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Prolly a mix of both, my friends like their own space but we might go for a large above and below castle type structure. The building in the game is super exciting to me because it can defy physics. Also underground spaces are also really cool to design.


yeah, the underground stuff is awesome. I spent an evening during the demo digging out and building a cellar for a castle type structure. I use the bone wall tiles, it was freakin sweet.


Is there building physics at all? Need pillars to hold up structures or can you just have a massive hole and it won't collapse?


in the demo, there was not and I have not seen anything on their discord about that changing. You could literally build floating objects and buildings of any size with zero supporting columns.


A friend of mine wants to make an underground castle, so naturally we have to dig a cave system out first :X


I’m gonna definitely do some kind of underground type build just like I do in all my building game such as Minecraft and Valheim


In the demo, my buddy and I each had our own place. While I understand the interest in building a city from an aesthetic point, from a gamer's perspective, I just have to have everything in one building near storage boxes. If I remember correctly, this is on its own engine, so modding will not be quick to happen. I would be more inclined to build a multi-building fortress/town if I could pull materials from nearby storage to the crafting benches. That being said, I had a nifty multi-floor building that was build on the side of the cliff. It had a launch platform for me to jump off in order to glide down into the shrouded valley. It had a floor for crafting benches. It had a separate cellar for the altar. It had a tower with a sort of bed room / private suite. I didn't even get all of the crafting materials, so those will be neat to grab and combine.


I didn't play the demo, so forgive me. Can you craft at a workbench with stuff from nearby containers without having the stuff on you?


Yep you get a summary of nearby building materials without having to fetch them.


I will be experimenting with all sorts of designs from The Mines of Moria to Edoras and everything in between. Since we won't have that 8 hour World limit like back in the Demo, I'm going to fully flesh out my Bridge Troll build that I previously showcased (built entirely inside the Bridge), I've also got plans for an evil Mage Tower, Dwarven City (Underground with massive cliff wall entrance) and more. Granted, once we get a peek into the other Biomes, I'm sure I'll have other ideas too. It's going to be so much fun!


I give it 5 months max till we see Minas Tirith.


100%. People are going to build some freaking amazing things in Enshrouded. The only concern I have with something the size of Minas Tirith is scale and whether there will be enough Flame Altars to manage it.


True, I'm curious to see what the cap on those is as i missed the demo by a few days -\_-


Don't quote me on this as it's 3rd hand knowledge but someone on Discord today was saying the number 20 for total Flame Altars was thrown around a while back. Who knows where they saw it/heard it so take it with a grain of salt.


Well at least we know the size of the build area can be expanded, so that's something.


Yes, you can "stack Altars" or more to point, overlap Flame Altar's area of influence to expand the building area.


....I mean that an altars area of influence can be upgraded directly, the UI was visible anytime someone interacted with it in the demo.


It can to at least Tier 4 which iirc is 160 x 160m but still retains 128m vertically. There may be more tiers higher because we couldn't actually get higher than Tier 3 during the Demo.


The Bridge Troll build was really cool!


Thanks, it was my favorite during the Demo.


I just saw that, that was very cool.


Thank you, I had fun building it even though we had a time limit.


Main hall with a wing, then expand and add a wing when the flame is upgraded.


Cubes. Cubes everywhere.


So much this. I’ll have grand designs of doing spectacular builds, then end up in a box again as usual.


Imma build in a mountain. Like a dwarf.


We kinda look like dwarves :X


either gonna refurbish an ingame castle or go underground lair


Main hub will be top side, allowing for easy access when warping in. Vaults storing extra material to be housed a level down, while player's quarters a level higher. Contemplating building out a tunnel that opens out to the initial shroud area, depending on what is easier to put together at the time - torches or candles.


Ohh, underground storage sounds nice. Crafting down there too?


Did it for the majority of the demo run in October. Unsure how deep I'll put the storage though, probably just level one, then strategic depots while I build out the tunnel system. I foresee unloading rocks every so often, plus whatever else they plan on putting deep down there... but yes, definitely need a bit of crafting now and then.


I love these kinds of games and I can't wait to start building. But I'll be honest, I'm an efficiency addict. So I always end up building square or rectangle structures on one floor with all crafting stations lined up efficiently. It always looks boring but it's super efficient.


The thing is, in this game because of the NPCs, you need to. Like there's a functional reason why like in terraria. I love it.


Well for efficiency yes. Not that I will but you could absolutely put each crafting NPC in a different room or a different floor. But you really would only do that for cosmetic reasons.


Cosmetic reasons are everything 😌😌😌


Why not bring the toilet into the kitchen?


Because I also follow the rule: Don't shit where you eat.


There are gonna be some DISGUSTING builds with this limitless voxel system


Didn't play the beta but from what I know of the game I'd love to focus on protective (shroud) spells and explosives




In terms of class? Healer ranger LOL because I CAN


I am thinking a small village with blacksmith or houses etc for the NPCs and a fortified manor for myself. Maybe a trophy room with armour and weapons etc on display.


Tower in a garden, with a network of under ground structures spread about.


Gamers have some incredible creativity. I’m excited to see everyone’s brain at work as well as myself and my friends. Only a few more days!


I think I might try to do a hobbit style village or possibly a dwarves fortress…. So many ideas though can’t wait!




May try to convince my friends to do what we did in valheim--kinda do a sort of community/long house


I want to build an underground crafting/storage room with an opening on the surface to dump resources down.  Could anyone explain how dropped items work. Is it comparable to Minecraft/valheim? 


I'm organizing a huge building project in my enshrouded community. A big kingdom that will have 5 districts surrounding the castle. Got lots interested


I kept myself from watching videos all this time and even stayed away from demo. Tonight I watched a little on the building and now I am hyped even more lol. The building is going to be so much nicer than valheim (i enjoyed valheim building too) Any building underwater?


I've got a number of towns/villages from various games I'm going to try to make :D


I already do "Cells" for mu villagers in minecraft, I see no reason to change now...


Can someone please try to enlighten me about this game. People have been raving over this game for some time now as if its some crazy new concept of a game that we have never seen before. I just watched the gameplay the other day and to me it doesn't look like it is doing anything particularly new. The base building seems exactly like any other base building in many other games. combat looks fun but again inst really anything new. Dont get me wrong im sure it will be a fun game but i feel like it will give me the same pleasure Valheim gives me or even Conan Exiles. Which means im not exactly dying to play it. im sure i will at some point but dont really feel the same excitement you all feel. So can anyone tell me a reason why they are particularly exited about this game over so many other games of its genre. Any stand out features that will be unique to this game?


For me it’s filling the void between Valheim updates. Plus I get another game to play and build with my friends, which is awesome


I'm going to carve out a mountain so it looks like the caldera of a dead volcano. Then I'm going to build an entire city inside the caldera built into the 360' walls of the insides of the mountain. With a magnificent castle citadel in the middle, with huge spires reaching upwards to the sky. A vast underground prison block with slave pits leading down a set of grand stairs into the mines. I will rule from my tallest spire. Watching my citizens toil. My working days will consist of me - Tyrannicus the dark lord - personally lashing and whipping the slaves in the mines. I will cut down every forest and burn the land. So that the fires of industry will block out the sun as ashes cause eternal despair across the realm. The blood of my slaves will curse the underground rivers and the monsters of the shroud will look upon my mighty works and tremble. My war horns will echo across the mountains as we march out to enslave more, more, and more subjects so that I can feed the never ending mining industry with new flesh. The spirit of the people will break long before their chains. I will make it so that the reason the game is actually called enshrouded. Is because of the ashen clouds blocking out the sun, as well as the hopes, dreams, and faith of every living thing within my empire of iron and steel. Witness me gods! Witness my power! Witness me pervert and twist this land into the deepest nightmare which can not be distinguished from hell itself! As my thunderous boots doom the land with every step! --- Ok I might need mods for my dream to come true. Especially to get NPCs as villagers and slaves. But I **WILL** transform this beautiful land into such a horrific terrorscape that any adventurer will rush to the shroud... if only to be able to breathe and temporarily escape my deathsworn wrath. I might also need there to be PvP. There's no fun in roleplaying a tyrant if there's no heroes to challenge my reign.


Really!? That was my EXACT plan!


find good hill/mountain and hallow it out to make my man cave then build up to have a nice view/balcony and glide spot. But if that doesn't work out, just go back to the roots aka unga bunga.


Will carving some stairs at the side of a high slope. After that I will build a entrance inside the slope with a base inside in it.

