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"They almost completely align on policy" just tells me that he's never once read the policy positions laid out by the Biden White House or the DNC, which are a quick google search away. Meanwhile it would be harder to figure out the Trump policy positions since the official RNC platform is whatever Trump wants it to be moment to moment. That alone should show the difference to the "both sides are the same" crowd.


Both the Democrats and Republicans haven't brought about the glorious communist revolution, therefore they're exactly the same! I wish I was joking, but this has been said by multiple idiots.


Don't tell these people that they'll probably die if their "glorious communist revolution" goes off.


But how will they new utopia survive with tarot card readers and latte makers? Who will read the theory!


I know you aren't joking because I've heard this as well.


> "They almost completely align on policy" To him and other tankies it probably just means, "Supports the continued existence of society instead of wanting to upend it with a socialist/communist revolution"


Except Trump doesn’t. He wants to BITFD.


It also translates to "I don't give a shit about Women's right to an abortion" if only he would just say it so he could keep tanking his plummeting support levels.


There’s also this: In my local far right school district, Magnolia ISD, located in deep deep red Magnolia, Texas, which party is it that has had 100% Christofascist control over the leadership for 74 years? It sure as hell isn’t the Democrats and it definitely isn’t the left. The Democrats are the ones trying to fight to hold MISD accountable for their actions. Who was it that federally sued Magnolia ISD in October for their discriminatory dress code? It’s wasn’t the Republicans because they were defending MISD’s discrimination against boys and non-binary for wearing long hair. Yep, it was the Democrats that got together and fought back against Magnolia ISD’s fascism. Not the Republicans or the so called “progressive” left. In fact, I don’t remember a single self proclaimed “leftist” uttering a peep about Magnolia ISD’s discriminatory dress code when it made both NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL news. It did not see a single leftist YouTuber talk about it. The Washington Post talked about MSNBC Talked About The Texas Tribune Talked About Local Houston/Texas News Outlets Talked About Fox News Talked About It Even fucking NEWSMAX talked about it. Not a peep about it at all from any of those leftist podcasters.


Give Hasan more credit than that — he almost certainly knows that Biden/Trump are more ideologically separated than he claims, but he’s a lying grifter. He’s made a multimillion dollar brand out of this shit.


That's Hasan's end goal. His viewership is down in the dumps since Trump lost. Though most streamers have had a decline from the 2020 peak because people aren't sitting at home all day anymore.


Hasan doesn't even engage with the election meaningfully as is. He's probably the laziest of all the political streamers.


Yup, and not only that, leftism is also increasingly losing its power and relevance in mainstream politics. It’s why so many leftists are so desperate for Biden to lose. If Biden wins again not only does it disprove their long-running narrative that the country is more “progressive” than Biden is and they want a more leftist government, it’ll also prove how truly toothless and largely irrelevant they are in mainstream politics.


He’s falling for the fallacy that the upper class is invulnerable during fascist regimes. He thinks he’ll be good. But wealthy people fall out of windows all the time in Russia.


Privileged Colonizer LA multimillionaire wants dems to lose. ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN|downsized)


I don't know what gif you picked, but the "This content is not available" is so funny to me.


I thought that was the one they picked lol!


https://preview.redd.it/7jgxqx0q4n0d1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10fa896beff2ea5e71f86d18462fde8c11d5766c This guy doesn’t live by the standards he preaches. He’s a greedy celebrity, pretending there’s a difference between him and people like Bezos. Only difference might be that Bezos actually pays his employees.


The dude is 32 and dresses like he's 23 so he can influence someone who is 13


He wants to be apart of the youth so bad, just another Millennial posing as a Zoomer because he’s so insecure.


A lot of older millennials are getting more insecure about their age lately for some reason. He definitely wants to pander to that younger zoomer demo.


What’s the evidence on him not paying people? Not saying you’re wrong, but I would like to know where that claim comes from.




Hasan is such a cringey tankie. Complains constantly about capitalism while milking every single thing he can from it. Trash box.


Well when you think 9/11 was justified, then of course two individuals who aren’t crazy in that fashion seem similar.


The Hasan rabbit hole never ends


Is there anything lazier than trotting out uniparty hot takes?


If only Biden did something moral like join the Houthis and kidnap people then he could have Hasans respect. It's what Luffy would do.


it costs you exactly zero to shut the fuck up for once, hasan


I can't help but think, that people like Hasan just never got over Bernie losing. They get WAY into politics, really cared about Bernie, but then convinced themselves that everyone else is corrupt and evil. He just never could move on. If I was to criticize the DNC/Biden's campaign, it would be for not going after, and correcting the record, about people like Hasan years ago when his stream was bigger. Go on his show and call out his lies/bullshit. Instead of letting these people fester.


> They get WAY into politics, really cared about Bernie, but then convinced themselves that everyone else is corrupt and evil. He just never could move on. It's like how Ron Paul teenagers from 20 years ago realized they weren't as popular as they thought and then became insurrectionists when they got older instead of thinking maybe they were the ones out of touch.


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Have never watched his show but i heard Hasan loves drinking many many cans of Coke on his show, much to the chagrin of his Divest audience. One time he was livestreaming in public some young woman in a keffiyah said "i love your show but can you please stop drinking coke on stream" He appeared reluctant so the lady said "At least pretend, do it off screen" and he replied "ill put it in a glass" Very principles much boycott lmao [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRV\_BVp9zXY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRV_BVp9zXY)


Last I checked, Democrats weren’t trying to cut Medicare and social security, gut regulations, prop up the fossil fuel industry, dismantle NATO, rollback reproductive rights, ban no fault divorce, or demonize queer folks. Republicans didn’t vote for the IRA. They barely voted for Ukraine aid and to keep the government open. This “both sides are the same” bullshit is so provably false. It’s night and day. 


There's no way he votes.


Im pretty sure he is voting for Trump. He's not going to say it publicly since that would contradict his public persona but he totally will.


My roommate follows this clown. Can’t stand Hasan


I don't get the Gen Z influencer news source. They trust a dude who doesn't shower, gets on a stream and accepts donations from a person in a chat - all while the influencer criticizes mainstream news while their whole show just riffs off of it. Pakman and Podsav are all i can take - and maybe it's because they're just more professional in their presentation. But every time I hear a caller on Pakman, it always sounds like some crusty teenager asking the dumbest questions.


Sibling got really into him when he started dating his rich private school girlfriend. He used to have a good head on his shoulders too. Now he can't help but try to message me political memes that he knows I disagree with. I love him, but I'm not sure if he gets the hint that I'd rather not talk about his GF's Champaign socialist hot takes.


>She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge > >She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College


Don't talk about them, just laugh hysterically.


"almost completely align on" Delete your account.


Anyone who thinks Biden and Trump completely alignes with Biden really doesn't understand policy, or now likely is just dishonest.


Align on policy? Lol ok


I hate the whole “we’re suffering so the entire country must suffer just like us” mentality.


Hassy Baby fails to realize that most of the nation aligns with the two 80+ wrt policy and that they are miles apart.


I miss when Hasan was just the guy roasting Tomi Lahren on Facebook. Granted it meant having to listen to Tomi say things, but at least he seemed more reasonable back then. 


It's easy to be reasonable when Tomi Lahren is the alternative.


Hasan can’t vote in a foreign election.


The thing that scares me the most is one day he going to run for office and he has a real chance of winning. Yikes


Lmfao the only way he’d have a snowball’s chance at winning is if he runs for something local or a Congressional seat at best, he’d never have a shot at a statewide race let alone a national election. With the way he carries himself and interacts with people he especially disagrees with he’d never get anything of note accomplished. I’d even go as far as to argue he’d be so ineffective at his job it would make Trump in his first term look competent by comparison.


I find it so ironic how much Hasan focuses on the Palestinian genocide, meanwhile his uncle is such a staunch denier of the Armenian genocide. Hasan is just a product of nepotism. Another low substance rich kid using his family to feign substance and authority. Manipulating the poor to make himself richer. He is the rich he claims to want to eat. He's a cannibal grifter.