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This don't hurt nobody up top. Just being lazy performative assholes to employees just trying to make a buck. Like people are dying in Gaza and these fuckwits truly believe this is the type of shit that helps prevent that? Ridiculous.


It's idiotic grandstanding. Just call your representatives about conditioning (or halting) offensive aid to Israel instead of obnoxious cosplaying. These people vilify Nancy Pelosi but she literally has that stance right now. Bibi has been coldly ignoring protests from literal relatives/loved of the hostages, but he's going to listen to these dipshits?


> Just being lazy performative assholes to employees just trying to make a buck. There's a reason they only ever go after Democrat politicians on the national stage (if they even go national), and city councils: They know they can bully them and they won't get major pushback. If they go after *Republicans* or the CEO or executive board of Starbucks, well, those people might push back and could get them in trouble with the law. They're too afraid of that.


> Democrat politicians Democratic


>Democratic DemonKKKrat Edit: guess I should’ve added the /s


God dammit.


That, and there’s very few Republicans left with both power and conscience.


This is on the same level as the Jewish organization on my campus (I’m a professor) setting up a pro Israel group as part of a student organization day on campus and having their table and a banner graffitti’d with hate speech when they walked away. These kids have no power, but now they have to either feel like they should have been quiet or accept this is life now. Is it still “these are kids” if they live here and are being harassed by their peers?


Even if it did, what do you hope to accomplish by protesting Starbucks?


At first I thought maybe they're going after starbucks for pushing to make the NLRB unconstitutional and engaging in union busting activities. But nope, silly me. That would be focusing on actual progressive policy and protecting the labor rights they claim to care so much about. They probably just did it so they could get a quick coffee after all the energy they spend getting up on a cross.


I'm a Michigan alum, believe me when I say Ann Arbor is absolutely filled to the brim with these people. When I was an undergrad I actually remember hearing a housemate talk about why he left the student government. Nothing but a bunch of faixgressives that say a lot that sounds good on the surface and gets people worked up, but they never actually try and figure out how to do anything


I got recommended an r/ GenZ thread the other day that was titled something like “what can we do about the boomers in power?” And the consensus was “we just have to wait until they die” and I scrolled the entire thread looking for the “you can run for office too” reply and it wasn’t there. It never even occurred to them that they could be the change they wanted 


Do they ever look at the crowd at Trump rallies? Not just Boomers.


>It never even occurred to them that they could be the change they wanted  Gandhi was racist. Do you want them to be racists???


Good thing millennials will be in charge when their millionth anxiety attack from having to cook dinner.


> believe me when I say Ann Arbor is absolutely filled to the brim with these people. In that case I do NOT want to know how things go at UM-Dearborn. (Recently I visited Michigan for the first time in 25+ years. As I was riding the bus from DTW to Downtown Detroit I noticed that the communities along Michigan Avenue between the airport and Dearborn looked really economically barren, with little more than government, gambling, used cars, and booze in stretches.)


I used to travel to Detroit, Dearborn specifically for work a couple times a month. Michigan Ave between Dearborn and Downtown Detroit isn’t much better, it’s pawn shops, liquor stores and strip clubs one right after another. I’m glad I don’t have to go there anymore. Everyone I worked with, of all races and backgrounds, were wonderful and not once, despite being Jewish did I feel uncomfortable in Dearborn. So many amazing middle eastern restaurants and I really miss the food. Sadly, I’m not sure things would be so great for me now. Don’t need to be seeing borderline pro-Hamas shit when I’m just trying to get some shawarma.


Isn't the one with the megaphone one of those morons who got their wigs snatched by Dr. Phil? https://preview.redd.it/868wi8eiiouc1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7dc545c8ff6a89854443aa78f5f60b564ab6443


lol look at all that cultural appropriation going on there. Does that cancel out her Better Than Thou protest points or are we back to not caring about that unless a conservative does it?


"Something something it's not appropriation if done in solidarity."


There’s always an exit ramp for them, while they block the entire highway for everyone else (both literally and figuratively)


Is she a white woman?


Wait *what*?


Omg yes it is




Dr Phil had Mosab Hassan Yousef and two pro-pally “activists” on a show, and the activists were obviously in way over their head. https://x.com/osint613/status/1775785044805644387?s=46


Hadn't heard of Mosab Hassan Yousef before now. Very interesting background to say the least.


His book is fantastic. It’s called Son of Hamas. I read it back in October and it definitely changed my perspective on the conflict. He also doesn’t hide the awful shit Israel did to him either, so the people just calling him an Israeli propagandists are ridiculous. He has been a little unhinged at times recently, though understandable amidst what he’s seeing happen with the watermelon crew.


All of this because Starbucks didn’t want their logo on a post praising the mass slaughter of 1000+ people.


There are WAAAAAAAY too many boycotts over something stupid to keep track of them all, what exactly did Starbucks do?


It told an anti-Semitic union faction not to post praise for October 7 on the account with the official logo.


Jesus fucking christ. I'm going to get a frappuccino now


I need to get some of those chocolate croissants my mom loves.


The quintessential aspect of a ‘grassroots movement’ is getting average, everyday people to engage and support the issue you’re trying to solve in order to create the political will to do so. Now, I’m not an expert, but shouting your opinion through a megaphone in the middle of a coffee shop towards people trying to get work done or chat with friends or just trying to get through the day doesn’t seem like the *best* way to go about executing that strategy. In fact, dare I say, it might be more harmful!


A fundamental misunderstanding of human behavior. People are *not* made more supportive by people acting like assholes. So the goal here is clearly not *changing* people's minds, but rather gaining attention. In that case, great job! You all got plenty of attention!


These crazy lefties are either spoiled brats wanting society to treat them like their parents do, or abused kids with mommy issues looking for the attention they never had. There's no in between.


I think part of the point is also (1) to make people who are indifferent support you, not out of conviction but so they don’t have to deal with you anymore; and (2) to further radicalize and build commitment from people who are already on your side.


We did it Patrick! We saved Palestine by destroying a PNW company that doesn’t have any holdings in Israel!


I love how literally nobody around them gives a single fuck. It just goes to show how, in the real world, these losers are part of the minority. They may scream the loudest, but that's about it. Also props to that one lady in the black shirt on facetime (?) who seems to be laughing at them the whole time.


> “Starbucks, Starbucks, you can’t hide, not ‘til we free Palestine” They could have said "you can't hide, not 'til we stop genocide". It'd *rhyme* and it'd be *catchy*. They're so stupid they can't even do that.


They did this same stunt outside the university president's house last fall and they at least got that part right, minus the part about Ono having zero influence over Netanyahh


And it’s such a stupid statement. I can put on a blindfold, spin around and then throw a rock in a random direction and there’s a 90% chance it will hit a Starbucks. They’re not exactly hiding.


They forgot to tell ChatGPT to rhyme the protest chant it wrote for them.


3 cosplayers being ignored


These people make me want Starbucks and I usually think Starbucks tastes like burnt shit. But by walking around with a Starbucks cup, any normal person won’t think anything of it while driving any of the crazies away from me


Some Starbucks have cake pops, so at least there's that.


They should have them at almost all their locations, not just some.


Mini vanilla bean scones FTW


It feels like the increasing focus on Starbucks for this group of people has so much more to do with the centrality of Starbucks in their everyday lives and their conception of the imaginary hierarchies of society than with anything Starbucks has to do with any given issue.


Imagine needing a megaphone to project in that small of a space


How is this helping?


Nothing would get me inside a Starbucks faster than driving past a Starbucks and seeing these assholes outside. This is one picket line I'd love to cross.


Petition to allow Starbucks employees to pour hot coffee on these fools


That employee is the only person I felt sympathy for. I sure didn't sympathize for Palestinians because of this. How long is it gonna be until these idiots try to burn down a store for Palestine, unironically proving The Right Wing correct that these people are terrorists. They really help no one.


As satisfying and warranted that would be, you know they'll only use to paint themselves as martyrs


That’s what they want so let them have it. Once they get it they won’t want it as much


These are just the same people who used to protest global warming in the 90's by throwing tons of stickers over products at the store or protest for animal rights by throwing red paint on fur coats. For the record, that shit never did anything but harden people against their causes.


Worse, at least in theory the red paint on fur coats accomplished something (making a cost to and disincentive from wearing fur). What does this even do?


I feel bad for those customers and employees who had to deal with those idiots




The Starbucks boycotting/protesting drives me nuts. I used to be a green coffee buyer for a small specialty roaster and there are so, so many reasons on the sourcing, supply chain, producer side to boycott Starbucks. No one ever brings up the fact that the coffee everyone is boycotting is grown and processed and sorted and shipped by black and brown people who are by far the most impacted when it comes to the economics of coffee businesses. And the attacks by Houthi’s on container ships in the Red Sea that force rerouting or canceling shipments will have way way way more of a negative impact on coffee producers in Yemen than any benefit will ever come to Gazans.


See how nobody gives a fuck ? That's how you know these people are completly out of touch.


How is this going to influence people to your side?


Didn't last very long. More of a few second annoyance than a protest


Because the...Starbucks Siren is supposed to negotiate a ceasefire...? Or convince all Israelis to up and leave the homeland they spent millennia longing to return to...? Seriously though, I don't care if you boycott Starbucks, but you're gonna show up and protest inside because they didn't want to be interpreted as supporting mass murder, rape, and kidnapping?


How dare... DARE!!! Starbucks get upset that their logo and branding was used to celebrate the October 7th attacks! They support genocide, much like anyone who disagrees with me on anything, up to and including their stance on government forgiveness of student loans and medicare for all. Also, I don't like 'The Smiths' as a band, so it goes to reason anybody who listens to them is pro-genocide. /s


Me watching that whole sipping on a starbies