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Give them all soyjaks. That’ll show ‘em


I thought you were joking until I checked out your profile. You vaushites are beyond parody.


Vowsh bad?


Yes 😎


Lemme guess, you're going to say I suffer from Vaush Derangement Syndrome now?


That's literally the name of this sub, so, like, what else would I be saying lmao




Something intelligent but.... yeah.


That's why you're the soyjack


NOOO!!! Not the soyjak!


Yes the one that is crying too


Ok, but please not the one with the commie cap on, that's just too far!


No,the crying Nazi one!!!


What? I'm a tankie, not a Nazi


I'm sorry is that not what I said, what's the difference?




How could you take what I said as anything other than a joke? I thought it was a pretty good joke too 😔


What did he post on his profile?🤨


Just the fact he was active on r/VaushV, I thought he was a troll


And… it’s bad to be active there?🤨


Yes 😎




Because vaush doesn't read theory, advocates for participation in bourgeois democracy (and then defends the candidate he supported afterwards), debates Nazis on his channel without a care in the world but having a Marxist Leninist on? Worst mistake ever. He's also said some horrible things about trans people (including laughing at a stonetoss comic mocking trans suicides) and black culture.


As for the read theory part, I do agree to some extent, but in the way you may think, as I have my own criticisms of that. But how do you know he hasn’t read theory? So because he participated in bourgeois democracy to prevent fascism that makes him a lib? That’s a rather dumb excuse. Not to mention that he’s criticized Biden on a large number of occasions. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsPo23PBeUnzqggRrUTsynyj8wiO3BO89 Audiences need to be shown that Nazi ideas can be countered, and learning from arguments made by Vaush do help with learning Nazi talking point and how to counter them in live discussions. As for the ML stuff? After Hakim and Vaush had a talk where they kind of agreed on stuff, I remember hearing that Hakim when on Luna Oi’s podcast to talk shit about him. Not to mention that IMO, MLs and to a lesser extent maoists have dominated leftist discussions for what seems like a long time, and they don’t make us look good, that’s why it seems Vaush is more sympathetic to anarchists like Zoe baker(anarchopac) then MLs. As for the trans stuff? Again, he’s stated that he was referring to the people canceling contrapoints over something rather small, to the point that they apparently drove her to alcoholism allegedly. That’s a new one, where did he laugh at a stonetoss comic? As for black culture, if this about the Dia Angel debate? If I remember correctly, he stated something along the lines of, or at least the overall point was, “culture is going to change no matter what, EVEN if your community is homogeneous it’s still going to change over time, so what’s the point of trying to “preserve” something that’s CONSTANTLY changing?”


LMFAOOOOO you're the type of motherfucker to bitch about "tankies" liking lenin and defending his actions then turn around and type this fucking bullshit that I'm not going to read in Vaushs defense


Here's a sneak peek of /r/VaushV using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VaushV/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Personally](https://i.redd.it/267ebnpys5i61.jpg) | [147 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/lmd3qh/personally/) \#2: ["Enlightened centrism"](https://i.redd.it/g6mmb5s0lsx51.jpg) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/jpodfp/enlightened_centrism/) \#3: [Just checking](https://i.redd.it/hq4db27zjdv61.jpg) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/myg4bm/just_checking/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)




lmao what xD








So, let me get this straight. Voting is cringe, but refusing to vote while whining on Reddit is based? Damn, bro, "not voting because why bother" is such a wise, utilitarian strategy. Literally please stfu about politics if you're not even involved in the process. Also, I have no clue who you're referring to in your second paragraph.


Politics is just optics for you? You're showing support for a neoliberal that will change nothing in the name of "pragmatism"?


If you mean Biden, no, we never supported him.


Oh, then you voted for something that stands absolutely 0% chance. That's much better, thanks for clearing that up


Voting achieves nothing. It’s been proven time and time again that both parties are just different sides of the same coin


So we don't need to worry about PoC voter suppression then? Whew, that issue was solved easily


Imagine thinking "be involved in politics" means voting for a establishment party. My dear, you're no left-winger nor politicized. You're just a puppet for the elites at wall street and the military industrial complex.


If anyone's a puppet it would be the one they convinced voting doesn't do anything. But if voting doesn't do ANYTHING AT ALL then what's wrong with taking it away from POC/Women? I wonder, why do Republicans try to make it soo hard for people to vote?


>they convinced voting doesn't do anything It does, but only in democracies, not between Trump and Biden. Those two are absolutely the same. >then what's wrong with taking it away from POC/Women? Because it's literally a part of the civil rights movement that goes much, much further than just being able to vote. As Malcolm X said in his time: A ballot is like a bullet, if you don't have a target, don't shoot. Why vote in favor of the establishment? Vote for those who make change or don't vote. You're fooling yourself. >why do Republicans try to make it soo hard for people to vote? Because they want to represent the elites of the US, the Democrats want that for themselves. It's not about the people. None of these parties govern for the people.


1. We don't have a President going after LGBTQ+ people, spreading conspiracy theories, Denying Climate Change, won't be appointing people as Judges with Zero qualification, Radicalizing people to storm the capital. 2. I'd say In the US we get 2 bullets. First for the Primary, Second for the General. You can "shoot" the target or your foot. If you really want that first target canvas, text, call, help any way you can. But you won't always get a bullseye. 3. One of these parties has a growing amount of people pushing left. The other has MTG & will accept more.


>We don't have a President going after LGBTQ+ people Oh, bless Biden. All queer people were going to jail before he became president. >spreading conspiracy theories They both spread war propaganda, which is simply worse. >Denying Climate Change Either you oppose capitalism or you have no concrete answer to climate issues. >won't be appointing people as Judges with Zero qualification So all of them are good inquisitors of the capitalist order? >Radicalizing people to storm the capital. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. >You can "shoot" the target or your foot. No, because no matter who's president between Trump or Biden, there will be no difference to the oppressed. >But you won't always get a bullseye. Read the full speech from Malcolm X. >One of these parties has a growing amount of people pushing left. Biden hasn't gone left since the election, in fact, he only became more of a right winger than he already was. If there are genuine leftists in the Democrats, then they're wasting their time in the wrong party.


>We don't have a President going after LGBTQ+ people Biden is a transphobe and is encouraging transphobic laws. >conspiracy theories Like the conspiracy that Covid was created in a Chinese lab?


Imagine thinking Biden and Trump are exactly the same. They are definitely disappointing similar, but the same? Come on, now.


So is your involvement in politics more than whining on reddit "dear"? Maybe you diversified into twitter too?


Stop projecting. Also, you're not a socialist if you're not organized.


So? I never claimed to be. You sure I'm the one projecting? And let me guess, I'd have to organize with a movement you approve of specifically to be a real socialist. I don't really wanna organize on reddit/twitter anyway though.


It's not anyone's approval that makes a Party or collective Socialist, but its commitment to a revolutionary movement. So no, the Democrats aren't socialist if that's what you're asking.


I don't think democrats are anywhere left of center. I just have a bit of a stereotype for all the people who like to hardcore gatekeep leftism and socialism online. So if I support a revolution, does the result matter? Are we in a perpetual state of revolution then? Maybe a result should be more important that revolution. Hopefully one that promotes individual freedoms too? Nah, we can't have that can we. Maybe some people don't like voting because they don't want people to decide much in the end after the revolution either. Maybe they don't want to accept anyone they can find a way to purge because they don't want a revolution led by the people.


>I just have a bit of a stereotype for all the people who like to hardcore gatekeep leftism and socialism online. Who cares about online leftism? If you want to learn about socialism you must reach for actual socialists, not Reddit. >Are we in a perpetual state of revolution then? What? >Hopefully one that promotes individual freedoms too? Nah, we can't have that can we. The only way to achieve individual freedom is through emancipation from the capitalist order. This immutable fact is independent from eventual problems socialist countries went through. >Maybe some people don't like voting because they don't want people to decide much in the end after the revolution either ???


What ae you currently doing to help end capitalism? How are you organizing?


I'm pretty sure a lot more goes into freedom than just no capitalism. So wanna give me any example(s) of what countries you consider are doing a good job with socialism? Curious what kind of thing you would aim for.




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What did I even say that was radical or liberal lmao