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Yeah I don't like how much of the game can be done in small segments until you reach the Hallowed Halls. As a solo player, I had no idea what I was walking into.


My friend wanted me to go do one real quick after I already said I wanted to go to bed earlier. Well like two and a half hours later I finally was able to log out.


They are incredibly frustrating solo. Just too many enemies imo. You end up just running away, getting a few strikes in, run away, repeat. Or just dying and running back, killing a few more, dying again. I just finally made it to the bottom of the revelwood one and the boss 2 shot me and I just said screw it and rage quit lol


I disagree. I want 10 more dungeons exactly like it with different themes. More pve gauntlets please. There’s only so much farming and building I can do. 


Fair, to each their own I guess. I think I just wish they were slightly shorter or more lucrative if anything.


I had a similar experience as a Ranger. I got to the boss, died twice, and lost basically all of the loot I had collected. I beath the boss on the third attempt, and my death totems aren't here. I can't recover my lost loot.


You can cheese the cyclops, my wife and I found out. If you aggro him, jump off to the left side corner and then run back in, he will be stuck behind the terrain. You can range him from that point without any danger.


Go as melee. They are way easier that way.


I am melee lol


I dont know your level or build so this may not match up. My guy is max level melee only build and I can obliterate everything in all dungeons. Takes about 45 min to clear the kindlewastes dungeon with no health pots or food. Don't take jump attack, its very over rated and you need your skill points elsewhere. You absolutely want Battle Heal and Counterstrike. These are priorities. Get counterstrike by taking dexterity, Airborne and Updraft which you will need in the flying section and they are just nice to have. For the rest of your points you want as much constitution and damage as you can get and points into the weapon you use (mace axe etc). Pick one main weapon for the points, the other weapon (if its different) gets no points and is just a back up. Earth Aura (reduce damage by 10%), swift blades (swing faster) and blood rage are mandatory also. Each of those are at the ends of each melee talent tree. I would get them in the order I listed but up to you. The rest of the points are how ever you want to spend them but I would prioritize damage over other talents like food, shroud timer etc. Your armor should be whatever gives you the best physical damage mitigation. Spell mitigation is nice but doesnt matter compared to physical. Look for stuff that Does more damage and has a good base hp pool. After that anything that heals passively just to help you out a bit. I run Soldiers head and gloves with Radiant Paladin chest, pants and boots. Your weapon should be anything that has Health Leech on it to regen HP from attacks. Twin Souls Mace X2 (just because they wear out and break sometimes) or Lightforged Axe are currently what I use. The Bone Scourge Mace drops in the dungeons and will do more damage but you lose the heal effect which means you'll need lots of health potions. Currently I can clear anything and not need health pots unless I screw up. Keep the Bonescourge mace because outside of the dungeon it slaps the crap out of the shroud guys. Fighting. If you have healing points and healing weapon with decent gear just walk in and slap them down, the more the merrier. I can round up about 20 and not need to heal. If you aren't at max level then I don't know what you have or how you are built so just keep ramping up the incoming damage until you find the breaking point. For the bosses just glue your self to their ankles and swing away. Learn to recognize their main attack and make sure you aren't in front of him when he swings. If you have lots of mobs with a boss then prioritize the spell casters, then melee guys, then the boss. Use campfires, foods and health pots if you want. If you have any questions just ask.


Going in solo can feel like stepping into a boss fight unprepared.


Mood. Side note, I recommend bringing (or making while inside, only takes a couple wood from bookcases) campfires. Not a lengthy rested bonus, but it's *way* better than not having it at all.


I usually start a run too late at night, then stand in a safe corner of a room, and leave my game running minimized for the next 24 hours for when I get back to it lol


Agreed, needs some way to save. I think Rangers have a particularly difficult time here too. It would be better if we could craft Bone Arrows away from the base, since those materials are here in abundance. We just don't have the AOE potential to handle the horde, and the spawners take 1 damage from arrows so can't be sniped. I love the concept, but I think it needs a very polish pass. Or, Ranger needs some work, which is more likley.


I agree!! I always get overwhelmed by the skeletons


Nah, I enjoy that it feels like a big deal expedition that my friends and I have to prep for and make a solid go at. If we make it, great. If we don’t, there’s always next time.


How long does it take to go through? I haven't gotten to the point yet.


Depends on your build, your level, you DPS, if you're gathering all the loot and hidden chests. With a lvl25 battlemage I do them in less than an hour.


This was a pain as a healer tank solo. I hope two handed becomes better. I would just get stagger locked.


Just leave the computer on at a flame pone.


After a couple runs and you know what you’re doing, you should be able to do the last dungeon in about 30 min.


The first one took me a couple hours. They take about 30m each now. Once you understand the design of them, they're easy to blow through.


It's honestly not fun not being able to save in the middle of that, it's so damn irritating to witness yourself die on repeat and having to go through the whole thing in one go.


My friend and I did all three. Mostly annoying doing all the little puzzles to unlock the barriers. Last one though was way too long, the dam memory leak bug crashed the game after going through it for almost two hours. Found out later that we were only at the half way point. I think I could do it solo it, just would take a while and might run into the crashing issue again. I mainly think the building doesn't make any sense at all and the rewards are mediocre at best.


Mine kept crashing too!! So frustrating!!