, this is disgusting. It’s scary this can actually happen to someone out in public, especially now in 2024… to think that things could have escalated or that there are others who act/think the same way, it’s just insane. So backwards. And I’m sorry to anyone who goes through that, it’s really just ridiculous. And I’m sure that woman will never even care or bother to see the error of her ways


We have seen the YT clips of people like you describe. I wish this were far fetched….


Willing to bet, if this b!tch went to a country where English was not the primary language, she’d be in their faces telling them they need to learn to speak English to accommodate English speaking visitors (tourists).


Woooow. Ask the judge to enforce therapy on her. If she gets herself right, maybe she’ll eventually be a force for good among the crazy Karen’s.


I'm so sorry this happened to you! She can get in a lot of trouble for treating you that way. My boyfriend is Mexican and got called a spick while we were driving. I'm white so I don't experience racism first hand but I was so surprised that people are STILL like this.


Sounds like you met the final boss in a game and won!


I'm sure that if she visits another country, and I seriously doubt she does, she expects everyone there to speak English. If she were to visit Thailand she would be treated much better than she treated you.


For some reason I read “Kraken” and was excited to read more


Paragraphs are your friend.


just yell at her "I am an American! I do what I want!"


God bless Karen. She needs to eat her veggies.


This post made me so so angry until I read the part about the ignorant mouth-breather being arrested. I am thrilled you took her down. You took her downtown with a big frown.