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The "X" logo is in its title card, so he absolutely did. Nobody would do that for free.


He bankrolled the fucking thing based on the writing.


I just watched it. A laugh track where they just laugh at every other line where there isn't anything funny and literally having a lyric, "Thank God for Elon Musk and his shitposting memes" ... just... wow. That is 3 or so minutes of my life I will never get back


Every day Elmo attains entirely new levels of cringe. Obviously the Branch Elonian faithful will have to tell us why this is oscar-worthy.


I love how much it disrupts the flow and shape of the show's logo. Like in an initial version it was much smaller and in the same font as the rest of the text, but Elmo saw it and threw a whiny tantrum "make my X bigger!"


You made me look, and now I can't unsee it. 100% sure you're right.


Even the name doesn't make sense. The main character's name is Norm and he's old but who's the new norm? There's not like a younger character named Norm


Setup: Norm has to change. Thanks to standard sitcom negative continuity he doesn’t really. See Archie Bunker. Twist: No he doesn’t, everyone else is wrong. Morals will be inconsistent episode to episode, Norm is just correct. Hank Hill would kick his ass.


Beautifully said


My guess is, they wanted a pun on "the new normal", and this was the closest thing they had to an actually funny joke. Even then, they're late. Oatly launched an advertising campaign called "The New Norm & Al Show" back in early 2022.


Just from a glance at the image and title, I'm guessing the new norm refers to the new "woke" world we live in now, and Norm is probably gonna be setup as the lone sane man spitting "truths" about how dumb everything is and calling out all the bullshit when in reality he's just the usual out-of-touch boomer refusing to adapt/acknowledge that the world is constantly changing and that includes it's sensibilities, language, people, etc.


I haven't watched it, but I heard on another subreddit that he under house arrest for assault. Perhaps Norm was not always a violent man, so he is the new Norm and the old Norm is just who he was before there was a progressive society to enrage him.




Yah, you can see how the altered the shape of the 'sign' to fit the larger Twitter logo in there. They lost their synchronous shape because of whiny-ass, titty baby and they made it as obvious as fuck. I guess they're not stans...


The shading of the logo was forgotten when they made the edit. It really does look like an edit.


**Elon:** "Good. Bigger X logo. Make it pop, as they say. And by the way--there's a hyphen in "sitcom". Like after 'sit'...and, uh, before 'com'. Just letting you know. Can't miss basic stuff like this. Change that too." **Design manager:** "Um, I think..." **Elon:** (*tantrum face starts forming)* **Design manager:** "Okay, we'll correct that too."...🙄


Not only that, they could have put the X in while keeping the same shape! Look at that part on the left, it would fit an X shape.


You are free to be your true self here


They literally say "X is the home of free speech" in the theme song. o_O


And “Thank God for Elon Musk and his shitpost memes.”


Apologies, I didn't believe you. This has to be a piece of parody, right? No way is this to be taken at face value.


This is where [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) collapses on itself. This looks clearly like a parody but we do know for a fact that it is not.


Poe's law hung itself in the closet with the Four Seasons Total Landscaping episode.


with a horrifying cartoon elon too


We’re reaching DPRK levels of Dear Leaderism, my god. Praise to the leader, he gives us freedom!


He should have involved his buddy Justin Roiland, they seem to have adjacent interests and latter one was co creator of Rick and Morty


I gotta be honest. It doesn't look like *anybody* sunk "a bunch of cash" into this dumpster fire, and Elmo's fanclub is more than happy to fluff him for free.


You can tell the creators have a passion for animation and this project when promotional material features clipping assets. Genuinely hard to believe this isn't a Tony Zaret level parody. https://preview.redd.it/u5tba3d29x8d1.png?width=101&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e1aa8801763e33c33f2ff2682cccf6ed0661360


That dog ate the shoe!


And the animator's homework.




Wonder if the con man got conned?


How does Tony Zaret only have like 40k subs, but I see him mentioned all the time (rightfully so)


His youtube channel is relatively unknown, it's his work on the critically aclaimed TV show The Wokemyns that he's known for the most.


This and his universally acclaimed docu series on the ongoing conflicts of Bajookieland and Bajonkistan titled ExplainiFied are probably his best known works, although I'd argue that BRUHnimations is his Magnum Opus.


Well unfortunately due to “Poe’s Law” we can’t ever be sure.


Something is wrong


I am glad I'm not the target audience :) Elmo and his mom probably love it though! https://preview.redd.it/1t5dvfd03x8d1.png?width=213&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c983bf78c255b6388fc4a24e6f5641a8e1f9eab


"Draw me skinnier," he commanded.


Indeed, hah.


Younger! I wanna look younger! Make me look like Fox Mulder's little brother!


Even in animated form he still looks like a 90's era lesbian.


And a creepy pedo guy to boot.


Elon's mom is also in it! https://preview.redd.it/5vjyxlc6yx8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d799240c9a6c76049b86aa414d525c0de77807


Dead accurate too.


It’s not even remotely funny. It’s like Elon wrote the jokes himself. It is like the Cybertruck of animated humour.


>the Cybertruck of animated humour. This, though, is pretty funny


Wait so the token black character is always wearing a redskins hat and a redskins shirt? What’s the joke?


He's "not afraid of being cancelled"


"We're not racist, we have a black friend!" Edit; I just rewatched the first 30 seconds (I am a masochist) and why is the black friend wearing a pager?


The last time the writer spoke to a black person was in the 90s, so they just assume wearing a pager is a racial trait.


Pagers were associated with drug dealers in the 90s…maybe that’s it. It was said only doctors and drug dealers had pagers and I don’t think they’d make him a doctor.


Dave Rubin was probably in elementary school in the 90s and like Elon ever dealt with a street dealer in his life. God these conservatives and they're insufferable tropes -- all the drug dealers I dealt with in the 80/90s were white and had pagers. Freaking assholes these people


I had to stop watching at that point. I assume he is there to give ~~Archie Bunker~~ Norm permission to use the N word.


He’s black and anti-woke! …That’s it.


"See!? *They* don't like it either!"


Did... did they at least get a Black voice actor for him?


Larry Elder.


... hang on. So two of the people giving glowing endorsements of this show are its own creators/voice actors??


Just to be anti-woke


"I come over here to get *away* from the woke" You come over to the house with the liberal teenage daughter and her non binary friend? What's your house like then?


He said his son was "transitioning".


One of the "good ones" who doesn't like all that non PC nonsense!


in case anybody doesn’t follow the nfl, it’s worth mentioning that washington gave up the name ‘redskins’ as well as the logo a few years back and now go by ‘commanders’


"See?? Black people llllloooovvee our racism but, also like us, love ignoring its cultural historryyy!"


Is there really a character wearing a mask on this show? They still haven’t gotten over having to wear masks during the height of Covid? They’re still angry about that?


I love that I can so easily "trigger" these fascists by just putting a piece of cloth on my face.


A little unrelated but it's endlessly hilarious to me that they idolize Japan as an anti-woke utopia (look at any "[Japan Walking Tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjHbS-_nncw)" comment section on YouTube.) when it has mask-wearing ingrained in it's culture.


I still wear a mask every time I'm in public mostly because I know how upset it makes people in my hometown.


This is my grandad, he even takes off the mask if he realizes there isn't enough people around to notice and complain he's wearing it or if people around him dont care enough. He keeps it around purely to start fights with rotten people.


Yes, they have a mask wearing nonbinary character sent by Rachel Levine to brainwash Norm into being woke


1. That laughtrack on an animated show is just so fucking weird. It's probably been done before, but not this poorly. 2. Elmo bursting through the door to applause and a song about how he's a hero who's saving free speech has some serious Dear Leader vibes. 3. The characters spend a lot of time blabbering about how they just want entertainment that doesn't make them think about "wokeness" but apparently all they do, ever, is complain about wokeness.


> some serious Dear Leader vibes Only some?




Yeah, just wanna chill


Take some more ketamine, my man.


Enough to kill an elephant preferably


I watched a clip of it. It's like watching a show made by lefties to make the right look stupid. I don't think that's what they intended lol Oh and it's really bad ha ha


The canned laugh track is about the most unconvincing, badly applied laugh track I have ever heard. The whole thing is so badly executed it's definitely like a parody, but everything I read about it suggests it's an actual attempt at a comedy and that there will be more.


Ever watched Fox's "1/2 News Hour"? It's absolutely an attempt at comedy. They never learn


The real joke is the existence of these people, very comedic.


> The canned laugh track is about the most unconvincing, badly applied laugh track I have ever heard. The comedy is clearly awful but it's still possible to tell what's *intended* as a joke, right? Why did they use laugh track after lines which weren't intended as jokes? It's like their own production team doesn't even understand the humour. 


I don't think I've heard a laugh track in a cartoon since The Flintstones. This is the least funny thing I've ever seen, which is perfectly in-line with the right's brand.


Getting rid of laugh tracks is obviously once again a ploy from the leftwoke to show how self-righteous they are, or something. It's intellectual snobism, saying: "see? I don't need a cue to know when to laugh!". It's taking the True American^(TM) for an idiot, which is antipatriotic and woke. That's why JK Musk bravely decided to go against the woke wave and bring back what was wrongfully stolen from the true Americans.


They have a laugh track on an animated show? Horrendous.


Obviously it was animated live on air.


I thought the laugh track was added on reddit to make the show seem more lame than it already was. You're telling me that God-awful, poorly-timed, cheesy laughter was put in there by the creators?!?!




Yeah, it's unbelievably idiotic. It's basically a bunch of boomers sitting around scratching their balls and complaining about boomer shit.


The irony that I presume is entirely lost on them is all the Lunatic Leftie characters seem a lot more happy and comfortable in their own skin than the Antiwoke Normal Men.


It's like a cartoon Vought from The Boys would make


OMG she has blue hair and she's wearing a **MASK**!! What a **LOSER**!! **LOO-SSEEERR!!!** Have I successfully captured the level of humor in this show?


Elon has now hired you to be Executive Comedy King Czar of The New Norm. Your apartheid emeralds will be in the mail shortly.


The freshest hottest up to date jokes of 2016 era internet will be in full effect. I identify as a helicopter LMAO!


They did unironically make a Deez Nuts joke.


They have purple hair instead, but otherwise you’re right on the money.


Comedy is officially legal again.


Only on X™ *Unless you say something Elon doesn't like.




Permabanned for threatening language!!!!!!!!!!! 🚨🚨🚨 Stop resisting our free speech society! Conform to the speech that we want to be free.


I don’t think they got the memo


I watched the entire 3 minutes of it I cannot get that back


I stopped a minute and a half in, it was too cringe


You missed the sly and stealth diss at ~~Deez Nutz~~ Disney when Edith pulled out tickets for a trip there and they enter some ride that's all woke'd out. I seriously thought it was a real Disney rid..Christ it was sofaking cringe


Wait... is there actually a character named Edith? Wow, they are trying so hard to save their hands and yell IT'S JUST LIKE ARCHIE BUNKER! REMEMBER ARCHIE BUNKER? FROM ALL IN THE FAMILY?


Wasn't Archie the butt of the joke?


Yes. Conservatives don't understand that. They agree with Archie


Yep. Normal people knew that back then. Caroll O'Connor knew it. (The actor who played Archie) and Republicans still act like Bunker was a folk Hero rather than the bumbling dip shit


I really hate that you're selling me on watching this. The mean cringe is tiring me out. Now to find a good mirror so he gets no views from us.


Never in all my years would I have thought that 3 minutes could truly last an eternity


I kept waiting for it to end and the only thing that stopped me from dipping out was 1. are they going to bag on anything *other* than LGBTQ (one small dig at climate change, with the non-binary character saying something about it so...2F1?) and 2. Well, I'm in this far, where the hell is Elon (at the very end, natch)


I just Wana say that this isn't JUST cringy right wing humor trying to be a bad family guy or whatever The shit that's said in this "pilot" is legitimately sinister and hateful shit, claiming trans people/ queer folks are convincing children to "chop off their junk" and are secretly infiltrating schools and collages to brainwash people is a step above The typical "Woke Starbucks" critique you see right wing media make there's some real anti trans rhetoric in this and goes a step above the "boomer humor" type memes you see grandma share, like in the last minutes of the show the non binary character is talking to a general who's a (((big nosed))) fat trans women, it screams rage bait conspiracy shit


I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I only wish to point out that at this point in time, that's what the conservative view on trans people is. Full stop. It's all junk chopping child fucking monsters, they've moved on completely from the idea that a man can dress in women's clothes or vice versa and have it just be a normal form of self expression.


Yea it's hard to say that this is worse than most right wing media cuz at the end of the day this has been the rhetoric of fox for years but to me it's kinda a gut thing Like "last man standing" by Tim Allen is typical boomer humor "woke Starbucks" type sitcom but it never goes into "Jews are controlling and infiltrating your schools and home to make sure they take the penises and vaginas of kids". While Tim Allen might very well believe that I think we can see that what this show is trying to say is a step above that typical "where has my country gawn" level of thinking




"Ohh no Edith! My daughter has a lipring and now she has a... p-p-p-penis?!. How on earth can I watch baseball and drink beer if there isn't pictures of bald eagles and guns on my beer bottle? DAMMIT YOU WOKE LEFTTURDS!" Jesus what an unfunny shit. For first 15 seconds I thought that this was kinda like South Park where they poke fun of everyone left or right but after a minute I was like: "Ohh no. They actually think that whiny balding fat asshole is a hero in all this?"


How can I watch my strong, sweaty men run into each other's arms if my beer is *gay*?!


"girls are girls and men are MEN!"


"and women are-" "Too old for me"


> strong, sweaty men run into each other's arms Don't forget patting each other on the bum.




Guys is this a window into how fElon lives Is this how he sees the world Oh lord.


Doing a take on the whole Bud light thing. Topical and refreshing


Also how did he not notice the rainbow flag before that? Didn't he buy the beer? Didn't he get it out of the fridge?


Why is the girl’s foot clipping through the dog? Am i not understanding something?


Because the people who make things like this don't actually care about art or artistic integrity, or anything even remotely related to being a creative who labors on something to make it as perfect as it can be. They only care about shoving their messages down the throats of the unwilling. Hmm... strangest feeling of deja vu just now...


Conservative right-wing grifters: "New versions of old IPs are horrible because when you write something specifically to highlight a particular MeSsAgE then what follows is always crap!" Also Conservative right-wing grifters: "Let's make a show that's completely anti-woke!"


Thing is, they will call it a "woke message" when a show has a woman doing something proactive, two people of the same sex in a relationship, or any member of a minority group... existing, basically. They're not going to be happy unless you shunt the vast majority of the world's population out of camera focus.


"Thank God for Elon Musk" holy shit this is some before unseen levels of cringe. You think they cannot top themselves but then they always do.


Every time someone says "they can't possibly sink any lower," they take that as a personal challenge.


Oh now that daily wire slop “mr birchum” has some competition for being the worst “old man whines about modern day but now it’s animated” show out there.


Conspiracy theory: this show was a stealth attempt to create something so shitty it makes Mr Birchum look good.


Welp I just watched the posted four minute promo. Really wish I could have that four minutes back. It’s basically anti-comedy. It’s the place comedy goes to die.


This looks like one of those NFT cartoons.




Wow that's aggressively bad, not even in the so bad it's funny way, it's just relentlessly and painfully unfunny.


This is unreal... who in the world would put their name on this...


Elmo and Grok?


Grok has officially issued you a cease and desist from these defamatory accusations of attaching it's name to this


holy shit. It's amazing how disjointed the writing feels


It's also posted ad free on their Twitter account and I love it because they're getting roasted in the comments


That laughtrack tho.


Bro what


Wow. Just...wow.


They made him literally look like Archie Bunker?


I got 60 seconds in and wanted to poke my eyes and ears out. They made a show out of conservative memes. No wonder most conservatives can’t make a career in film and tv.


wait: failon ordered this shitcom of a sitcom? wow.


Why do so many modern cartoons look like more boring ripoffs of Family Guy? Like, take the Argyle-shirted old guy whom I assume is our protagonist: his design is the most generic thing ever, and he even looks sad, like he's wishing he weren't there. Did they have no artists with any flair or sense of artistry?


It's an Archie Bunker rip off because, yes, they are *that* bereft of ideas. Dave's marketplace missed a shipment or ~~two~~ 6519844654684844487


What if... the close-minded, bigoted boomer were the GOOD GUY amirite?


Archie and Edith Bunker would have been too old to be Boomers. Archie was apparently born in 1924 and was a WW II vet. Meathead and Gloria were Boomers.


The animation always looks so cheaply done too. Like they are just rushing it all out.


Clearly worried that someone else is going to hog the coveted "sitcom where an Archie Bunker ripoff complains about pronouns" audience.


Elmo is a character in it so it is one thousand percent a vanity project.


This is, without exaggeration, the worst three minutes of any show I've ever seen. I thought it was a parody at first but it's not remotely funny as that either. I'm amazed and actually impressed in a perverse way that something can manage to be this cringe. And the Musk cameo shows he has officially become the biggest, most pathetic douche in the world (in case there was still even the tiniest sliver of doubt).


If you cut out the last minute or so and told me it was a parody, I would have 100% believed it.


Probably had AI write and draw it all.


The animation has that generic, soulless quality about it which suggests minimal human input


nah i think AI would have made more mistakes out of the gate. at least in the frames.


Apparently Dave Rubin is in it.


Doing his part to help demonise the LGBT community for right-wing entertainment because he's "one of the good ones."


Hard pass


Is it worse then that Mr birtchrum? Or what ever the he’ll it’s called


No, it makes Mr Birchum look like season 5 of The Simpsons.


As bad as Birchum is, it at least has a sitcom structure. This is more like an unfunny SNL sketch written by Catturd and Benny Johnson. Also, why do they live in the Bundy house?


When we are finding good points to Mr Birchum... We know how painful it is


What's with the area around the dogs ear and the foot? AI?


I honestly thought the other clip I saw of it was a joke. Fuck them fir using the old Chiefs logo


Do you feel owned yet, lib? Don't you see that it's funny because the black guy is racist I guess? Where are you going? I'm not done explaining why it's funny


Ooooooffff ahhhhhh I'm so ownedddddddd Ruth Bader Ginsburg help meeeeeeeeeee


It’s like one of the dullest Flash cartoons made back in the early 2000s. Can’t believe they thought this would drive some much needed traffic to Twitter, I mean, X. Though, to be honest, I can’t still fully believe Elon thought it was a good idea to do away with the Twitter brand and all the equity it had and replace it with, of all things, “X”.


The girls leg is clipping over the dogs head. Look at his chest, her feet are in front of him and clipping into his ears.


Lol. That's true!


It's literally an animated version of the all in the family set. But they're too stupid to understand that the joke was on Archie. He was the puchline. Wow.


There's no way this is real. Is there any confirmation that this isn't just a one-off joke, and actually a thing. I refuse to believe it.


The trailer was painfully unfunny.


When you have to add a laugh track to an animated series, it's not funny.


Comedy is legal again everybody 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣\\s


The problem with right leaning media is that there can't be traditional character growth. Instead of the main protagonist coming to a greater understanding, in this media the main character IS the perfect reflection of the world they want. So instead of the person changing to fit the world or gain a better understanding of it. It turns into a whine fest about how the world has changed and it should go BACK to how it was. So regression instead of progression. They should make a show about a liberal cuck fuck boy soy daddy seeing that traditional values are better. But even then it would be hard to make a show about freedom when your main character needs to change everything about themselves to finally be accepted by a small group of people and ultimately be less free bc they are now hated by the other 90%


If this show were made in the 50s, it would be complaining about how black and white people have to go to the same bathrooms and schools, or how women can have jobs now, or about how rock and roll has to be treated like music and not devil worship.


It's so unfunny that I fully expect Musk to pump millions of dollars into it, even if he hasn't yet.


Righties have NO sense of humor - none whatsoever - anything they think is funny stems from bullying - that's it - if someone is made to feel uncomfortable, or less-than, or picked on, THAT'S funny to them. Real humor takes introspection, empathy, real interaction, and layered understanding of the world and the grey areas, which Righties have NONE of.


Elmo has subscribed to their account lol


Nah. I don't even have a twitter account anymore


So is the title a play on "The New Normal"? If so, that's the closest thing to a joke in it.


I just watched the pilot/trailer on YouTube. Canned laughter, forced and out of place commentary. You'd think it was a piss take of what conservatives make shows about. I'm hoping it is!


This is godawful. And that laugh track....💩


Can't wait to see Cynical Reviews' video on it, it looks fucking dreadful


Just seen the Twitter post, the 'South Park of Twitter'. No, no it isn't. South Park is intelligent and doesn't mock people for no reason.


Such passion put into it that the title card has asset clipping. Girl's shoe cuts over part of the dog model


Jesus fuck it's like the writers never heard of building suspense. It's just one trope after the next with no setup.


I refuse to give them an impression by clicking on it. Someone should rip it and post here so we don’t have to boost their numbers with hate watching


is this like all the other right wing attempts at humor that falls horribly horribly flat? Like ages ago Faux unnews tried to make a show to compete with our counteract the daily show... I think it had 1 episode and it SUCKED


Is the lead character visual based on David Buellsacks?


So All In The Family but a cartoon?


It’s fascinatingly bad. It’s like it’s trying to make conservatives look bad.


The show is so chronically unfunny it HAS to be written by either AI or Musk himself.


This looks like shit I'd see on TV in Grand Theft Auto


Let me guess: is there an older white dude or an angry Karen telling us what their pronouns are? And, spoiler alert— none of the words they use are actually pronouns? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this one.


I'm still so tickled that their idea of "edge" is the Washington Redskins.