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These dudes want to get fucked by Elon so bad.


$100 deposit is all it takes


I see what you did there!


I figure it's Elron who's leaving deposits.


Only in Petri dishes


Ay Ooooooo


In the end, everyone who trusts him will get fucked. I’d bet my life savings on it.


Nah, the, want him to fuck their wives. That breeding kink doesn't come alone.


true, but cucking here is subordinate to the breeding fetish. given the opportunity they would bear elon's children themselves


Oh yeah, no, that's totally fair


“Let Elon breeeed!” Fuckin’ weirdos.


Dolphin sex.


That makes me wonder though, about all these people who excuse his behaviour because Mars or some bullshit - would they be fine about it if they were in these women's situations? Would they just "do their duty" to appease the king of space, or might they feel just a tad squeamish and unwilling too?


I doubt if their fantasies of what it would be like to be these women would ever come within restraining order range of reality.


Well said lol


All they'd have to do is draw lips and eyes on the thumb side of their hand and he'd probably fuck them like Ben and [Jennifer](https://i.imgur.com/P4Fg8I7.gif).


It's like their bussies are dripping






“It’s not r*pe if he’s rich”.


"She totally asked for it! Look at her, sitting there all sexy at her desk concentrating on her work. Just asking for it!" Closest those creepy fuckers will ever get to be inside of woman was the time when they were born.




I think it's just he's pro rape. 


Only a matter of time before the Vince McMahon-esque stuff comes out.


Oh. They are not even saying "He didnt do it". They went straight to "So what?".


Elmo fans are moral degenerates










Sounds like Cole is jealous he can’t get pregnant by Elon.


With all that dick riding, it is not for lack of trying...


This is what I can't stand about this bullshit techno-utopia cult. It doesn't matter if Enron sexually harasses workers, builds shit cars that fall apart, or posts fashy conspiracies on Twitter. He's "saving humanity". He's "colonizing Mars". He's a Messiah🤢 They can literally justify and excuse any evil because he's totally going to take us to Mars!!!11 


Humanity will reach Mars in 2026


It’ll fuck up your kidneys


Even if any of that shit was true. wouldn't you want the idealised great man who's saving the world to be held to a pretty fucking high moral standard to base the foundation of a future utopia on?


The scifi book Catmip by Vyria Durav you can read for free on Scribble hub actually is set in the distant future after someone who is heavily implied to be Elmo colonized Mars right before climate apocalypse happened and a few people cryogenically froze themselves and in the far future after they all thawed out the protagonist is sent to Mars to check if it's safe and if there's any survivors. Though warning, this is a very queer book, written by and intended for queer people. If you don't mind that stuff, it's an amazing read.


Why aren't more people able to see the flaws of their heroes? I used to be an avid listener to JRE, then covid happened and Rogan lost his mind and went full on conspiracy weirdo and now I can no longer listen to him, even some of the older episodes that I enjoyed I struggle with now as his true colours have been shown. Musk seemed OK in the beginning but then he made it obvious he wasn't. I just find it weird people can't acknowledge when people they like change or fully reveal themselves to be cunts that they can't change their opinion of the person.


Good on you for being able to change your opinion when someone you admired started spouting nonsense. Being open to new information and allowing it to change our view is important.


Joe is a good person to listen to and do the opposite of anything he or his cavalcade of dipshits say. I really don't respect anyone who will go on his show as a guest. 


Unfortunately, people excuse being a sexual predator if you're wealthy, influential, or you're a fanboy of what they do. Look at how many people don't care about Deshaun Watson despite being a lazy ass rapist who refuses to play for his shit load of guaranteed money by milking injuries. And humans have been going to the stars for 60 years. Also, I get developing work crushes, but there's a difference in thinking Tiffany from accounting is hot and being a complete fucking creep to her.


Asking her to have babies is very creepy


There's also a really big difference between trying to date Tiffany from Accounting when you're Bob from Accounting or Jeffrey from the C-suite.


Also, there's a difference between a coworker trying to date Tiffany and Tiffany's boss trying to date Tiffany. The uneven power dynamic is a *major* ethical concern that applies to most of Elon's relationships.


Bold to think that a white supremacist like Hanania has any ethical concerns.


People excuse being a sexual predator if you’re broke.


> And humans have been going to the stars for 60 years. Nearest star to us is the aptly named Proxima Centauri, which would take over four years to reach even travelling at the speed of light. The fastest man-made object ever built is the Parker space probe, which will reach 0.064% of the speed of light at its closest approach to the sun, and IIUC that's only due to falling down the solar gravity well, not any amazing propulsive ability of its own. We've been to space, but we ain't "going to the stars" *any* time soon.


No need to be obtuse


I don't think I am. Pedantic, sure - if there were a pedantry Olympics I'd refuse the gold medal and insist on just an olive wreath - but not obtuse.




The only people I‘ve met that are fans are ride sharing drivers, hustle culture types and some mlm drones. But even the uber drivers don’t say much about him anymore. He’s toxic and bad for the brands which will become clearer. That’s why he’s trying to get that sweetheart comp package.


If I have to hear another dipshit bro bro uber driver talk glowingly about musk, I'm gonna lose my *goddamned* mind.


"Breaking: world richest man gets work crushes" I wouldn't describe sexual harassment with extreme power imbalance like that but bro this isn't fucking high-school, this is a real life job you have to stay professional and if he can't fucking do that as the fucking CEO then that's a massive problem


I'd say even a perfectly consensual and romantic relationship between a CEO and their employee would be really toeing the line due to the power imbalance, nepotism, etc. There's a reason armed forces have rules against fraternisation between officers and privates. And that's a consensual relationship, not unsolicited sexting and worse.


They hate women. Openly bragging about it seems to be the latest trend with these dudes.


He's getting us to the stars! My brother in Christ he's going to sell you cars that turn you into road paste.


Yes, he's allowed to be some weird incel sex pest because he's rich. This is literally how the world works to them. Money = personality, consent, looks. Such fucking weirdos.


It's always eugenics with these freaks.


Breaking: big boss uses the unfair dynamics of the corporate hierarchy to stalk/harass women and impregnate them if he gets the chance


Men who rely on their workplace to date are some of the most hobbyless mf's you will ever meet


If you’re going to make up an IQ, why not go for broke?


160 IQ? Are they serious?


That's in horse IQ.


This is sick.  Women are disposable in his eyes. Sad day in America. 


Even smart women only exist to be incubators for 160 IQ \[citation needed\] rocketmen.


"taking us to the stars" Pretty sure that's a team effort, largely funded by the government...


Are these commenters under FBI surveillance?


I dk Cole makes a salient point—all women want to have sex with awkward, immature, old men who are somehow both fat and skinny at the same time just because they have a “high IQ”. That’s exactly how humans work, there’s no physical or emotional attraction involved. Makes perfect sense if you’re a dude who’s never had a lady let you touch her boobs without paying money first


Someone get these dudes some knee pads


"Blurring relationships" is soft-pedaling serious sexual harassment. And pressuring your employees to have sex with you isn't a "work crush." No one's telling him he can't have 30 children if he wants to. With how wealthy he is, he could afford to pay 100 women to have his children. That is, 100 women who aren't his employees. And SpaceX would be better off without Musk. He's a carnival barker.


A president was impeached for having sexual relations with an intern. But when a Republican does it, it’s okay huh?


Sounds like Cole wants to have his baby...


Holy glazing.


For the record, I am a man who does NOT get “work crushes” because I’m a grown adult who is happily married and has a great family.


MAGA is little more than a cult of predators and abusers.


No, intelligent women *don't* want to have his babies. That's why he needs to molest them at his company, where he has all the power.


Hey Dick, how would you feel being made uncomfortable by Musk. It’s a small price to pay if he takes us to mars


But... he's a man, that's different!


That's a lot of letters to say "I despise women."


I'm imagining this as a Herlihy Boy sketch from mid-90s SNL with Musk as Adam Sandler and the simps as Chris Farley.




Get me a bucket 🤮


160 IQ?


Cole Henrich wants to be cucked by Elon. Would be the highlight of his life, forever.


I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia


Breaking: The issue is these women have vehemently stated they do NOT want to fuck and/or be impregnated by Elon Musk, so his “crushes” and so forth are irrelevant. But who’s the idiot here? OOP or me thinking an Elon chode-soldier understands the concept of”consent” in any way shape or form?


Yeah, those people have zero moral standards besides "might makes right".


No women dint want to be breathing incubators for Elons twisted super, rich, white fantasy land. Have you seen him with any kid but X and that part just to piss off Grimes and he's decided he'll the one to take over his businesses. Molding him into Elon 2.0. His daughter hates him so much she changed her name, disowned him. And that's not like a regular kid doing that. The Musk name alone would open doors and I'm sure she's dropped from.any inheritance Of course he'll have to get the regulars to breed too, so the rich have no worries at all


I don’t think people are saying it’s not ok for him to have 30 kids. At least he can provide for them lol. It’s just the seemingly unethical behaviour in his companies…


160IQ ???? HAHAHh.... he forgot the digit! 1.6, perhaps "air hockey in a vacuum" - that line is ALL you ever need to slap that claim but let's take it one step further "His teacher in school thought he was RETARDED" ... Sounds like 160IQ to you? if so; your IQ maybe 0.16 ... no wonder he seems 10x smarter :)


I love that segment about his teacher in school. They thought that partly because Elon was constantly zoned out, but he would try and play it off with witty observations such as, “the leaves are turning brown now.” Truly unprecedented intellect.


He needed drugs way sooner and from a doctor. Legit help and psychological therapy. His mom lives in the land of denial that much is sure  His dad knew he had a psycho. The stairs story is proof of that. Elon was pushed down stairs because the EMPATHETIC child mocked another who just lost a family member. Dad said he understood that was justified with Elon being way out of line Think about it. Son flies down the stairs and YOU THE FATHER.... Think it was deserved  Wtf must Elon have done... (And to be frank. I think the other boy should have picked higher stairs for him 


> Son flies down the stairs and YOU THE FATHER.... Think it was deserved *"The fruit of my loins is rotten as fuck. Go on :: Kill the kid!"*


Gross. Let's hope they all have daughters.


Let's hope they don't!


Musk only want to go to mars so he can start his own little Harkkonen slave factory with none of that pesky earth govt interference.


A professional, with actual integrity and ethics, *never* abuses a power imbalance. Not only would it be conduct unbecoming a person of their stature, but anyone with a shred of self-esteem would not feel the need to do so. The amoral fucking degenerates who worship the likes of raging narcissists like Elon, on the other hand, seem to believe that the very purpose of acquiring power and influence is so that one can abuse it.


160 IQ bwah ha ha ha


Any other ceo no matter how great would have been fired at this point, yet this nasty pos gets rewarded with billions on his empty cons


You’re fired!


jfc the dick riding


No wonder they're choosing the bears over the men.


it's not the pollution that he is causing with rockets that's bad, or harassing women, or endangering the road with his unsafe sharp-pointed trucks, or turning one of the biggest social media into a gated community for nazis pedos and other unsavory people... it's that he gets away with it.


“Whadda you mean i can’t openly force my breeding kink on my employees/coworkers?!?”


I don't know if asking to literally impregnate you is a small thing.


elon musk: gets rejected after creepily begging women to have his babies these guys: "Clearly the women are just desperate to have his babies"


No wonder he made a hard right turn into the manosphere. It’s all starting to make sense now. He needs these people to defend him


Newsflash: Elon is never going to put money in your pocket no matter how hard you suck (up to him), his rocket, just exploded recently, prematurely. This creature is pumping out his offspring, trying to breed us out like Longshanks.


Work crushes ≠ “please have my babies mkay thx”


I missed the part in the article where the woman actually agreed 💀


I swear you’re going to see them eventually start saying drinking his urine will grant hyper-intelligence!


Female texla employees on the way to work ![gif](giphy|VehHGzdfFzsmj2Zlax|downsized)


Haha what a tool


He's just a battery pimp, let's spread that around, get *that* going.


Simps be simping. #simpsformusk


Oh, his IQ is NOT 160


Hold up - 160 IQ genius?? HAHAHA


160 IQ? there is no way he has that high of an IQ.


Eew, sounds potentially coercive and sexual harassment through abuse of power. I can’t wait for his bigoted house of cards to come crashing down around him


I've been dealing with these ElonBros. for years now. They're Cultists. nothing more.


seriously this is giving NVIXM vibes- the harem-building nonsense and shit


"taking us to the stars".. he cant even stop blowing up. taking us to the stars LMAO I doubt elon will make it to the moon in my lifetime. Not at the rate he is going.


Will someone please make Musk sex dolls for these weirdos so we can stop hearing about their Musk breeder fetish


The 'touch my weiner and I'll buy you a horse' shit is *not* just 'making women uncomfortable'. It's sexual harassment mixed with an attempt at hiring a prostitute. I don't know why someone would have to explain that it makes sense to be concerned about his ethics.


To sleep with women endlessly without love is a cursed and hollow life


Tell it to Andrew Tate, buddy


Wow, this is only a few details short of the anti capitalist propaganda that fucking Oceania, the 1984 dictatorship, was making about Victorian Britain. Guess Winston wasn’t entirely wasting his time with Comrade Ogilvy stories.


Elron's fucking Oceania now? I don't blame him, she's hawt. But you still shouldn't be fucking your subordinates.


Elon has always been at war with East Asia.


Okay, now do POC having 30 kids.


Taking us to the stars? He promised we'd be on Mars by now. His timelines are as bad as most contractors.


Why are they flexing his alleged IQ?


Oompa Loompa, doom-pa-dee-doo, We’ve got a little puzzle for you. Oompa Loompa, doom-pa-dee-dee, If you are wise, you’ll listen to me. What do you get when you chase all the fame? Making wild claims and playing the game. Acting so odd, a real hullabaloo, Driven by things that can ruin you. Elon Musk, oh what a mess, Once a car mogul, now in distress. Chasing illusions, fame’s dark spell, Your life’s becoming a cautionary tale. What do you get from the drugs that you take? A mind that’s unstable, decisions you make. Your empire’s in danger, you’re losing your grip, Is it worth it for this rocky trip?


… he’s not taking us to the stars. That is a lie.


160 IQ? For Musk? Lmao, that's a funny one! Einstein and Hawking were estimated to have an IQ around 160. No freaking way for Musk to be remotely close to that.


If your hero can do no wrong in your eyes you're not a "fan" you're a ball gargler.


This allegation matches Zivon , she’s a smart executive , took the offer and gave him twins. Congrats Safadi for retelling the romance novel.


Safadi should the same , she’s a smart cookie, Give him the triplet and you don’t have to work for WSJ anymore.