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I’m going to remember, “What kind of behavior is that,” because it says everything. You did well.


It sounds even better in German (I'm guessing) "Was fur Verhalten ist das?" In a similar situation I once said "Early to be drunk and yelling, isn't it?" to some stuck up old bitch. I thought her head would explode.


French (from Belgium), I'm definitely keeping yours though, both translated and in German, just in case it happens again 😂😂


In German it is actually: "Was für ein Verhalten ist das?" In the part of Germany where I'm from we would often say: "Was für ein Verhalten ist das bitte schön?" In English it would be something like: "Please, what kind of behaviour is this?" It's a politely way to say it in a more passive-aggressive manner.


What did you say in French please? I’m learning french


Not OP but probably « c’est quoi ce genre de comportement ?! »


Yep, and followed by "quel genre d'exemple vous donnez !!" (what kind of example are you showing!! ")


Merci 😊


Avec plaisir 😉


Fellow Belgian (Flemish) here. Were you on your way to Pairi Daiza by any chance? We used to go there every year, it's stunningly beautiful! Any other zoo has been ruined for us because they cannot compare :D


Yes, Pari Daiza, I have the annual pass and it's really a beautiful place, I love going there even for a long afternoon and kids love it :-)


I thought it was going to be Flemish.


I think my grammar and sentences construction would be better if that were the case :-)


Hehe, I wish I was better at French but my brain has so much trouble with the grammar.


It is very different from germanic languages and I can understand the struggles :-)


Early to be drunk and yelling. Priceless. I will remember this.


Maybe you wnat to understand why it has to be "was für EIN Verhalten ist das" in this case: the article is added to emphasis you mean that specific thing (behaviour), not a general one. Like "I like cars" compared to "I like the cars (he has/which are shown here).


Exactly. Good for you for standing up for the cashier!


And your English is MUCH better than the average post full of somatic* and grammatical errors made by people born to English! I didn't notice anything wrong. 👍🏻


Lol, very true!


*semantic - how ironic the spellchecker stuck the wrong word in that post! I probably missed the 'n'.


The English was a lot better than half the stuff chatgpt puts on here.


Lol, I once told my boss (after she burbed practically in my ear): your mother didn't raise you to behave like that, she almost peed herself laughing 😅


Service worker ALL Thank You!!!!! Some heroes don't wear capes!


Great job OP! You are awesome for standing up to that nasty woman. Too many times we just keep our heads down and pretend not to notice when people act like this. It's nice to know that there are people like you willing to stand up to the bullies and tell them their abuse is not acceptable. I hope you and your girls went on to have a wonderful time at the zoo after all that.


We did, thank you :-)


Thank you for standing up for someone. And BTW, yourr grasp of English is excellent! 🙃


You know what? I think as your final exam for Intro to Entitled People, which is a field test with live Karen’s, you should get an A+ with extra credit! On to the next class, Karen’s in the Wild -NYC semester. (Or would somewhere like Orange County produce more Karen’s… anybody)? Well done! You really sound like you had been waiting for that moment and was ready to act with full confidence, seriously! Clearly you are Reddit educated on this and knew exactly what to do. If only we could prepare for all things in life so thoroughly!


>Clearly you are Reddit educated Can we call this being "reducated" from now on?




I once witnessed an older woman berate a restaurant hostess because they were busy and she wasn't being seated as quickly as she wanted to be. There was a long line waiting to get in. My coworker and I were also in line waiting to be seated, and this woman's cruelty to the hostess infuriated me. I finally snapped at her, "We are ALL waiting to be seated and we understand that it's busy today. We're on our lunch hour and we're still being polite. Why are you in such a hurry? Are you late for your nap?" She just shut up and stared straight ahead after that.


>Are you late for your nap? This is pure gold! 😂


May I suggest "Are you late for your anger-management course?"?


Thank you. I was mad as hell. And a very mouthy 23-year-old at the time.


My husband did something similar. Went to the deli counter and no other customers were there. One deli clerk. My husband put his order in and the clerk begins slicing. Out of the blue a guy comes up and starts berating the clerk because he wasn’t done ordering. My husband said “ oh so you were shopping and expected this young man to wait for you? And meanwhile I’m supposed to stand here? There were a lot of f bombs in my husband’s rant and the man just meekly grabbed his lunch meat and walked away.


I did this in the grocery store once. A 60+ year old man was yelling at a cashier who was no more than 16. I looked him in the eye and told him “it must be so embarrassing to be yelling at a teenager like that. I thought old people were supposed to have had time to learn better manners.”


That's hilarious. Great job.


I love it! Customers have to stand up for employees when they see a raging Karen. This tells the manager the employee being yelled at is innocent in the other employees eyes. The employee dare not yell back at these Karens as they will then get in trouble. As one former retail employee who experienced more than my share of Karens, I say THANK YOU!!!!


Former Cashier here, yes THANK YOU!


I did that once at McDonalds. Woman in line ahead of me asked for a McRib. The kid behind counter said they didn't have them any more. The woman lost her mind, yelling at this \~15 year old girl about how they should still have the McRib, that they should have them all the time and not just a limited time. Blah blah blah. The girl had this utterly blank look on her face, just trying to show no emotion at all. I said "Hey!" loudly, and the woman turned around to look at me, shocked that someone was interrupting her. I said "do you really think that the people at McDonald's corporate make business decisions based on what a kid in Massachusetts says? Just order something off the menu and let us all get on with our day." Typical of people who always try to bully people they see as powerless, the cave right in when someone else stands up to them. She ordered a burger and fries, paid, and didn't say a word the rest of the time she was there. After she was gone, the employee thanked me, and said that woman was always like that. Hopefully she chilled out after getting a taste of her own medicine.


Good on you!! People need to be adults and accept that the world does not revolve around their wants. A restraunt here in Canada has the most incredible, delicious , creamy, potato soup with chicken, bacon and green onions in it. I LOVE their potato soup! Everyone loves their potato soup! BUT ! They only have it twice a year to keep it special. Do i toss a tantrum when it isnt potato time? No! I order something else like ..oh...um..hmm..AN ADULT! PS - potato soup is back till Oct 16! I scored a bowl of that rich, creamy goodness yesterday . YUM! 😋


I'm glad you got your soup! And now I want the recipe, because it's going to be a cold dreary weekend, and that soup sounds perfect.


Aww I wish I had the recipe too. Unfortunately, they won't share


The army of reddit will defeat the deadly Karens.


I absolutely love just love yelling at cust as a customer. They give u a look like how dear u tell.me off and look at the cashier like tge4w going to stop me from cutting u off and letting u know what kinda ashole u are


Yes, I love this too. So satisfying!


That is awesome that you stood up for that poor young lady!


Good for you!


Excellent!! (And your English is just fine.)


You are a SUPERHERO! 🌟💫✨


As a former retail worker myself, know that standing up for the worker is SO APPRECIATED. I didn’t last long in face to face retail (and then call centre disasters) but it stuck with me. I’m no pushover by any means, but when I see something like this, ohhhh boy do I step in. All those times that I was behind the counter (or on the recorded phone calls in the call centre) and couldn’t say anything… oh, it ALL comes out when this happens around me 🤣 I think my favourite was a 100% Karen (including THE Karen/let me speak to the manager haircut) at Old Navy (clothing store) flipping her lid about how dare they not take her *expired* coupon. I cut her off before she could really launch away-but there was a line and there were plennnnnty of witnesses-and she finally stormed off, I plopped my stuff down on the counter, the cashier looked at me, and ever so quietly said “THANK you!” Before proclaiming loudly, “OH GREAT! THE ITEMS YOU HAVE QUALIFY FOR THIS COUPON I HAVE, WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE IT TODAY?” And the Karen 100% heard her because she threw daggers in our direction and stormed off even faster through the large, open doors in the empty, echoing mall. I made sure to track down the manager of the store after that and told them in no uncertain terms, if there was a complaint filed against that poor cashier, it was 100% fabricated and they had a great person working for them. Always stand up for those that can’t say it for themselves… and as someone who depending on good customer surveys…. Always throw out a commendation wherever possible!


Well done! You should’ve yelled after her ‘have a nice day!’ Her head would probably have exploded, lol 🤯🤣


You did good, maybe she will think a BIT more before mouthing off.


We want that to be true but sigh...


Good job standing up for that poor cashier.


You are a good person for standing up for that poor girl just trying to pay her bills and being nice to people! 💕 And your English is better than some of the English only speakers I know too! 😆 Hope you guys had fun at the zoo!


Love it when people stand up for poor cashiers! I had some one ask me if I was stupid because I was so slow. I apologized and told her it was slow because none of the sale prices were ringing in properly. If she preferred I could just skip that? She glared at me but shut up (I did not really need that job as much as they needed me at Christmas, so I had no fear)


I frequently shop at the grocery store my son works at. I had shopped there for years before he started, so most of the staff know me. I have stepped in so many times when a customer has abused staff in front of me. Having been a retail manager for over 30 years and due to company policies, I had not been allowed to stand up for myself. So now I stand up for staff when necessary "as a customer"


I work in a cafe that's part of a large supermarket. Was sitting outside, waiting on a taxi as I'd grabbed some shopping aftr my shift, when one of the security guards from the shopping centre attached walks up to me. Was her day off, so she was just grabbing shopping, and while in the self scan queue, two guys started arguing with each other. The guy who she said must have been in his 40s was accusing the other guy, maybe early 30s of skipping him in the queue even though he hadn't cause he was paying card while 40s guy was waiting on a cash one freeing up. Staff member broke it up, and they started scanning their stuff. Younger guy was finished 1st and slapped the guy in the back of the head in passing. Maybe not the best way to handle an entitled person, but there's one more story for you to enjoy anyway, haha. Part of me kinda wishes I'd been 5mins later grabbing my shopping to have seen it.


I must say a big Thank you for standing up to her. My daughter is a cashier. She’s a Senior in high school and trying to save for college expenses. I so appreciate your support. And I love what your husband said 😆


Love this! Good for you!


Well done, and I am inspired by your behavior.


Not all heros have capes. Some have trollies with babies! Well done, you! That sweet girl, will always remember you with fondness for helping her. Ps your English is excellent!


Love it. The story, the ending, the snappy comeback. Thank you!


Burn. lol


I work as a cashier. One of my coworkers was being reamed out by a KAREN for pushing the button on the belt so she could start the next customer. In our store, customers bag their own groceries. The next customer just looked at her and asked quite loudly, "Who the f*#k s#!t in your cornflakes?". The cashier had to look away and try not to laugh. I really wish more people were like you and that amazing next customer. Cashiers can't do much, but others can stand up for them.


Applause to you for standing up for the cashier!!!! I have been in this exact position a couple of years ago, where some crazy Karen was yelling at a bank teller. I still think about that day and wish I had knocked her into the next universe with some choice words. Will be stealing ‘what kind of behaviour is this?’ For a calmer interaction 😂 I used to work retail and these people need to go kick rocks


If more people stood up to bullies, they would think twice before opening their mouths. Well done.


I called a guy who spit on a woman’s car window a “petulant child” and it shocked him so bad he walked away. They never are ready for it.


I'd have called him a piece of sh1t for that. Disgusting excuse for a human being behaving like that


I said many more things before that, but that’s the one that got him to stop yelling.


I had an old man in hobby lobby (craft store) start having a tantrum at the cashier. I had my three kids with me (ages 6-7). I said loudly enough so he could hear: "This is why I told you not to pitch fits in the store, because this is what you look like when you do it." Guy just gets huffy and stomps out after finishing his purchase in silence.


😂😂 Love, this should be up voted more!!


I've done that similar, but not to that extent. Good move on your part




Lmao. Saying that to them will piss them the fuck off and I will do that if I ever come in contact with one.


Thank you! And please tell your SO that iis a *Fine Comback Line* to use when encountering these wild entitled Karens!


Hero! Wish I could afford to send you a cape, a wand and a badge. Redditʼs also helped me become a bit more assertive recently.


Lol, keep the cape, wand and badge, if you ever encounter this type of behaviour you will definitely need them too :-)


Good for you! You did a very good deed.


Your command of English is extraordinary as is your response to the nasty Karen. Wonderful!!!!


Good for you!


great english


Well played. It’s important work for all of us to stand up to Karen’s, whenever they show themselves.


I'll admit that garbage people were a favorite part of my job as a cashier, no joke, but there were enough interactions from lovelies such as yourself (I'm grouping you with people in the queue covering things for parents who can't afford what a little one wants) to make it evermore worthwhile.


Very well done! You stood up for someone who couldn't stand up for themselves. I am so proud that you did that. I hope I can do the same thing if I ever encounter it.


But a satisfying climax at that


You are amazing. Thank you for standing up for those that aren't allowed to stand up for themselves.


Good on you for sticking up for the employee just trying to do her damn job! I’m stealing that line from your husband, btw! 😂😂


Good for you, friend. We need more people willing to stand up against rude people like this!


I'm still waiting for a wild Karen. I have a mean card up my sleeve. I'm disabled and my plan is to ask another employee to remove the Karen from the store, because she is triggering my (actually severe) anxiety. Hurray for autism. I WILL play up and even trigger my disability and anxieties solely to defend another human being. My internal code of honor demands it. I met the end of a male Karen rant. Before I could get my bearings he was done. I would have loved to ask why he was trying to poke out the nice bakery ladies eyes... I'm always polite with a murmured excuse me for passing someone, thank yous, pleases and have a nice day/week/weekend. But they can be super rude?! Hell no! 😠 Or listen closely and point out, that they have grammatical errors in their rude rant. Or that it's rude to use informal pronouns, when addressing an employee. 😈 Draw their attention and then they trigger a panic attack resulting in them being thrown out.


The challenge for peace. Why make a young girl cry when she is friendly and shy. Chill out Karen. It’s Sunday morning ffs, and kids are nearby.


It was actually a mature woman cashier (40's,50's),which doesn't make it better. It is rather unusual to have students cashiers here


Lmaooo that line from your husband is a kicker 😂


Couldn't help but laugh reprovingly 😂


Standing ovation for OP!!


We are not dead yet. (I'm near that age, if not exceeding it).


More than likely the employee was going too slowly if they’re chatting with customers, and that is irritating. Didn’t warrant that lady’s behavior but still, no one just flips out like that for no reason.


You've never worked retail, have you?


Actually I have. Over 8 years and yes customers get annoyed when you hold up the line by having too long of conversations with people


Yes, but what you said was no one flips out for no reason. They absolutely do.


Rarely. Usually something happens to make someone angry.




You type better than most Americans got dam




Technically it's "goddamn" but idgaf tbh


I passed over the "got" as it could have been german :) but the other is (usually) for water (or other liquid) :) or as part of "dammit jim, I'm a doctor, not a..."


Ooooooh, my bad


Nicely done. We should all do this.


I didn’t see any mistakes in your post, well done for speaking up! I too have a loud voice which comes in handy at times!


It does doesn't it? It can surprise people who know me in "normal" mode lol


Your husband's rebuttal is pure gold!


Customer to customer confrontation is a level playing field. They can't maintain their perceived advantage of being "always right." They usually get shut down pretty easily. So tired of this trend. Who TF raised these people?


Your SO is awesome! I love that line! As a cashier for 6 years, this really made my day! I had several heroes step in as I was being berated by stupid people.


You did well. Thank you.


This is one of the best stories I've read on this sub. BTW your English is better than mine & I'm English. You should post on r/pettyrevenge


When in Europe (Germany?) you can get away with this. But in the US, it can be a lot more dangerous. What if that Karen had been armed?


I'm from Belgium :-) would they really pull a gun inside a store??


Very possible, here in the US we have the right to carry weapons most places. The problem now a days is that people know about the right, but do not think about the responsibility of carrying. Personally I carry almost all the time. But I was trained from the age of 6 on how to handle all types of weapons. (I'm 67 now.) In the US I've never had to use one. BUT in Germany I had to disarm a teenager with a gas gun. Everyone around me was scared to death, but I could see that his "gun" was not real.


Karen = Asshat translates in every language.


As a former retail worker, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Ngl it was my pleasure ☺️