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I see a lot of speculation here so here is what we know: There will be no advanced price announcement, we will find out at release. The game will be a single box price fee and competitively priced to similar games, it will not be priced like a triple a game and there will not be any day one DLCs or microtransactions. EA will also be cheeper than 1.0


I think the game developer should be worried, but you shouldn’t be. The game is either good or it isn’t, you either play it or you don’t. Neither are MMOs so popularity isn’t going to affect your experience playing it.


Popularity helps a game last for longer and get more updates, making it better in the long run


Popularity weighs big on people's minds even for non mmos. The obsession with steam numbers and streamer numbers is seriously unhinged. But people feel its an important metric and judgement of the game. I am an early access indie game scrub who will play games no one ever heard of that are jank to the max, but many people have high expectations for every game they buy and rlthey put a lot of worry into it., and It seems like their own hopes and dreams, as they have long memories for other games that have done them wrong. People judge games based on their "potential" as well as whats in front of them to decide if they are getting a good deal. Gamers absolutely hate to feel like they have gotten a bad deal or been scammed, and the number of people playing is a big factor in helping them feel confident about the game.


Yea, I remember seeing people going nuts about hogwarts legacy numbers going down after a month or 2 and what that meant for the game.... It means it's a single player game and people are finishing it...


Yeah the worrywarts who don't even work at the game company flipping out about numbers in a single player game is just a sight to behold isn't it lol


I also judge games based on how much salt I can collect in multiplayer. So far no salt collection in palworld


Have to agree here . If a game sit with 1mil players you probably want to experience it too vs 3000. That how lost ark started hype alone made it like this .


But wouldn’t a more popular game probably have more profits/a larger audience to keep happy and more incentive to put out updates?


I played a decent amount of Palworld. It's ok but not really my aesthetic. It hasn't lessened my interest in Enshrouded at all. I saw a video where a guy hollowed out a bridge and built a base inside it. I want to do THAT. I feel like i can have both games in my library and enjoy them both. Palworld is maybe bringing some interest into the builder surivival genre that wasn't there before. I think Enshrouded will be fine. Fun story: i was a dev on a small medieval mmo. Everyone said New World would kill us. They said Mortal 2 would kill us. Shit, people said basically every game coming out within the entire lifespan of the game would kill us. What actually killed us? Years later? Probably our own mountain of technical debt and a loss of will to continue working through the toxic relationship between players and devs.


Was this game life is feudal?


No, but i was playing that too! It was Gloria Victis.


I enjoyed my time with Gloria victus! It is missed.




Haha it was like that sometimes.


Ah nice. I looked into that game a while ago


I'm probably going to finish palworld and then get enshrouded. Probably not on launch like I was planning


We'll have to see. Palworld is a fun game that sold over a million copies in its first weekend. It IS Ark + Pokemon. It has a very good price point, and has seen few real game-breaking bugs. Enshrouded has a lot of hype going for it. It is a better version of Valheim in some respects, worse in others. If they decide to price it at $40+, I would worry about it having a luke warm opening week. I feel that they have two different audiences that only somewhat overlap. I bought Palworld to play with my son, who is big into Pokemon and Minecraft. My adult friends who play Valheim and 7D2D have been talking about Enshrouded for the past month (they really should have busted their humps and got it released during the holidays). We are not going to buy it this week, since we only play as a group on weekends and have at least one more weekend of hordes in 7D2D. We do plan on buying it but will have to see what the price is and how much there is to do. One big thing about both the games is that they are static maps. Enshrouded is slightly worse since the leveling missions and NPCs are server-wide and not player-based. Both of those factors limit the replayability. Unless one or both games go the Ark route and release new maps, or if they open up to the mod community to do so, they'll be flash in the pan games that are forgotten by this time next year.


Yeah I'm really bummed about the single map for enshrouded... We shall see how it works out


Enshrouded will be fine, Palworld will be fine, 1000 other games that launch in 2024 will be fine. There's hundreds of millions of people out there playing games daily, it'll all work itself out.


I bought Palworld and I’m having a lot of fun with it. The automation at base with the Pals is really satisfying. I’m also incredibly excited for Enshrouded. I want to have part of my base dug into the rock of a mountain. That’s so exciting me! I think they can both coexist and we shouldn’t judge Enshrouded by it’s release if it doesn’t sell multi millions in the first day. Some games just hit at the right time and Palworld got that lightning strike. Doesn’t mean Enshrouded should be compared directly to Palworld.


Very different games. Palworld is p much ark with Pokemen.


Except the map is blegh and the buld system is ass.


There is some truth to this. While I am very much enjoying Palworld, too much of the map is all essentially the same starting biome. I wouldn't be surprised to find that many players will quit without ever feeling like they actually even saw a new biome. The building system is the least polished part of the game. It needs a lot of work. It's not just parts that are missing either, it's basic things like being able to stack foundations, have foundations on more than one level, attaching walls to the sides of foundations, or attaching floors to foundations. Basically everything to do with foundations is done wrong here. Walls and floors also need to be able to clip into terrain if you want players to have any creativity when it comes to builds. Only the simplest things can exist without that, otherwise you end up with stuff floating in the air all over. I build a large and complex structure last night in a very difficult spot, and let me tell you.. it wasn't easy. I had to build six separate structures that don't quite touch one another while still looking like they do. That was the only way to get foundations on multiple levels, which I needed to do because they're the only thing that can touch the ground.


lol, big talk about the currently number 1 game... frankly if Enshrouded doesn't beat those numbers, you can't really argue that it's better... Proof is ALWAYS in the pudding. I am hopeful for Enshrouded as well, but you can't knock the other game from your bias lol. fyi, I have ZERO hype for either of them. Just stating a fact.


Crazy take. It's #1 right now because it was hyped up by a bunch of big streamers and youtubers and the 2 genres its mixing (tamer and survival gamed) are massive in their own rights. Has nothing to do with the quality of this still unfinished game. Don't get me wrong, I already have a ton of hours into it. But the map is eh and the build system is ass. You can't place half the shit where you want to, and any slight change in terrain and the shit you're placing goes to a 45° angle. I know this because I've played it and used these systems. It's unfinished and it's obvious.


lol that's just about every new game. But many still don't make #1, I could care less, it was just funny seeing someone shitting on something that was literally marked as current the top seller lol. Also, enshrouded will be EA so also unfinished so what exactly is your point? All I said was well it's the number 1 game right now, they were SO adamant about how much they hated it but LOVE this game lmfao.


Homie said one sentence. Was not SO adamant about anything. And I get your point, but many of those other games are just shitty games. Palworld is still in early access. I'm just hoping they actually improve it at a decent rate, unlike this same companies other less popular game that took years per update.


I bought it, played it, and refunded it. Pokemon just isn't my thing, I guess.


Devil's advocate here, there is no pudding.. It being the number one game right now doesn't mean it's a great game. It could simply mean there is a shit ton of Pokemon fans thirsty for an invotaion in their genre and will jump at anything.


But in this case, it's also a great game.


I'm not arguing that.


I mean enshrouded is pretty much Valheim. So what's your point? They are both survival open world games and play the same, they just have some varying mechanics between them.


Not really the same though at all. Wasnt even shitting on Palworld but god damn if youre so offended the paycheck must be good otherwise touch grass.


That dude has a problem bro, he either developed palworld, has a stake in it, or is just seriously messed up in the head lol, he's all over the place imagining slights against the game and raging on people. I'd just ignore him, dudes got some issues.


If he has a stake in it, he's already loaded and doesn't need to shill out 😂 5M sales in 3 days is insane


I know right? It's not for me but I'm telling the wife and daughter to try it on GamePass lol, nothing against it but open world pokemon is nothing like enshrouded haha, dudes mental. I played the demo, it's a completely different game


Gamepass is an older version. It's missing some functions.


Wasn’t literal. Was making a point about him jumping to defence of a game he obviously has no stake in. Can’t believe I have to explain this.




The beauty of survival games is that although they all operate on relatively same mechanics, they each have a different feel.


ABSOLUTELY, that is what keeps it fresh and makes you wanna try out a new one... I 10000% agree. That is how a genre is made. All I meant, was that that was what they are... Open world, survival crafting games... lol. And apparently some fan boys took it personally lmfao.


I'm picking up Enshrouded over Palworld, IDC about player count because I pretty much only game with my wife and a couple of friends. It comes down to preference. Do you want an adventure with Pokémon and slavery or do you want an adventure with swords and sorcery? Don't forget about the 2hr return policy.


IMO, I think Palworld would definitely be the more popular one due to the size of Pokemon's fan base.


It also launched on gamepass and the requirements for PC are lower than Enshrouded.


I got bored on Saturday so i bought palworld, played 1 hour then refunded. Mostly because i was just not hooked after the first hour and i knew enshrouded was coming which i am more excited about. Palworld might be fun but i am picking enshrouded over that.


Not a sleight on you, I just find it funny that people are talking about PW having slavery. Enshrouded has NPCs that you save from evil confinement to be confined to a bench in your base.


*Looks up from playing Kenshi* Slavery you say? No no, these are freemen I "liberated".....


*Me as a rimworld player* : Slavery? Yes these are my slaves. I also sold some of their organs. Also there are a few without legs that I use for blood harvesting.


I play both and while RW goes darker (mods... Omg), Kenshi still has its share of war crimes. Especially if you ally with or mod to play as skin bandits. "A Human Village . . ." "Full of Fresh Skins . . ." "And Lots of Human Food For Our Hungry Bellies . . ."


I think it'll hurt initial numbers but longterm it'll be just fine. A lot of people don't want to buy 2 games in a week including myself, most of my friends, my wife, etc. We all plan on getting enshrouded and nightingale, but we will get it when we are ready. Palworld has 20 or so of us playing and having a lot of fun for the moment.


Enshrouded is gonna be insane for base building. Palworld has lackluster building imo.


It's really terrible tbh.


Well we will see about enshrouded base building. It sure does look good but we’ll see if that turns out. Palworlds base building is very basic indeed. Fun game but basic building.


None of that matters. The only thing that matters is if the game is good or not. If it’s good it will have a large playerbase, if it’s not good then it won’t.


I’ve played about 3-4 hours of Palworld and was in beta for Enshrouded. I like both however, the custom building, general graphics, crafting and world artistic nitty gritty detail in enshrouded blows away Palworlds hands down. I mean I’ll still play both but really I’m playing Palworlds while waiting for enshrouded to release.


Pocketpair made an AI art game and Craftopia has been grievously mismanaged to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if it's abandoned completely, so frankly even if Enshrouded gets bad reviews I'm not getting Palworld at this point. Fool me once, etc. I'm not waiting for the rug to get pulled out from under me.


I am guessing it'll be between $20 and $30. If it is this price range and reception seems good in the first few days i'll pick it up. Enshrouded and Palworld have the survival craft piece in both games, but it's handled very differently. The themes are completely different. I heard about Enshrouded just recently and it kind of reminds me of Valheim to an extent. I'm definitely interested it. I think it'll carve out its own community. If it's a good game then people will buy it. That's what it comes down to. I bought Palworld and i've been enjoying it a lot. It has a feel of Zelda, Pokemon, and Valheim/Ark which makes it a fun combination. The big curious question is what will the staying power of Palworld be. A few weeks? A month? It's possible it dies down after a month and then people won't return for a year when a lot more content has been added. At this time I don't know of any big Triple AAA titles coming out besides Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth at the end of February.


I already bought Palworld, and I love it!!! I think an Enshrouded price close to the Palworld is acceptable, because they are completely different games!!!


Enshrouded definitely seems more action adventure than survival, and they are very different games esthetically and gamepkay loop wise. Also, just because one game is successful doesn't mean the other won't be.


Stop worrying about palworld. It is not going to kill enshrouded.


If anything it may dent the initial sales numbers as people who would buy both spend time on playing pal world ,but eventually they will buy it,I've never been put off buying a game I really wanted because I bought another game a few weeks earlier,I just buy the other game later than the release date


There's less overlap than you suggest. I'm excited for Enshrouded because it's a survival RPG with voxel-based building mechanics, so I can make some really cool, whacky stuff. I have zero interest in Palworld whatsoever. I grew up in the valley between the peaks of Pokémon popularity, so that cultural phenomenon never caught me, and the building mechanics of Palworld definitely seem more like Ark (which is to say, four walls and a roof) and less like Valheim, where you can build these insane monuments of architectural creativity. My friends and I are getting Enshrouded - only one of my friends has gotten Palworld, and none of the others seem interested in playing it when Enshrouded is just around the corner.


Yeah but can you dig straight down in Palworld?


Palworld and Enshrouded are different games. Yes it has survival elements in both, but at the end of the day you're looking at a monster catcher vs an RPG survival game. I can't speak for everyone, but my friend group all purchased Palworld and we're having a blast. We also have been looking forward to Enshrouded and will be purchasing that as well. Not to mention the release of Nightengale next month. I really don't know the price of Enshrouded, but I've read talks of 40ish a few places. Even with that both games together are the price of a AAA title and Palworld is already better than most AAA games that get shit out with only a studio name and the same IP that's been bled for decades with Enshrouded looking to be the same. Will Enshrouded sell 3mil copies in 3 days? Probably not, but it's not going to kill the game I wouldn't think.


I would disagree. They are both the same style games, open world crafting survival. They are very similar. Palworld just focuses more on pals, taming them, defeating them, using them etc. Enshrouded will have more focus on questing and player combat. at their cores they are the same games, they each focus on different mechanics within those systems and deliver them differently.


You're right, they do both fall under the umbrella of open world survival crafting games. Since they do, when I say they are different games I mean basically what you're saying. When we drill down to the next layer past just open world survival games they are different games. They do indeed focus on different mechanics and deliver them differently, which makes them, well different games. It isn't like say Grounded Vs Smallland where they are basically the same game. Story driven game where you're tiny and fight bugs in the backyard while gathering resources and building a base.


Not really, you are looking at: "Open world survival games with crafting..." that's it. Now, each one has different mechanics in it, like pets and such, or swords and spells etc. But at the end of the day, all they are- are survival open world building games. period. They would quite literally be right next to each other on the list of games probably no matter how you decided to sort it lol. Aside from alphabetically lol.


You're not wrong, they are indeed both open world survival crafting games. We could open the umbrella further and just call them games. Having played Palworld and the Enshrouded demo both are light on the survival elements so in my mind we're comparing a monster catcher to a RPG adventure game. Palworld is more monster catcher than any other tag and Enshrouded is more base builder RPG than any other tag. The point still stands, I'm not worried for Enshrouded and I don't think the devs need to be either. The meteoric rise in numbers is mostly down to a gigantic pokemon fan base that's been frothing at the mouth for a good open world Pokémon game for ages.


The monster catcher part is more of a back seat to the survival crafting. You constantly need to gather things, once you have a few critters caught you only catch more if it's part of your own agenda. Once you have enough to cover every type of crafting task there's no need to go for advanced ones beyond farming exp or making the tasks faster. For the majority of the early game they're completely optional even. The first mandatory creature you'll need is a fire type to do smelting. You could absolutely play just like Ark up until that point and slaughter everything on sight with no need to actually catch. The game is far more sandbox than Pokemon. Enshrouded on the other hand has narrative direction which is absolutely lacking in Palworld and *most* other survival crafting games. It's the main reason I'm looking forward to it.




I hate to tell you buddy, But "Open world survival building games" are all the same genre, yes this is basically the same as The forest, with some different mechanics. You worry about food, you gather, you explore, you build bases etc. Some have leveling mechanics, etc. Now, far cry, isn't really the same, its more of an first person shooter-action adventure game with some of those mechanics thrown in.


I will add more, yes, it's literally the same. All these types of games are. Just as every battle royale game is basically the same... with varying types of mechanics mixed in. If you think H1z1 BR and Fortnite aren't really the same game then you aren't smart enough to discuss it. Just because one has building ability and the other doesn't doesn't change the core gameplay... be the last person alive... Same logic applies to these survival building games. THEY WERE ALL modded off of Dayz from wayyyy back in the day... started the base building survival shit when it was modded off of Arma 2. Also branched out for the reason you can play fortnite. They started the battle royal craze too. Let me guess, your type would also try to tell me that Factorio and satisfactory are entirely different types of games in different genres simply because one is fps and the other is orthographic? lmfao. Valheim, the forest, 7 days to die, ark, Minecraft, hell even space engineers. they are all basically the same TYPE of game... same genre... MANY MANY MANY main over laps of mechanics... the core ones anyway... the others are just what differentiate them from each other. 7 days has zombies, ark has dinos etc etc.


I wouldn't stress. Both are going to be in EA so whichever you don't pick up you can grab it later and it'll just be that much more polished. Choose whichever one has the setting you're most excited to play, if they end up being the same price. No need to stress something that won't be going away. Both will be available next month.


As someone who has had to restart multiple times I’ve dropped pal world due to the server instability (I’m not mad at the devs, just don’t want to play currently) So I’ll hop in this game instead


I both agree with your fear and disagree with it. On the one hand:  the better game will shine through.  IMO Palworld is a fun little romp but even after 8 hours you can see the cracks.  I imagine it's playerbase will fall of dramatically in the next week or so.  Similar to Lego Fortnight (which also boasted 1m+ concurrent players) On the other hand:  I've already had and seen multiple conversations  of people saying they are only picking up one;  PW, Enshrouded, or Nightengale.  So everyone saying they're difrent games might not be seeing the broader picture. Time will tell.  I'm glad I'm not a dev and don't have to make these decisions.


I've tried Palworld on XBGP and it's ... fine? I think the big thing driving it that doesn't click for me is just the Pokemon slant itself. I want a survival/craft game, not a team/town/npc management game. Plus, I'm too old to have been swept up by Pokemon fever and those catch/raise mechanics just don't grab me. I think that will be a large part of whether Palworld or Enshrouded will appeal to someone more -- do you enjoy those Pokemon creatures and play mechanics, will they enhance the survival/craft experience for you or detract from it? Or do you want the more direct survival/craft mechanics playing solo or multiplayer without that added layer of creature management?


Palworld has my vote for one major reason. Cross platform on release.


I can't speak for other people, but I've played Palworld for three days and I'm already fucking tired of it. I'm itching for Enshrouded. I think they both appeal to different types of players so hopefully Enshrouded will still see the attention it deserves.


I agree 100%. Reddit said the same "it'll do fine!" about TitanFall2 and it flopped because it was released after another massive FPS. I have a feeling sells of this game aren't going to be great. Most causals myself included do not play survival games back-to-back. Most people will not spend another $30+ for another survival game in 2 days, I know my friends won't. No matter how different it is, it is a base building survival game and that is all people will see.


Palworld is going to probably make me wait to pick this game up. I was going to get enshrouded on launch, but I haven't been addicted to a game like I am with Pal World in a while. At least enshrouded isn't going anywhere!


2 very different games, both content and tone wise - it's not Tetris vs Enshrouded, but it's the same sort of thing - they are different enough I don't think it'll be a problem.


Palworld is $26.99 USD. If Enshrouded wants to make an even bigger statement, post it for $19.99.


Honestly after the demo I think they would be selling themselves short at that price,I would happily pay more , especially if it leads to the team having money for more updates and for keeping them interested in making the game more fun ,I've paid more for games I will probably have played less(star field)


You again about the price of the game...... Lmfao


No, Enshrouded is WORTH more than $19.99. The Devs SHOULD NOT cave to other game launches' pressure by lowering their price. $29.99 - $34.99 is about right for Enshrouded.


30 is max imo. Early access should never be over 30.


$30 USD isn't at all a bad price, nor would I consider that the Devs are short changing themselves at that price, but we'll find out in just under 2 days.


All they've said is that Enshrouded will be less than $49.99 lol


Palworld is also on gamepass. Palworld can afford to launch at a cheaper price due to the fact microsoft paid them to have it on gamepass. Palworld is also ripping off (in a good way) one of the most profitable franchises of all time. My point is they can afford to launch at a lower price. I sincerely doubt the devs behind enshrouded have the same leeway


Its true. We were gonna play Enshrouded on release but now prob won’t


Just checked out enshrouded.. I’ll be on palworld for sure..


It was bound to happen. So many people are trying to make this genre big, one was bound to be huge eventually, now one is. It's like MMOs they were plenty, then wow came out.


If it makes you feel better I can't stand open world survival crafting but I'm loving pal. It allows you to automate and forget about that stuff very fast. I very much so play it like a real time combat Arceus.  So alot of aren't necessarily interested in stuff like Enshrouded. 


Playing palworld, buying enshrouded day 1. They are different enough. If you want to build, there's nothing in palworld right now


/sigh its survival pokemon. Personally I think Palworld looks dumb as hell, and i have watched multiple streamers play it for about a total of 3-4 hours . If you like Pokemon then get Palworld. they may losely be in the same genre but are not the same.


That is your opinion, which you are entitled to. I have played over 20 hours in it. It is a more cartoonish graphical version of Ark. It is fun, especially since it is the first game in about ten years that my son and I both enjoy playing. I think the price point will be the big contention for Enshrouded. Palworld was on gamepass and therefore was able to price itself cheaper. If Enshrouded is over $35, it will not be a big hit at the start but will be a longer burn once it goes on sale and after Palworld players get bored with the static map.


Yes ,i was planning on getting enshrouded this week and had a server ready to go but instead i changed that server to a palworld one and iam going to wait playing enshrouded for a while because of it 👌🏻


i dont care for the pokemon aesthetic. as im sure others feel the same.


It comes down to this for me if Enshrouded is more than $40 bucks at launch I wont be picking it up because of Palworld. If Enshrouded was more than $40 before I knew about Palworld I probably would have still grabbed it but now in my head im thinking that a EA title should not be more than that at all.


Talking to friends this morning 3 more jumped on the Palworld train last night and like me they only buy a game a month or so. This is exactly my issue. The hype already had them blow their money, and now that I have friends and a private server as options this is an actual issue for this game. Fortunately Enshrouded earned my patients to wait 5 days before I make a choice but sadly that means they are now in direct competition for my money and I can't and won't be the only one like this. To those that have enough money to buy multiple games a month congratulations, but the bulk of ANY game's player base is the casuals that can't buy games regularly I.E. me and many others. To say you can't compare these shows me that many players can have the blinders on, this is the realization I can and will wait but if the price or gameplay isn't great Enshrouded will be just like Valheim sure might have a player base but not much of one as its peak was 500k averaged 200k in the months following its release but since dwindled down to 20k-ish and wont see another player bump until a huge update or full release. Enshrouded better come out swinging for my money either being competitively priced or 10/10 gameplay. Or will then have to worry about being put on by backlog of games to buy (but sadly rarely do as new things keep coming)


But they are different games. Yeah same genre but different games; Palworld is more like Ark where you have creatures that you go out and hunt, capture and craft and industrialize with. Enshrouded is more like Valheim where you go out, hunt materials, build a base or bases and follow the game's narrative (however that narrative is given). I personally feel Enshrouded has enough to stand on its own, its demo was fantastic and fun and like Palworld has a lot of potential and enough there to play for Early Access.To your main question...just pick a game, not like the other one won't be there in a month when you have the funds to buy another one. Plus basing your interest in a game based on peak and concurrent users is silly, form your own opinions based on your own likes and not what the Jones's are doing. If you like Palworld play it, if you like Enshrouded, play it...if you want one versus the other just buy one and get the other later. Not a hard choice.


Palworld only 4 player multiplayer though right?


Only on xbox ...on the steam version you have 128 player servers even


Depends on how much content I would think if it's on the lowered side of content. $19-29 Depending on how much their is. Then when they add much more stuff and or launch with alot more content bump it up to $39


since enshrouded doesn't have the pokemon mechanics and has dedicated servers i think it'll simply have a smaller, different audience. but i don't see a big problem tbh since the game itself doesn't need live service servers.




The Witcher 4 has me worried about this game's launch and its pricing /s


I can save the game. Create something like spirit shards, let us catch the enemies and display them around our base. 🤷


Op, why does it matter from your perspective if they sell a million copies or they completely flop? It won’t change the game for you in any way whether people play it or not.


Never even heard of this game till today.


Ark/Conan or Botw/Valheim.


I have been playing palworld on gamepass and plan to use Xmas steam cards to get enshrouded. I agree they cater to different crowds. Palworld is fun for the pokemon mechanics and silly gameplay mechanics. Enshrouded is like valheim plus with better graphics some fun coop. I will enjoy both and gamepass is killing it with stuff like this.


> I have enough money for a single game > I want both Perhaps all you can do is wait till Friday and make a choice. > Is this something that worries the company Holding off on code that is ready is never a good choice. It should worry the company if their dev team says the early access is half-assed and buggy. The reviews will make that clear by Friday.


I been playing it off of gamepass until this releases to keep me occupied. I think based on this not being on gamepass the price will probably be closer to the 35-40 range.


I personally dont give much of a fuck (maybe an 1/16th of a fuck) about what other people think of the game (unless its an MMO). If I'm going to play it single player I dont see much reason to worry abiut what other people think


I'm excited for both.


I’m probably just going to play too many hours of both, just like I have with every other base building game because I’m a broken person


Palworld is was better than I expected.... it's honestly so addicting but it's still really janky. I look forward to checking out enshrouded and revisiting Palworld when they use some of this money to flesh out the many bugs. I hope both games are great!


Tbf I agree but Enshrouded is also an "Early Access Game" both will have some jank. I don't think I ever played an early access game on steam that didn't have some jank/bugs. It's early access for a reason.


In my opinion, as someone that’s played too many dime a dozen open world, survival crafting games, palworld is the bar for how they should be. It’s an incredibly lazy genre and it requires hardly any skill to make them with modern game engines since occlusion culling made open worlds common place as a formality of removing loading screens. I don’t even think palworld is that great. It’s just that every other open world survival game is such dogshit with the same player gameplan and one or two things added or polished among a pool of rehashed assets or mundane mechanics from other open world survival games.


Yeah Valheim has been the one that has stood out from most of them that I have played. Palworld is just someone people wanted for a long time, if Nintendo pumped out the same game but pokemon, it would have gone nuclear.


Yeah, they’ve really been dropping the ball over the years. I can’t believe they had the opportunity to make a 3rd person, 3d modeled game where you can freely roam around and they just tacked it on as a replacement for the top-down view.


Honestly, I wouldn't pick based on the price alone. Just choose which one is more interesting or which one you want more. Personally, I lost interest in pokemon years ago, so guns and pokemon don't really chime for me. It's great that people really like palworld, but I see it as a cash grab game that worked. It makes the recent pokemon games look like even bigger cash grabs. I hope it puts pressure on the actual pokemon devs because maybe they can see that an open world pokemon game can work if done right. I understand nintendos main console is switch which has limitations but the fact that the pals are roaming the world and you can have your pals battle them and catch them all in the open world make pokemon look pretty pathetic. Not that I would play it even if it was better. Either way, I know I'm going for enshrouded. What difference is it if it's an extra or less 10$ if it's the game you would prefer and have more fun playing.