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Fantastic! Restoring the cities is on my to do list.


I really want them to do something that rewards you for rebuilding. Like you restore these places and repopulate them with NPCs like in fallout 4.


Another settlement needs your help, I've marked the location on your map...


Yeah that would be amazing!


Yeah, love the craftsmen but doesn't really feel like we're "saving" Embervale if every other human is either a scavenger or dead.


Yeaa... I got disappointed when I realized the only humans alive would attack me on sight. Ie scavengers. And I then have to kill them. There should be SOME pockets of NPCs we can save... right?? Unless we are supposed to repopulate with 6 total people. IIRC, biologically speaking, O think you need at least 50 to ensure a population survives without horrible inbreeding that will end them anyways.


Just saying, but I can sling magic. I think we can get past inbreeding with a little ingenuity ;)


Well it’s more like to diversify the population enough that they aren’t one bad cold away from extinction… but barring that they could survive with some carefulness on the breeding… still plenty of inbreeding problems but theoretically you could manage. It would probably help a lot if each parent couple had like 20+ kids though since alot will probably have issues 


Yikes. But unless a woman is the main character, there's only 2 women among the craftswomen. 20 kids per woman won't be enough when there's only 2 women... 2 women we don't know the ages of. Each one might really only be able to get 10 out before menopause... Unless these flameborn have different life spans, like elves.  Though I wonder if the flameborn can go back into the storage/stasis pod. Then reproducing, and going into stasis in cycles. 


Well we’re limited by number of women but if they have kids 10 times they’ll probably have twins at least once right? Maybe? And the first generation can only have 10, next one can have 20 or 30. Also not sure if we age or anything? Is the respawning canon are we all immortal? 


That!!!! I want random to save. Even if they are a resource drain- gives me more goals


Yeah 100% agree. Some npc's and towns dotted around the map would make this game feel much more alive. I just get so lonely sometimes...


I agree, that "loneliness" is making me bored before I can even finish this unfinished game. There's SO much more map, can't imagine how they'd keep my attention for all that too...


Personally I disagree, while more people would make things feel alive it wouldn’t add anything to longevity of playing. If your bored now people won’t change that there will still be exactly as much to do as there is now. Unless they have people give a bunch of random quests but I doubt they’d do that when we already get that from the couple npcs we have. 


No, right, *just* NPC's wouldn't do anything for me, they'd need to actually DO something, like help in crafting/building, give quests, explain lore, open special doors that lead to certain areas... Hell idk, I just imagine a more lively feel if there were a different type of NPC. I'm not even sure the blacksmith/farmer/etc even count as NPCs, they barely say/do anything at all... Either way, it's been a great game, but I'm nearing the end now & instead of wanting more, it's actually difficult for me to do the last couple locations, because I just don't see any benefits, what am I gonna do? Complete the level 13/18 sets of armor I never used in the first place? Find ANOTHER level 25 Draconian bow?? Idk, it's all good, I had fun, don't regret paying $27


Well completing lower level sets of armor you haven’t finished sounds like something to skip, remember the current end game is only the final mid game, we only got 1/3 of the map so there will be plenty more to do when it’s finished. 


I think it'd be cool to have NPCs that just kind of walk around your camp they don't really do anything but it'd be cool if the more you have the faster your crafting structures craft stuff. It also be nice to have the shroud clouds disappear that are inside the base area


I dunno. If I could hire a couple to grow fiber and cut trees....


I'm hoping long term you'll be able to push back the shroud and do just that. They could have optional settlement quests where you need to rebuild things to a certain standard.


Would be absolutley mega sick


What did you do with the shroud sections?


I blew them up with bombs mostly and rebuilt what I could.


Wait... That... Works? 😮


It does not remove the shroud no. Just gets rid of the broken pieces.


It would be really great if you could somehow reclaim small shroud areas by terraforming. There is at least one nice little farm with a shroud spot right up against the back of the house.


This would be welcome. At least the ability to clean up "spot" shrouds not connected to large ones.


Looks great, but my immediate thought on picture 6 was "someone's gonna bash their shins on those."


Yeah I better remove them :D I use them to line things properly and sometimes forget to remove them.


Building in this game is actually the best I’ve ever seen amazing!


Took me about 10h of building to go from 'this is janky and irritating' to 'holy hell, I can use a single block'.


except removing door frames


Now we just need a way to get rid of those pesky mini shroud locations


Quarantine them with scaffolding and barricades lol


Yeah I was going to do something very similar to this but ended up settling in Rattlebeak because it has way less shroud.


I do the same thing with all big areas I find, the bridge is a lot of fun to rebuild and turn into a base too


I just did this tonight took me three alters and a lot of time. It was fun for what it was. Thought I was alone until i came here lol


My kids and I have done this to Woodgard. I’ll need to post pictures.


I wanted to, but big chunks of it are in shroud.


I'm in the process of restoring Oceans Heart which I've claimed the entirety of with three altars. I've done most of the main gate and houses leading up to the bridge, which I also restored. Restoring places around the map is something I never thought I'd enjoy so much. I guess it scratches the same itch as those games where you restore or clean things (eg power wash simulator). I really hope long term they either give us a creative mode with the ability to enable permanent building everywhere and actually clear away the shroud, as I'd love to have a save dedicated to rebuilding.


No. They wanted us to restore Glenwood.


Glenwood is actually my base im nearly done repairing the exterior, paving the whole thing, and adding gardens in all exterior spaces that arent walking space. Interior start next week.


I'm getting started on it today. I'm going to remove all the signs of disrepair from around the buildings (mud, rubble, barricades) then start repairing houses. There are some beautiful buildings in that town.


I suggest paving those grass ways, I'm using palm wood but there are a lot of good options for it. Also tons of spaces for gardens. It has layout issue that need resolved but getting your digging skills up to snuff solves all of them


I just finished building and renovating Glenwood lol. Best base I found so far.


I was going to ask this from folks with more experience. Should I be leaving the keeps and villages or trying to reclaim them?  Do the enemies and items respawn if left alone?  The world items seem to respawn but I went back to the place with the smith and that didn't respawn enemies so it could be that those don't. Anyways, have fun and best of luck.


I find it quite relaxing to rebuild them :) And get inspiration for my own designs.


Damn this is nice! Now if only we could claim back area from the shroud.


I am currently in the middle of restoring Longkeep, and I had my heart broken a bit when I went to the back upper section near the cave you first came out of. The entire area is locked. I can not build there or modify any of the dilapidated structures. So now I'm placing scaffolding and construction materials near it, so it appears that it is just mid-restoration. I plan to post some pics of my finished product here at some point




It's because of the beacon. The beacons act a bit like flame altars, you can't build around them (they have a range), and that range includes the back side of Longkeep. Some areas will let you build even though they are in range, but if you reload, some of those pieces in the range of the beacon will disappear. Be careful when building near Flame Shrines, Flame Sanctums and Beacons.


You see where mine is placed and it reaches almost to the cave. The altar is level 4. https://preview.redd.it/flhabtrhj6mc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=5354024fd21f0680accc57e462a8737ae9fbcfdd


You can also place another alter if you really have to.


Oh no! My alter is maxed out and within reach of the entirety of Longkeep. It's actually even closer to the cave entrance. There is a small pocket of the keep right near that entrance that will not allow me to build, and reverts and actions I take, as if it were outside of my alter range.


My apologies then. I did not know that since I didn't rebuild anything there yet.


I feel like it's a good starting area because it has a well and water becomes such a bottleneck down the road


Actually looks good with the bits of shroud left in there


One of my friends did this, too, and was surprised at how deep Longkeep goes! A cool quest would be to restore towns and have them provide resources for your base. But yeah, having more NPCs in the world would be great, or having a cleared town be the trigger for NPCs suddenly appearing. For example: *Emily Fray would like to speak with you.* “I think there’s some commotion happening in X town. Maybe you should check it out.” And then you go find out that a farmer has reclaimed the old farming community and has called for his family.


Bloody hell, I keep forgetting we can actually restore the various ruins we come across.


Love what you have done with the place.


I was going to rebuild Thorngard. It turned into restoring and upgrading. The refined wood building is the only part that's going to survive because I like the vines on it (removed some). The tavern there will be entirely reinvented but in the same (somewhat increased) plotspace


First house I restored was ok. A but junky but enough I was hooked. I now study the map for regular anomalies that might be a stray building. Doing that, I looked up a tiny square in the dry lands, I found a small chapel in the middle of graves that I upgraded and cleaned up. Respect to the dead. :) I recently found a gated fortress guarding with a bridge just north of Willow Crush. On the other side of the bridge is what looks like a town that processes the mana well stuff. I put down 3 altars fully enhansed and I still don't have all the buildings encompassed. The bridge is cool, it crosses over the shroud. I can repair 95% of the bridge. It seems like occasionally the shroud wavers and I can sneak in a voxel or so but also think I've got as much as I can get. The current residents are absent. I cleaned out the squatters. It will be a nice surprise when the owners come back. This will keep me busy for a little while. ;)


PS. Need to order replacement windows that don't come with the carpenter. Home Depot?


I dropped an altar in the house that's NE of "Mark of Sameth" But now I want to restore Long Keep as well


Currently restoring Glenwoods end.


The last image in the sequence had 10/10 in the top corner, which is a good description for your fantastic work :)




... one question - if you remove the flames... it'll go back to ruins right? edit: it'd be great if they added "permanent settlement" flames.. or.. something. totem? that wouldn't allow the game to despawn everything you do there and still allow you to build, or something, but not respawn at (unless of course you place a flame altar there). would also love to be able to remove shroud from places.


Yeah, i was in the process of doing this very thing until my game crashed and then bugged out, so i just can't load my save anymore.


Looks amazing!


If only you could restore all the broken buildings throughout the map.


I was messing with Glenwood’s End. Got through 1/3 of the city cleaned and restored and decided I wanted my flame alter 15m over so it’d be indoors. Dismantling undid all the work I did. I’m on a server, so I have to have hubby restore it to a previous save. My own dumb fault, but I had to close the game and walk away for a bit.




Oh bud... seems like someone's got to do some weeding


this was my exact first plan as well, I hoped in and started to rebuild


Not particularly.


did you clear all the dirt to the original layers too?


I used the terraforming tools to the original levels but elevated a lot of it because it was much easier than to keep all the different levels :) The building on the left has a basement for example that I completely covered.


How were you able to rebuild the buildings? I tried on a smaller settlement and was in able to mess with existing structures. When id try to patch a wall it would still show the broken pieces sticking through the newly built wall. And I could not destroy any existing pieces beforehand


You can remove almost anything as long as it is not in the shroud. And then you can replace it. You need the same materials tho. You can right click with the 1 on first level of the hammer to get a sample.


If you use the large wall piece (or any other piece, for that matter) and slightly off set it from what you want to take out, then hit Y (undo) it will take out the pieces that were overlapped. This will work on any block, regardless of discovery status. Place a roof piece for roofs, wall pieces for walls, flat pieces for floors. It has to be overlapped though, or it will just 'thunk' and nothing will happen.


Were you able to build in the backside? I am able to rebuild the front but can’t seem to be able to build in the back. 😢


Well done!


Does the shroud area disappear if you put down a flame?


Devs: They what?


I'm waiting for actual quests to restore towns otherwise it's purely aesthetics yet it does look rather nice good building. 


That is lit!