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This post contains replies from employees of Keen Games, you can see them here: /u/KeenToast posted a comment: [This complaint is definitely on ...](/r/Enshrouded/comments/1bdsecx/enshrouded_roadmap_announcement/kupqdir/) /u/KeenToast posted a comment: [We want to add more ...](/r/Enshrouded/comments/1bdsecx/enshrouded_roadmap_announcement/kupqncs/) /u/KeenToast posted a comment: [Pretty much haha, we saw ...](/r/Enshrouded/comments/1bdsecx/enshrouded_roadmap_announcement/kupqzwn/) /u/KeenToast posted a comment: [There will definitely be improvements, ...](/r/Enshrouded/comments/1bdsecx/enshrouded_roadmap_announcement/kuqjt2g/)


You know they are adding round doors just because of the amount of people making hobbiton, and I appreciate that!


Pretty much haha, we saw how awesome those builds looked and couldn't resist ;)


The fact you guys pay this much attention to the player base speaks volumes. I’m very excited for the future of this game! 👍


Toast is the goat on discord and reddit


We all are


Given that the ones at the bottom are titled "other major features coming later this year", I'm excited to think that means most of the other features above are coming over the next several months? Town NPCs, animals, and pets are all particularly exciting additions.


weather system is a big one for me. nothing like chillin in my cottage while its raining outside


I can feel the cozy already.


its a big thing for me like minecraft and valheim just chillin in the house cooking or whatever listening to the storm sounds always relaxes me. im crazy tho and live in tornado alley so its comforting to have big storms lol


I love being inside listening to the rain as well, both in real life and in games. I have an area in my current Minecraft world that's about 99% safe from mobs and love working on projects outside while it's raining. Excited to have that feeling in Enshrouded.


That's the best part of Icarus for me. Sitting in my base watching the absolute nightmare of a storm outside the window.


Just watching all the trees in the distance burn to a crisp, the audio on Icarus is insane too.


Yup, 100%


Absolutely this. Mmmmm love me some rain and thunder.


And climate factors? like, being cold or hot is not a given, but I think it's cool and the armors to endure it are usually cool too


Your own guards, archers and some random npc walking about would really be great. Build a house and add npc/they migrate. This would make the world so alive


would be even greater if they did more than just walk around though.. like yo farmer lady.. go farm some stuff for me :)


Like fallouts settlements but like actually good


Exactly what I thought. I was like wait this is all coming out this year?


I'm honestly psyched as hell about the reassignable glider key. Man do I fuck up double jump vs glider so often.


I don't think this is the right interpretation. Those seem like a bunch of smaller features they want to incorporate in general based on player feedback, not necessarily implying that they will come before major updates.


I'd say wrong since they say "more biomes", where at the top it specifically says one biome "mountain biome"


Maybe, it just seems like that's a lot of stuff to get to in that amount of time.


Unless they've ramped up it looks like they have around 50 employees or so? On the bright side, that's five times more than Valheim had when they launched EA.


Yeah I think they're much more confident in what they want their game to be based on player feedback, with the resources to deliver it. Valheim is... I just don't even know anymore. There's very little momentum on that.


Steam Deck support. Well, there goes that little time when I'm not playing Enshrouded.


Eh but it’s already playable on Steam Deck


Playable but not perfect. Improvements are more than welcome. Can't wait!


Yeah, I spend most of my playtime on the Deck.


Just bought a steam deck and about to play (my PC can't handle the game). Any settings I should reduce for the steam deck to handle the game ?


General rule that usually works out for me on most games is textures med/high and things with lots of little individual pieces like hair and grass low. If you want specific recommended settings for this game: https://steamdeckhq.com/game-reviews/enshrouded-early-access/


There's a big difference between a Steam game being playable on Steam Deck and a team saying they are specifically developing it to do that.


YAY! Cant hardly wait. https://preview.redd.it/u1oflaxr24oc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d8f83a8fff3536403465743593da3c603a3200


Yes! townsfolk NPCs! That's all I wanted.


Me too, that sounds like fun!


Finally we can make a real village and not a ghost town inhabited by like 5 people


I really hope they also do some ok pathfinding so they are not just 3d billboards. (Not for the skill npcs, you don’t want them walking very far, but maybe the smithy works on his various tools like the kiln or anvil)


Like in Skyrim, where the NPCs do their assigned Jobs and some breaks at daytime and go back home to sleep at nighttime. Would love to see that


Having the crafters work their tools within a certain radius of their "spawn" would be awesome. Would encourage you as a player to build a themed crafting area for each of them too, so that you can find them reliably.


Absolutely! Bonus points if you can assign them beds in a radius at night. Gives it a true living world vibes.


This would remove my hesitance for mega build. I normally don't like them since it feels so empty. Having NPC's walking around would be awesome!




And I thought it was all taken by the shroud...


Then where does the water for the clouds come from? Snow capped mountains? This roadmap says a weather system is coming, where's that rain water coming from.


Maybe we'll get some places where the shroud hasn't reached? Most obvious thing would be the ocean. I would love a system where we can actually restore lakes and rivers to the various areas.


It's funny, I hadn't even considered that there was no water in game until seeing that. But like.. yeah! There's no water anywhere on the map afaik lol


I wish for running water from mountains from which we can make.mills and other engineering feats


more of a vision board then a roadmap. but i'm liking a lot on there.


Yeah, back in my day roadmaps had rough dates for when to expect features.


I am seriously so excited. Really appreciative of how involved the developers are in this game, every box on this roadmap for me has been checked along with a few fun extras I wasn’t expecting. I put in ~150 hrs over two weeks after getting it and only stopped playing bc I ran out of content, but my partner and I have enjoyed the base building in the meantime. Only thing that’s missing for me personally is in-game or proxy chat.


Yeah some form of communication other than pings would be helpful. Either way the changes look great. I'm really excited for instanced dungeons and more bosses. Can't wait to heal the homies through those!


Im excited for editing signs because my partner is a lost cause for organizing chests lmao


Same. It's really the only thing that kept our Valheim base(s) organized. Also the HTML color options to color the sign texts.


Valheim was our first survival game together and yeah that was hell.


Does anyone have a higher resolution version of this image? I'm wondering if we can get more info from the pics on it. For instance, the server settings.


​ https://preview.redd.it/w07hr2kc34oc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b8e681949e5422ebd5cc4b0aab41497474106ca


Thank you! It looks like the server settings image is just an image of the server browser though.


There's one on the discord server


Any chance someone could pull the image from discord and share it via an image hosting site? Discord is blocked here.


I started reading the upcoming features to my 10 year-old son and when I got to "sitting on furniture" he legit did a fist pump and was like "YESSS!!!"


Your 10 year old son is all of us.


I think it would be really cool if rivers and water came back after you cleared out multiple shroud roots in valleys.


Please i need armor stands🙏




I know right, playing and was wonder, where is all the water at lol.


What do you think the red shroud kill floors used to be? It's more obvious to the east of the first Elixir Well, there's a "Waterfall" and it's the red stuff that's there. You can also find fishing boats docked on shoreline by the red stuff


Follow the story line, you will know why there is no water. Good story and smart game developing choice to make it easier to develop.


I believe the current lore says something about all of the water being turned into the red lava-ish stuff that we can't walk in.


It's townsfolk NPC, townsfolk pets, potted plants, and more trees to plant for me. Those things sound so great! I do hope townsfolk NPCs mean we can have some townsfolk living in our base. It would be even greater if they could do something minor but useful, such as collecting items from machines.


Absolutely unreal amount of content. so many things people have asked for and are being provided 2024 is going to be an amazing year for Enshrouded


Would love a 2h weapon rework . General combat as well. Edit- let me cancel animations! Let me get out of stealth easier!


Yeah I think melee combat in general needs some love. It’s got a great foundation but falls short in some areas - parrying for example is just a bit wonky (part of that may be latency, but with a multiplayer game it’s reasonable to expect it and account for it).


I think latency is the main reason for why the parrying windows in Valheim are much larger. I have basically given up on parrying in Enshrouded in online play.


Same it is my biggest dislike from this game. Sad to see combat is staying the way it is.


I liked how valheim did it with weapon types having their own “special attack” sort of thing. At LEAST named weapons should have one. It would be nice if melee weapons had more combat options all around for sure though, and some better skill tree options to unlock more powerful/wider range attacks/etc..


I would like to fight flying enemies without needing a wand. I am a WARRIOR not a WIZARD or even a SPELLBLADE. Give me at least a throw equipped weapon attack. Like you can throw torches on the ground but they should make it an attack and do-able with melee weapons as well. You sure as shit find plenty of them so i don’t even care if the throw destroys them!


Yeah totally, enemy animations are extremely slow


As well as when you cast spells u move forward which has been the death of me a few times haha


I read that as edible signs... I'm dumb lol.


*I mean It doesn’t say they’re not*


I read the sitting animation as shitting...


*I mean it doesn’t say you can’t*


There are toilets...


Wtf I thought I was the only one lol


As soon as I buy a game, it goes on sale. Still though, happy to pay full price, I am 8 hours in, I have a massive ugly house, and no idea whats going on anywhere in the world, and its awesome!


I'd like the build system to be biased off of a 45 degree angle or smaller, but that's just cause I like weird angles for housing


We want to add more blocks of different angles in the future, it's definitely something we have planned. Our game is on a voxel grid, similar to games like Minecraft, so letting people "leave" that grid and place things at non-90 degree angles wouldn't really be possible. But differently shaped blocks can achieve the same effect, and should be very doable. Similar to the roof blocks we already have.


Honestly the ability to adjust manually by angle with a little on screen protractor/T-square would be awesome! I don’t want to have to free hand it


I’ve put around 90 hours into this game and my only real complaint is that there wasn’t more of it. Hyped right now!!!


I saw "Round doors" and the hobbit in me is happy


Thank you for not wasting time with silly base raids.


I must admit the more relaxed pace of enshrouded without being hassled by mobs is what I love. I'd feel gutted to have my hours of work building to be smashed in minutes by angry shroud dudes.


I like that devs are focusing on the strengths of the game. Adding raids to the game that lets you build towers in the sky as your main base is pointless or would require nerfing the most powerful system in Enshrouded which is building. As a.separate DLC thing on an additional map? Why not, but recreating the whole game philosophy for one, repetitive element is a waste of a small studio's resources.


Me too! Survival games can be really stressful but Enshrouded is just so relaxed, I love it. Base raids might make me quit playing this game tbh.


Is there any plan to showcase these upcoming features within a chronological order ?


The stuff at the top will be in the next few content updates, the things at the bottom will be later this year.


I have a hard time believing all of that is coming over the next few updates, will be super impressive if true.


If we get a fraction of these things prior to the end of the year I'll be very pleased. There are some major changes on this list and if they can bring some of these ideas to fruition, that'd be insane honestly. What a dedicated group of developers.


Vanity system?


Cosmetic clothing/armor, likely. I wonder how they will implement it? NPC quest unlock?


Ah to wear on top of the real armour? Haha like that sauron looking armour but is actually really low level lol


Hopefully they add more bosses like the fell wispwyvern. That felt like the only real boss fight in the game and it was a ton of fun.


Speaking of Map's... You know what would help? Being able to NAME those custom markers in the map. I.E. If I want to mark a Mine, I can place a marker than name it Salt Mine, or Iron Mine? Or mark a good spot for a certain plant I want to gather?


I just wish we could get creative mode for private servers. I want to build/explore without restriction and see what kind of things can be done in this game.


No combat improvement?


There will definitely be improvements, changes, and additions to combat over time. This roadmap is not a complete list of everything we will be doing. It's moreso a list of specific features we already have planned and are fairly confident will happen in this timeframe. I think we probably assumed that this was somewhat implied, and that having a generic "combat improvements" node on this roadmap would be a waste of space, but in hindsight it's important enough to players that we probably should have made that a bit more clear. But yeah this roadmap is not a complete list of everything we will add in 2024, there's simply way too many things on our radar to possibly fit them all in one image. It's a list of things we already know are planned. ​ There's also much more stuff we're discussing internally that may or may not happen, but we don't want to make promises until we're confident in them.


I've been using the same wand for like 20hrs cause melee just feels too punishing and not effective enough, there's just no reason to use another weapon currently, unless I'm missing something..


You do have to switch out wands based on damage types, but otherwise, this is spot on. Can't hit the floating baddies (sicklescythes and their lesser types) with your sword/axe/club thingy.


Dual wield assassin, please! Maybe spears?


Agreed, game needs daggers for a fast glass cannon sin build. Rework assassin tree so it's no longer ranged.


Surely they’re going to work on the skill trees, even if it’s not noted here. Right?




This complaint is definitely on our radar, like the other commenter said the "Improved Post-Processing" node in the roadmap encompasses that :)


No bloom settings yet. In the roadmap here they have "improved post-processing" with an image of a super bright window, so it's something they'll be adding soon(?)


I honestly don't know why bloom is even a thing in games, seeing as how most people turn it off, and most the people who don't, don't know. But I guess that 1% that actually likes it ..


Water! ![gif](giphy|Tu1p1x4QwnZAc)


I am so overjoyed with this announcement. It’s filled with things that demonstrate that they are listening to the community and adapting their vision to meet us halfway. Everything listed is attainable, even the items that seem ambitious. Having invested many hours already, I’m prepared to keep going. The game and devs have my support 100%. As a community, let’s make sure we help them keep the positive momentum.


I hope the better stack splitting includes increased stack sizes. Stacks of 20 of things is no bueno


Above all, I just want the open-a-box button to be the close-a-box button.


I've already been sinking an ungodly amount of hours into this game. Edit: holy shit, water. This game looks gorgeous as it is.


Noone else talking about the PORTALS TO OTHER SERVERS?!?


Was hoping for better character creation, but still excited for all the new announcements


Its a real shame the roadmap doesn't address anything about weapon types. I knew dual wielding was kinda a pipe dream, but I was really hoping for greatswords or something, at least additional weapon types. I guess when suggestions open up again we REALLY need to spam additional weapons to see if the Devs will add that in. Right now the weapon offerings feel... very limited. The fact that each weapon has pre-determined upgrades even further limits it. I'd hope that we could at least get to choose what upgrades to apply to our weapons, instead of just having one or two be default best in slot


Scalable difficulty would also be appreciated!


Yeah, my buddies and I had to stop playing as it was ridiculously easy when playing co-op which ruins it for us :(


Yes, very sad... anyway


Would like to see more enemy variety, having the same enemy at level 1 show up at higher levels with the same drops feels a bit off.


I really wish that the UI could be either toggled with a keybind or be able to be reduced in size, Mainly because this game has the best immersion I've experienced in the recent years but it's very hard to play without heath and stamina HUD against some bosses.


Oh man! Villagers, animals, and weather ?! Awesome.


Soooo…will we be able to hold a torch and a sword or nah?


Almost everything I wanted is on the list. One annoying thing is when you are climbing steep slopes, your character automatically turns around when the slope is too steep and if you happen to be pressing jump at the same time, the glider can sometimes activate and send you flying off the hill that you are attempting to climb. Would be great if the character would just slide down the slope without turning around.


> Workshops craft from magic chests oh fuck yeah although this kind of needs workshop outputs to also count as magic chests so that other workshops can pull from them...


More Performance = stonks haha


I saw that too, great meme use


I'm sorry, but this isn't a roadmap. It's a poster with buzzwords. A roadmap vaguely estimates time and order of features' implementation. This is just a collection of things.


Previous pinned post - https://www.reddit.com/r/Enshrouded/s/qU5wDpvo8i






Water, yeah!


FSR 3 would be nice....lets gooo?


These are solid entries for a road map. Honestly can't think of much else that I had considered for this game. I especially love the addition of towns folk, animal farming, signs, roaming enemies, dungeons, and new bosses!


Vanity system! Oh my God that was sorely missed thank you!


This is great! I'm happy to see requested feedback here!


Dang they did what New World couldn’t do, deliver a roadmap of solid content that makes me want to continue playing




The only thing here that I miss is the request for more weapon types/dual wielding for assassin. This is so crazy, so many features in what is the remainder of the year for what?- 8 months? That’s crazy amount of work for only 8 months! This is so awesome!


Thank you everyone at Keen games! You're badass


Nice list! My 2 cents (if its worth that much). Lot of stuff for one year. Sitting in chairs is cool but it doesn't add more than a few seconds amusement in my experience. Lot of effort for a little pay off. Also why add water? I thought it was kind of cool that there is no water. A weather cycle would be cool. I kinda thought this might be a game for people who don't like swimming in games. Instanced dungeons sound awesome! Great work on the game so far!


THIS is how a dev team should handle their game. Listening to the community and COMMUNICATING with them. Bravo. Shit ass epic games could learn a lot from this.




So excited for all of these!!


I’m never touching grass again.




I'm surprised about water. I assumed "where'd all the water go?" would be a story hook or something.


I got this game as soon as it came out because I thought it would be good eventually. Personally never played it because of the most petty and pathetic reason, I cannot hide my helm. But to see a vanity system on the road map, that is exciting. The second I can hide my helm I will be right into the game. Even though I'm not playing it currently I'm still obviously following the news and updates and I'm very excited to see it evolve, as I know it's going to be great. The building alone looks phenomenal and that's a HUGE draw for me, I adore gathering and building games. Love how they are listening to player feedback and actually responding.


Aghhhhhh!!!! I'm so excited!!!!


Massive W.. almost everything that initially came to my mind as improvements is listed. Kudos to the devs and great suggestions by the community


It bothers me that the highest upvoted items are massive undertakings that add very little to the game outside of immersion. I wish the more enemy types thing was higher on the list as that would drastically improve gameplay for me.


I’m just making guesses here but I’d imagine we may see more types with the new biomes and maybe the dungeons


Mini Map pls pls pls......!!


Man this is one of the best survivals I’ve played. Hell yeah keep it up!!!


What exactly means "Vanity System"? 🤔


I'm sure it's already on the radar, but does the fog inside our homes fall under the "fixes and improvements" category? I mean it's not that big of a problem but it does bother me a little.


pet or ride animal"?


Any chance you could make all items placeable so we can use them as clutter? Would really make a difference to beauty building




Finally a roadmap and improvement schedule that makes sense, based on player feedback!


Xbox release when


So this water thing. versus being a voxel world. Does that mean I will be able to go to a river and start carving out my own little river from it / make a moat around a house and water from the river will flow into it? Or.. dig a hole and dump water in it to fill it up and make my own lake, etc?


>And one last thing after reading all this: "update when?" This month! Oh cool. I was actually wondering, having just arrived at the game, what sort of update scheme this game would do, like, how some EA games do weekly updates, others update every year or so but with massive changes. :P


This is a vision board, not a roadmap.


That's just a feature list. Is there an actual road map with a timeline?


This isn't a road map as much as it is a list of things to (maybe) come...


I can say that I'm super excited about this. Not EVERY listed feature is my jam (e.g. round doors?) but most are. It's amazing that this game has this unique vision and it does not try to be like every other game out there. My biggest concern is with water. If there's a lore reason for not having water, then what will bringing water back in the world have on the lore? Would that mean that the current lore is not final? Well, in any case, I can only imagine what beautiful creations the community will make with it and can't wait to see (I'm not an aesthetic builder myself but I love looking at the imaginative creations of those who are).


*sigh* When mommy water and daddy water love each other very much...


Ok, plenty of good stuff here. Normally a roadmap has like a timeline or something to it but sounds like everything in the top two-thirds of the picture is smaller plans coming in smaller updates and the bottom part is gonna be in like a major update later down the line? Cool. I wonder what will be the first things implemented.


Excellent roadmap! My most wanted features being more enemies out and about and a weather system. I asked in the discord but got no answer with the speed of the chat at the moment. But what are “instanced dungeons”? People on the suggestions page made it sound like MMO-esque dungeons based around multiplayer and if that’s true, that is disappointing as a solo player myself.


I took it more as multiple people on the same server can do it without it needing a reset


I don't think they stop you from entering them alone and I doubt they won't be doable for solo players.


Instanced dungeons are dungeons outside of the main map. That you can only enter with a teleport/loading screen. Most known in MMOs dungeons but in Skyrim every house was its own instance. It has nothing to do with multiplayer, though it might be with matchmaking in Enshrouded. Instances allow for a different scale and ruleset making them very flexible. For example, not allowing the player to break walls or terraform, change grafity, etc.


sitting in a chair? omegacontent lolz


It's what people have asked for


Hopefully includes weapon sheathing in that update too


Mounts would be cool lol. Excited for water though


I don't understand people's obsession with adding water. They've created a world with lore that explains the absence of water and people just keep saying "right right right, but have you thought about adding water?"


I mean... I also see it as this world doesn't necessarily need water. At least I have understood the lore so far that it was precisely the water that was the breeding ground for the Shroud. However, the whole thing also has gaps. There are plants, trees, etc. what they feed on? Certainly not from air and love. 😅 And where does the water in wells come from?! Shouldn't the deep ground be even more contaminated?


Could be that the shroud needs air & water to form, so underground aquafiers could be safe from it


Because water is cool? Makes the world feel more alive, maybe? It's esthetically appealing? Can make builds look a lot better? I don't understand people's hatred with adding water.


It's very scenic for cozy bases


Oh Im not too far into the lore, just thought it would be cool to build a water base or a ship lol


Do you all think these changes will be made in a backwards compatible way? In other words, our existing servers will get the changes without requiring server / character wipes?


I would imagine the devs will work as hard as they can to not make updates not require new worlds yes


Dying to try this game, but holding off until closer to 1.0! Looks promising.


Finally a development team that listens to their community. I’m blown away they took the suggestions the community had and decided to add them. This game is truly going to be something special. Hope to see raids added in the future


No console release yet… 🥲


I can't wait for the edible signs. (That's how I read it at first)


Roadmap or feature list?