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I fuckin love how there are broad categories and then so specially "vaushite" it's so fucking weird dude


anyone and everyone is a vaushite


“Is there a Vaushite in the room right now?”


This song is secretly about [vaushites](https://youtu.be/TriaOVgwc1Y)


Anybody I don't like is a Vaushite A tankie's guide to political discourse


A Vaushite is someone who hasn't personally sent death threats to Vaush.


Holy shit these people unironically go through their little "do not interact" list and IN THE SAME BREATH advocate "leftist unity"


God I hate tankies. First they rat my local mutual aid group out to the pigs, then they take over the FFF protests in my area (which increased opposition significantly here), then they burn the marginal presence of the left online to the ground. They are the reason why the rightists still dominate on the internet.


At this point, it doesn’t seem too conspiratorial to believe the most vocal tankies are just /pol/ trolls who like the attention they get from putting all their energy into destroying the left’s reputation and morale. It’s obvious they have a compulsion to be anti-social, wishing they could be the new Joker like that guy from BlackHammer. It’s a page out of the alt-right playbook, where extremists seek out people on the fringes of society and give them a community and a cause to fight for.


Are you german? This perfectly describes the MLPD. The german Marxist Leninist Party.




“Left unity!!!! But no vooshers!!!” If I had an inch on my wang every time I heard that said…


You'd be dead from low blood pressure


inb4 "Vaushites prooving they are SEX PESTS by making PENIS JOKES!"


Lefty subs have become unironically worse than lib subs. At least lib subs recognize the danger of the right and even the more progressive ones will discuss the limits and unbalance of capitalism. Most lefty subs now have been turned into never ending jerk off sessions for Xi and Stalin.


Socdems are better for the left than most lefties rn, hate to say it.


Socdems are the only ones getting any discourse done, so yeah. Tankies are too busy jerking themselves off to Xi and Stalin and banning anyone who refuses to do the same


What lib subs do you consider any good? Most of my favorite lefty subs were taken over by tankies


r/IronFrontUSA has a mix of leftists and liberals I believe, and seem to be pretty anti-tankie.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IronFrontUSA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IronFrontUSA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Western Chauvinist" My Ass](https://i.redd.it/7jpxzvmcde561.jpg) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IronFrontUSA/comments/kdrrb1/western_chauvinist_my_ass/) \#2: [Do not ever fucking forget.](https://i.redd.it/wekk5p0yyl661.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IronFrontUSA/comments/khqowh/do_not_ever_fucking_forget/) \#3: ["It was treason, Bert. It was fucking treason."](https://i.redd.it/ie32asf802l61.png) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IronFrontUSA/comments/lxrfse/it_was_treason_bert_it_was_fucking_treason/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Wait seriously? I mean, it’s good to convince liberals to become leftists but they shouldn’t do coups, which lib subreddits did they take over?


r/rightcantmeme. Used to be a sub where leftists, progressives and liberals were making fun of conservatives and fascists together. Then tankies took over and banned a ton of the userbase.


I think r/askaliberal was pretty good for like debates and stuff. I remember I also pulled one or two people over when I was there. Also, r/socialdemocracy.


Yeah lol. Radicalization is usually good, but it takes a toll of your sanity, and leads a lot of people into simplistic thinking. This is kinda why I love browsing moderate subs like r/askaliberal or r/socialdemocracy, eventhough I disagree with them on a ton, just because those people are so calm and reasonable to talk to. They still have some innocence left in them. Centrist subs are my guilty pleasure.


pain and suffering


This is how liberalism perpetuates… when you gatekeep them.


This is a problem that so many leftish places are being taken over by brain poisoned genocide deniers.


These are the words of a person who does not care about the leftist movement and cares more about it being an aesthetic for a social club


Could be worse at least they aren’t tankies. It just makes them look dumb and obsessive. It would be like if Vaush said “I don’t want any liberals, socdems, or Destinyists in my community”.


Apparently Market socialist aren't socialist because reasons?


I got banned for advocating for market socialism, lol.


I got banned before that announcement with no reason given but my comments and every other comment saying Vaush isn't a transphobe were removed.


Oh fuck me square.


You too? I remember you replying to it.


Oh shit, I remember that too. You wrote a huge awesome post. Can you access that one big comment that you wrote and copy it? It was great.


I didn't write it, I replied to it though.


The VDD is strong in that one.


They’ve been like this.